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Granado Espada v28.00.72 retail server files

Initiate Mage
Jan 24, 2022
Reaction score
Hello i did everything listed the server seems to be running i can reach the barracks and create the basic characters but as soon i try to actually enter the world sends me back to the login screen and on the console i see the following issue any idea? thanks.
Lsq1v9x - Granado Espada v28.00.72 retail server files - RaGEZONE Forums

hi, did you solved this issue? i also have this issue and i have no idea how to fix this. please if you solved this issue can you help me? i really want to play ge in offline. thank you so much

thank you for your reply, i already did run all the zonemap but unfortunately, i still got same error. it sent me back to the login page after trying to enter the map

thank you for your reply, i already did run all the zonemap but unfortunately, i still got same error. it sent me back to the login page after trying to enter the map


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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 7, 2022
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Actually, I don't read this thread about setting up.
I follow description (or comment for English) here.

For 3 command prompts, I just open and ignore them.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 6, 2022
Reaction score
can someone help me, I was able to logged in to the game but after I created character, I can't access the starting zone or the zone maps.
I just followed the instruction all over again but I still got this error, I already open the zone for 2 barracks reb and 24_newzone and connect to daemon

thank you in advance, i really want to play this game. but unfortunately rGE was already closed

You see 1 to 10 windows command script in RGE Server folder? Copy 1 of them and paste, rename for other areas and edit the SID. Make sure they are in correct node(1 or 2). Go to manager client and you can see the "ID", thats SID number. Launch each window command script and watch the manager client "Loop" and wait for them load the game(10-15 min) until says "Running" then its ready.
Initiate Mage
Jan 24, 2022
Reaction score
You see 1 to 10 windows command script in RGE Server folder? Copy 1 of them and paste, rename for other areas and edit the SID. Make sure they are in correct node(1 or 2). Go to manager client and you can see the "ID", thats SID number. Launch each window command script and watch the manager client "Loop" and wait for them load the game(10-15 min) until says "Running" then its ready.

yes i already did this. i already run all script and run it to managerclient but i can only access the barracks but not the zonemap. when i'm going to start, then i wll be disconnected immediately. thank you for your reply btw :)

Actually, I don't read this thread about setting up.
I follow description (or comment for English) here.

For 3 command prompts, I just open and ignore them.

yes, this is the one that i followed, but i can only acccess the barracks when i'm going to start, then i will be disconnected. i already off my firewall , i dont know what to do anymore :(. i always try to log in everyday but no luck.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 6, 2022
Reaction score
I followed this site but have a problem with the updater require flash player, and when I tried to use other servers updater, it said there was connection problem. So, I quit and just play this version.

Yeah I got up to point where updater require flash player since they discontinue the flash players. So frustrating, I really want to update versions.

yes i already did this. i already run all script and run it to managerclient but i can only access the barracks but not the zonemap. when i'm going to start, then i wll be disconnected immediately. thank you for your reply btw :)

Check ports in your router. theres different ports for each maps. Good luck and have fun.
Initiate Mage
Jan 24, 2022
Reaction score
Yeah I got up to point where updater require flash player since they discontinue the flash players. So frustrating, I really want to update versions.

yes i already did this. i already run all script and run it to managerclient but i can only access the barracks but not the zonemap. when i'm going to start, then i wll be disconnected immediately. thank you for your reply btw :)

Check ports in your router. theres different ports for each maps. Good luck and have fun.

sad i even checked if my port is in used, but still no lock, same issue :(
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
Sharing the GM commands from official server, don't know if they working :)

용도 명령어 내용 추가 설명 사용 예시
GM 캐릭터 //gmorder GM상태 확인 "현재 접속되어 있는 계정에 적용되어 있는 기능을 확인한다.
(die on, hide on, safe on 등이 On인 상태인지 Off인 상태인지를
보여주는 명령어. On/Off 기능은 없고 단순히 현 상태를 확인만 가능)"
//die on (off) 무적 상태 hp가 0이 되더라도 사망하지 않고 정상 활동 가능
//hide on (off) 투명 상태 "일반 채팅 불가, 전투 불가, //tozone(all) 공지사항 가능
//safe on과 마찬가지로 몬스터에게 인식 안됨."
//safe on (off) 몬스터가 공격 대상으로 인식하지 않도록 함
//reject on (off) 당 초대, 개인 거래 가능 유저로부터 당 가입, 개인 거래가 들어오는 사항을 차단 할 수 있음
//whiper on (off) 귓속말 가능
//expup 경험치 상승 사용 예시에 나와 있는 명령을 실행하면 경험치 5만 상승. //expup 50000
//stanceexpup 스탠스 경험치 상승 사용 예시에 나와 있는 명령을 실행하면 스탠스 경험치 3만 상승. //stanceexpup 30000
//hpup hp 회복 사용 예시에 나와 있는 명령을 실행하면 HP 5000 회복 //hpup 5000
//spup sp 회복 사용 예시에 나와 있는 명령을 실행하면 SP 1000 회복 //spup 1000
//hs 숫자 캐릭터 속도 상승 및 하락 "사용 예시에 나와 있는 999 정도의 속도를 추천하며,
더 높은 수치를 입력해도 위자드 레비테이션 상태를 제외하고는
속도가 더 빨라지진 않을 것임. 빠르게 맵을 돌고 싶을때는
위자드로 hs 수치를 높이고 하면 편할 것임." //hs 999
ALT + P 아이템 생성 위자드 게임 내에 존재하는 대부분의 아이템이 포함된 아이템 리스트 호출.
ALT + L 치트 리스트 GM 명령어 대부분이 포함되어 있는 치트리스트 창 호출.

//toall 할말 모든 존에 공지
//tozone 할말 해당 존에 공지
//addnotice 번호 할말 공지 더하기
//delnotice 번호 공지 삭제
//shownotice 공지 보이기

//mon 번호 몬스터 소환 번호를 입력하여 지정 몬스터를 소환함 "//mon 번호 레벨 개체수

e.x) //mon 281 10 100

몬스터 번호 281을
레벨 10으로 100마리 소환한다."
//killnpc 핸들번호 몬스터 (아이템 드랍없이) 사라짐 !ShowState로 확인된 핸들번호로 몬스터 죽임
//item 번호 수량 아이템 생성 입력한 수량만큼 해당 아이템을 생성함 "//item 238 5000

아이템 번호 238을 5000개 생성한다."
소환, 이동 //mz 존id 좌표 존 이동 & 다른 존의 지정 좌표 이동 좌표 미입력시 스타트 좌표로 접속. //mz reb_basic
//setpos 좌표 해당 존의 지정 좌표 이동 btl_reb의 -5345 245 3546으로 이동. //mz btl_reb -5345 245 3546
//gocom 커맨더명 지정한 커맨더 위치로 가기
//callcom 커맨더명 지정한 커맨더 소환
//gochar 캐릭터명 지정 캐릭터 위치로 가기
//callchar 캐릭터명 지정 캐릭터 소환
//kickcom 커맨더명 종료 시키기 타겟 커맨더를 접속 종료 시킨다.
//lobby 미션 방 생성
//lobby mcboss 보스전 미션방 생성
//lobby mcquest 퀘스트 미션방 생성
//lobby mcarena 에스페라 미션방 생성
//lobby mcmatch 대인전 미션방 생성
//gonpc npc명 지정 npc위치로 가기 npc 위치로 이동
채팅 //chatstop 커맨더명 숫자 채팅 금지, 시간: 분 0 입력시, 기존 채팅금지시간 해지됨
//chatstoptime 커맨더명 채팅 금지 남은시간 확인 ㅂㅈㄷㄱ라는 커맨더의 채팅금지 시간이 얼마나 남았는지 보여준다.
시스템 //ping ping 수치 ping 수치 확인됨
//w 총 접속자 수 //z 존 접속자 수 확인 (오퍼만?)
/navcam on(off) on'-네비게이션 카메라 'off'-일반카메라
w,s,a,d 카메라 시점 전,후,좌,우 이동 네비게이션 카메라 on 상태에서만 가능
q,e 카메라 시점 상,하 이동 네비게이션 카메라 on 상태에서만 가능
ctrl, shift + (w,s,a,d,q,e) 시점이동 가속,감속 네비게이션 카메라 on 상태에서만 가능
Initiate Mage
Apr 13, 2017
Reaction score
Awesome! I joined yesterday.

Everyone here has been super helpful, thank you!

I'm trying to just set up a private offline server for myself to play through the game and for nostgalgia.
I've seen some info but no details... I'm trying to figure out how specifically to get the updated characters/items/etc content into my server/game. I know to get the IES/IPF data from the main game... does it need to be SEA? Can it be the Steam version? And then once I do I'm not sure as to how to copy the new content into my server... am I having to really replace everything? Or can I just copy over the 'difference' (stuff that's missing in mine)? This sort of stuff I could really use help with :)
Initiate Mage
Mar 21, 2022
Reaction score
Where did you get it?

Where did you get it?

Sharing the GM commands from official server, don't know if they working :)

Can you tell me how to translate to Korean?

Give screenshot of the error, which .exe returned the error?

Generally speaking, it's not very hard to update the game to the latest versions, you can easily update: Characters, items, skills, quests, interfaces probably the hard part would be to update actual game engine mechanics, but I don't think there are any that stand out.

I actually have many ideas on how to update the client to the latest versions, just not sure if I'm willing to invest that much time into it, currently I'm just playing around and enjoying nostalgia
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 12, 2021
Reaction score
First post updated, added a link with source code of multiple old versions as well as fixed link with rGE files.
Initiate Mage
Mar 12, 2022
Reaction score

When activating the ManagerHub, an error appears:

Environment.cpp (58) : Statement failed: true==ret 1.

And when activated, ManagerNode_1 / 2 :

Pdhaddcounter returns an error.. way:\Processor(_Total)\Processor Time, -1073738824D:\qa\source\imclib\include\imcPdhQuery.h(37) : Assertion error: falseroot:C:\rge_server\, exepath:server_release
Try connecting to ''
D:\qa\source\imclib\include\imcPdhQuery.h (48) : Approval error: false 2,
D:\qa\source\imclib\include\imcPdhQuery.h (48) : Assertion error: false authentication success 1001, 1D:\qa\source\imclib\include\imcPdhQuery.h (48) : Statement failed: false

Why does it refer to disk D?
Server files on disk C.
No one can answer(
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Initiate Mage
Mar 21, 2022
Reaction score
There is Korean in the source code!! Can you tell me how to make a server with source code? please please

The npc dialogue was mutable.. But, Items and quests cannot be changed, do you know how?

First post updated, added a link with source code of multiple old versions as well as fixed link with rGE files.
Last edited:
Initiate Mage
Mar 29, 2022
Reaction score
can someone help me, I was able to logged in to the game but after I created character, I can't access the starting zone or the zone maps.
I just followed the instruction all over again but I still got this error, I already open the zone for 2 barracks reb and 24_newzone and connect to daemon

thank you in advance, i really want to play this game. but unfortunately rGE was already closed

Check to see if you have BugTrap.dll in your rGE_Client\release folder. Your anti-virus software might have removed it. If it is missing be sure to add rGE_server folder and rGE_client folder to your anti-virus exeption list, then re-extract BugTrap.dll from the provided rGE_server.zip file (rGE_server\release\BugTrap.dll) and copy it to your rGE_client\release folder. Also, BugTrap.dll must be the correct version. The version provided in the zip file is 7,797kb in size.

hope this helps.
Initiate Mage
Mar 21, 2022
Reaction score
help...........................I want to play in Korean..................................
Items, skills, and quests cannot be converted.......
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 24, 2015
Reaction score
Does anyone know how to use the Dictionary Export.bat file?
Loyal Member
Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
care with the bugtrap.dll if you do not have the correct one you cannot enter any zone in the game beside barracs

i uploaded this one,tested and working
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