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Adding Custom Items To Amber Mangos 

Initiate Mage
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Hello to everyone that's reading this post.

Recently I've been playing my own private WoW server using the Amber GUI and I have to say to a newb that can't create his own server to save his butt it's pretty awesome.

However recently I had this bright idea that it would be pretty awesome to add some custom items to Amber. Now as you all know I'm a complete newb and I have no idea how to do this, so in the end I found this http://forum.ragezone.com/f436/mangos-amber-releases-2-4-a-393756/index22.html#post3551235. Now I wondered if someone else has already asked this question so I skimmed through the forums but couldn't find a post as to adding custom items to Amber. Now I'm here asking how can I custom items to Amber?

BTW the site I use to create my items is and the file name of the Amber I installed is v10199_FullSetup.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Lord of the Legion
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
Yes, you can. I don't have Amber installed right now so I can't instruct you on exactly how but this is basically it. In your Amber folder, there's another folder named SQLYog. That's the database management tool you'll use to edit the database.

In one of the tabs in Amber, you can edit the mangos.conf file, in that look for the database (It'll be something like;3306;mangos;mangos;mangos).

The first is the hostname, the second is the port. The third is the SQL username, the fourth is the password and the last is the database. With that info you can connect to it's database using SQLYog (But only when you have the SQL server running via Amber).

Considering Amber is just a pre-install/GUI of MaNGOS, yes, items made through WoW-V will work
Initiate Mage
Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Before I read your "help" I was browsing through some old posts and came upon this http://forum.ragezone.com/f114/importing-custom-items-301352/. To be quite honest I had no idea what they were talking about so I then decided to take a quick peak at the new comment I had and BY GOD. Finally everything made sense.

So for Future Reference:

1: First you have to locate your mangosd.conf file in your mangos dir

If you'll take a look at the screenshot below you see what file you need to open and the location of you mangos dir (more or less depending on your own installation)

Jacques1990 - Adding Custom Items To Amber - RaGEZONE Forums

2: When you open your mangosd.conf file you'll have to find your database and SQL information. You'll notice the red box in the screen below contains that information and yours should be more or less in the same location.

Jacques1990 - Adding Custom Items To Amber - RaGEZONE Forums

3: Now before you get started you'll have to run the SQL server through the Amber GUI.

Jacques1990 - Adding Custom Items To Amber - RaGEZONE Forums

4: Now you can go to the SQLyog dir and open SQLyog.exe

Jacques1990 - Adding Custom Items To Amber - RaGEZONE Forums

5: When you run SQLyog.exe you'll have to create a new connection. I named my connection "mangos" but I guess you can call it whatever you want.

Jacques1990 - Adding Custom Items To Amber - RaGEZONE Forums

6: Now comes the time when you have to enter the information you gathered from your mangosd.conf file. The screen below should help you figure things out.

Jacques1990 - Adding Custom Items To Amber - RaGEZONE Forums

7: When all is done you'll have the same window as the screen does.

Jacques1990 - Adding Custom Items To Amber - RaGEZONE Forums

8: To import your custom item right-click on the mangos "database". The screen below should provide the rest.

Jacques1990 - Adding Custom Items To Amber - RaGEZONE Forums

9: When you clicked Restore From SQL Dump the window as in the screen should open. With this all you have to do is go to the dir where you stored your custom items file and click on "Execute"

Jacques1990 - Adding Custom Items To Amber - RaGEZONE Forums

I had no problems with this but when things go wrong you won't have a green bar.

So in short:

[ If you have full green bar and no messages, you have imported your item successfully, if error window pops up , you have something wrong with your file. in that case you have to open the file manually and change something yourelf (mostly entry id that can already exist in youtr database for other item or other often problem is incorrect sql syntax somewhere.]

and if you had a problem with my screens and such you can always follow what Darkicon and sylv100 said.

BTW +1000 Karma for both you guys.