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BR/Jan/June Server And Client SETUP Guide!

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Skilled Illusionist
Dec 15, 2009
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This is driving me nuts....
I can't get the pe explorer open the gunzlauncher.exe

02.05.2010 14:26:00 : Open File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Gunz server\GunzClient\GunzLauncher.exe
02.05.2010 14:26:00 : Unable to Open File!
02.05.2010 14:26:00 : Done.

02.05.2010 14:27:45 : Open File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Gunz server\Xiaolin-BR Launcher [ijji]design UPDATED_V2\Green\GunzLauncher.exe
02.05.2010 14:27:45 : Unable to Open File!
02.05.2010 14:27:45 : Done.

Altough theduel did work, but couldn't find any exe in pe so i guessed that was not the right one....
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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 28, 2008
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I can't find server.ini. Where is it?

EDIT: Nevermind, I found it.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 16, 2009
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Duh! thats what i get when connecting to database!:grr:
EDIT:nvm fixed now.


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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 28, 2008
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When I press execute this appears.



EDIT: I only had to ignore those errors. :)
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 16, 2009
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hmm. first of all, if ur using w7 or vista,then RUN AS ADMIN! second of all, i hope ur sql acc has "ADMIN" rights:D
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 28, 2008
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Ok. Now I've finished with the making of the server but when I start it, it crashes when it's loading meshes.

I've got so many problems :/:

EDIT: I redid the whole tutorial again and it works now. But I can't see the servers, and I opened all those ports you said.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 26, 2008
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Msg 15007, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
'game' is not a valid login or you do not have permission.
Cannot add rows to sys.sql_dependencies for the stored procedure because it depends on the missing table 'dbo.dt_adduserobject_vcs'. The stored procedure will still be created; however, it cannot be successfully executed until the table exists.
Cannot add rows to sys.sql_dependencies for the stored procedure because it depends on the missing table 'dbo.dt_setpropertybyid'. The stored procedure will still be created; however, it cannot be successfully executed until the table exists.
Cannot add rows to sys.sql_dependencies for the stored procedure because it depends on the missing table 'dbo.dt_setpropertybyid'. The stored procedure will still be created; however, it cannot be successfully executed until the table exists.
Cannot add rows to sys.sql_dependencies for the stored procedure because it depends on the missing table 'dbo.dt_setpropertybyid'. The stored procedure will still be created; however, it cannot be successfully executed until the table exists.
Cannot add rows to sys.sql_dependencies for the stored procedure because it depends on the missing table 'dbo.dt_setpropertybyid'. The stored procedure will still be created; however, it cannot be successfully executed until the table exists.
Cannot add rows to sys.sql_dependencies for the stored procedure because it depends on the missing table 'dbo.dt_setpropertybyid'. The stored procedure will still be created; however, it cannot be successfully executed until the table exists.
Cannot add rows to sys.sql_dependencies for the stored procedure because it depends on the missing table 'dbo.dt_displayoaerror'. The stored procedure will still be created; however, it cannot be successfully executed until the table exists.

After Executing the Gunz DB...this error comes up instead of all commands are successful.

and..i have a static ip..so what should i do abt the locator.ini and all.
do i have to change my ip again and again ?
I have windows vis ultimate....SQL 2005 !

help ?
Newbie Spellweaver
May 1, 2008
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ive got same problem as kkris... :(
ok that doesnt matter... The password colum is in dbo.login...

but i did evrything now. And when i start up the server and start the launcher. And when i want to put in my account i see ne servers...
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 15, 2009
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Log start : Sun Oct 03 14:20:10 2010

Current Directory : C:\Users\Stann--\Desktop\BubbleClient
14:20:10:236   [APP] OS version : Professional  (Build 7600)
14:20:10:279   [APP] Window created successfully.
14:20:12:456   [ZUpdate] Create.
14:20:12:457   [ZFileTransfer] Create.
14:20:12:457   [ZFileTransfer] Create successfully complete.
14:20:12:457   [ZFileTransfer] Open connection.
14:20:12:457   [ZFileTransfer] Open connection successfully complete.
14:20:12:458   [ZFileTransfer] Change directory.
14:20:12:458   [ZFileTransfer] Change directory successfully complete.
14:20:12:458   [ZUpdate] Create successfully compete.
14:20:12:460   [APP] Download patch info file
14:20:12:461   [ZUpdate] Start update.
14:20:12:461   [ZFileTransfer] Download file : ./patch.xml  to  ./patch.xml
14:20:54:470   [ZFileTransfer] ERROR : Kan geen verbinding met de server maken.

14:20:54:471   [ZUpdate] ERROR : Start update FAILED!!!
14:20:54:471   [APP] ERROR - Cannot download patch info file
14:20:54:471   [APP] Updater error message :

The update server is not responding or is not running right now.
     [Tip] Please check your firewall.
     [Tip] Please try again after a while.

14:20:54:472   [App] File transfer error message :

Kan geen verbinding met de server maken.

Kan geen verbinding met de server maken means Cannot make a connection with the server,

I'm Getting this when i want to update if someone wants to help me with teamviewer <3?

- My client and everything works when i use @Skip_update but i just want to make updates :*: Help this noob ;d :rolleyes:
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Re: [TuT] BR/Jan/June Server And Client SETUP Guide!

Hi everyone! Hi Maxtraxv3
I got a question for all of you guys about the ZPatchBuilder. When i try to make a patch for my PGunZ it doesnt let me it says like Build Patch.xml Failed! Do any of you guys know why? I tried everything i put it in my Client folder that is also located in GunzUpdate
and outside of the Client that is located in GunzUpdate.
Here r some screenshots of both
Outside Client:
MAXTRAXv3 - BR/Jan/June Server And Client SETUP Guide! - RaGEZONE Forums

Inside Client:
MAXTRAXv3 - BR/Jan/June Server And Client SETUP Guide! - RaGEZONE Forums

If there is a forum that has an answer to this problem or better explains how to fix/use it can someone please redirect me to it b/c i've been searching on ragezone and the internet for about 2 hours >.> b/c i'm desperate at this point lol.
well ty for reading this! <333

I have the same problem with this , MAX i follow your answer
which is
Rename duel.exe to gunz.exe ( but still nothing's change )
help ? and how can i copy my main directory of gunz client/folder
to GunzUpdate ? how can i copy that and paste to Gunz update ?

I need quick answer pls :)
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