
May 12, 2003
Reaction score
Bored and dunno what to do :(
Bored with official mir2
Bored with EI
Bored with MU
Bored bored bored

Any ideas for anything new i can try?
Please no nasty remarks ect as im a bit depressed :(
try going outside ! :) when im not playin cs i enjoy a good bit of outside.. but the sun.. the ball of fire in teh sky that burns my white boyish skin like an ant under a magnifiying glass
Rocz said:
try going outside ! :) when im not playin cs i enjoy a good bit of outside.. but the sun.. the ball of fire in teh sky that burns my white boyish skin like an ant under a magnifiying glass
lol i do plenty of goin out i take kids to school in morning take dog for walk shoppin collect kids from school take dog out in evening ect ect.
I wanted something different
Exclamatio said:

tenchu wrath of heaven is the way i tell thee
tenchu on xbox? i think i got it but i have just got the ninja gaidan or how ever u speel it .lol not even played it yet can go with the other 50 + games i not played even lol
Spunkeh said:
play call of duty :) online it fkin ownz

hahaha do u find sometimes that on these server if u do really well u suddenly get cut off lolol
I was just in one i remembered the name and it booted me 3 tims but only when i was doing well lol >< sad
The pleasures of hosting :P

was funny this guy logged in called "Unknown Player" and said "I'm gonna kill u all" then i said "yes i recon you will" and he said "are u german?" i said "no uk...?"
and he said nothing :(

then he died :P
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kev said:
hahaha do u find sometimes that on these server if u do really well u suddenly get cut off lolol
I was just in one i remembered the name and it booted me 3 tims but only when i was doing well lol >< sad
The pleasures of hosting :P

was funny this guy logged in called "Unknown Player" and said "I'm gonna kill u all" then i said "yes i recon you will" and he said "are u german?" i said "no uk...?"
and he said nothing :(

then he died :P

kev got msn? :tp: ill give u a good server to play