Zoneserver with PvP notification

Last time I checked it doesn't show PK shout if the attacker who attacked first dies in the fight or the victim is killed in 1 shot. Is it rectified?

Some people seem to need is a repost.

The cause of the problem that you have said is a self-defense system.
To use the PvP shout always open in hex editor ZS, may be changed as follows.

85 C0 0F 84 06 02 00 00 8B 55 08

Change to:
85 C0 90 90 90 90 90 90 8B 55 08

This work is to change the executable code below.

004E9B74 | CALL 0040358F : Check the status of the self-defense function
004E9B79 | TEST EAX,EAX : Compare (EAX) above the return value of the function.
004E9B7B | JZ 004E9D87 : Jumps to address 004E9D87 if EAX = 0. - It is a work that you do not want to run this code.
I found an error. The command NPCSUMMON is executed. Monster Cards are being used but monsters don't spawn.

I used in kh chat in maps 'Carode, Fairmode, Vemerdon, Elkenver, Wolfreck, Deneherr'

but in yellow message, it came Monster Spawn (0)
Cheat Code Ok.

and not even invisible monsters there in map because i dont get damage on me.
Any solutions ?

Already tried :
1. Replacing monster files server side.
2. Replacing MON.ULL
3. Replacing MC.ULL

I would like to know a one thing.

I have the zoneserver running perfectly and shout working.
I just wanted to know that,
The values of my d_restart are like (1,15 / 0,5 / 2,10) etc.
These values are combined from two columns consider column A and column B ( I won't mention real column names as per our server privacy ).

I executed following query and got above result :
update charac0
set d_restart = A +',' + B;
So My values in Column A and B got concatenated!

Can You tell me what Modifications I need to do in The Code you provided in order to display the result like

Player1(RB1,15,165) killed Player2(RB0,15,165)
(I want to display 3 values, But I tried combining two columns. I tried various ways. But could not succeed yet. Do You have any solution ? )

I assume I need to change this line "%s (Rb%u,%u) killed %s (Rb%u,%u)"

Changing Rb%u to Rb%s didn't worked. It crashes Zoneserver as I PK other Player.
Any solution to this ?

P.S. The Data Type of My d_restart is varchar.
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ZS was my release, bring to a char type column values​​.
In order to function you said to work, it is necessary to import the value of a column of type string.

You must modify the function that DB access.
DB access function: 0x00421B4B

reference function: 0x00447940, You seems to be referring to the part to come get the value SerialNo.

Sorry for the poor English.
This thread might probably answer your question

prolog say need to edit some server side parts on zs so i ask which part need to edit for that ....

very big prob with pvp-sys
1. when 1 player killed player2 shout not com when server 1st time pk
2. if player1 killed player2 shout com and when kill 2 by 1 shout not com
3. if both of one player reconnect then shout works again

how to solve
very big prob with pvp-sys
1. when 1 player killed player2 shout not com when server 1st time pk
2. if player1 killed player2 shout com and when kill 2 by 1 shout not com
3. if both of one player reconnect then shout works again

how to solve

Please read the whole thread before posting. Prologos has already given solution to this in the 3rd page of this thread.
Re: Zoneserver with PvP notification + RB (by String)

this ZS is the same operation and post below. Please see.

Zoneserver with PvP notification + RB

This version that has been modified to be treated as a string value of Rb.
Was made to load the 30bytes maximum value of Rb (d_restart column).
Untitled-2 - Zoneserver with PvP notification - RaGEZONE Forums

explanation was insufficient. I'm sorry.
d_restart (varchar(50), Not Null) value of data as a test.


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1 - Zoneserver with PvP notification - RaGEZONE Forums

I tried making Data type of d_restart as char, varchar and text.

No data type as string in SQL 2000 !

P.S. I am using SQL 2000 for testing, as My system giving problems with SQL 2005 or 2008


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