AIKA ONLINE: Leak Server Files and Tools editing.

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Jan 29, 2023
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that said
  • The Database.rar has to be extracted into the C:\Database path, that's where the NPCs, charactersBase and backup accounts for the GMTOOL restoration system are located. aika_db_limpa is the .sql script for creation of tables within a mysqlvc database creates the aika_db schema and imports the script, thus creating the tables there is a configuration file at the root of the server, where the .exe is found accompanied by an AikaServer.inis this file in question holds the configurations of connection with the database and adverse configurations of the server. the IP's are in the SL.bin and to edit it use the ConfigServer.exe tool, also in the root of the executable server. the connection ports are: 8822 for the GameServer (Astur, Exodia , Leonides) and 8831 for the LoginServer(Last Journey)8090 for the TokenServer(generates your token from the login with ID and Password) the MasterEditor is the tool that edits things in the Data folder, editing items, skills, NPCs, quests , absolutely EVERYTHING.
Links for download of ServerFiles Source code, Tools source code, NPCs data, Characters data and .SQL script for creation of tables into mySQL Server schema.

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which client it uses?the old official one or the private server brasil one?

Database.rar has to be extracted into the C:\Database path, this is where the NPCs, charactersBase and backup accounts are located for the GMTOOL restoration system.

imports the script, thus creating the tables there is a configuration file at the root of the server, where the .exe is found accompanied by an AikaServer.inis this file in question keeps the configurations of connection with the database and adverse configurations of the server.
in SL.bin and to edit it use the ConfigServer.exe tool, also in the root of the executable server. the connection ports are: 8822 for GameServer(Astur, Exodia, Leonides)

and 8831 for LoginServer(Last Journey)8090 for the TokenServer (generates your token from the login with ID and Password)

the MasterEditor is the tool that edits things in the Data folder, editing items, skills, NPCs, quests, absolutely EVERYTHING
UPDATE:aika eng from aika reborn
01/29 22:24:40 - login coed2 : member/aika_get_token.asp id=admin&pw=admin 01/29 22:24:46 - login coed2 : member/aika_get_token.asp id=admin&pw=admin 01/29 22:25:19 - login coed2 : member/aika_get_token.asp id=123456&pw=123456

is not logging in but at least it connected
UPDATE:aika eng from aika reborn
01/29 22:24:40 - login coed2 : member/aika_get_token.asp id=admin&pw=admin 01/29 22:24:46 - login coed2 : member/aika_get_token.asp id=admin&pw=admin 01/29 22:25:19 - login coed2 : member/aika_get_token.asp id=123456&pw=123456

is not logging in but at least it connected

look like it can't connect to WebServer?

Any idea about token invalid?

ziZyUHI - AIKA ONLINE: Leak Server Files and Tools editing. - RaGEZONE Forums
we probably need the correct client with packets that match

the brasil client doesnt open aikabr.exe,it wants to use the launcher
the reborn one has missmatched packets
also try this in settings.txt in client folder its from the old emu

the packet number i think it was in an ini file in serverside
rafinhadrosa332 - AIKA ONLINE: Leak Server Files and Tools editing. - RaGEZONE Forums
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could post a more complete tutorial, suffering some difficulties here
could post a more complete tutorial, suffering some difficulties here
there is no tutorial
setup the server database,launch aika server the rest launch automatically with it dont need webserver or login server
then try to connect with client wich fails
in db there are account with md5 pass
Senzoku how did you connect the client to webserver?
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provavelmente precisamos do cliente correto com pacotes que correspondem

ao cliente brasil não abre aikabr.exe,ele quer usar o iniciador
o reborn tem pacotes incompatíveis
@ Senzoku
também tente isso em settings.txt na pasta do cliente é do emu antigo,

o número do pacote, acho que estava em um arquivo ini no lado do servidor
rafinhadrosa332 - AIKA ONLINE: Leak Server Files and Tools editing. - RaGEZONE Forums

experiencing problems connecting to the server. using their client,

rafinhadrosa332 - AIKA ONLINE: Leak Server Files and Tools editing. - RaGEZONE Forums
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experiencing problems connecting to the server. using their client,

rafinhadrosa332 - AIKA ONLINE: Leak Server Files and Tools editing. - RaGEZONE Forums

Tried using this client and I doesn't open. Also the windows defender finds a trojan

experiencing problems connecting to the server. using their client,

rafinhadrosa332 - AIKA ONLINE: Leak Server Files and Tools editing. - RaGEZONE Forums

Tried using this client and I doesn't open. Also the windows defender finds a trojan

themida packed probably false possitive?

i tried this client,it opens,idk what im doing wrong i cant connect to server
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I ran it anyways and it opened this time. I got the server running but when I try to login to the game it says that my password is wrong :/
I changed it directly to the database but it doesn't change a thing. funny thing is that when I open LoginServer (not AikaServer right away) I get a different error in the client, instead of "wrong password" I get " It's not possible to connect to the server"

do you guys have this authentication server and gameserver files? I guess it would solve the token thing when creating a new account (just a guess)
I downloaded this client from them, they released it for people to play, I was trying to use it, in this case how did you get it to run there? Could you shed some light... I can run everything on a vps, but it doesn't connect to the client.
am getting either "wrong id" or error is not possible to connect to server

Hey, I got the server to run and to connect to the client and database! it works when I log in to the server, the only thing now is that I get this message when I try to actully enter the server AikaClient 2023-02-01 01-01-07 - AIKA ONLINE: Leak Server Files and Tools editing. - RaGEZONE Forums

"Client outdated, Open via launcher as administrator"
tell me how did you do that
for version there are version numbers in client and serverside configs