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Auto cash not work

Junior Spellweaver
Feb 1, 2012
Reaction score

i have one problem is the auto cash in my server
i am using 223BSB server files
and the version of auto cash on 223 is here:

i am going to add auto cash,but i found problem that it is nothing to come out after mins,,,when i add the query in Billing like this :
fp768a - Auto cash not work - RaGEZONE Forums

fp768a - Auto cash not work - RaGEZONE Forums

the auto cash will work fine, the system does not create this query for me by itself

i had change all nation code in RU
account,login and worldinfo,,,,

any things i miss?
Skilled Illusionist
May 4, 2014
Reaction score
he send me a pm saying

Sir, would u help me..
i am going to add auto cash,but i found problem that it is nothing to come out after mins,,,when i add the query in Billing like this.

i believe what he means is when he opens cashshop it isnt auto freshing the points or the points arent showing up which i dont understand why he would even be using cashshop in 223 unless he wants massive dupes in his server heh

auto cash on 223BSB
Sir, would u help me..
i am going to add auto cash,but i found problem that it is nothing to come out after mins,,,when i add the query in Billing like this :
fp768a - Auto cash not work - RaGEZONE Forums

the auto cash work fine, the system does not create this query for me by itself

i had change all nation code in RU
account,login and worldinfo,,,,

any things i miss?​

full pm

and fp768a this is because your using Billing on 223BSB the tables arent correct meaning the zone isnt looking at userstatus for the cashshop points try using billcrux and editing the auto cash script Billing was designed for 2232 not 223bsb the table structures and names are completely different.
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Junior Spellweaver
Feb 1, 2012
Reaction score
he send me a pm saying

Sir, would u help me..
i am going to add auto cash,but i found problem that it is nothing to come out after mins,,,when i add the query in Billing like this.

i believe what he means is when he opens cashshop it isnt auto freshing the points or the points arent showing up which i dont understand why he would even be using cashshop in 223 unless he wants massive dupes in his server heh

full pm

sir, you mean i should not use the cash shop in 223?
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Skilled Illusionist
May 4, 2014
Reaction score
sir, you mean i should not use the cash shop in 223?

thats exactly what im saying cashshop in 2232 and in 223bsb is dupeable without proper zone protection only person who has this protection is fedor at dev-corp.net so unless u want players duping i would recommend not using cashshop but if u still want to use it you cant use Billing database for 223bsb u must use billcrux and even there there is a stored proc u must edit.
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Junior Spellweaver
Feb 1, 2012
Reaction score
Sir,i am understand what u say
do you know how to add the query into rf_account if there is new account produce

/****** Created : Hanry Roslaw Saputra ******/

DECLARE @birth smalldatetime
DECLARE @email varchar(255)
DECLARE @status int
DECLARE @cash int
DECLARE @lama int

/****** Your Name ******/
SET @name = 'id'

/****** Your Password ******/
SET @pw = 'pass'

/****** Birthday ******/
SET @birth = '01-01-1900'

/****** Your Email ******/
SET @email = 'email kamu'

/****** Set 2 for turn on Premium or Set 1 for turn off Premium ******/
SET @status = '2'

/****** How long players get premium service (in days) exemple : 1 for 1 days, 2 for 2 days, 3 for 3days. ******/
SET @lama = '36000'

/****** Cashpoint amount ******/
SET @cash = '1000000'

INSERT INTO [BILLING].[dbo].[tbl_UserStatus]
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Skilled Illusionist
May 4, 2014
Reaction score
really sir liker because last i checked billcrux doesnt have the same tables that billing has actually they are all completely different so tell me how is the zone suppost to read from a table that doesnt exist in billing? o.o
Upvote 0
Apr 9, 2012
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really sir liker because last i checked billcrux doesnt have the same tables that billing has actually they are all completely different so tell me how is the zone suppost to read from a table that doesnt exist in billing? o.o
lol, why would you ask me?
ask the zone,
because right now right at this moment,
i'm running 223 local using billing database and the cash point working fine...
but premium service aren't working, either i use billcrux or billing, still wont work, not sure why tho',
still doesnt have much time to waste on it...
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Skilled Illusionist
May 4, 2014
Reaction score
the premium wont work as there is a broken stored proc i know there was a post here about it along time ago ill search later on some data for this but last i checked billing didnt work on 223 someone created a billing database for it that was a hybrid between billcrux and billing but ya
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Experienced Elementalist
Dec 1, 2013
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i had a weird problem with auto cash too.. downloaded all available tables here tried them all.. what happened is i tried to set it to give cash points every 2 minutes.. but after 2 mins i get disconnected from the server.. did someone had that problem?
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