About Items 105b

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 20, 2005
Reaction score
Hello everyone !
I would like to know whats the real " ID " of 105b weapons.
For example I got "enigma bow itws303" but it doesnt work, items are not created when I try.
Someone can help me .____. ?
Thanks alot in advance :blushing:
you only need to hex the server one, rpt client already has them..
i wouldnt use the 105b if i were you, i mean their great skins, but they remove some items that you might need later when your lvling, but thats just me
i wouldnt use the 105b if i were you, i mean their great skins, but they remove some items that you might need later when your lvling, but thats just me

if you add bytes & insert new lines, old items wont be removed...
Dont need hexing nothing. Just find GameServer\OpenItem .txt files and rewrite with new values for damage, defense, etc. after install last client 1855 from rPT.

WA104(Inferno Axe)
WC301(kelvezu claw)
WC107(Inferno claw)
WH106(Inferno hammer)
WM110(Blessed Staff)
DS110(inferno Scythe)
WS107(enigma bow)
WS212(Inferno Sword)
WT103(inferno jav)
damn.... hexing isint so hard..... ive already added all 105b items other then mokova boots to dpt...... why cry about not bein able to add.... ive spent years teachin myself to hex... LEARN AND STOP BEGGIN FOR EVERYONE ELSE TO DO IT FOR YOU
damn.... hexing isint so hard..... ive already added all 105b items other then mokova boots to dpt...... why cry about not bein able to add.... ive spent years teachin myself to hex... LEARN AND STOP BEGGIN FOR EVERYONE ELSE TO DO IT FOR YOU

First off. i dont know if you are talking to me.

if you are. i said i would like a run through.

not people DOING IT FOR ME.

if u will read i said if someone wants to take the time to teach me i would appreciate it. I never said will u do it for me. i just dont know where and what to hex in.

i kno how to hex but idk where to hex it.
first off that was to everyone whos cryin because they have no clue what to do and instead of bickering about how to do it they need to just do it. 2nd easiest way i figured out was to for instance add mokova boots, rip the inferno boots in hex from the begining then past it under it. This is assuming you have a clue to as what i mean. Then from there edit the hex lines to make it read mokova boots which is like ihave no clue example WA121 then of course i think in hex infern boots are like 00150202 gota change the 0202 to somethin else, don remember what i changed em to but it was easy enough...

need more help msn = [email protected]
