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Your worst injury?

Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 22, 2014
Reaction score
I don't think I mentioned tearing a ligament in my shoulder during squash a couple of years ago followed by coming off a friends bike from about 4 feet in the air and landing on said shoulder, furthering damaging it to the point where it popped out of place? That...was not pleasant.

Still annoys me since it flares up at the most random times. (I can safely say I can no longer throw a heavy sports ball properly <.<).
Divine Celestial
Feb 25, 2013
Reaction score
Broke my collar bone to half. Was driving from hill on bicycle on really high speed and I couldn't control it and bam next thing I know I was at hospital wwithout any memory wwhat happened to me. Now I can't sleep on my right arm because it still hurt like hell even tho it wwas few years ago.
Dec 15, 2009
Reaction score
Couple years ago had a 6" blade go through my arm.
A couple years before that, fell down a 300 foot cliff, scars on my back is permanent.

Recently got shot in the stomach at work, no bullshitting. Working at a gas station thats a walk-up window with a door that locks automatically. Someone walked up as i was cleaning ttrash cans and doing windshield wash fluid, pointed a gun and fired twice. I remember him grabbing my keys and then nothing for what felt like ages.
after all, you survived.