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Adding 2 Slotted Items as drops

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 10, 2010
Reaction score
I'm trying for few hours to find a working way to add as drops everywhere on the maps only 2 slotted drop items with chances of craft, slot option (like sword skill amp, etc.) and upgrade lvl, also chances of dropping 3 slot items like %10 chances too, but 2 slot %100 chances. This way Paradox cabal had years ago if you remember.

Now I must say I tried multiple times to modify OptionPool.scp but it gave me an error like this so I restored it back for the server to run (This error is displayed when trying to run server in terminal):
ACE_ASSERT: file Game/OptionPool.cpp, line 95 assertion failed for 'script.GetRowNum() == iRowNum' .Aborting...

Note: Running EP8

This is how I modified:
[OptionPoolFlag]	LR	LS	RS	LRS	UNIQUE
1	1	1	1	1	0
2	1	1	1	1	0
3	1	1	1	1	0
4	1	1	1	1	0
5	1	1	1	1	0
6	1	1	1	1	0
7	1	1	1	1	0
8	1	1	1	1	0
9	1	1	1	1	0
10	1	1	1	1	0
11	1	1	1	1	0
12	1	1	1	1	0
13	1	1	1	1	0
14	1	1	1	1	0
15	1	1	1	1	0
16	1	1	1	1	0
17	1	1	1	1	0
18	1	1	1	1	0
19	1	1	1	1	0
20	1	1	1	1	0
21	1	1	1	1	0
22	1	1	1	1	0
23	1	1	1	1	0
24	1	1	1	1	0
25	1	1	1	1	0
26	1	1	1	1	0
27	1	1	1	1	0
28	1	1	1	1	0
29	1	1	1	1	0
30	1	1	1	1	0
31	1	1	1	1	0
32	1	1	1	1	0
33	1	1	1	1	0
34	1	1	1	1	0
35	1	1	1	1	0
36	1	1	1	1	0
37	1	1	1	1	0
38	1	1	1	1	0
39	1	1	1	1	0
40	1	1	1	1	0
41	1	1	1	1	0
42	1	1	1	1	0
43	1	1	1	1	0
44	1	1	1	1	0
45	1	1	1	1	0
46	1	1	1	1	0
47	1	1	1	1	0
48	1	1	1	1	0
49	1	1	1	1	0
50	1	1	1	1	0
51	1	1	1	1	0
52	1	1	1	1	0
53	1	1	1	1	0
54	1	1	1	1	0
55	1	1	1	1	0
56	1	1	1	1	0
57	1	1	1	1	1
58	0	1	0	0	0

[OptionPoolSlot]	Slot0	Slot1	Slot2	Slot3	SlotOptionNum
1	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
2	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
3	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
4	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
5	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
6	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
7	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
8	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
9	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
10	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
11	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
12	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
13	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
14	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
15	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
16	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
17	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
18	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
19	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
20	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
21	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
22	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
23	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
24	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
25	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
26	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
27	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
28	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
29	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
30	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
31	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
32	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
33	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
34	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
35	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
36	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
37	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
38	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
39	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
40	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
41	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000	100.0000	1.0000
42	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
43	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
44	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
45	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
46	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
47	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
48	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
49	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
50	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
51	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
52	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
53	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
54	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
55	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
56	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
57	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
58	.0000  	.0000  	70.0000 	100.0000	1.0000
Last edited:
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 7, 2012
Reaction score
you are doing wrong.
This is not mine.
OptPool.scp info 
This is not a complete guide yet as there is still a lot of ground to cover. I'll go through this one section at a time breaking down what each table is, how it can be modified and what the modification will do in terms of drops.

Tested with OptPoolIdx = 13
Modified all values for idx 13 in testing
each rate seems to affect the other rates in the same string… I don't know how….
values for variables in the same string cannot be equal for all upgrade, or all slot
I recommend using a value that isnt normally called in the terrain files such as 3 or 16, ect.. This will allow you to keep the common default IDX's of 5 and 13 at official rates and experiment with your own that the server normally doesnt use so you can compare your edits to official rates.

As always, make backups of the original file before making any changes. I cannot stress how important backups are when editing "experimental" files, you will make mistakes and its easier to revert to a backup than reinstall the server files.

[OptionPoolFlag] Determines what options are allowed for each optpoolidx
1-17 represents the OptPoolIDX in terrain.scp's

1= ON
0= OFF

LR - Upgrade + Craft (together on same item)
LS - Upgrade + Slot ( drops either an upgraded item, or a slotted item )
RS - Craft + Slot (drops either a crafted item or a slotted item)
LRS - Craft + Upgrade (drops either a crafted item or an upgraded item)

Here are the default values:
[OptionPoolFlag]	LR	LS	RS	LRS
1			0	0	1	0
2			0	0	1	0
3			0	0	1	0
4			0	0	1	0
5			0	0	1	0
6			0	0	0	0
7			0	0	0	0
8			0	0	1	0
9			0	0	1	0
10			0	1	0	0
11			0	0	0	0
12			0	1	0	0
13			0	0	1	0  
14			0	0	1	0
15			0	0	0	0
16			0	0	1	0
17			0	0	1	0

We can see by the default data in the terrain.scp's that the server primarily uses IDX 5 or 13, both are the same in this part of the file, there is a chance to drop either a Crafted item or an upgraded item. It will not drop both together like a sword of amp +2 to do this we need to enable multiple options in the FlagData.
[OptionPoolFlag]	LR	LS	RS	LRS
1			0	0	1	0
2			0	0	1	0
3			0	0	1	0
4			0	0	1	0
5			0	0	1	0
6			0	0	0	0
7			0	0	0	0
8			0	0	1	0
9			0	0	1	0
10			0	1	0	0
11			0	0	0	0
12			0	1	0	0
13			1	1	1	1   <  All set to 1's enables all options  
14			0	0	1	0
15			0	0	0	0
16			0	0	1	0
17			0	0	1	0

You can change whichever you like. Try and stick with an IDX that isnt normally used so you can keep the defaults in tact in case you need to change back. I chose 13 because I like the number 13 ^_^

Lets look at part 2
[OptionPoolLevel] Controls available upgrade and chance
Lv0 = +0 - Lv5= +5.
option is dependent, without lv1 on lv 2-5 wont work.
100.000 = off, no drop.
.0000 = On, Forced drop. (if lv3 is at .0000 lv4 will not drop unless it is also .000 ect.)
If all "rates" are equal the highest lvl takes priority.
ex, if lv1-3 are all at .0000 only lv3 will drop. 
Must be in ascending order. (Low to high, which is actually highest to lowest, confusing I know..)
The closer the value the more random the option.
Lets have a look at the default data:
[OptionPoolLevel]	Lv0	Lv1	Lv2	Lv3	Lv4	Lv5
1	60.0000	72.0000	82.0000	90.0000	96.0000	100.0000
2	74.0000	83.0000	90.0000	95.0000	99.0000	100.0000
3	85.0000	90.0000	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000
4	90.0000	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000	100.0000
5	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
6	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
7	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
8	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
9	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
10	20.0000	77.5000	92.5000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
11	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
12	.0000	.0000	60.0000	90.0000	100.0000	100.0000
13	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
14	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
15	63.9000	83.9000	93.9000	98.9000	99.9000	100.0000
16	63.9000	83.9000	93.9000	98.9000	99.9000	100.0000
17	63.9000	83.9000	93.9000	98.9000	99.9000	100.0000

Looking at the default data we see that IDX 13 doesn't use any upgrade options (all set to 100.000 = 0 chance)
Lets make some adjustments:
[OptionPoolLevel]	Lv0	Lv1	Lv2	Lv3	Lv4	Lv5
1	60.0000	72.0000	82.0000	90.0000	96.0000	100.0000
2	74.0000	83.0000	90.0000	95.0000	99.0000	100.0000
3	85.0000	90.0000	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000
4	90.0000	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000	100.0000
5	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
6	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
7	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
8	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
9	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
10	20.0000	77.5000	92.5000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
11	94.0000	97.0000	99.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
12	.0000	.0000	60.0000	90.0000	100.0000	100.0000
13	10.0000	15.0000	25.0000	30.0000	35.0000	50.0000   <  Changed rates explained below.
14	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
15	63.9000	83.9000	93.9000	98.9000	99.9000	100.0000
16	63.9000	83.9000	93.9000	98.9000	99.9000	100.0000
17	63.9000	83.9000	93.9000	98.9000	99.9000	100.0000

So Now that we adjusted the values lets go over what it means.
The closer to 0 the option is the more frequent that option will drop, a value of 10.0000 will drop more than a value of 60.0000, confusing right, seems kinda backwards. Just remember 100.0000 = OFF meaning that option will not drop at all. Also the closer the values are together the better, Im not sure how these rates affect each other but they do, if you set:

13 10.0000 15.0000 25.0000 30.0000 35.0000 98.0000
you will notice a difference in all drop rates and not just lv5. Keep the values close together varying no more than 5 - 10.
I set lv5-50 to lower the rates across the board, this seems to work out just right.
13 10.0000 15.0000 25.0000 30.0000 35.0000 50.0000 < Gives good results 

These options cannot be equal to each other:
13 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000
This results in forced lv5 upgrade (+5)
13 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000
Seems to have no effect, when all values are equal no upgrades will drop at all
13 75.0000 65.0000 55.0000 40.0000 35.0000 20.0000
Seems to confuse the server, the higher upgrade the higher the chance??? This causes some weird effects such as only lv3 or 4 dropping and noting else. 
Keep the values ascending Highest to Lowest. (.0000 > 100.000) 

[OptionPoolSlot] Controls how many slots an item has, and chance of drop
Slot0 = 1 Slot
Slot3 = 4 Slot 
100.0000 = Disabled
.0000 = Enabled
Anything in between = chance
Enabling the 4th slot kills slots all together, only craft + upgrade will drop

Lets look at the default values:
[OptionPoolSlot]	Slot0	Slot1	Slot2	Slot3
1	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
2	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
3	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
4	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
5	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
6	.0000	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
7	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
8	.0000	80.0000	100.0000	100.0000
9	96.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
10	93.9926	99.9926	100.0000	100.0000
11	96.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
12	.0000	.0000	100.0000	100.0000
13	.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
14	.0000	95.0000	100.0000	100.0000
15	.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
16	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
17	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000

Looking at the default values we see that IDX 1 has a VERY low chance of dropping 1-2 slot items, 99.9939 might as well be disabled, lol.. We also see that my IDX-13 is forcing 1 slot drops with a value of .0000. This is ok, but I want to force as many slots as possible which ATM is 3 so my table will look like this:
[OptionPoolSlot]	Slot0	Slot1	Slot2	Slot3
1	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
2	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
3	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
4	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
5	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
6	.0000	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
7	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
8	.0000	80.0000	100.0000	100.0000
9	96.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
10	93.9926	99.9926	100.0000	100.0000
11	96.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
12	.0000	.0000	100.0000	100.0000
13	.0000	.0000	.0000	100.0000    <  1-2-3 slot all set to .0000  will force 3 slot drops.
14	.0000	95.0000	100.0000	100.0000
15	.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
16	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000
17	94.9939	99.9939	100.0000	100.0000

Now this is all fine and dandy but now all items using IDX 13 will be forced 3 slot, what if I want to make it a chance of 1-2-3 slot instead of forced? To do that we need to adjust the values, once again 100.0000= OFF, .0000 = Forced.
Let go from this:
13 .0000 .0000 .0000 100.0000 
to this:
13 25.0000 30.0000 50.0000 100.0000 

Now were cookin with gas, if you test this out you will get random drops of 1-2-3 slot. You can play with the values just remember a big spread in-between the variables will affect the overall drop chance. EX:
13 10.0000 11.0000 98.0000 100.0000 
Will greatly reduce the chance of any slot drops. 

Don't go getting your hopes up just yet, enabling the 4th slot will kill slots all together, Im not sure if it is dependent on a different table or if 4 slots just wont work at all through optionpool. Once I get a bit further into the scp I may find slot options for 4th slot are disabled, if it has nothing to choose from (including empty) It wont drop at all and as we already tested if one option cant drop it will affect the other options as well. 

[OptionPoolRareNum] Controls Craft Chance
From what I can tell this section simply deals with craft chance.
Modifying the values only changes the chance an item has to drop with a craft option
.0000 is forced craft option, anything else changes it from forced to chance.
100.000 is disabled, setting RareNum0 to 100.0000 disables crafts all together.
Once again .0000 is forced and 100.0000 is disabled.
Modifying any value here changes all the rates.

Here are the default values:
[OptionPoolRareNum]	RareNum0	RareNum5	RareNum6	RareNum7
1	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
2	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
3	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
4	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
5	99.9889	99.9989	99.9999	100.0000
6	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
7	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
8	95.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
9	99.9000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
10	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
11	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
12	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
13	.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
14	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
15	99.9889	99.9989	99.9999	100.0000
16	99.9889	99.9989	99.9999	100.0000
17	99.9889	99.9989	99.9999	100.0000

Leave this section alone until I have more time to investigate its properties, it may rely on another table in the OptionPool.


[OptionPoolForce] Controls Slot Options
Since this section is rather large I'll only refer to the lines that deal with IDX 13. 
Ill break this down by column:
OptionPoolForce is the entry place holder we are all used to by now.
OptPoolIdx is the IDX that the variables are for, below are the entries for idx 13.
ForceCode is the slot option itself, this value can be found in cabal_msg.enc to tell you what idx = what option.
Force Codes < Credit to balmungx30 for finding the values.
6 - attack rate
7 - defense rate
8 - Crit Dmg
9 - Crit Rate
10 - Min Damage 
Wep2Ratio Work in Progress.

Here are the default values:
[OptionPoolForce]	OptPoolIdx	ForceCode	Wep2Ratio	WepRation	SuitRatio	GloveRatio	BootRatio	HMetRatio
84	13	0	.0000	.0000	.0000	.0000	.0000	.0000
85	13	6	.0000	.0000	.0000	.0000	.0000	.0000
86	13	7	.0000	.0000	.0000	.0000	.0000	.0000
87	13	8	50.0000	50.0000	50.0000	50.0000	50.0000	50.0000
88	13	9	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
89	13	10	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
90	13	15	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000	100.0000
Upvote 0