The conversion does not work. Every time I run Python, it shows an error that there is no data in the database.
Please help me out! I am providing C# code. I can write to the database using Winform, but not Python.
Please help me out! I am providing C# code. I can write to the database using Winform, but not Python.
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace RegisterAccount
public class MainForm : Form
private TextBox tbLogin;
private TextBox tbPwd;
private TextBox tbConfirm;
private TextBox tbEmail; // 新增的邮箱文本框
private TextBox tbPhone; // 新增的电话号码文本框
private Button btnRegister;
private Label lblLogin;
private Label lblPwd;
private Label lblConfirm;
private Label lblEmail;
private Label lblPhone;
private Label label1;
private static readonly Regex PwdRegex = new Regex("^[\\x20-\\xFF]{4,16}$");
public MainForm()
private void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (tbConfirm.Text != tbPwd.Text)
MessageBox.Show("密码与确认密码不符!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
byte[] value = null;
string encryptPwd = string.Empty;
value = GetAccountPasswordHash(tbConfirm.Text);
encryptPwd = "0x" + BitConverter.ToString(value).Replace("-", "");
catch (ArgumentException)
MessageBox.Show("密码必须是4至16个字母或数字!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
using (SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection("Server=;Database=AionAccounts;User Id=sa;Password=123456;Connection Timeout=200"))
using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = sqlConnection.CreateCommand())
sqlCommand.CommandText = "agent_CreateAccount";
sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ggid", Guid.NewGuid());
sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@account", tbLogin.Text);
sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@password", SqlDbType.VarBinary).Value = GetAccountPasswordHash(tbConfirm.Text);
sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", tbEmail.Text); // 使用用户输入的邮箱
sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@mobile", tbPhone.Text); // 使用用户输入的电话号码
sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@question1", string.Empty);
sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@question2", string.Empty);
sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@answer1", new byte[1]);
sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@answer2", new byte[1]);
SqlParameter sqlParameter = sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@ReturnVal", SqlDbType.Int);
sqlParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
int num = (int)sqlParameter.Value;
if (num == 0)
MessageBox.Show("账户创建失败!登录名已存在!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
else if (num == 8)
MessageBox.Show("账户创建失败!邮箱地址已存在!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
else if (num == 9)
MessageBox.Show("账户创建失败!手机号码已存在!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("账户创建成功!", num), "信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
private void InitializeComponent()
this.tbLogin = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
this.tbPwd = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
this.tbConfirm = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
this.tbEmail = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
this.tbPhone = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
this.btnRegister = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
this.lblLogin = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this.lblPwd = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this.lblConfirm = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this.lblEmail = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this.lblPhone = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
// tbLogin
this.tbLogin.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(100, 20);
this.tbLogin.Name = "tbLogin";
this.tbLogin.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(150, 21);
this.tbLogin.TabIndex = 1;
// tbPwd
this.tbPwd.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(100, 50);
this.tbPwd.Name = "tbPwd";
this.tbPwd.PasswordChar = '*';
this.tbPwd.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(150, 21);
this.tbPwd.TabIndex = 3;
// tbConfirm
this.tbConfirm.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(100, 80);
this.tbConfirm.Name = "tbConfirm";
this.tbConfirm.PasswordChar = '*';
this.tbConfirm.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(150, 21);
this.tbConfirm.TabIndex = 5;
// tbEmail
this.tbEmail.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(100, 110);
this.tbEmail.Name = "tbEmail";
this.tbEmail.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(150, 21);
this.tbEmail.TabIndex = 7;
// tbPhone
this.tbPhone.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(100, 140);
this.tbPhone.Name = "tbPhone";
this.tbPhone.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(150, 21);
this.tbPhone.TabIndex = 9;
// btnRegister
this.btnRegister.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(83, 210);
this.btnRegister.Name = "btnRegister";
this.btnRegister.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 30);
this.btnRegister.TabIndex = 10;
this.btnRegister.Text = "注册";
this.btnRegister.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnRegister_Click);
// lblLogin
this.lblLogin.AutoSize = true;
this.lblLogin.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 20);
this.lblLogin.Name = "lblLogin";
this.lblLogin.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(59, 12);
this.lblLogin.TabIndex = 0;
this.lblLogin.Text = "游戏账号:";
// lblPwd
this.lblPwd.AutoSize = true;
this.lblPwd.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 50);
this.lblPwd.Name = "lblPwd";
this.lblPwd.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(59, 12);
this.lblPwd.TabIndex = 2;
this.lblPwd.Text = "游戏密码:";
// lblConfirm
this.lblConfirm.AutoSize = true;
this.lblConfirm.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 80);
this.lblConfirm.Name = "lblConfirm";
this.lblConfirm.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(59, 12);
this.lblConfirm.TabIndex = 4;
this.lblConfirm.Text = "确认密码:";
// lblEmail
this.lblEmail.AutoSize = true;
this.lblEmail.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 110);
this.lblEmail.Name = "lblEmail";
this.lblEmail.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(59, 12);
this.lblEmail.TabIndex = 6;
this.lblEmail.Text = "电子邮箱:";
// lblPhone
this.lblPhone.AutoSize = true;
this.lblPhone.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 140);
this.lblPhone.Name = "lblPhone";
this.lblPhone.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(59, 12);
this.lblPhone.TabIndex = 8;
this.lblPhone.Text = "安全密码:";
// label1
this.label1.AutoSize = true;
this.label1.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
this.label1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("微软雅黑", 10.5F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(134)));
this.label1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
this.label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(18, 176);
this.label1.Name = "label1";
this.label1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(275, 19);
this.label1.TabIndex = 11;
this.label1.Text = "注意:安全密码用于密码重置及找回密码!";
this.label1.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.TopCenter;
// MainForm
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(315, 252);
this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle;
this.MaximizeBox = false;
this.Name = "MainForm";
this.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
this.Text = "账号注册程序";
public static byte[] GetAccountPasswordHash(string input)
byte[] array = new byte[17];
byte[] array2 = new byte[17];
byte[] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input);
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
array[i + 1] = bytes[i];
array2[i + 1] = array[i + 1];
long num = (long)((ulong)array[1] + (ulong)array[2] * 256UL + (ulong)array[3] * 65536UL + (ulong)array[4] * 16777216UL);
long num2 = num * 213119L + 2529077L;
num2 -= num2 / 4294967296L * 4294967296L;
num = (long)((ulong)array[5] + (ulong)array[6] * 256UL + (ulong)array[7] * 65536UL + (ulong)array[8] * 16777216UL);
long num3 = num * 213247L + 2529089L;
num3 -= num3 / 4294967296L * 4294967296L;
num = (long)((ulong)array[9] + (ulong)array[10] * 256UL + (ulong)array[11] * 65536UL + (ulong)array[12] * 16777216UL);
long num4 = num * 213203L + 2529589L;
num4 -= num4 / 4294967296L * 4294967296L;
num = (long)((ulong)array[13] + (ulong)array[14] * 256UL + (ulong)array[15] * 65536UL + (ulong)array[16] * 16777216UL);
long num5 = num * 213821L + 2529997L;
num5 -= num5 / 4294967296L * 4294967296L;
array[4] = (byte)(num2 / 16777216L);
array[3] = (byte)((num2 - (long)((int)array[4] * 16777216)) / 65536L);
array[2] = (byte)((num2 - (long)((int)array[4] * 16777216) - (long)((int)array[3] * 65536)) / 256L);
array[1] = (byte)(num2 - (long)((int)array[4] * 16777216) - (long)((int)array[3] * 65536) - (long)((int)array[2] * 256));
array[8] = (byte)(num3 / 16777216L);
array[7] = (byte)((num3 - (long)((ulong)array[8] * 16777216UL)) / 65536L);
array[6] = (byte)((num3 - (long)((ulong)array[8] * 16777216UL) - (long)((int)array[7] * 65536)) / 256L);
array[5] = (byte)(num3 - (long)((ulong)array[8] * 16777216UL) - (long)((int)array[7] * 65536) - (long)((int)array[6] * 256));
array[12] = (byte)(num4 / 16777216L);
array[11] = (byte)((num4 - (long)((ulong)array[12] * 16777216UL)) / 65536L);
array[10] = (byte)((num4 - (long)((ulong)array[12] * 16777216UL) - (long)((int)array[11] * 65536)) / 256L);
array[9] = (byte)(num4 - (long)((ulong)array[12] * 16777216UL) - (long)((int)array[11] * 65536) - (long)((int)array[10] * 256));
array[16] = (byte)(num5 / 16777216L);
array[15] = (byte)((num5 - (long)((ulong)array[16] * 16777216UL)) / 65536L);
array[14] = (byte)((num5 - (long)((ulong)array[16] * 16777216UL) - (long)((int)array[15] * 65536)) / 256L);
array[13] = (byte)(num5 - (long)((ulong)array[16] * 16777216UL) - (long)((int)array[15] * 65536) - (long)((int)array[14] * 256));
array2[1] = (byte)(array2[1] ^ array[1]);
int j = 1;
while (j < 16)
array2[j] = (byte)(array2[j] ^ array2[j - 1] ^ array[j]);
j = 0;
while (j < 16)
bool flag2 = array2[j] == 0;
if (flag2)
array2[j] = 102;
byte[] array3 = new byte[16];
Buffer.BlockCopy(array2, 1, array3, 0, 16);
return array3;
public static string ToHexString(byte[] bytes) // 0xae00cf => "AE00CF "
string hexString = string.Empty;
if (bytes != null)
System.Text.StringBuilder strB = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
hexString = strB.ToString();
return hexString;
public static class Program
static void Main()
Application.Run(new MainForm());
from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
import re
import hashlib
import pyodbc
import uuid
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/register', methods=['POST'])
def register():
data = request.get_json()
account = data['account']
pwd = data['password']
confirm = data['confirm']
email = data['email']
phone = data['phone']
if confirm != pwd:
return jsonify({'error': 'Password and confirm password do not match'})
if not re.match("^[\\x20-\\xFF]{4,16}$", pwd):
return jsonify({'error': 'Password must be 4 to 16 alphanumeric characters'})
password_hash = get_account_password_hash(confirm)
conn_str = 'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=;DATABASE=AionAccounts;UID=sa;PWD=123456'
conn = pyodbc.connect(conn_str)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("EXEC agent_CreateAccount @ggid=?, @account=?, @password=?, @email=?, @mobile=?, @question1=?, @question2=?, @answer1=?, @answer2=?",
(str(uuid.uuid4()), account, password_hash, email, phone, '', '', bytearray([0]), bytearray([0])))
return jsonify({'message': 'Account created successfully'})
except pyodbc.Error as e:
error_message = str(e)
if '登录名已存在' in error_message:
return jsonify({'error': 'Account creation failed! Account name already exists'})
elif '邮箱地址已存在' in error_message:
return jsonify({'error': 'Account creation failed! Email address already exists'})
elif '手机号码已存在' in error_message:
return jsonify({'error': 'Account creation failed! Phone number already exists'})
return jsonify({'error': 'Account creation failed!'})
def get_account_password_hash(input):
array = bytearray([0] * 17)
array2 = bytearray([0] * 17)
bytes = input.encode('ascii')
for i in range(len(input)):
array[i + 1] = bytes[i]
array2[i + 1] = array[i + 1]
num = int.from_bytes(array[1:5], byteorder='little')
num2 = num * 213119 + 2529077
num2 -= num2 // 4294967296 * 4294967296
num = int.from_bytes(array[5:9], byteorder='little')
num3 = num * 213247 + 2529089
num3 -= num3 // 4294967296 * 4294967296
num = int.from_bytes(array[9:13], byteorder='little')
num4 = num * 213203 + 2529589
num4 -= num4 // 4294967296 * 4294967296
num = int.from_bytes(array[13:17], byteorder='little')
num5 = num * 213821 + 2529997
num5 -= num5 // 4294967296 * 4294967296
array[4] = (num2 // 16777216) & 0xFF
array[3] = (num2 // 65536) & 0xFF
array[2] = (num2 // 256) & 0xFF
array[1] = num2 & 0xFF
array[8] = (num3 // 16777216) & 0xFF
array[7] = (num3 // 65536) & 0xFF
array[6] = (num3 // 256) & 0xFF
array[5] = num3 & 0xFF
array[12] = (num4 // 16777216) & 0xFF
array[11] = (num4 // 65536) & 0xFF
array[10] = (num4 // 256) & 0xFF
array[9] = num4 & 0xFF
array[16] = (num5 // 16777216) & 0xFF
array[15] = (num5 // 65536) & 0xFF
array[14] = (num5 // 256) & 0xFF
array[13] = num5 & 0xFF
for j in range(1, 17):
array2[j] = array2[j] ^ array2[j - 1] ^ array[j]
for j in range(16):
if array2[j] == 0:
array2[j] = 102
return array2[1:].hex()
if __name__ == '__main__':