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Application of Moderation for MMORPG sections

Experienced Elementalist
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Name: Cody
Current Age: (as of 2/19/13) 17
Current Location: Ohio, United States of America
Times Available: (Monday-Friday) 2pm - 11pm; (Weekends) Whenever required
Current Occupation: Quality Control and Shipping
Fluent Languages: English
Hobbies: Programming, Creative and technicial writing, Buying/Selling, Leadership
Interested Sections(based on level of profession): Habbo; Minecraft; Pokemon

I'm a seventeen year old junior in high school while also taking dual-credit college programming courses at a local college. I often find myself dwelling in random, highly creative ideas, so one day I began to write them down and am currently attempting to write a novel that I have absolutely no idea how to publish nor continue. I have a very beautiful, loving girlfriend whom of which I have been with for an extended period of time. If I don't understand something, my first instinct is to search the internet for it to figure it out before asking questions. If I am given a set of rules to abide by somebody of superior power than I, I follow them.

Why you should accept me as a moderator:
I have been apart of RaGEZONE for a while and I used to be really active in the Habbo section before I ended up randomly disappearing. I was only eleven or twelve at that time and now I am seventeen years of age and have matured myself to a physical and mental state to handle a community the size of RaGEZONE. You can expect a high level of professionalism and dedication out of me.

Why am I on RaGEZONE:
I joined RaGEZONE because of a coder named Mark131 whom of which coded a V13 Habbo Retro server (one of the firsts) and wanted me to advertise for him here. I quickly caught onto everything and became an active member of the community.

What I can contribute:
I can contribute a high amount of activity and dedication to a moderation position and projects that I take apart in. I am a known programmer with a very high amount of creativity. I am great at anything dealing with creating something new and fun, including stories, lore, buildings, etc. I have already contributed a large amount to the Habbo section a couple years ago and I completely understand that people who are better than myself have applied and I haven't done anything recently for that section.

Why I want to become a RaGEZONE moderator:
Well, I originally applied for the position of moderator in the Merchant Zone section and people told me not to jump into something like that and instead jump into something more general and lesser (even ChewBecca) and I decided to grab a few different sections that I have interests in. I think that I can contribute a new bold face to the RaGEZONE crowd(see what I did there?). I have high enjoyment in the sections I have listed above and would love to set a basis of activity and dedication to the RaGEZONE community.

This is a little difficult to explain because I've had so many, I was once a moderator at the formerly ************** (now just Otaku) in 2007 in their general section before I had to retire my very short-run for school. I used to run a vBulletin-managed forum called inLite Forums, dedicated to marketplace and private servers, which was also a short-run due to lack of funding. I used to run an internet-based non-profit organization called JUBA (now defunct) and had to deal with almost 600 teenagers ranging from thirteen to seventeen years of age in a community.

This time I definitely hope you can consider my application. I will gladly take HONEST feedback. Thanks!
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C# Programmer
Dec 11, 2009
Reaction score
Cody, you know as always, you've got a vouch from me, but the Habbo Section has other Applications that are more suitable for that position in that section although you are good in the Habbo Section, I just think you've been away so long that you need to contribute to that section a bit more first, to show what you can do!

Anyway, Good luck!
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Well of course! I understand that and even mentioned that in the application. I thank you for your honest feedback. I'd like to know what section you think I might be best suited for?
Experienced Elementalist
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Good luck! Your app looks great :D
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks! I changed a few things, I didn't want it to be exactly the same and I wanted to fix a few things I noticed with my last application.
Hoping to be accepted. I'm truly open to anything, because I can get into anything really quickly.
Legendary Battlemage
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
Few questions here. As childish as I may sound, being a 16 year old, I've played Pokémon for 13 years.
So, what do you know about Pokémon, and does your knowledge lie in the NDS games, ROM emulation or Web MMORPGs?

Personally, I feel the section is pretty clean. I'd be applying for it if my join date was in the requirement zone, but then again like I said, it's a pretty clean section.

The Minecraft section is moderated by Crawl, and he does a fairly good job, but maybe with different time zones you could be somewhat of a help.

Not even going to go into detail of the Habbo section.
I'd say try for the Minecraft; although I think bobsolol would be great for that section.

Another note. I know being a moderator isn't all about contributing, but I haven't seen any contributions from you in the sections (I'm not even going to look in the HH section). That being said, I don't think I've seen a single post from you in Minecraft/Pokémon.

Good luck, nevertheless.
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
I guess I haven't exactly contributed to them directly, but I can always quickly become a huge part of them.
My knowledge of Pokemon lies in the GBC, GBA, DS, 3DS, ROM, and the MMOs. Anything I don't know, I can easily and quickly learn.
Legendary Battlemage
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
I guess I haven't exactly contributed to them directly, but I can always quickly become a huge part of them.
My knowledge of Pokemon lies in the GBC, GBA, DS, 3DS, ROM, and the MMOs. Anything I don't know, I can easily and quickly learn.

Yeah but that's the thing.
"I'll make a contribution as soon as I'm mod" is basically what you've said, from my perspective. No posts in the sections at all wouldn't be moderator worthy, wether you start now or not. You usually apply for a section you've long been in, and posted in quite a lot.
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Sep 11, 2012
Reaction score
Personally, I think your application is great, and you are getting a vouch from me.
Seems to me like you have experience here, with vBulletin, and you've been here for like 7-8 years it's looking like. Your post count is also reasonable (most people that joined even way after you have 1,500+ posts), but that's fine. Just need to have active moderators on the forums.

And you said you're applying for "MMORPG Sections"? Meaning certain ones, you picked out, Habbo Hotel, Minecraft and Pokemon.
One little thing is that I haven't seem you in the Minecraft section, and I think there's enough moderators there at the moment for such a little section (doesn't get much attention).

But, in any case, great application, I vouch! Good luck.
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Well thanks, SilentThief!

I didn't mean for you to take it that way, that isn't how I meant it at all. I meant it as "I'm open to being apart of anything".
Web Developer
Loyal Member
Nov 5, 2009
Reaction score
You've applied for three very popular sections. Your applications seems detailed and I wish you the best of luck.
Legendary Battlemage
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
You've applied for three very popular sections. Your applications seems detailed and I wish you the best of luck.

Don't mean to be rude, but the "Minecraft" and "Pokémon" sections aren't considered as "very popular".
Experienced Elementalist
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Well, I put those sections because I would rather start out in a smaller section due to the fact that it's a huge community and I'd like to develop myself as a moderator before attacking a big section.