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    • HariSeldon
      HariSeldon replied to the thread [EP8] Docker repack.
      You may be using the wrong mssql IP or port. Or your virtual machine is not configured properly (usually you need to select the network...
    • HariSeldon
      HariSeldon replied to the thread [EP8] Docker repack.
      It is necessary to look at what is in the logs. But I can assume that you specified an incorrect user/password for the DB when creating...
    • HariSeldon
      Textures for inventory gloves are stored separately in Data/Item/man_hand.ebm (woman_hand.ebm).
    • HariSeldon
      HariSeldon reacted to GoldenHeaven's post in the thread Cabal Mobile Source Code with Like Like.
      Im sharing this for educational purposes. Its the decompiled version of the cabalmain.exe for mobile. No help is or will be provided...
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