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[Ascent][Release] Guide to being a great GM

Experienced Elementalist
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
Before we start let me say that this is a guide i made for my server gm's since they cannot grasp the concept of being a true gm, so I'm assuming that the gm's are all using A rank gm powers and it's not an all gm server.

First of all, I don't know about everyone else's gms, but my gms must meet a few requirements or they can't be gms.

-SPEAK ENGLISH. If I can't understand you, we can't communicate, you can't be gm. Second languages are fantastic since lots of people don't speak english on private servers, but please speak the admin's language before asking for gm.

-SPELL CORRECTLY. Christ, next time someone asks me if they "kan hav gm powarz plz" I'm going to commit suicide.

-USE THOTTBOT! The .lookup commands can sometimes lag the server HARD. Make sure you use thottbot instead of lagging your host's server.

Second of all, commands to a gm are very important. Since gm commands are text based, I'll show you the layout of most commands and then give you a list of my personal favorite commands that i find extremely useful.

Command syntax: .rootcommand subcommand args

The root command is, the root command (lol). It's the 'modify' in .modify speed 255, 'speed' being the sub command, and 255 being the args. Since args is a confusing word, it basically is the value/number of the sub command you're trying to accomplish.

You can get a list of commands by typing .commands or by typing a root command (E.G. If you type .cheat, .cheat's subcommands would show up)

Time for my favorite commands of all time.

.learn - nothing better than learning Divine Shield on a Warrior. the syntax for this command is: .learn spellidnumber. You can get spellid numbers by going to thottbot, looking up a spell, and looking at the number in the url
(E.g. '7' is the spell id, also my favorite spell XD)

The command will look like this: .learn 7

Handy eh?

.mount - Mount medivh and scream "CHILD MOLESTER CHILD MOLESTER" ftw. Command will look like this: .mount monsterdisplayid.
You can get a displayid by, (Since i really really dont like using the .lookup commands in game since it lags the server badly, i use thottbot for everything) going to thottbot and searching a creature with the looks you want, and in the url it'll have the number of the creature you want to look like ( , 23467 would be the creatureid) then in game go to a desert place like developer's playground or gm island if that place is not used much, then type .npc spawn creatureid and target him/it/her and type .npc info then scroll up to where it says displayid: number and type .mount numberyoujustgotfrom.npcinfo and then delete the creature.

.debug waterwalk - just what it looks like. Other debug commands suck or dont work, or majorly screw servers up, so dont do anything else in the debug root.

But being a gm isnt always about fun, sometimes you have to be mr. boring I-help-you-solve-all-your-problems-through-40-minute-conversations.

So, here's some commands that I use for these types of situations.

"kan u rez me?" Try not to press the ban button because he can't spell can right, and calmly tell him that you are not his personal witch and he can go run his butt over to his body. Not like that, but calmly. >_> Or, you can type .reviveplr name if all else fails.

"So-and-so spell isnt trained by the blagagaga trainer over in blechland" Look up the spell and rank of the spell on thottbot and teach it to him. Make sure hes not a paladin trying to learn soulstone though. .learn spellid

"kan i plz lern dagerz? i no im a palydin but thares this rly kool dager i got plz" Well, you could let him learn daggers, but only if you plan on giving every other paladin on the server daggers. Not. .Kick him and wait for an admin to come on, and he can decide the retards fate. (.kick playername)

"So-and-so is camping me/CCing me." Warn the camper that he will be kicked if he continues this physical harassment, if it continues kick him, if that fails remove his weapons (.removeitem itemid, use thottbot), and if hes just being a tenacious bastard tell an admin and he'll put the bastard in place with a password change. Or give the cruel and unusual punishment and camp the camper for an hour, but this will probably get your gm powers stripped.

This is the one I hate the most, when something specific lags the server, and everyone and their mother wants to exploit it. I don't know how many of you played on Underworld server before blizzard banned it and probably sued the owners, but they had flying mounts enabled in azeroth, and when someone mounted in their leveling area, it would lag the entire server for a good ten seconds PER SECOND HE WAS IN THE AIR. And they just kept wanting to do it. Theres 2 ways to fix something like that; first, if it involves a debuff, you could ask the gm to make an LUA file that debuffs the buff, or if its an item, you can take the item away after they exploit it too many times.

List of GM commands (I copy pasted this but edited a bit because its missing a lot of information)

Banstick Commands
banchar: Bans character x with or without reason
This command is confirmed to work. Givign a reason seems pointless because the other player does not see the reason. Possibly useful in tickets or for GM's to see? <----- Does not work on my server. Using 3.5 stable. I've heard that the real command is something like .banaccounts accountname timeinmiliseconds but like I said my comp is doing well at the moment

unbanchar: Unbans character x
Confirmed to work. <-----The cake is a lie. It doesnt work.

kick: Kicks player from server, with or without reason
confirmed to work. Takes 5 seconds.

paralyze: Roots/Paralyzes the target.
confirmed to work. Player can twist, sit, withdrawl weapon, and talk. No jumping or moving. Dueling is allowed but player can not move, but can attack back.

unparalyze: Unroots/Unparalyzes the target. <----------Works, very handy for noob power abusing gms.
confirmed to work.

Control [c]
allowwhispers: Allows whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode.
blockwhispers: Blocks whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode.

Debug Commands [d]
debug: Main ‘debug’ command . Usage: .debug
infront: No description entered. <---I think this one tele's you to the front of your target, but my comp is down so i cant test it right now.
showreact: This seems to send a specified reaction to a character or player. Just need to find react #'s.
aimove: brings selected creature/npc to player.
dist: reveals current distance between player and selected object.
face: function unknown at this time. <--------------Sets player to look at you i think.
moveinfo: Displays information on selected creature, such as is it attacking, what it's facing, and other info.
setbytes: Set fields 1-4 to X X X X. Not sure what differnce things make at the moment.
getbytes: Get bytes for fiels 1-4 in numbers such as X X X X
unroot: confirmed to work, no idea for reason.
root: confirmed to work, no idea for reason.
landwalk: reason unknown. <----wtf?
waterwalk: Allows you to walk on water.
castspell: .castspell <spellid> - Casts spell on target.
castspellne: .castspellne - Casts spell on target (only plays animations, doesnt handle effects or range/facing/etc. Also doesn't play all animations. <---A bunch of crap. this command sucks.
addrestxp: .addrestxp - Adds x rest XP to player.
generatename: .generatename - Generates name for pet, etc.
attackerinfo: .attackerinfo - Shows selected /player's attacker's infomation.
showattackers: .showattackers - Shows selected mob/player's attacker on the minimap.
aggrorange: .aggrorange - Shows aggro Range of the selected Creature.
knockback : .knockback <value> - Knocks you back.
fade : .fade <value> - calls ModThreatModifyer().
threatMod : .threatMod <value> - calls ModGeneratedThreatModifyer().
calcThreat : .calcThreat <dmg> <spellId> - calculates threat.
threatList : .threatList - returns all AI_Targets of the selected Creature.
gettptime: grabs transporter travel time
itempushresult: sends item push result
weather: used ton control weather. ie .debug weather 2 90 to make it rain hard. playing with all #'s
haha 8 10 is snow!

setbit: afraid to test at the moment.
setvalue: afraid to test at the moment.
getpos: Seems to have no function.

Battlegrounds Commands [e]
battleground: Main BG command table. Usage: .battleground <subcommand> <args>
setbgscore: <Teamid> <Score> - Sets battleground score. 2 Arguments.
startbg: Starts current battleground match.
pausebg: Pauses current battleground match.
bginfo: Displays information about current battleground.
battleground: Shows BG Menu
setworldstate: <var> <val> - Var can be in hex. WS Value.
playsound: <val>. Val can be in hex.
setbfstatus: .setbfstatus – Not Yet Implemented.
leave: the current battleground.

Extended Debug Commands? [f]
killbyplayer: Disconnects the player with name <s>.
killbyaccount: Disconnects the session with account name <s>.
getrate: Gets rate <x>. ?
setrate: Sets rate <x>. ?

GM Ticket Commands [g] <----If someone can tell me how to use these, I'm still confused lol.
gmTicket: Main GM ticket system command table. Usage: .gmTicket <subcommand> <args>
get: Gets GM Ticket
getId: Gets GM Ticket by ID
delId: Deletes GM Ticket by ID

Invincibility Command [j]
invincible: .invincible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY (mobs won't attack you) <---Doesn't work.

Invisibility Command
invisible: .invisible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY and INVISIBILITY (mobs won't attack you and nobody can see you, but they can see your chat messages)

Guild Commands [l]
createguild: No description entered.

Modify commands [m]
modify: Main stat-modification command table. Usage: .modify <subcommand> <args>
hp: Health Points/HP
mana: Mana Points/MP
rage: Rage Points
energy: Energy Points
armor: Armor
holy: Holy Resistance
fire: Fire Resistance
nature: Nature Resistance
frost: Frost Resistance
shadow: Shadow Resistance
arcane: Arcane Resistance
damage: Unit Damage Min/Max
scale: Size/Scale
gold: Gold/Money/Copper
speed: Movement Speed
nativedisplayid: Native Display ID
displayid: Display ID
flags: Unit Flags:
faction: Faction Template
dynamicflags: Dynamic Flags
talentpoints: Talent Points
loyalty: Loyalty
spirit: Spirit
boundingraidus: Bounding Radius
combatreach: Combat Reach
emotestate: NPC Emote State

More Modify Commands [m]
createaccount: .createaccount - Creates account. Format should be .createaccount username password email
playerinfo: .playerinfo - Displays informations about the selected character (account...)
mount: Mounts into modelid x.
dismount: Dismounts.
start: Teleport's you to a starting location
levelup: No description entered.
additem: No description entered.
removeitem: Removes item %u count %u.
learn: Learns spell
unlearn: Unlearns spell
learnskill: .learnskill <skillid> (optional) <value> <maxvalue> - Learns skill id skillid.
advanceskill: advanceskill <skillid> <amount, optional, default = 1> - Advances skill line x times..
removeskill: .removeskill <skillid> - Removes skill
increaseweaponskill: .increaseweaponskill <count> - Increase eqipped weapon skill x times (defaults to 1).
removeauras: Removes all auras from target
setmotd: Sets MOTD
additemset: Adds item set to inv.
gotrig: Warps to areatrigger <id>
createinstance: Creates instance on map <map>
goinstance: Joins instance <instance> <x> <y> <z> <optional mapid>
exitinstance: Exits current instance, return to entry point.
dbreload: Reloads some of the database tables
spawnspiritguide: Spawns a spirit guide (params: 1 = horde, 0 = alliance)
advanceallskills: Advances all skills <x> points.
unlockmovement: Unlocks movement for player.
modperiod: Changes period of current transporter.
npcfollow: Sets npc to follow you
follow: Sets npc to not follow anything
formationlink1: Sets formation master.
formationlink2: Sets formation slave with distance and angle
formationclear: Removes formation from creature
playall: Plays a sound to the entire server.
addipban: Bans an ip address <address/mask> <duration, 0=perm>
banaccounts: Bans accounts <name> <duration, 0=perm>
renamechar: Renames character x to y.
forcerenamechar: Forces character x to rename his char next login
getstanding: Gets standing of faction %u.
setstanding: Sets standing of faction %u.

Commands [m]
cheat: Main cheat command table. Usage: .cheat <subcommand> <args>
status: Shows active cheats.
taxi: Enables all taxi nodes.
cooldown: Enables no cooldown cheat.
casttime: Enables no cast time cheat.
power: Disables mana consumption etc.
god: Sets god mode, prevents you from taking damage.
fly: Sets fly mode
land: Unsets fly mode
explore: Reveals the unexplored parts of the map.
flyspeed: Modifies fly speed.
stack: Enables aura stacking cheat.
morph: Morphs into model id x. <------- Works, but changed to .mod displayid in one of the 2000 revs.
demorph: Demorphs from morphed model. <-----Works. Do not include .cheat in front of this command however, it's a stand-alone root command.

Honor Modification Commands [m]
honor: Main honor system command table. Usage: .honor <subcommand> <args>
getpvprank: Gets PVP Rank
setpvprank: Sets PVP Rank
addpoints: Adds x amount of honor points/currency
addkills: Adds x amount of honor kills
globaldailyupdate: Daily honor field moves
singledailyupdate: Daily honor field moves for selected player only
pvpcredit: Sends PVP credit packet, with specified rank and points

Pet Commands [m]
pet: Main pet command table. Usage: .pet <subcommand> <args>
createpet: Creates a pet with <entry>.
renamepet: Renames a pet to <name>.
enablerename: Enables pet rename.
addspell: Teaches pet <spell>.
removespell: Removes pet spell <spell>.

NPC Commands [n]
npc: Main NPC command table. Usage: .npc <subcommand> <args>
vendoradditem: Adds to vendor
vendorremoveitem: Removes from vendor.
flags: Changes NPC flags
emote: emote - Sets emote state
run: No description entered.
addweapon: Adds weapon to the npc, but you have to put the display info as well as the displayid, which is an insane number combination like 84018478174.
allowmove: No description entered.
addgrave: No description entered.
addspirit: No description entered.
faction: No description entered.
delete: Deletes mob from db and world.
info: Displays NPC information
guid: Shows selected object guid
addAgent: .npc addAgent <agent> <procEvent> <procChance> <procCount> <spellId> <spellType> <spelltargetType> <spellCooldown> <floatMisc1> <Misc2>
delAgent: .npc delAgent <procEvent> <spellId>
listAgent: .npc listAgent
reset: resets npc health/dmg from temp table.
export: Exports the npc to a
say: .npc say <text> - Makes selected mob say text <text>.
yell: .npc yell <Text> - Makes selected mob yell text <text>.
come: .npc come - Makes npc move to your position
return: .npc return - Returns ncp to spawnpoint.
spawn: .npc spawn - Spawns npc of entry <id>
spawnlink: .spawnlink sqlentry
resetreputation: .resetreputation - Resets reputation to start levels. (use on characters that were made before reputation fixes.)
resetlevel: .resetlevel - Resets all stats to level 1 of targeted player. DANGEROUS.
resetspells: .resetspells - Resets all spells to starting spells of targeted player. DANGEROUS.
resettalents: .resettalents - Resets all talents of targeted player to that of their current level. DANGEROUS.
resetskills: .resetskills - Resets all skills.

GameObject Commands [o]
gobject: Main gameobject command table. Usage: .gobject <subcommand> <args>
select: Selects the nearest GameObject to you
delete: Deletes selected GameObject
spawn: Spawns a GameObject by ID
info: Gives you informations about selected GO
activate: Activates/Opens the selected GO.
enable: Enables the selected GO for use.
scale: Sets scale of selected GO
animprogress: Sets anim progress
export: Exports the current GO selected
statelink: .statelink sqlentry, Links a GO state to a Npc

Information Commands [p]
gm: Shows active GM's
gps: Shows Position
info: Server info
uptime: Shows server uptime

Teleport (Recall)Commands [q]
recall: Main teleportation command table. Usage: .recall <subcommand> <args>
list: List recall locations
port: Port to recalled location
add: Add recall location
del: Remove a recall location
portplayer: recall ports player

Life and Death Commands [r]
kill: .kill - Kills selected unit.
revive: Revives you.: 0, 0, 0},
reviveplr: Revives player specified.

Save Commands
save: Save's your character
saveall: Save's all playing characters

GM Tag Commands [t]
fmoff: Sets GM tag off
gmon: Sets GM tag on

Universal Commands
Commands: Shows Commands
help: Shows help for command
announce: Sends Msg To All
wannounce: Sends Widescreen Msg To All

Extended Teleport Commands [v]
appear: Teleports to x's position.
summon: Summons x to your position
worldport: No description entered.

Waypoint Commands [w]
waypoint: waypointCommandTable
add: Add wp at current pos
show: Show wp's for creature
hide: Hide wp's for creature
delete: Delete selected wp
movehere: Move to this wp
flags: Wp flags
waittime: Wait time at this wp
emote: Emote at this wp
skin: Skin at this wp
change: Change at this wp
info: Show info for wp
movetype: Movement type at wp
generateNo description entered.Randomly generate wps
save: Save all waypoints
deleteall: Delete all waypoints

GM Handbook fixed link coming as soon as my main computer is out of the hospital.

For GM Items:
All stats must be 9500 or under.
No Resilience.
No Avoidance.
No Melee/Ranged Haste.
No stuns past 0.5 seconds. No stuns that proc a lot.
No instant kill/extremely large damage spell casts.
No attack speeds under 0.8 seconds. (1400 for 1.4, 2000 for 2.0, etc.)
No damage on weapons over 4000 max.
No source of more than one damage if total damage > 4000. (E.g. No frost = 2000 then Physical = 4000 leading to a total of 6000 dmg)
No more than 50 of any defense stat (defense, parry, block, dodge)
Sets must now have -Dodge rating 9999 in at least one line to counteract a glitch in which characters over a certain level obtain inconcievable amounts of dodge.
Last edited:
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 17, 2007
Reaction score
I just lol'd when i saw this topic... look dude, Everyone does on they're own way.. Everyone is NOT being a nice admin / GM. Hopefully many will listen to this poop which is totally correct..^^
Skilled Illusionist
Dec 5, 2007
Reaction score
The Secret to be a Great GM is Respecting Everyone, and Kick/Bann the Right Persons.. And the most important is learning all GM Commands :)
Master Summoner
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
"kan hav gm powarz plz"

- well, waiting for suicide :D :D
Skilled Illusionist
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah Great guide for GM's, who just start/wanna to be GM/Admin :)
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
Crap guide, who needs a guide anyway on being a GM.

GM are supposed to know what they have to do, and must know the commands.
You can look up everywhere.
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
Crap guide, who needs a guide anyway on being a GM.

GM are supposed to know what they have to do, and must know the commands.
You can look up everywhere.
onoz, somebody hadz a bad day at school :(
need mama to kiss the booboo?
Seriously kiddo, grow up, the only one who doesnt like this guide so far is the guy with 46 posts with a sniper rifle username. Adoy.
You can look up everywhere.
Nice english, Special person.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 2, 2006
Reaction score
Great guide ,
terrible that there are ppl who need this -_-
i have like 1,5 year experience in being an gm and hosting an wow server.
and in that time i had a few hundred ppl who wanted to be gm and only 6 of them didn't wanted to be gm only for the lvl 255 and armor -_-
so here's a tip:
if you are looking for gm's ask what commands they know !
if they start with .modify level , .levelup , .gmon , .cheat god or another command what is not realy for helping ppl ,
you can be sure that he only want good armor-_-
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
Great guide ,
terrible that there are ppl who need this -_-
i have like 1,5 year experience in being an gm and hosting an wow server.
and in that time i had a few hundred ppl who wanted to be gm and only 6 of them didn't wanted to be gm only for the lvl 255 and armor -_-
so here's a tip:
if you are looking for gm's ask what commands they know !
if they start with .modify level , .levelup , .gmon , .cheat god or another command what is not realy for helping ppl ,
you can be sure that he only want good armor-_-

Yeah XD
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
Great Guide, " i had this info before, but great!
Divine Celestial
May 19, 2007
Reaction score
Might as well redo the command list, since the new commands came out
.modify hp 1 1
is now
.unit hp 1 1
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
Might as well redo the command list, since the new commands came out
.modify hp 1 1
is now
.unit hp 1 1

Really? I don't use the 4k revs because my net something or rather isnt 3.5 so I cant run it, can you pm me a list of the 4k+ rev commands?
Master Summoner
Nov 14, 2004
Reaction score
Nice guide ;]
Mind if I copypasta some of it to my website?

Initiate Mage
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Great guide, so far, seems like I'm doing an okay job at GM. ;)
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
Nice guide ;]
Mind if I copypasta some of it to my website?

Sure :D
Just make sure to give me some credit XD and I suggest you wait till I add the rest of the gm commands, finish the rest of the guide you know?
Master Summoner
Nov 14, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah, makes sense.
Tho the GM commands are changed now anyways.
Or atleast in the newer revisions.

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
i think the concept of the guide is great, that they give out some helpful information...but about the command thing, ive seen hundreds of people ask about being gms on hundreds of servers all mentioning they know commands...which is great and all, but we know that the servers where everyone is a gm, or someone who tries their own server, or even someone who just reads the command list can say, "...i also know the gm commands." which is helpful to an extent, but its those poeple who all push (imo) for more then what they get should they be dubbed "taxi" or "gm"

again, imo, people should focus on whats important, like what can i do to make myself a more helpful gm, and at the same time, how can i stand out above other gms on the server? once again, imo those people who dont beg for more powers and help people with what they are given and are proud to be on a server thats live, those people, are the ones most likely to get a promotion or even become part of the dev staff...

but, thats all imo, nothing else really
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 16, 2008
Reaction score
i think the concept of the guide is great, that they give out some helpful information...but about the command thing, ive seen hundreds of people ask about being gms on hundreds of servers all mentioning they know commands...which is great and all, but we know that the servers where everyone is a gm, or someone who tries their own server, or even someone who just reads the command list can say, "...i also know the gm commands." which is helpful to an extent, but its those poeple who all push (imo) for more then what they get should they be dubbed "taxi" or "gm"

again, imo, people should focus on whats important, like what can i do to make myself a more helpful gm, and at the same time, how can i stand out above other gms on the server? once again, imo those people who dont beg for more powers and help people with what they are given and are proud to be on a server thats live, those people, are the ones most likely to get a promotion or even become part of the dev staff...

but, thats all imo, nothing else really

Yeah, like I said I'm still working on the guide XD
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 26, 2007
Reaction score
lol, still, props to you bud, you are doing great for a custom guide from the ground up, which requires mad skillz and time, i wasnt trying to shoot your guide at all, sorry if it came off that way