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[2.4.3] MMORPG4ALL - Burning Crusade | Progressive Content Release

Initiate Mage
Apr 13, 2015
Reaction score

MMORPG4ALL - [2.4.3] MMORPG4ALL - Burning Crusade | Progressive Content Release - RaGEZONE Forums

Features and Basic Information
2.4.3 The Burning Crusade
Forum, IRC & TeamSpeak3
15x Kill and 18x Quest XP
Active and dedicated Developers and Game Masters
Always fair and imparcial
Growing Community
Progressive Content Release and Arena Seasons
Donators will never recieve any kind of gear/items.
(There's still no donation system, but when we do, we'll only allow donators to buy mini-pets or gender/race change services)
Upcoming Vote Shop
(It'll include vanity items only)
No custom items
No custom NPCs
No auto-complete quests
Fully scripted Instances and Dungeons
Working pathfinder

About us & Realm information

MMORPG4ALL, probably the oldest private server community, has now released (another)a Burning Crusade realm.
For those wondering, MMORPG4ALL was created from a merge that happened in late 2006 and was the first private server to release a Burning Crusade server, even before Blizzard released theirs!

Our WotLK was the expansion that suffered more changes on MMORPG4ALL. We've used 2 emulators, the first being maintained and developed by Burlex. (Former ScapeGaming developer at the time) The second one was ran on TC and developed by Derimon and later on by Asio.
Ever since its creation, our Staff has gone through some changes like any other server or even like companies go through.
Despite that, our goal remains the same: to provide players with the best WoW game experience as possible.

Felwhisper, the realm's name, is a Blizzlike realm with dedicated developers and Game Masters. Some of which have huge experience in managing a server and supporting players.
Although we've had a few setbacks, we're here to provide the best game experience within our capacities.
We've release our realm a few days ago, 10th April.

We'll progressively release PvE content depending on our population's activity and progress throughout the game.
Also, arena seasons will only start as soon as Battlegrounds start being more active.
All Battlegrounds are working (AV, WSG, EOTS and AB).
Currently open instances:
Gruul's Lair
Magtheridon's Lair

You can read more about our server's plans here.

Ingame, IRC and forum events coming soon!

Useful links:
IRC channel
Server rates and other information

MMORPG4ALL - [2.4.3] MMORPG4ALL - Burning Crusade | Progressive Content Release - RaGEZONE Forums

MMORPG4ALL - [2.4.3] MMORPG4ALL - Burning Crusade | Progressive Content Release - RaGEZONE Forums

Note: If you want to join us, you'll probably wonder what's with the transfer service we're providing.
Since we've closed our WotLK realm more than a month ago, we've decided to give our old player base the opportunity to transfer 1 character per account to their new account(s). All transferred characters do NOT carry any WotLK items or anything else really.
They only poccess their old character appearance, class, race, gender and faction.

This topic will be more polished with time as well as have new information about our server. Stay tuned and you're all more than welcome to ask any server related questions here!
Last edited:
Initiate Mage
Apr 13, 2015
Reaction score
We've increased our rates for a limited time!
Check our forum announcement for more information!