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AeonRank (Formerly ASOMSR) -- Standalone Web Rankings

Mother effin' clouds
Loyal Member
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
Wow another awesome release.
Lol haven't seen u releasing for a while o.o


lol this is complicated o_O

Yea, I haven't been releasing cause I've been busy with other stuff :) And most of my projects are private, so yea... this is like one of the only public projects :)

I honestly have NO idea how to get this working.

Lol, I'm really sorry for the complexity :) It is after all for 'Educational Purposes'.

Nice nice,(Off topic:Mind helping me or dd this to this if you want, with online offline concept with images like localms. Ive tried user mysql_query and the fetch array and stuff but it effects the whole ranking not just one person..)

Also mind adding a demo of this :)?

Online/Offline concept like 'LocalMS' can be achieved via the Character Display script itself, just check the character's status and place an Online/Offline accordingly via ImageCopy PHP GD function, look it up.
I would not advise this though, for any sort of rankings, it is best to utilise MySQL to the least.

Make a tutorial bro !

Sure, hold up meanwhile though :)
There's quite a lot of things to mention xD

EPIC :D Hard to set up though, maybe add a tutorial but don't make it too nooby, easy enough for most people but not enough for noob leechers

The setup isn't that hard to be honest (refer to quote below).

i read in Kryptodev u gotta rename config.new in the folder 'Func'
to config.php and edit it

Yeap, there should be a config.new file in the /func folder.
Simply rename it to config.php and modify the settings accordingly and you should be good to go.

For the latest revision, find:
$class->getObject('template')->buildSkin('json'); // Template Worker

And change json to any of our available templates:
    private $common = array(
        'beta'            =>        'default',                // Available Skins (Installed)
        'gMS'            =>        'default-old',
        'mobile'        =>        'mobile',
        'json'            =>        'json'

beta, gms, mobile or json.

If you want to use the jQuery Branch (look under branches in the SVN) which is basically an "Ajax Ranking" then leave the skin to build as JSON.

He's just trying to look like he knows something >.>
edited: lol nevermind :) sorry for the confusions :S

On a side note, feel free to check out my pathetic documentations and readme files :) They have not been updated for ages (so it may be slightly inaccurate or ... crap).
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Legendary Battlemage
Loyal Member
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
Very interesting.
What made you want to release this?

"I originally developed it to 'test/revise/practice' my knownledge on various PHP methods/techniques especially to put various Design Patterns into use - Educational Purposes :)"

Cionide's blind.

I have a faster version of these rankings :]
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Junior Spellweaver
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
ive already edited my web to fit to my iphone's safari (btw speaking of apple u think that it sucks that u cant install OS X on ipad)
Experienced Elementalist
Mar 26, 2010
Reaction score
I guess there really is such a thing as being over excessively good.

edit: lol, I just saw this "RewriteRule ^.*$ [R,L]"
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Mother effin' clouds
Loyal Member
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
Very interesting.
What made you want to release this?
Like I said, Krypto has been down for some time now and I wanted to share this for 'educational purposes' and perhaps for someone interested in using it.

I guess there really is such a thing as being over excessively good.

edit: lol, I just saw this "RewriteRule ^.*$ [R,L]"
Hahaha that was just for lols ;)

JSON!! \o/
Yes. Json :p