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Mar 31, 2012
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I was designing this website out of boredom and to increase my skill level. I made it out of what I think some children need, Art.

So this is the product which came out of it:
Cyndaquil - ArtUK - RaGEZONE Forums

Cyndaquil - ArtUK - RaGEZONE Forums
Cyndaquil - ArtUK - RaGEZONE Forums

Last edited:
Dec 15, 2009
Reaction score
I have no idea how should I say about this one @@, the purple colors stand out TOO much, almost hurt my eyes :(
and the colorful rainbows are pixelate obviously, anti-alias should fix it or use eraser or something...

its bad....sorry
Junior Spellweaver
Apr 4, 2012
Reaction score
The Layout on the top part is alright, but underneath in the purple bit the text is scattered across the page. The font choice is good and clear, but background colours are too strong so make them paler or a grayscale colour and use colourful images instead. Nav is basic and looks plain. The wave lines are pixelated like what Nub said.
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
NubPro, kinda harsh. It's not bad..good lord.

Purple is in need of change. Also, I would take the advice from Panda.
Jul 2, 2008
Reaction score
0.0..looking at the comments, I'm pretty surprised.
I think it looks good, it's nice and simple, and I think it's suitable for the audience that it is trying to direct to (kids).
Only problem is that, the transition from blue to purple is a bad idea.
Purple is to much of a strong color to go to from blue.
Skilled Illusionist
Nov 21, 2012
Reaction score
The art world is a cruel, cruel world. NubPro, valid input.. but I don't think you should condone this as "bad", as I've seen much (and I mean much) worse. As many have said, purple must go. It doesn't contrast, nor is it visually appealing. I'd alter some of the text too, while it's suppose to be professional, perhaps have an artsy theme to it.
Dec 15, 2009
Reaction score
Im bad..ikr :\
Im much more keen with the blue one, 1 tiny favor, can u pls smaller down ur footer, it will look way more professional
I couldn't consider this is a good design, cuz it looks too over simplistic, it can be done within 30 minutes, I'm pretty sure that's the time you took, 30mins n that's it.
I believe u dun understand the concept of a website design, its different, you will found out why when u start coding this into a live web
Mar 31, 2012
Reaction score
Im bad..ikr :\
Im much more keen with the blue one, 1 tiny favor, can u pls smaller down ur footer, it will look way more professional
I couldn't consider this is a good design, cuz it looks too over simplistic, it can be done within 30 minutes, I'm pretty sure that's the time you took, 30mins n that's it.
I believe u dun understand the concept of a website design, its different, you will found out why when u start coding this into a live web

NubPro - it is a simple website because it is a website for children. Children aren't going to go to a majorly complicated website.


Junior Spellweaver
Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
Well I for one think it's a great design! Yes, it is simple - but sometimes in some situations, simple IS good. Keep up the good work, man. And don't let peoples' harsh comments stop you.

NubPro - really? I don't want to start anything or go off topic, but come on man. You say it's too over simplistic, but when I look at your minecraft design- I wonder... I believe YOU don't understand the concept of web design. I wish you would give people constructive criticism in a less harsh way.
Mar 31, 2012
Reaction score
Well I for one think it's a great design! Yes, it is simple - but sometimes in some situations, simple IS good. Keep up the good work, man. And don't let peoples' harsh comments stop you.

NubPro - really? I don't want to start anything or go off topic, but come on man. You say it's too over simplistic, but when I look at your minecraft design- I wonder... I believe YOU don't understand the concept of web design. I wish you would give people constructive criticism in a less harsh way.

thank you man :)
Dec 15, 2009
Reaction score
Well I for one think it's a great design! Yes, it is simple - but sometimes in some situations, simple IS good. Keep up the good work, man. And don't let peoples' harsh comments stop you.

NubPro - really? I don't want to start anything or go off topic, but come on man. You say it's too over simplistic, but when I look at your minecraft design- I wonder... I believe YOU don't understand the concept of web design. I wish you would give people constructive criticism in a less harsh way.
sometimes you gotta accept criticism from others too, everyone has their own perspective view and that's my point of view.
So you are saying, I dun understand the concept? well could be way more specific and elaborate?
I'm not trying to act like I'm a pro guy, giving freaking stupid ideas.

I was designing this website out of boredom and to increase my skill level. I made it out of what I think some children need, Art.
Increase your skill level? so tell me, what had you really learn from this?

That is cute and colorful, certainly creative than yours.

I kinda off-topic, but I still need to repeat this.
Everyone has their own perspective of deciding whether it's nice or ugly.
I'm just trying to say that art is not simply can be comfort by everybody, since you post right here, then I think we had the choice to write out what we had to say instead of ignoring at all.

Everyone has the space of improving, no one is ever perfect.

Expect less.
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C# Programmer
Dec 11, 2009
Reaction score
This design isn't bad at all, it certainly should of boosted your skills up.
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Oct 23, 2005
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Considering that you are doing this to improve your skills, then I dont think this is bad at all. I do think that you need to fill up the space at the top. It is a little too empty.

Are you leaving it open for a slider? Or more text? If so I would suggest putting a background behind the text. This will fill up the space, and give more of a purpose for the large open space at the top.

PS. To posters, any more shenanigans and I will infract :3
Mar 31, 2012
Reaction score
Considering that you are doing this to improve your skills, then I dont think this is bad at all. I do think that you need to fill up the space at the top. It is a little too empty.

Are you leaving it open for a slider? Or more text? If so I would suggest putting a background behind the text. This will fill up the space, and give more of a purpose for the large open space at the top.

PS. To posters, any more shenanigans and I will infract :3

I was planning on putting a slider there but I dunno how I would incorp it into it since i already tried and it looked abit iffy because it didn't fill up the whole top.
MC Web Designs
Oct 28, 2010
Reaction score
I have no idea how should I say about this one @@, the purple colors stand out TOO much, almost hurt my eyes :(
and the colorful rainbows are pixelate obviously, anti-alias should fix it or use eraser or something...

its bad....sorry

You obviously have no concept of design. I think the design is great, and very artistic within itself; the things it's promoting and the design of the website as-well.

Possible improvements?
1) Perhaps make the headings stand out a little more, not just an underline - it's basic, don't get me wrong basic is good, but I think they could be lightened a little more.

2) I think the content font-size should be a tad smaller, it's not far off the size of the header.

Overall, it's an extremely good attempt!

Well done, hope to see more!
Mar 31, 2012
Reaction score
You obviously have no concept of design. I think the design is great, and very artistic within itself; the things it's promoting and the design of the website as-well.

Possible improvements?
1) Perhaps make the headings stand out a little more, not just an underline - it's basic, don't get me wrong basic is good, but I think they could be lightened a little more.

2) I think the content font-size should be a tad smaller, it's not far off the size of the header.

Overall, it's an extremely good attempt!

Well done, hope to see more!

Thank You,
I will release V4 when I have actioned improvements based on this response!