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6.4.2 Server files and code and more

Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 13, 2015
Reaction score
with the help of Domo and Mopnex i got the server with the provided files to run.
now im facing the following issue:

when i want to create a character i get "System Error" , if i login with a existing account where i had characters on 6.0.7 they wont show up in the character screen, but showing a number with the characters i have on the server selection screen.

what am i missing?


Junior Spellweaver
Oct 3, 2017
Reaction score
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[RoleData] (
[IsDelete] bit DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[IsGM] bit DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[IsEnterWorld] bit DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[CharField] int NOT NULL,
[Account_ID] varchar(65) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[CreateTime] datetime DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LogoutTime] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Type] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Mode] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RoleName] nvarchar(50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
[ZoneID] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[X] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Y] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Z] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Dir] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RoomID] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Race] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Voc] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Voc_Sub] int DEFAULT ((-1)) NOT NULL,
[Sex] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LV] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LV_Sub] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TitleID] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[HP] real NOT NULL,
[MP] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[StomachPoint] int DEFAULT ((100)) NOT NULL,
[BodyCount] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[BankCount] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RevX] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RevY] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RevZ] real NOT NULL,
[RevDir] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RevZoneID] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[FaceID] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[HairID] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[HairColor] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[BodyColor] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[OrgObjID] int DEFAULT ((1000)) NOT NULL,
[Card] varbinary(256) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[KeyItem] varbinary(2000) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Title] varbinary(256) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[QuestHistory] varbinary(1024) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[QuestKillCount] varbinary(100) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[QuestDaily] varbinary(1024) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[QuestGroup] varbinary(80) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LastCompleteTime] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[QuestLog] varbinary(360) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue1] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue2] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue3] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue4] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue5] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue6] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue7] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue8] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue9] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue10] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue11] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue12] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue13] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue14] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue15] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue16] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue17] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue18] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue19] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue20] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue21] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue22] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue23] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue24] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue25] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue26] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue27] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue28] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue29] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SkillValue30] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Buff] varbinary(1404) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[DeadCountDown] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Coldown] varbinary(3680) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RefineColdown] varbinary(164) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[BodyMoney] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[BankMoney] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[PartyID] int DEFAULT ((-1)) NOT NULL,
[FriendNote] nvarchar(300) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
[GuildID] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[GuildRank] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[GuildGroupID] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[GuildRankTime] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[GuildSelfNote] nvarchar(256) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
[GuildLeaderNote] nvarchar(256) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
[PlayTime] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[BoneScale] varbinary(15) DEFAULT ((1)) NOT NULL,
[vX] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[vY] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[vZ] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[IsBillboardAnonymous] bit DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[PKScore] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TitleCount] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[ClientFlag] varbinary(50) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TitleStr] nvarchar(50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
[IsShowTitle] bit DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[ReturnX] float(53) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[ReturnY] float(53) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[ReturnZ] float(53) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[ReturnDir] float(53) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[ReturnZoneID] float(53) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Famous10] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Famous9] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Famous8] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Famous7] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Famous6] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Famous5] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Famous4] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Famous3] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Famous2] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Famous1] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[DestroyTime] int DEFAULT ((-1)) NOT NULL,
[RentFunction] varbinary(200) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[MaxLv] int DEFAULT ((50)) NOT NULL,
[ShowEQ] int DEFAULT ((-1)) NOT NULL,
[HouseDBID] int DEFAULT ((-1)) NOT NULL,
[ClientData] varbinary(256) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SysFlag] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[GoodEvil] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[FriendClientData] varbinary(1920) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[FriendGroupSortID] varbinary(50) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[MonsterHunter] varbinary(816) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[VocCount] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[BoxEnergy] int DEFAULT ((3)) NOT NULL,
[LocationSave] varbinary(4200) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RealTimeFlag] varbinary(400) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[PlayTimeFlag] varbinary(400) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[MedalCount] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LuaValueFlag] varbinary(4000) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Money_Bonus] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[HorseColor] binary(16) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RaiseMode] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RaiseExpRate] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RaiseZoneID] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RaiseRevX] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RaiseRevY] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RaiseRevZ] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TombItemGUID] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TombCreateTime] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TombZoneID] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TombX] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TombY] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TombZ] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TombDebtExp] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TombDebtTp] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TombExp] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[GoodEvilBonus] real DEFAULT ((10)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney1] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney2] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney3] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney4] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney5] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney6] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney7] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney8] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney9] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney10] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney11] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney12] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney13] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney14] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney15] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney16] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney17] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney18] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney19] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney20] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney21] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney22] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney23] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney24] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney25] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney26] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney27] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney28] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney29] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountMoney30] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[LockAccountTime] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Honor] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[HonorWorth] real DEFAULT ((50)) NOT NULL,
[LastBeHonorKilledTime] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[MaxPlantCount] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[MoneyTraderCount] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[AutoBotCount] real DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[BotReportDBID] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[BotReportTime] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[BotReportProtectTime] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[InstanceSetting] varbinary(800) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[ExpDownRate] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[DebtExpRate] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[DebtTpRate] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RoomKey] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SuitSkill_LearnCount] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SuitSkill_MaxEqCount] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SuitSkill_Learn] varbinary(800) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SuitSkill_EQ] varbinary(40) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[InstanceSetting_KeyID] varbinary(400) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[InstanceSetting_LiveTime] varbinary(400) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[InstanceSetting_ExtendTime] varbinary(400) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Pet_NextMergeResetTime] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[Pet_Money] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[CoolSuitList] varbinary(1120) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[CoolClothList] varbinary(2000) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[CoolSuitID] int DEFAULT ((-1)) NOT NULL,
[PetExBag] varbinary(404) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[HorseExBag] varbinary(2004) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[GuildLeaveTime] smalldatetime DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[IncursivePoint] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TitleSys_Famous] float(53) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TitleSys_TitleID1] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TitleSys_TitleID2] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TitleSys_TitleID3] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TitleSys_TitleID4] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TitleSys_Lv] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TitleSys_Exp] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SerialCode] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SerialCode1] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SerialCode_All] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SlotMachine_History] varbinary(max) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SlotMachine_RandSeed] varbinary(max) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[SlotMachine_FreeCount] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[DuelistReward] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[PetCard] varbinary(max) DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[DreamlandCoin] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[PhiriusShellCoin] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[EnergyJusticeCoin] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[ProofLegendCoin] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[TrialBadgeCoin] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[RelicsCoin] int DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[mirrorcoin] int NULL,
[phantom] int NULL,
[weekinstance] binary(20) NULL,
[weekinstday] int NULL,
[weekresetcount] int NULL

look at the table called RoleData and compare it to this one you'll notice you're missing a few tables just add them and your issue will be fixed
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 13, 2015
Reaction score

still getting the "System Error" Message when i try to create a character :(
Newbie Spellweaver
May 31, 2019
Reaction score
Greetings,still getting the "System Error" Message when i try to create a character :(
When I had this error when creating a character, I executed this request in SSMS:
sp_defaultlanguage sa, us_english
After that, everything worked
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 12, 2013
Reaction score
Can someone please link the ?
Im setting up a new private server for home use.. might as well convert all to a newer version if its available :)

Thanx in advance ;-)
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 30, 2016
Reaction score
I remember whole words from someone else :). Its very familiar with exact sentences. I assume someone tries to motivate you for private message :). After that he will say about paying money for that and changing the folder name to new one :).
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 3, 2018
Reaction score
could any1 makes a guide on how to upgrade a 6.0.7 server to 6.4.2 with the files from this post? That would be rly nice if so! This is only for personnal use only running server localy for testing purposes ty in advance!
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 30, 2015
Reaction score
I have basically the question how the 6.4.2 Server works. Is it similar to the 6.0.7 release or did they completely change how the server works ? (with Ra-servermonitor, dircetory structure, Luas etc).
And the files that are in code offered from beardilus completely have to be compiled to exe files. is that correct ? (in that matter i'm unfortunately out of this).

And last question: i searched through the files for .lua files but didn't found some. Are they in the luascript.fdb ? Then i would guess this server works completely different to the 6.0.7 one ?
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 30, 2015
Reaction score
Ok, just for the fun of it i replaced all complied 6.4 exe files to my 6.0.7 server ^^ Strange thing is, server monitor shows all green. I even can login, but my old test character was deleted. If i want to create a new character i get the error "System Error".

Of course i know i haven't changed any lua files, and there is now new SQL Stuff in this release. Also there are some exe files new like Billing, nonageserver.exe or nonageaccountserver.exe

And doesnt this need a new server monitor ?

So what are the chances to get this thing running without knowledge in programming ? :D

Anyone willing to help or give me some hints ?

Or just "hey, if you don't know the right persons with knowledge just stay on your 6.07 files ^^

And a question to those who have running a later version of RoM: is a new server still hungry for ram, or could runewaker optimize it ?
Last edited:
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 3, 2017
Reaction score
I would have happily help you with this issue however I've seen it a few of your post you giving credit to someone else for these files that aggravates me so I will not assist you until the time that people give proper credits for files I refuse to help any of you I'm sick and tired of this give credit to the right person until then I'm leaving this community you guys are garbage I was considering giving you guys 7.0 but after seeing other people getting credit for my files f*** all of you
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 30, 2015
Reaction score

I was writing in the help section that i "used Lifefire files", because he was the one who gave a download to compiled files. I think this is a misunderstanding, that it sounded like this were his files. So sorry.

Maybe i should have been written "I have the 6.4.2 Files of Lifefire running (thx originally to beardilus) or something like that.

Newbie Spellweaver
May 2, 2015
Reaction score
In this community and the rom in general there aren't a good panorama to work with sources, modify or do new tools.
I met a very good people, but too met a people who tell they was a friends and can help but only want to take advantage of my/our work
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 30, 2015
Reaction score
Someone has a clue how to bring this Servermonitor to work ?

beardilus - 6.4.2 Server files and code and more - RaGEZONE Forums

beardilus - 6.4.2 Server files and code and more - RaGEZONE Forums
Junior Spellweaver
May 9, 2018
Reaction score
What version is that and where did you get it from if you dont mind me asking
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 30, 2015
Reaction score
Oh damn..i think this wasn't for Runes of Magic... Sorry. I just have read the file description for it and it says:

Dragon's Prophet Game Server Controller

Oh man, i really thought this is a newer ServerControllerMonitor.exe for Runes of Magic. SO, forget my question about it ^^
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 24, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks for sharing the files.

I have installed boost 1.55 and added the BOOST_ROOT environment variable but I still get the same error. Do you have to place boost somewhere?
