
Join our community of MMO enthusiasts and game developers! By registering, you'll gain access to discussions on the latest developments in MMO server files and collaborate with like-minded individuals. Join us today and unlock the potential of MMO server development!

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  1. ProjectBelos

    [La Tale] Project Belos | La Tale Private Server | Now OpenSponsored 

    Website: You must be registered for see element. Discord: You must be registered for see element. Features: You must be registered for see element. You must be registered for see element. To Register, Join Discord, Open a ticket and type !register , Belos Bot will send message!
  2. L

    La Tale the experience and item drop

    Hola guys, I tried some of Season1 servers and found that all server gameserver files have been modified to change the experience and item drop rate. Is there a way to modify them back to the original ones? You must be registered for see element. Thank you!
  3. K

    s1 latale GM I want to know the command

    // <<this way 거부되었다는 메시지를 표시합니다. s1 그리고 s1 캐시를 수정하는 방법도 알고 싶습니다. 아스트로나 포인트 편집 방법을 알고 싶어요