about Ping & Connection Speed

you seem like your noob and dont know the difference between speed and ping, 100ms isnt kbps, so i wont even bother answering
@hitman: -_- he's talking about his connection speed, u r-tard. Try reading the post properly before you start slagging people off.

@ W3nd_ : your latency depends on the server, as well as your connection. You could have a super-fast connection, but still have 3000ms on a certain server.
@ W3nd_ : your latency depends on the server, as well as your connection. You could have a super-fast connection, but still have 3000ms on a certain server.

that's true, but I'm sure if you have a 300kbps connection you're ok and latency is servers fault ^^
@hitman: -_- he's talking about his connection speed, u r-tard. Try reading the post properly before you start slagging people off.

@ W3nd_ : your latency depends on the server, as well as your connection. You could have a super-fast connection, but still have 3000ms on a certain server.

what the fuck you talking about, he said how much kbps he needs to play wow and put (100ms) or something, thats like asking how fast do i need to go (oz or something), oz = OZ, fast = mph, any more questions? no? next
Hitman3266 said:
you seem like your noob and dont know the difference between speed and ping, 100ms isnt kbps, so i wont even bother answering
*sigh* he wasn't saying "100ms is kbps"... that's "what the fuck" I'm talking about... lol
i understand what he was TRYING to ask

how much kbps do i need to play wow good ? (100ms or something)

see, he put how much kbps then asked 100ms or something, where as kbps and ms have no relation to each other, you can have 10,000kbps (10mbps) and still have shitty ass ping
Holy Hitman, you just dont get it do you... He was asking what kind of speed he would need in kpbs to get 100ms latency in the game...
Maybe you should just think it and resist the urge to type it...

W3nd, like Yamachi said, it's more up to the server that will decide your latency in the game... I have a friend who plays on my server using dial up, he has lag but its still playable.

The problem is he was relating bandwidth to latency. Instead of advising him that they are related, some people chose to fight ignorance with more ignorance. Back in the day of 14.4 modems, we had ISPs that consistantly delivered around 120-150ms ping to most places. It doesn't really depend on the end of the pipe (ie, your 1000gb cable/DSL modem) but what is between you and your destination. For more information, man traceroute
Really thanks for all your posts, i found what i was looking for; now i have an idea of the internet connection tht i must have to play good.

Hitman: if i were moderator i'd ban you, but i'm NOT, so i only can tell you READ THE F*CKING THREAD CAAAREFULLY BEFORE POSTING!

Reading isn't hard, don't you think ? well, it isn't THAT hard... or maybe your 1st - 3rd grade teacher sucked, it's not your fault at all...

PLEASE don't start another flame war... I've had enough of them, as you all can probably imagine :D

@Hitman: ignore it, you just either misunderstood his original question, or we misunderstood your answer. But, it's all sorted out, so no need to reply to W3nd_'s last post. ;)