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AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post)

Initiate Mage
Sep 29, 2020
Reaction score
Please tell me how to get into GM WEB ?
In the aion_log database, there are two users in the TBL_ADMIN_USER table, superuser and MainDev, with encrypted passwords. What methods are they encrypted with or how do I create a new user in this table or can someone know the password?
Also in the folder Gmserver found the file ID.TXT and it contains the data for logging in to GMWEB login: maindev password: Navy486676 but the password does not fit.
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
Please tell me how to get into GM WEB ?
In the aion_log database, there are two users in the TBL_ADMIN_USER table, superuser and MainDev, with encrypted passwords. What methods are they encrypted with or how do I create a new user in this table or can someone know the password?
Also in the folder Gmserver found the file ID.TXT and it contains the data for logging in to GMWEB login: maindev password: Navy486676 but the password does not fit.

Junior Spellweaver
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
The Housing system are working fine.
sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

*** For someone who having about the housing system problem.(Can’t bid a house)
Due to the initail server has not been registered the house for auction. So you can do it with GM user.

How to
- Go to the house which you want to bid.
- Use the Gm panel (Shift + F1) Click tab Housing.
- Click register the house.(Button below)
- The broad shoud be showed and you can bid the house.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 13, 2015
Reaction score
It has been resolved, thank you.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 14, 2021
Reaction score
Hey, so I tried to go through the ODBC File DSN steps, but when I click finish, I have the following error message and can't continue:

Connection failed.PNG - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums
sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums


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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 14, 2021
Reaction score
It turned out I had to restart my computer and add 1433 on all ports on that window.

Now, I got an even stranger error.

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio------------------------------Class does not support aggregation (or class object is remote) (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040110 (CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION)) (mscorlib)------------------------------BUTTONS:OK------------------------------

People online says that I need to reinstall Server Client tools, but what exactly are the server client tools?

So, when attempting to create a new account with this server, the account creation tool hangs then displays this message

Error 4 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

Is this normal behavior or no? I got most of the servers and configs to work, but there were a LOT of error messages, especially in the NPC one and MAIN one.


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Initiate Mage
May 4, 2015
Reaction score
Hey someone with a working GMServer mine gives me an error ... ?
Skilled Illusionist
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
It turned out I had to restart my computer and add 1433 on all ports on that window.

Now, I got an even stranger error.

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio------------------------------Class does not support aggregation (or class object is remote) (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040110 (CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION)) (mscorlib)------------------------------BUTTONS:OK------------------------------

People online says that I need to reinstall Server Client tools, but what exactly are the server client tools?

So, when attempting to create a new account with this server, the account creation tool hangs then displays this message

View attachment 170050

Is this normal behavior or no? I got most of the servers and configs to work, but there were a LOT of error messages, especially in the NPC one and MAIN one.

The error you are seeing on the account creation tool is thrown because the .NET ODBC Driver did not find the specified MSSQL hostname. Most likely you need to fix your ODBC with a proper host (name or IP addr) for it to work.

About the red erros you are seeing on server startup (and also while it is running): they are almost all normal and caused mostly by NCSoft's own mess. The only error that you must be aware of is anything on the likes of 'thread cycle took longer than expected to run' (measured in ms). That means that the server is running too slow and may cause several crashes.

If you want to create your own account creation tool, I've uploaded a full Website with a registration script included https://forum.ragezone.com/f587/release-jetweb-simple-aion-4-a-1198275/ @Services/Aion/AionAccountFactory.cs

Hey someone with a working GMServer mine gives me an error ... ?

Here you go:
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Skilled Illusionist
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
The account creator is not even needed.

If you don't have a website you should just let the MSSQL procedure to automatically register the account on the first login. The default database provided here at this forum already does that.
Initiate Mage
May 4, 2015
Reaction score
Thank you but its does not work for me I do not understand everything works except its ....

sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

sthaporn12 - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums

Yes I did what you told me in mp :/

tRtTQ - AION 4.6 retail server file (Re-post) - RaGEZONE Forums


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