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amm hello :3

Scarlet Dreamz ~waves~
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
Hy to everyone :3 , im kinda new on this stuff of create a server etc :3, i created mine just 2 days ago, and im getting some bugs, like, when i go to eucaria, and try to buy some mage cloths, the game just close, whitout a message or something, and not only on that city, in junon, when y try to buy skill the game crashes D:, can anyone help me please... oo almost forgot, the most important bug that i have is, when i try to get item like /item (id)
appear something like, no free slots,, or when i create them and drop it, to try to get it, it says, u can carrie more items D., and my inv is empty , can someone please help me T^T, btw if im in a worng section im sorry, im new :3
Look..I Can Fly~!
Loyal Member
Apr 8, 2007
Reaction score
first of all welcome,
2nd give us some information about:
- Irose or Evo
- Rev
- Client

then we can see what we can fix ^^ else try the Search button if im sure some were ask some time ago already ^^
Scarlet Dreamz ~waves~
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
Thx for the welcome ^-^. its a pleasure to be here :3

and answering your questions:

1.- evo
2.- im using v76, cuz qhen i use v80, the game just dont start.
3.-and client, the most new, 171 ^-^

i already search on the forum, and i found one, but said this:

check ur ports: mine are all open
newwest client: got it
gameguard patch (newest) : got it :3

and when i go to town and buy something "poof" game closes D:


OK, lets get clear something

i have tried to create a server 8 times from "0" atm... and nothing,,, and yes, the acces level is 100, is not 300
the worldserver,charserver and login server i have tried in 3 ways,

1.- leave the ip as
2.- change the ip to my wan ip.. (whatsmyip.org)
3.- dont remember this one but o well xD.

i use mysql and sql and xampp basic and nothing,,,
my ports are open and nothing....

i still getting the error that maintence thingy... im so tired now T^T

, i used fullserver v76 and i finally get in, but i get alot of bugs like, when i try to buy something from some npcs, the game just close, , please guys, im really desesperate, help me to buil my server D:

EDIT: now i just put the v80 files whitout touching anything, and now i can enter, use gm comands etc but still got these bugs

1.- when i buy from an npc, still crashing the game... this is what i get on worldserver.exe
IHXFRYZZ - amm hello :3 - RaGEZONE Forums

after try to buy something, "poff" bye bye game xD

2.- when i try to get an item using a gm comand, i can get it, it said, no free slots D:
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Look..I Can Fly~!
Loyal Member
Apr 8, 2007
Reaction score
you use Navicat for ur database?
and check the STBs ;) (its in ur server files)
Scarlet Dreamz ~waves~
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
well y tried navicat, but i preffer.. err... sql, the one whit xampp basic paccage, im not really, sure, i use er... ~check hes pc~ SQLyog, was easy to use like navicat, but i like these one more, anyways, wheres exacctly STB. i cant find it anywhere T^T

Anyways, do u think that can make my server stop crashing each time i try to buy something, and let me get items whit gm comands?
Scarlet Dreamz ~waves~
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
sorry for the double post ._. ... i double click xD, sorry ^_^,
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
just put the right STB files, same as the client ones.
Scarlet Dreamz ~waves~
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
Whats STB? .. remember that im kinda new D:

Edit: wth!, i just noticed that i don got any bts, i read on other topics 2 using the buton search" and i download one , but why wasnt on my server.. thats weird...
ill try them, and let u know if it works or no..

Edit: ok...got an error balh blah blah x_x.... that bts didnt work... but in the topic where i get it it said it was old, can anyone upload, or xplain me, where can i get a full server whit a bts, cuz the one i got dont load any bts, and dont got any bts on it.. can someboyde uploade it please :3..... it will be really helpfull for me.. :3...ok im starting to get in to this...

so the worldserver.exe must load bts ( dont know how but it does) but i got v80 and dont load anything.. and i dont got a folder named it bts.. i dowload one, but didnt work.. any help x_x?
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Look..I Can Fly~!
Loyal Member
Apr 8, 2007
Reaction score
wait if you use evo you dont need STBs
your just missing the left data, ill upload it <3

download it and unrar in ur server files ^^ overwrite the old
Scarlet Dreamz ~waves~
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
Nothing D:... i tried to buy some magic items on eucaria lunce and nothing ._. T^T .. but u know something Lexil123... in a forum here i found some worldserver.exe whit one sbt, and aparent evo tried to load it, but i got the error that some query dosnt exist, im so frustrated now T^T, i only got that errors, and i whant to solve them D: ..

Btw Lexil123... i got another question, what i need to put in whare so people can play in my server, cuz, im playing now whiout editing nothing, the login world and char..conf are whit the ip and the defual options, but i think i need to put my ip in somewhere, and if i do that all i got is the message ~servers are currently in maintance~ and i dont got nothing bad, my ports are open, besides im using a cablemodem, can u help me to telling me what i have to do, and please, help me to solve the error whit the items D:

Thx for helping all thtis time :3 :w00t2:

~my server is under construction till lexil and some people help me to finish it :3 :construct~
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
you don't need STBs ok, but you may need csv files from STB
Look..I Can Fly~!
Loyal Member
Apr 8, 2007
Reaction score
if you want other people to join you must open your ports and use your WAN ip (search around for sites that tell u that^^)
im kinda thinking about your problem ^^ add me on msn if you have msn ^^
