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Application section

Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
So, it's not a big deal..

And I haven't checked if it adds to your post count or not.

But can we lay down some rule that if a friend or someone is going to reply to a application it needs to be a useful post like, an actual explanation of why this person deserve to be mod or your past experiences with this person.

because it seems like people are just trying to get extra posts or I really have no idea when they're like "great app +1 for you mangggggg" "I hope you get it you'll do great" or "BLAHBLAH FOR MOD"

I have no idea if it gives the applicant a greater chance but I think an uneducated opinion wont make any difference and is more or less just spam.

Can you not leave it to the people who actually know the applicant and there actual experience.. for isn't a more efficient reply, "well derp is a very good mod on my forum seems to keep the other mods in place and comes up with great ideas for my forum, derp also is extremely active and is constantly suggesting things to help improve my community, derp knows anything and everything about (section), he will not let you down"

I mean it doesn't have to be exactly like the above example but sheesh it's just starting to turn into people saying "thanks" on releases.

And a simple like could do if you have nothing constructive to say about the application, Instead of going DERR I LIKE DIS APP BRO
Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
So, it's not a big deal..

And I haven't checked if it adds to your post count or not.

But can we lay down some rule that if a friend or someone is going to reply to a application it needs to be a useful post like, an actual explanation of why this person deserve to be mod or your past experiences with this person.

because it seems like people are just trying to get extra posts or I really have no idea when they're like "great app +1 for you mangggggg" "I hope you get it you'll do great" or "BLAHBLAH FOR MOD"

I have no idea if it gives the applicant a greater chance but I think an uneducated opinion wont make any difference and is more or less just spam.

Can you not leave it to the people who actually know the applicant and there actual experience.. for isn't a more efficient reply, "well derp is a very good mod on my forum seems to keep the other mods in place and comes up with great ideas for my forum, derp also is extremely active and is constantly suggesting things to help improve my community, derp knows anything and everything about (section), he will not let you down"

I mean it doesn't have to be exactly like the above example but sheesh it's just starting to turn into people saying "thanks" on releases.

And a simple like could do if you have nothing constructive to say about the application, Instead of going DERR I LIKE DIS APP BRO

lol @ my app being filled with poop like this.