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Mangos World of Warcraft TLK 3.3.5a TrinityCore Custom Server

Elite Diviner
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
dannybest - World of Warcraft TLK 3.3.5a TrinityCore Custom Server - RaGEZONE Forums

World of Warcraft 3.3.5a TrinityCore Custom Server
There is no tutorial yet so advanced users should do just fine.

Downloads - contains server files, sql files, dbc, maps, mmpas, vmaps
Server Files - [URL="https://bit.ly/2BzFFhq"]https://github.com/danthespal/TrinityCoreCustom-335[/URL]
- [URL="https://github.com/danthespal/TrinityCoreCustom-335-ElunaScripts.git"]ElunaLuaEngine Scripts[/URL]
- [URL="https://pastebin.com/w7ajKe8w"]Client - pastebin.com/w7ajKe8w[/URL]

Added features:
+ ElunaLuaEngine
   - Transmogrification
   - Item enchant visuals
- [URL="https://github.com/trickerer/Trinity-Bots"]NPCBots[/URL]
- [URL="https://github.com/trickerer/Observers"]Observers [/URL]

- more will be listed here while I work on them or if you have any suggestion just post a comment.
- AutoBalance
- [URL="https://rochet2.github.io/GOMove.html"]GOMove[/URL]
- [URL="https://rochet2.github.io/Dress-NPCs.html"]Dress NPCs[/URL]
- [URL="https://rochet2.github.io/Multivendor.html"]Multivendor[/URL]
- [URL="https://rochet2.github.io/AIO.html"]AIO[/URL]
- [URL="https://rochet2.github.io/Multitrainer.html"]Multitrainer[/URL]
- [URL="https://rochet2.github.io/Reforging.html"]Reforging[/URL]
- [URL="https://rochet2.github.io/Portal-Master.html"]Portal Master[/URL]

Updates - current commits: 37
[B]6/12/2020 Part 4:[/B]
- Core/Spells: Prevent manual cancelling of channelled spells that have SPELL_ATTR0_CANT_CANCEL
- Scripts/ShadowfangKeep: Fixed a crash in spellscript
- Scripts/Naxxramas: Fix Kel'thuzad evade mode when he dies

* Core/AI: refactor SpellHit and SpellHitTarget.
- now caster/target is WorldObject instead of Unit
- remove SpellHitByGameObject / SpellHitTargetGameObject (handled by SpellHit / SpellHitTarget)
- rename parameters in scripts according parent methods

* Restore logic in Algalon script

* Changed check for REMORSELESS_WINTER hit to avoid dublicate call, because it has TARGET_UNIT_CASTER for effects 0/1 and TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_SRC_AREA for effect 2

- Scripts/Naxxramas: Noth the Plaguebringer improvements
- Tools/MMAPs: Output the time spent in a human readable format
- Core/Misc: Fixed resistance calculate for Mutated Transformation and Twilight Bloodbolt
- Core/Misc: Fix static analysis issues reported by Coverity Scan
- Core/PacketIO: Validate AddonInfo size
- Core/Units: flight and hover checks will now consider movement template data as well as manually set flight states
- DB/Creature: Add missing emote to Dragonflayer Forge Master in heroic mode
- DB/Creature: Totem of Spirits
- DB/Creature: Improve Deathforge Mine
- Scripts/Ulduar: Codestyle fix
- Core/DBLayer: Implement async transaction completion callbacks
- Core/Misc: Fixed char enum packet sometimes not showing newly created character when client latency is too low
- Core/Player: Wait for correct transaction on character creation
- Scripts/BloodFurnace: Fixed Broggok stopping work after wipe
- DB: Eva Sarkhoff and Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the Butcher
- Scripts/Ulduar: Fixed XT002 Heart health regeneration
- DB/SAI: Convert & update support for Forest Frog to SAI
- Scripts/Pet: Fixed Mirror Image trying attacking invalid targets
- Scripts/Trial Of The Crusader: Fixed Anub'arak Pursuing Spikes movement

[B]6/12/2020 Part 3:[/B]
- Core/PacketIO: Create BankHandler & update bank opcodes to new packet class
- Core/Networking: Switch to intrusive variant of MPSC queue to halve the number of memory allocations for packet sending
- DB/SAI: Remove useless event params for linked events
- DB/SAI: Fix targets for group quests
- DB/SAI: Fix some SAI targets
- DB/Quest: Fix some targets for the quest When the Cows Come Home
- DB/SAI: Fix typos in two timed action lists
- DB/SAI: Remove excess event flags from timed action lists
- Core/PacketIO: Fixed the problem of not displaying random properties of equipment when inspecting other player equipment.
- Scripts/Ulduar: Fix Flame Leviathan movement
- DB/Quest: Convert & update support for 'Mark V is Alive!' to SAI
- DB/Quest: Convert & update support for 'When the Cows Come Home' to SAI
- DB/Quest: Convert & update support for 'Cuergo's Gold' to SAI
- Boss/Script: Remove Hex Lord Malacrass wrong equipment from the script and use the one from the DB
- DB/Creature: Fix some creatures position in Zul'Aman & add missing
- DB/GameObject: Add 58 More Netherwing Eggs
- DB/SAI: Fix some wrong values in timed action lists

[B]6/12/2020 Part 2:[/B]
- Core/Misc: Sync some funcion names with master
- DB/Creature: Remove Ossirian Crystal Trigger as spawned by script
- Scripts/RuinsOfAhnQiraj: Crystal handling
+ make crystal usable with animation and despawn after use;
+ small code update;
+ spell rearrange;
+ define some magic numbers;
+ update crystal coordinates from sniffed data
- Scripts/Icecrown Citadel: Fix Sindragosa movement when Wipe in fly phase
- Entities/Player: Restore old checks for UpdatePvPFlag
+ implemented timer reset to 300s after relog never worked, therefore removing that part;
+ reverting other parts with 300s timer changes, as not needed;
- DB/Quest: Birds of a Feather
- DB/Spell: Fix rampart of skulls and upper spire teleport orientation
- DB/Quest: Convert "HELP!" & "Corki's Gone Missing Again!" & "Cho'war the Pillager" to SAI
- DB/GameObject: Remove Jump-a-tron 4000 from the DB

- New github repository for ElunaLuaEngine Scripts
+ https://github.com/danthespal/TrinityCoreCustom-335-ElunaScripts.git

- DB/Quest: Convert & update support for 'Prisoners of Wyrmskull' to SAI
- DB/GameObject: Convert & update support for Shrine of the Eagle / Falcon / Hawk to SAI
- DB/Creature: Convert Sayge to SAI
- Scripts/Misc: Fix issues
- DB/GameObject: Convert & update support for Tablet of Madness
- DB/Creature: Add conditions for Wazat's texts & option to restore key
- Core/Creature: Allow to disable HP regen in Raids even if the target is unreachable
- DB/GameObject: Convert & update support for Jump-a-tron 4000 to DB script
- DB/Loot: Remove loot from creature Water Terror
- DB/Quest: Convert Escape from Umbrafen to SAI
- DB/Quest: With a little help from my friends

- DB/Quest: Convert & update support for 'Hypercapacitor Gizmo' to SAI
- DB/Creature: Remove static spawns of Arcane Fiend & Amani Bear Mount
- DB/GameObject: Convert & update support for Fel & Bash'ir crystalforges
- DB/Quest: Convert support for 'Strength of One' to SAI
- DB/Creature: Bogblossom Bunny
- Core/Quests: Add missing GO_DYNFLAG_LO_ACTIVATE to lootable chests related to quests but not having quest loot
- Core/Quests: Fixed gameobject sparkle state for lootable quest items by moving ItemAddedQuestCheck/ItemRemovedQuestCheck after item is added/removed
- Scripts/ICC: Fixed duplicated call of reputation spell
- Scripts/ICC: Fixed Deathbringer/Valithria reputation handler + codestyle fixes
* Added correct reputation spell for both bosses
* Fixed debuffs remove when deathbringer dies (it also fix recount)
* Changed all DoCast(me, xxx) -> DoCastSelf(xx)
* Removed old reputation hack in DB
* Fixed my OCD with spells enum
- Scripts/RazorfenDowns: quest "Extinguishing the Idol"
- Core/Objects: Add GOSummonType argument to SummonGameObject accepting XYZ arguments instead of Position
- DB/Quest: Finding the Survivors
- DB/SAI: Fel Guard Hound
- DB/Quest: Convert & update support for 'Shizz Work' to SAI
- DB/Quest: Convert & update support for 'Finding the Survivors' to SAI
- DB/Creature: Convert & update support for Ashyen & Keleth to SAI
- DB/Loot: Remove item Carved Ivory Bone from creatures loot
- DB/SAI: Fix event flags for "Discovering Your Roots" script
- DB/Quest: Kill'em With Sleep Deprivation/Look At the Size of It

[B]6/9/2020 PROPER UPDATES 2:[/B]
- DB/Creatures: corrected several movement template flight values for creatures all accross Northrend. No more raining Gargoyles, Frost Wyrms, Birds and other flying things
- Core/Objects: fixed destination calculation for destination based spells casted by flying units
- Additionally he PathGenerator will now check for realtime movement flags instead of creature based template data only so scripted flying movement and players will now correctly get their path calculated
- Core/Commands: Fixed .npc add overwriting existing spawns when used on transports
- Fixes/3.3.5 aura infinite loop
- Core/Auras: Attempt to fix infinite loop with aura 18950 on map unload
- Core/Auras: Log a detailed error and assert when failing to remove all auras after a few tries

[B]6/9/2020 PROPER UPDATES:[/B]
- DB/SAI: Black Morass - Infinite mobs
- Removing a duplicate item combat spell handling causing poisons (and others) to proc twice.
- Handle raycasts that end in a point with no height in the mmap mesh as PATHFIND_NOPATH
- Walk back a bit from raycast hitpoints as sometime the 2D result point is outside of the polygons due to floating point errors.
- Revert 4a197ba as a raycast point path should have the Z retrieved with getPolyHeight(). Raycast will only return a 2-point path with Start and Hitpoint/End
- Cleanup PathGenerator raycast case
- Fix PathGenerator raycast broken if start and end are on same poly.
! Fix PathGenerator raycast broken if no wall is hit.
! Remove unused case of using raycast with an existing previous path (can be added back properly if needed).
! Remove forcing poly length to 2 when we actually have already the right number.
- Use closestPointOnPolyBoundary on the second try of finding a point on poly for raycast.
! Note that in this case the mesh height is not used which might cause issues. The poly boundary height will be used instead.
- Handle cases where getPolyHeight() fails because the point is on polygon border (and caused by floating point imprecision)
- Add far from poly flags
- Set PATHFIND_INCOMPLETE in raycast case if startFarFromPoly or endFarFromPoly
- Fix blink close to walls with no valid polygon behind the wall
- Code refactor
- Core/Objects: allow flying units to use the helper as well (flying units casting radius based spells)
- Core/Spells: removed deprecated mmap path check for TARGET_DEST_CASTER_FRONT_LEAP
- Temporarily disable static collision (the whole check should be removed)
- Adjust walkable climb as recast using walkableClimb also to find the poly from a position, giving priority to polys that are below the position but closer than walkableClimb.
- Core/MMAPs: Adjust walkable climb
- Further improve ChrRace DBC handling
- Core/DBC: Added ChrRacesAllianceType for ChrRaces.dbc
- Core/Character: Check ChrRace DBC playable in HandleCharCreateOpcode
- Core/DBC: Implement ChrRacesFlags removing literals
- Core/Character: Check CHRRACES_FLAGS_NOT_PLAYABLE on creation
- Core/DBC: Fix formatting of ChrRaces enums
- Core/DBC: Use ChrRaces CreatureType instead of hardcoded humanoid assumption
- Scripts/Icecrown Citadel: Fixed Professor Putricide oozes not moving during their channel

TrinityCore is a MMORPG Framework based mostly in C++.
It is derived from MaNGOS, the Massive Network Game Object Server, and is based on the code of that project with extensive changes over time to optimize, improve and cleanup the codebase at the same time as improving the in-game mechanics and functionality.
It is completely open source; community involvement is highly encouraged.
If you wish to contribute ideas or code, please visit our site linked below or make pull requests to our .

NPCBots are hireable pet-like minions. You don't have full control over them, but you can tune their behavior in many ways. Bots will follow you around, buff you, defend you and help you in general. Their main purpose is to support players during their leveling although they can do dungeons and raids, but expect them being stupid in there.

Features of the NPCBots:
- Fighting (via spells, melee, ranged combat)
- Buffing
- Healing
- Resurrecting
- Acting as a guard (when bot has no owner)
- Grouping
- DungeonFinder (they can enter dungeons with you)
- Raids (they can participate in raids)
- PvP (they can fight members of your opposing faction)
- Providing you with consumables (mage, warlock)
- Receiving buffs and consumables from you
- Equipping gear
- Assigning roles
- Abilities management
- etc...

This mod allows people to watch other players play the game without being restricted by levels, maps or anything.
Some people may want to present their game skill to other players.
But it is also useful as a GM tool to track players suspected in cheating, exploiting, botting, etc.

Tutorials - for now just the files, see Downloads above
- will come
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Elite Diviner
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
NPCBot Control and Usage

If this is your first time using an NPCBot, you'll need to do the following to get started:

.npcbot lookup
This will give you a listing of the available classes with an ID to indicate each class. For example, 1 is the class ID for Warriors.

Example Output:
.npcbot lookup #class
Looks up npcbots by #class, and return all matches with their creature ID's.

After you have figured out which class you want to lookup type in:
.npcbot lookup 1
Looking for bots of class 1...
70001 - [Llane] Human
70002 - [Thran] Dwarf
70003 - [Lyria] Human
70004 - [Ander] Dwarf
70005 - [Malosh] Orc
70006 - [Granis] Dwarf
70038 - [Kerra] Blood Elf

Next, you'll select an NPCBot from the list:
.npcbot spawn 70003

For this example, we'll select Lyria with an ID of 70003
Lyria will spawn at your location as a level 80 Warrior (by default, NPCBots spawn at max level)
Note that NPCBot you spawned is friendly. By default NPCBots spawn with faction ID set to 35 (friendly to all) But NPCBots will follow realm PvP rules, even if it's a FFAPvP
Also, NPCBots do not attack anything unless provoked, at which point they may attempt to do whatever it takes to kill their target; they can be very persistent
NPCBots can only be spawned in world maps

Right-clicking on the NPCBot will open a Gossip Menu (which gives you some command choices)

Example Output:
You need something?
- <Hire bot>
- Nevermind
Note: if you are have a GM mode enabled you will also see a '' menu

Next, you'll most likely just select '' which will popup a confirmation box asking:
"Do you wish to hire Lyria?", with a cost amount that you can Accept or Cancel. Note: price scales with your level, but rare and elite bots cost more and may require you to be at least level X to hire them

After NPCBot is hired, they will automatically match your level.
Right-clicking on the NPCBot will open a new Gossip Menu with an assortment of options (described in following subsections). Your NPCBot will follow you around in or out of group, but it's probably a good idea to get them into your group so you can monitor their location on mini-map, or health/mana, etc.
Your new hired Gossip Menu will show:
- Manage equipment...
- Manage roles...
- Manage formation...
- Manage abilities...
- Manage talents...
- Give consumable...
- <Create Group>
- You are dismissed
- Pull yourself together, damnit
- Nevermind
- [OPTIONAL options may be displayed here]
- <Create Group (all bots)>
- <Add to group>
- <Add all bots to group>
- <Remove from group>
- [CLASS-SPECIFIC options may be displayed here]

For now, select and your NPCBot will join your group and you can begin your adventures!
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Elite Diviner
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
Observers usage

First pick a player you want to watch and use .observe command, this will put you into pending list for that player and send a notification. After you are approved you are free to use .observe command again to start watching.
If you want to silently peek on a player, use .observe command while in GM mode (sneaks must be enabled in config). This will bypass all conditions and give no output on the other side, you are also unaffected by any forbid, kick and list commands whatsoever.

Note that you can only start observing if your character is idle and in a safe spot.

While active, observers become invisible and are prevented from performing any activities which interfere with other players' game experience.
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Elite Diviner
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
[B]6/9/2020 PROPER UPDATES 2:[/B]
- DB/Creatures: corrected several movement template flight values for creatures all accross Northrend. No more raining Gargoyles, Frost Wyrms, Birds and other flying things
- Core/Objects: fixed destination calculation for destination based spells casted by flying units
- Additionally he PathGenerator will now check for realtime movement flags instead of creature based template data only so scripted flying movement and players will now correctly get their path calculated
- Core/Commands: Fixed .npc add overwriting existing spawns when used on transports
- Fixes/3.3.5 aura infinite loop
- Core/Auras: Attempt to fix infinite loop with aura 18950 on map unload
- Core/Auras: Log a detailed error and assert when failing to remove all auras after a few tries

- DB/SAI: Black Morass - Infinite mobs
- Removing a duplicate item combat spell handling causing poisons (and others) to proc twice.
- Handle raycasts that end in a point with no height in the mmap mesh as PATHFIND_NOPATH
- Walk back a bit from raycast hitpoints as sometime the 2D result point is outside of the polygons due to floating point errors.
- Revert 4a197ba as a raycast point path should have the Z retrieved with getPolyHeight(). Raycast will only return a 2-point path with Start and Hitpoint/End
- Cleanup PathGenerator raycast case
- Fix PathGenerator raycast broken if start and end are on same poly.
! Fix PathGenerator raycast broken if no wall is hit.
! Remove unused case of using raycast with an existing previous path (can be added back properly if needed).
! Remove forcing poly length to 2 when we actually have already the right number.
- Use closestPointOnPolyBoundary on the second try of finding a point on poly for raycast.
! Note that in this case the mesh height is not used which might cause issues. The poly boundary height will be used instead.
- Handle cases where getPolyHeight() fails because the point is on polygon border (and caused by floating point imprecision)
- Add far from poly flags
- Set PATHFIND_INCOMPLETE in raycast case if startFarFromPoly or endFarFromPoly
- Fix blink close to walls with no valid polygon behind the wall
- Code refactor
- Core/Objects: allow flying units to use the helper as well (flying units casting radius based spells)
- Core/Spells: removed deprecated mmap path check for TARGET_DEST_CASTER_FRONT_LEAP
- Temporarily disable static collision (the whole check should be removed)
- Adjust walkable climb as recast using walkableClimb also to find the poly from a position, giving priority to polys that are below the position but closer than walkableClimb.
- Core/MMAPs: Adjust walkable climb
- Further improve ChrRace DBC handling
- Core/DBC: Added ChrRacesAllianceType for ChrRaces.dbc
- Core/Character: Check ChrRace DBC playable in HandleCharCreateOpcode
- Core/DBC: Implement ChrRacesFlags removing literals
- Core/Character: Check CHRRACES_FLAGS_NOT_PLAYABLE on creation
- Core/DBC: Fix formatting of ChrRaces enums
- Core/DBC: Use ChrRaces CreatureType instead of hardcoded humanoid assumption
- Scripts/Icecrown Citadel: Fixed Professor Putricide oozes not moving during their channel

Some users have reported that at commit 24, on certain occasions, the server shuts down. And same at my computer.
I will rollback the updates and see where it needs working. but for now we will rollback.
Thanks for understanding and wait for a proper release.
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Elite Diviner
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
tested and working, npcbot now teleport if you are far from first spawn point, no more crash when spawn a new npcbot.

- DB/Quest: Convert & update support for 'Hypercapacitor Gizmo' to SAI
- DB/Creature: Remove static spawns of Arcane Fiend & Amani Bear Mount
- DB/GameObject: Convert & update support for Fel & Bash'ir crystalforges
- DB/Quest: Convert support for 'Strength of One' to SAI
- DB/Creature: Bogblossom Bunny
- Core/Quests: Add missing GO_DYNFLAG_LO_ACTIVATE to lootable chests related to quests but not having quest loot
- Core/Quests: Fixed gameobject sparkle state for lootable quest items by moving ItemAddedQuestCheck/ItemRemovedQuestCheck after item is added/removed
- Scripts/ICC: Fixed duplicated call of reputation spell
- Scripts/ICC: Fixed Deathbringer/Valithria reputation handler + codestyle fixes
* Added correct reputation spell for both bosses
* Fixed debuffs remove when deathbringer dies (it also fix recount)
* Changed all DoCast(me, xxx) -> DoCastSelf(xx)
* Removed old reputation hack in DB
* Fixed my OCD with spells enum
- Scripts/RazorfenDowns: quest "Extinguishing the Idol"
- Core/Objects: Add GOSummonType argument to SummonGameObject accepting XYZ arguments instead of Position
- DB/Quest: Finding the Survivors
- DB/SAI: Fel Guard Hound
- DB/Quest: Convert & update support for 'Shizz Work' to SAI
- DB/Quest: Convert & update support for 'Finding the Survivors' to SAI
- DB/Creature: Convert & update support for Ashyen & Keleth to SAI
- DB/Loot: Remove item Carved Ivory Bone from creatures loot
- DB/SAI: Fix event flags for "Discovering Your Roots" script
- DB/Quest: Kill'em With Sleep Deprivation/Look At the Size of It
Elite Diviner
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
New github repository for ElunaLuaEngine Scripts

[B]6/12/2020 Part 4:[/B]
- Core/Spells: Prevent manual cancelling of channelled spells that have SPELL_ATTR0_CANT_CANCEL
- Scripts/ShadowfangKeep: Fixed a crash in spellscript
- Scripts/Naxxramas: Fix Kel'thuzad evade mode when he dies

* Core/AI: refactor SpellHit and SpellHitTarget.
- now caster/target is WorldObject instead of Unit
- remove SpellHitByGameObject / SpellHitTargetGameObject (handled by SpellHit / SpellHitTarget)
- rename parameters in scripts according parent methods

* Restore logic in Algalon script

* Changed check for REMORSELESS_WINTER hit to avoid dublicate call, because it has TARGET_UNIT_CASTER for effects 0/1 and TARGET_GAMEOBJECT_SRC_AREA for effect 2

- Scripts/Naxxramas: Noth the Plaguebringer improvements
- Tools/MMAPs: Output the time spent in a human readable format
- Core/Misc: Fixed resistance calculate for Mutated Transformation and Twilight Bloodbolt
- Core/Misc: Fix static analysis issues reported by Coverity Scan
- Core/PacketIO: Validate AddonInfo size
- Core/Units: flight and hover checks will now consider movement template data as well as manually set flight states
- DB/Creature: Add missing emote to Dragonflayer Forge Master in heroic mode
- DB/Creature: Totem of Spirits
- DB/Creature: Improve Deathforge Mine
- Scripts/Ulduar: Codestyle fix
- Core/DBLayer: Implement async transaction completion callbacks
- Core/Misc: Fixed char enum packet sometimes not showing newly created character when client latency is too low
- Core/Player: Wait for correct transaction on character creation
- Scripts/BloodFurnace: Fixed Broggok stopping work after wipe
- DB: Eva Sarkhoff and Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the Butcher
- Scripts/Ulduar: Fixed XT002 Heart health regeneration
- DB/SAI: Convert & update support for Forest Frog to SAI
- Scripts/Pet: Fixed Mirror Image trying attacking invalid targets
- Scripts/Trial Of The Crusader: Fixed Anub'arak Pursuing Spikes movement

[B]6/12/2020 Part 3:[/B]
- Core/PacketIO: Create BankHandler & update bank opcodes to new packet class
- Core/Networking: Switch to intrusive variant of MPSC queue to halve the number of memory allocations for packet sending
- DB/SAI: Remove useless event params for linked events
- DB/SAI: Fix targets for group quests
- DB/SAI: Fix some SAI targets
- DB/Quest: Fix some targets for the quest When the Cows Come Home
- DB/SAI: Fix typos in two timed action lists
- DB/SAI: Remove excess event flags from timed action lists
- Core/PacketIO: Fixed the problem of not displaying random properties of equipment when inspecting other player equipment.
- Scripts/Ulduar: Fix Flame Leviathan movement
- DB/Quest: Convert & update support for 'Mark V is Alive!' to SAI
- DB/Quest: Convert & update support for 'When the Cows Come Home' to SAI
- DB/Quest: Convert & update support for 'Cuergo's Gold' to SAI
- Boss/Script: Remove Hex Lord Malacrass wrong equipment from the script and use the one from the DB
- DB/Creature: Fix some creatures position in Zul'Aman & add missing
- DB/GameObject: Add 58 More Netherwing Eggs
- DB/SAI: Fix some wrong values in timed action lists

[B]6/12/2020 Part 2:[/B]
- Core/Misc: Sync some funcion names with master
- DB/Creature: Remove Ossirian Crystal Trigger as spawned by script
- Scripts/RuinsOfAhnQiraj: Crystal handling
+ make crystal usable with animation and despawn after use;
+ small code update;
+ spell rearrange;
+ define some magic numbers;
+ update crystal coordinates from sniffed data
- Scripts/Icecrown Citadel: Fix Sindragosa movement when Wipe in fly phase
- Entities/Player: Restore old checks for UpdatePvPFlag
+ implemented timer reset to 300s after relog never worked, therefore removing that part;
+ reverting other parts with 300s timer changes, as not needed;
- DB/Quest: Birds of a Feather
- DB/Spell: Fix rampart of skulls and upper spire teleport orientation
- DB/Quest: Convert "HELP!" & "Corki's Gone Missing Again!" & "Cho'war the Pillager" to SAI
- DB/GameObject: Remove Jump-a-tron 4000 from the DB


- DB/Quest: Convert & update support for 'Prisoners of Wyrmskull' to SAI
- DB/GameObject: Convert & update support for Shrine of the Eagle / Falcon / Hawk to SAI
- DB/Creature: Convert Sayge to SAI
- Scripts/Misc: Fix issues
- DB/GameObject: Convert & update support for Tablet of Madness
- DB/Creature: Add conditions for Wazat's texts & option to restore key
- Core/Creature: Allow to disable HP regen in Raids even if the target is unreachable
- DB/GameObject: Convert & update support for Jump-a-tron 4000 to DB script
- DB/Loot: Remove loot from creature Water Terror
- DB/Quest: Convert Escape from Umbrafen to SAI
- DB/Quest: With a little help from my friends
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Elite Diviner
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
Hello friends, I have a question which I would like you guys to answer.

You would like to see a Battle Royale mod on this server by default or make a new branch?
Please answer on this poll.

Details about Battle Royale mod
Battle Royale is a custom outdoor pvp experience. Tons of Players can engage in a massive free for all where there is only one winner.
Players will battle across Moonglade seeking out protective relics to save them from the deadly infection in the air while attempting to survive from their fellow players.

- Battle Royale World PvP mode
- Rewards Vendor
- Battle Royale Season Quests
- Battle Royale Teleporter

Elite Diviner
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
update world database with the new file from sql\custom\bots
- add npcbot hiring alternatives
- npcbot manual updated