A few questions from a past hit server owner...

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
On My Network
Hello Mu Community,

So I'm pretty new when it comes to MU online but I have played it before. I jumped on I think close to 6-7 years ago and tried to play the retail server and one private as well. I played for about 20 minutes in the retail server and found things were just to slow starting out and dropped it. A few months after that I tried a private server and got killed as soon as I moved to the next map. Causing me to again drop the game and move onto other MMORPGs as most of us have with one MMO at some point.

However I'm no beginner when it comes to running a private server and making it a hit. One very successful one was Ion Rohan which ran for about a year and had a 1,000+ player online ratio at all times. Having 1,487 being the most players online at one time in its lifespan. This server spawned other projects which had similar stats.But after having a child a few years ago I moved away from private servers to focus on my family. Having private servers which I had over 8 years of knowledge and veteran experience fade slowly.

In the past few months I've had the idea of getting back into the private server business again. Now that things are more stable on the family side. Mu and WoW have always been something I wanted to get into but I didn't have the resources to put into them at that time. I already know Mu servers in the top ten have thousands of players on them at all times. And it takes having the most recent server files and a well balanced server with good rates to get people to play your server. My questions are simple but its just to give me a understanding of whether or not I want get back into private servers.

  1. How is the development community, Is help always offered to others or is it a more sneaky/everyman for themselves?
  2. How is the hack side of Mu are servers getting backdoor'd or DDos'd constantly?
  3. How many players can a server with good stat's, social media promotion and S.E.O. get within the first few months of opening?
  4. Is it hard getting a good/dedicated development team going to run a server long term server?
  5. How hard is it to get a player base going for new server? ( For this a server going 5 months, whats the average players online you've seen at once? )
1- community is slowly dying....greed got into most of the people nowadays.
3- more than ever.
5-a low server, with good advertisement can start with around 300-500 players. (I mean a SLOW; SERIOUS; WELL BALANCED server)
7- no if you planning to pay them, yes if you want a "free" dev team.
9- again if its a low stable server with good files, at 5 months old, should have 300-600 average onlines.

Just seeing this I really appreciate the insight I'm honestly looking to pay a developer if they are putting in some hard work. I don't care to dish out $250 - 300 every two weeks for a server with good anti-hack and veteran developer. If you know any devs out there that are looking to make a longterm server I mean LONG TERM 3+ years. Tell them to shoot me a private message on the S.E.O. , advertisement and community development side I'm top tier. I racked in close to 50k in 7 months with on of my servers.
Just seeing this I really appreciate the insight I'm honestly looking to pay a developer if they are putting in some hard work. I don't care to dish out $250 - 300 every two weeks for a server with good anti-hack and veteran developer. If you know any devs out there that are looking to make a longterm server I mean LONG TERM 3+ years. Tell them to shoot me a private message on the S.E.O. , advertisement and community development side I'm top tier. I racked in close to 50k in 7 months with on of my servers.
You can buy for the server files, CMS and antihack. Examples: IGCN or XTEAM (files), ImperiaMuCMS or dmnCMS, liveguard anticheat or NSE antihack. With money in this community you can pay for anything.