its Australia highest form of internet is ADSL2+ (for home, untill 2015)I used to use adsl in around 2001 and 2002 didn't really work out and I only kept adsl until 2004
no one knows how to setup ADSL2+? lol really?
its Australia highest form of internet is ADSL2+ (for home, untill 2015)
there wasn't a default setting.
Telstra business ADSL service specialist signing in!
Who's your ISP?
ATM circuit (VPI/VCI) is correct for Australia - should always be 8/35
The QOS settings vary per modem so i leave it on defaults - QOS basically just makes sure each PC gets an "even" share of the bandwidth.
Connection type is fine, should be able to handle both PPPoE & PPPoA - Depends on ISP though
Encapsulation should be LLC (usually with PPPoE) or VC-MUX (usually with PPPoA) - Were there any LLC modes without bridging? Maybe routed LLC?
Authentication type depends on ISP - What other options do you have there?
No it's not.
Cable goes up to 100MB, & the NBN rollout has already started there are a few thousand people already on its 1GB connection.
That's ignoring Ethernet ISDN connections which give a constant 10MB or 100MB connection both upstream & downstream.
its Australia highest form of internet is ADSL2+ (for home, untill 2015)
there wasn't a default setting.
Speedtouch? Lol those are older than ADSL2+ itself![]()
In the other thread you said you've had it for about 11 years, surely that's just an ADSL1 modem? I thought the Netherlands was mainly cable & fiber?
GOOD NEWS EVERY ONE! i got a sms ta day saying my ADSL2+ service is now live, so i turn me modem on, only to find it wont connect, so i go into the setting check the line status, and say ADSL not dedected, so i pick up the the phone(home phone) to try to call them, only to fins the line is dead.... so i find a pay phone call AMnet up they say its not there fualt, so i call up telstra they find its there lines i have to wait till FRIDAY AT 7PM for the line to come back on, and im gessing that the ADSL2+ connection wont work, and i may have to wait another 7 days AGAIN!....fucking hell everying running smoothly untill telstra fucks it up.
GOOD NEWS EVERY ONE! i got a sms ta day saying my ADSL2+ service is now live, so i turn me modem on, only to find it wont connect, so i go into the setting check the line status, and say ADSL not dedected, so i pick up the the phone(home phone) to try to call them, only to fins the line is dead.... so i find a pay phone call AMnet up they say its not there fualt, so i call up telstra they find its there lines i have to wait till FRIDAY AT 7PM for the line to come back on, and im gessing that the ADSL2+ connection wont work, and i may have to wait another 7 days AGAIN!....fucking hell everying running smoothly untill telstra fucks it up.
They kept fucking me up too, Overcharging me for foxtel and shit.
Im especially sick of the indians (No offence intended) Who put on a fake australian accent and say that they are here to help, THEY ARENT. They are only there to cause more trouble.
I went without internet for three weeks after moving, But after when they fix everything its one of the best services out.
You will be surprised by the amount of Indian people with thick Indian accents who work in AUSTRALIAN call centers. One of my team members on a daily basis gets into an argument with a customer who is insisting he's overseas & he's trying to prove to them that he's not. If you're with Bigpond though i think all the call centers are in the Philippines, don't think we have any centers in India anymore.
i keep getting Americans, gess im just lucky![]()