Black cats!!

Well Nope, Because It's if you see a Black Cat Crossing Or Something

But Anyways, G/l with your Furry Friend ^^
Just giving a heads up - it could get him into trouble.
Our cat is black. Completely black, without a single spot different.
And she eats mice and bunnies, and then brings em to us as a present -_-
Here's Photo Of My Black Kitten:

TheInsideMan - Black cats!! - RaGEZONE Forums
Some Time Ago Someone Said That My Cat Looks Like An Evil Dictator. XD
Our cat is black. Completely black, without a single spot different.
And she eats mice and bunnies, and then brings em to us as a present -_-
lol man :P i have a dog :S
I am scared of cats. Every time I see a cat, They appear to be staring at me. And as for the Bad Luck part, I think it brings me Good Luck so I always cross the road after a cat crosses after I make sure it isn't around. Cats are evil!