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Anyone here crypto expert?...

Initiate Mage
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone here awesome with a dissasembler and cracking a blowfish encryption algoritm for a mmorpg ?

( i wont name what game here yet ) but we already made the update server and startet on the login server...


blowfish blow's... i cant crack it :~

pm me or leave some info if you are awesome to decrypt / disasemble code (eg with disasm or IDA Pro)

we need the algoritm to be able to get the opcode's/commands from the packets (btw i made a packet logger already with hexoutput, but without the blowfish decryption its pretty much useless).
Experienced Elementalist
Mar 10, 2003
Reaction score
"Blowfish is a symmetric block cipher"

Your chanses of breaking the encription at stream level are null, forget about it, it ain't going to happen...

There are 2 vatrians from here:
1. The keys are hardcoded in the game-code (highly unlikely)

If this is true you got a ipotetical chance of finding them trought reverse engineering the game code...heh...

2. The keys are negotiated using strong (1024bit+) asimetric encription. This is the standard approach.

Your only chanse of see-ing the acctual data trasmitted and received is the hack deep into the game code, and find points that are before the data si encripted and send, and after the data is received and decoded.
Initiate Mage
Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
well they had to do something, or else how does the server know what that client is telling them..

you must be able to decrypt what it encrypts or else they woudnt understand eachother..

i know it sends 3 packets

server -> client auth
client -> server info
server -> client auth responce.

i belive that is exchanging the key.