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Buff not showing up

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 27, 2016
Reaction score
Understanding the fundamentals I would like to dive in into it. I have notice that activating Combo Attack doesn't show the animation nor the buff at the top right corner. I tried to trace the logic flow of it but can't seem to get it.

1. Client Sends Packet of Special_move
 case SPECIAL_MOVE:                
                PlayerHandler.SpecialMove(slea, c, c.getPlayer());

3. Trace it all the way down to the default case of the switch statement. Specifically effect.applyTo(c.getPlayer(), pos);
                Point pos = null;
                if ((slea.available() == 5L) || (slea.available() == 7L)) {
                    pos = slea.readPos();
                if (effect.isMagicDoor()) {
                    if (!FieldLimitType.MysticDoor.check(chr.getMap().getFieldLimit())) {
                        effect.applyTo(c.getPlayer(), pos);
                    } else {
                } else {
                    int mountid = MapleStatEffect.parseMountInfo(c.getPlayer(), skill.getId());
                    if ((mountid != 0) && (mountid != GameConstants.getMountItem(skill.getId(), c.getPlayer())) && (!c.getPlayer().isIntern()) && (c.getPlayer().getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING) == null) && (c.getPlayer().getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((byte) -122) == null)
                            && (!GameConstants.isMountItemAvailable(mountid, c.getPlayer().getJob()))) {
//                     System.err.println("pos " + pos);
//                     System.err.println("effect " + effect.getSourceId());
                    effect.applyTo(c.getPlayer(), pos);

4. Heres the mapleStatEffect.class I don't think its handling it right to be honest, the applyto Function
package server;

import client.MapleBuffStat;
import client.MapleCharacter;
import client.MapleCoolDownValueHolder;
import client.MapleDisease;
import client.MapleStat;
import client.MapleTrait.MapleTraitType;
import client.MonsterStatus;
import client.MonsterStatusEffect;
import client.PlayerStats;
import client.Skill;
import client.SkillFactory;
import client.inventory.Item;
import client.inventory.MapleInventory;
import client.inventory.MapleInventoryType;
import constants.GameConstants;
import custom.CustomSkills;
import handling.channel.ChannelServer;
import handling.world.MaplePartyCharacter;
import handling.world.World;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import provider.MapleData;
import provider.MapleDataTool;
import provider.wz.MapleDataType;
import server.MapleCarnivalFactory.MCSkill;
import server.Timer.BuffTimer;
import server.buffs.BuffClassFetcher;
import server.life.MapleLifeFactory;
import server.life.MapleMonster;
import server.maps.MapleDoor;
import server.maps.MapleExtractor;
import server.maps.MapleMap;
import server.maps.MapleMapObject;
import server.maps.MapleMapObjectType;
import server.maps.MapleMist;
import server.maps.MapleSummon;
import server.maps.MechDoor;
import server.maps.SummonMovementType;
import tools.CaltechEval;
import tools.FileoutputUtil;
import tools.Pair;
import tools.Triple;
import tools.packet.CField;
import tools.packet.CField.EffectPacket;
import tools.packet.CWvsContext;
import tools.packet.CWvsContext.BuffPacket;
import tools.packet.JobPacket;
import tools.packet.JobPacket.PhantomPacket;

public class MapleStatEffect implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 9179541993413738569L;
    public Map<MapleStatInfo, Integer> info;
    private Map<MapleTraitType, Integer> traits;
    private boolean overTime, skill, partyBuff = true;
    public EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statups;
    private ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> availableMap;
    public EnumMap<MonsterStatus, Integer> monsterStatus;
    private Point lt, rb;
    private byte level;
    private List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> randomMorph;
    private List<MapleDisease> cureDebuffs;
    private List<Integer> petsCanConsume, familiars, randomPickup;
    private List<Triple<Integer, Integer, Integer>> rewardItem;
    private byte expR, familiarTarget, recipeUseCount, recipeValidDay, reqSkillLevel, slotCount, effectedOnAlly, effectedOnEnemy, type, preventslip, immortal, bs;
    private short ignoreMob, mesoR, thaw, fatigueChange, lifeId, imhp, immp, inflation, useLevel, indiePdd, indieMdd, incPVPdamage, mobSkill, mobSkillLevel;
    private double hpR, mpR;
    private int sourceid, recipe, moveTo, moneyCon, morphId = 0, expinc, exp, consumeOnPickup, charColor, interval, rewardMeso, totalprob, cosmetic;
    private int weapon = 0;
    private int expBuff, itemup, mesoup, cashup, berserk, illusion, booster, berserk2, cp, nuffSkill;

    public static MapleStatEffect loadSkillEffectFromData(final MapleData source, final int skillid, final boolean overtime, final int level, final String variables) {
        return loadFromData(source, skillid, true, overtime, level, variables);

    public static MapleStatEffect loadItemEffectFromData(final MapleData source, final int itemid) {
        return loadFromData(source, itemid, false, false, 1, null);

    private static void addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> list, final MapleBuffStat buffstat, final Integer val) {
        if (val != 0) {
            list.put(buffstat, val);

    private static int parseEval(String path, MapleData source, int def, String variables, int level) {
        if (variables == null) {
            return MapleDataTool.getIntConvert(path, source, def);
        } else {
            final MapleData dd = source.getChildByPath(path);
            if (dd == null) {
                return def;
            if (dd.getType() != MapleDataType.STRING) {
                return MapleDataTool.getIntConvert(path, source, def);
            String dddd = MapleDataTool.getString(dd).replace(variables, String.valueOf(level));
            if (dddd.substring(0, 1).equals("-")) { //-30+3*x
                if (dddd.substring(1, 2).equals("u") || dddd.substring(1, 2).equals("d")) { //-u(x/2)
                    dddd = "n(" + dddd.substring(1, dddd.length()) + ")"; //n(u(x/2))
                } else {
                    dddd = "n" + dddd.substring(1, dddd.length()); //n30+3*x
            } else if (dddd.substring(0, 1).equals("=")) { //lol nexon and their mistakes
                dddd = dddd.substring(1, dddd.length());
            } else if (dddd.contains("y")) { // AngelicBuster Exception
                dddd = "0";
            return (int) (new CaltechEval(dddd).evaluate());
        public static int parseEval(String data, int level) {
        String variables = "x";
        String dddd = data.replace(variables, String.valueOf(level));
        if (dddd.substring(0, 1).equals("-")) { //-30+3*x
            if (dddd.substring(1, 2).equals("u") || dddd.substring(1, 2).equals("d")) { //-u(x/2)
                dddd = "n(" + dddd.substring(1, dddd.length()) + ")"; //n(u(x/2))
            } else {
                dddd = "n" + dddd.substring(1, dddd.length()); //n30+3*x
        } else if (dddd.substring(0, 1).equals("=")) { //lol nexon and their mistakes
            dddd = dddd.substring(1, dddd.length());
        return (int) (new CaltechEval(dddd).evaluate());

    private static MapleStatEffect loadFromData(final MapleData source, final int sourceid, final boolean skill, final boolean overTime, final int level, final String variables) {
        final MapleStatEffect ret = new MapleStatEffect();
        ret.sourceid = sourceid;
        ret.skill = skill;
        ret.level = (byte) level;
        if (source == null) {
            return ret;
        ret.info = new EnumMap<>(MapleStatInfo.class);
        for (final MapleStatInfo i : MapleStatInfo.values()) {
            if (i.isSpecial()) {
                ret.info.put(i, parseEval(i.name().substring(0, i.name().length() - 1), source, i.getDefault(), variables, level));
            } else {
                ret.info.put(i, parseEval(i.name(), source, i.getDefault(), variables, level));
        ret.hpR = parseEval("hpR", source, 0, variables, level) / 100.0;
        ret.mpR = parseEval("mpR", source, 0, variables, level) / 100.0;
        ret.ignoreMob = (short) parseEval("ignoreMobpdpR", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.thaw = (short) parseEval("thaw", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.interval = parseEval("interval", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.expinc = parseEval("expinc", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.exp = parseEval("exp", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.morphId = parseEval("morph", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.cp = parseEval("cp", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.cosmetic = parseEval("cosmetic", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.slotCount = (byte) parseEval("slotCount", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.preventslip = (byte) parseEval("preventslip", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.useLevel = (short) parseEval("useLevel", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.nuffSkill = parseEval("nuffSkill", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.familiarTarget = (byte) (parseEval("familiarPassiveSkillTarget", source, 0, variables, level) + 1);
        ret.immortal = (byte) parseEval("immortal", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.type = (byte) parseEval("type", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.bs = (byte) parseEval("bs", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.indiePdd = (short) parseEval("indiePdd", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.indieMdd = (short) parseEval("indieMdd", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.expBuff = parseEval("expBuff", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.cashup = parseEval("cashBuff", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.itemup = parseEval("itemupbyitem", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.mesoup = parseEval("mesoupbyitem", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.berserk = parseEval("berserk", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.berserk2 = parseEval("berserk2", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.booster = parseEval("booster", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.lifeId = (short) parseEval("lifeId", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.inflation = (short) parseEval("inflation", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.imhp = (short) parseEval("imhp", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.immp = (short) parseEval("immp", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.illusion = parseEval("illusion", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.consumeOnPickup = parseEval("consumeOnPickup", source, 0, variables, level);
        if (ret.consumeOnPickup == 1) {
            if (parseEval("party", source, 0, variables, level) > 0) {
                ret.consumeOnPickup = 2;
        ret.recipe = parseEval("recipe", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.recipeUseCount = (byte) parseEval("recipeUseCount", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.recipeValidDay = (byte) parseEval("recipeValidDay", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.reqSkillLevel = (byte) parseEval("reqSkillLevel", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.effectedOnAlly = (byte) parseEval("effectedOnAlly", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.effectedOnEnemy = (byte) parseEval("effectedOnEnemy", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.incPVPdamage = (short) parseEval("incPVPDamage", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.moneyCon = parseEval("moneyCon", source, 0, variables, level);
        ret.moveTo = parseEval("moveTo", source, -1, variables, level);

        ret.charColor = 0;
        String cColor = MapleDataTool.getString("charColor", source, null);
        if (cColor != null) {
            ret.charColor |= Integer.parseInt("0x" + cColor.substring(0, 2));
            ret.charColor |= Integer.parseInt("0x" + cColor.substring(2, 4) + "00");
            ret.charColor |= Integer.parseInt("0x" + cColor.substring(4, 6) + "0000");
            ret.charColor |= Integer.parseInt("0x" + cColor.substring(6, 8) + "000000");
        ret.traits = new EnumMap<>(MapleTraitType.class);
        for (MapleTraitType t : MapleTraitType.values()) {
            int expz = parseEval(t.name() + "EXP", source, 0, variables, level);
            if (expz != 0) {
                ret.traits.put(t, expz);
        List<MapleDisease> cure = new ArrayList<>(5);
        if (parseEval("poison", source, 0, variables, level) > 0) {
        if (parseEval("seal", source, 0, variables, level) > 0) {
        if (parseEval("darkness", source, 0, variables, level) > 0) {
        if (parseEval("weakness", source, 0, variables, level) > 0) {
        if (parseEval("curse", source, 0, variables, level) > 0) {
        ret.cureDebuffs = cure;
        ret.petsCanConsume = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; true; i++) {
            final int dd = parseEval(String.valueOf(i), source, 0, variables, level);
            if (dd > 0) {
            } else {
        final MapleData mdd = source.getChildByPath("0");
        if (mdd != null && mdd.getChildren().size() > 0) {
            ret.mobSkill = (short) parseEval("mobSkill", mdd, 0, variables, level);
            ret.mobSkillLevel = (short) parseEval("level", mdd, 0, variables, level);
        } else {
            ret.mobSkill = 0;
            ret.mobSkillLevel = 0;
        final MapleData pd = source.getChildByPath("randomPickup");
        if (pd != null) {
            ret.randomPickup = new ArrayList<>();
            for (MapleData p : pd) {
        final MapleData ltd = source.getChildByPath("lt");
        if (ltd != null) {
            ret.lt = (Point) ltd.getData();
            ret.rb = (Point) source.getChildByPath("rb").getData();
        final MapleData ltc = source.getChildByPath("con");
        if (ltc != null) {
            ret.availableMap = new ArrayList<>();
            for (MapleData ltb : ltc) {
                ret.availableMap.add(new Pair<>(MapleDataTool.getInt("sMap", ltb, 0), MapleDataTool.getInt("eMap", ltb, 999999999)));
        final MapleData ltb = source.getChildByPath("familiar");
        if (ltb != null) {
            ret.fatigueChange = (short) (parseEval("incFatigue", ltb, 0, variables, level) - parseEval("decFatigue", ltb, 0, variables, level));
            ret.familiarTarget = (byte) parseEval("target", ltb, 0, variables, level);
            final MapleData lta = ltb.getChildByPath("targetList");
            if (lta != null) {
                ret.familiars = new ArrayList<>();
                for (MapleData ltz : lta) {
                    ret.familiars.add(MapleDataTool.getInt(ltz, 0));
        } else {
            ret.fatigueChange = 0;
        int totalprob = 0;
        final MapleData lta = source.getChildByPath("reward");
        if (lta != null) {
            ret.rewardMeso = parseEval("meso", lta, 0, variables, level);
            final MapleData ltz = lta.getChildByPath("case");
            if (ltz != null) {
                ret.rewardItem = new ArrayList<>();
                for (MapleData lty : ltz) {
                    ret.rewardItem.add(new Triple<>(MapleDataTool.getInt("id", lty, 0), MapleDataTool.getInt("count", lty, 0), MapleDataTool.getInt("prop", lty, 0))); // todo: period (in minutes)
                    totalprob += MapleDataTool.getInt("prob", lty, 0);
        } else {
            ret.rewardMeso = 0;
        ret.totalprob = totalprob;
        // start of server calculated stuffs
        if (ret.skill) {
            final int priceUnit = ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.priceUnit); // Guild skills
            if (priceUnit > 0) {
                final int price = ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.price);
                final int extendPrice = ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.extendPrice);
                ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.price, price * priceUnit);
                ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.extendPrice, extendPrice * priceUnit);
            switch (sourceid) {
                case 1100002:
                case 1200002:
                case 1300002:
                case 3100001:
                case 3200001:
                case 11101002:
                case 51100002:
                case 13101002:
                case 2111007:
                case 2211007:
                case 2311007:
                case 32111010:
                case 22161005:
                case 12111007:
                case 33100009:
                case 22150004:
                case 22181004: //All Final Attack
                case 1120013:
                case 3120008:
                case 23100006:
                case 23120012:
                    ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.mobCount, 6);
                case 35121005:
                case 35111004:
                case 35121013:
                case 35121054: //reactive armor mech
                    ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.attackCount, 6);
                    ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.bulletCount, 6);
                case 24121000:
                    ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.attackCount, 6);
   //             case 36120045:
   //             case 24120047:
     //               ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.targetPlus, 2);
               //     ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.attackCount, +2);
      //              break;
                case 24100003: // TODO: for now, or could it be card stack? (1 count)
                case 24120002:
                    ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.attackCount, 15);
            if (GameConstants.isNoDelaySkill(sourceid)) {
                ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.mobCount, 6);
        if (!ret.skill && ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.time) > -1) {
            ret.overTime = true;
        } else {
            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, (ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.time) * 1000)); // items have their times stored in ms, of course
            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.subTime, (ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.subTime) * 1000));
            ret.overTime = overTime || ret.isMorph() || ret.isPirateMorph() || ret.isFinalAttack() || ret.isAngel() || ret.getSummonMovementType() != null;
        ret.monsterStatus = new EnumMap<>(MonsterStatus.class);
        ret.statups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
        if (ret.overTime && ret.getSummonMovementType() == null && !ret.isEnergyCharge()) {
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.WATK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.pad));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.WDEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.pdd));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MATK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.mad));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MDEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.mdd));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ACC, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.acc));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.AVOID, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.eva));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.SPEED, sourceid == 32120001 || sourceid == 32101003 ? ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x) : ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.speed));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.JUMP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.jump));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MAXHP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.mhpR));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MAXMP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.mmpR));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER, ret.booster);
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.HP_LOSS_GUARD, Integer.valueOf(ret.thaw));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.EXPRATE, ret.expBuff); // EXP
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ACASH_RATE, ret.cashup); // custom
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.DROP_RATE, GameConstants.getModifier(ret.sourceid, ret.itemup)); // defaults to 2x
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MESO_RATE, GameConstants.getModifier(ret.sourceid, ret.mesoup)); // defaults to 2x
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.BERSERK_FURY, ret.berserk2);
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ILLUSION, ret.illusion);
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.PYRAMID_PQ, ret.berserk);
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MAXHP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.emhp));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MAXMP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.emmp));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_WATK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.epad));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MATK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.emad));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_WDEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.epdd));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MDEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.emdd));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.GIANT_POTION, Integer.valueOf(ret.inflation));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.STR, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.str));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.DEX, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.dex));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.INT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.int_));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.LUK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.luk));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indiePad));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMad));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST, Integer.valueOf(ret.imhp));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MP_BOOST, Integer.valueOf(ret.immp)); //same one? lol
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMhpR));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MP_BOOST_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMmpR));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMhp));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.MP_BOOST, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMmp));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.PVP_DAMAGE, Integer.valueOf(ret.incPVPdamage));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ANGEL_JUMP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieJump));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.INDIE_SPEED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieSpeed));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ANGEL_ACC, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieAcc));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ANGEL_AVOID, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieEva));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ANGEL_STAT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieAllStat));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_SPEED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieBooster));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.PVP_ATTACK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.PVPdamage));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.INVINCIBILITY, Integer.valueOf(ret.immortal));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.NO_SLIP, Integer.valueOf(ret.preventslip));
            addBuffStatPairToListIfNotZero(ret.statups, MapleBuffStat.FAMILIAR_SHADOW, ret.charColor > 0 ? 1 : 0);
            if (sourceid == 5221006 || ret.isPirateMorph()) { //HACK: add stance :D and also this buffstat has to be the first one..
                ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE, 100); //100% :D:D:D
        if (ret.skill) { // hack because we can't get from the datafile...
            boolean found = false;
            for (CustomSkills skills : CustomSkills.values()) {
                if (skills.isBuff() && !skills.isStatInfoBuff() && skills.getId() == sourceid) {
                    found = true;
                    ret.statups.put(skills.getStat().getLeft(), skills.getStat().getRight());
                } else if (skills.isBuff() && skills.isStatInfoBuff() && skills.getId() == sourceid) {
                    found = true;
                    ret.statups.put(skills.getStatInfo().getLeft(), ret.info.get(skills.getStatInfo().getRight()));
            if (!found) {
                boolean handle = BuffClassFetcher.getHandleMethod(ret, sourceid);
                if (!handle) {
                    switch (sourceid) {
                        case 15111023: //seawall
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STATUS_RESIST, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.asrR));
                        case 1321015:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.ignoreMobpdpR));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOSS_DAMAGE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieBDR));
                        case 15111024: //ironclad
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_ABSORBED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));  
                        case 2001002: // magic guard
                        case 12001001:
                        case 22111001:
                        case 27000003:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAGIC_GUARD, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                       case 24111003://Bad Luck Ward
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAXHP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMhpR));//indieMhpR/x
                           // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                           // ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENT_RESIST,ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.terR));//x
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.terR));//y
                        case 2301003: // invincible
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INVINCIBLE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 35120000://Extreme proto
                        case 35001002://mech proto
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                        case 9101004:
                        case 9001004: // hide
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 13101006: // Wind Walk
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.WIND_WALK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 4330001:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT, (int) ret.level);
                        case 4001003: // Dark Sight
                        case 14001003: // cygnus ds
                        case 20031211:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); // d
                        case 4211003: // pickpocket
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PICKPOCKET, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 4211005: // mesoguard
                        case 4201011:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MESOGUARD, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 4111001: // mesoup
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MESOUP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 14111000: // cygnus
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); // d
                        case 4211008:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER, (int) ret.level);
                        case 11101002: // All Final attack
                        case 51100002:
                        case 13101002:
                        case 13100022:    
                        case 13100027:
                        case 13110022:
                        case 13110027:
                        case 13120003:
                        case 13120010:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.FINALATTACK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 22161004:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ONYX_SHROUD, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 3101004: // soul arrow
                        case 3201004:
                        case 2311002: // mystic door - hacked buff icon
                        case 35101005:
                        case 13101003:
                        case 13101024://new cyngus
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SOULARROW, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 2321010:
                        case 2221009:
                        case 2121009:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BUFF_MASTERY, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 2320011:
                        case 2220010:
                        case 2120010:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MANY_USES, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 1211006: // wk charges
                        case 1211004:
                        case 1211008:
                        case 1221004:
                        case 11111007:
                        // case 51111003: // Mihile's Radiant Charge
                        case 21101006:
                        case 21111005:
                        case 15101006:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.WK_CHARGE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_BUFF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
//                    case 51111004:
//                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
//                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
//                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DEFENCE_BOOST_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
//                        break;
//                    case 51121006:
//                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_BUFF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
//                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE_BUFF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.criticaldamageMin.x));
//                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE_BUFF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.criticaldamageMax.x));
//                        break;
                        case 2111008:
                        case 2211008:
                        case 12101005:
                        case 22121001: // Elemental Reset
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENT_RESET, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 3111000:
                        case 3121008:
                        case 13111001:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CONCENTRATE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 5110001: // Energy Charge
                        case 15100004:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ENERGY_CHARGE, 0);
                        case 1101004:
                        case 1201004:
                        case 1301004:
                        case 3101002:
                        case 3201002:
                        case 4101003:
                        case 4201002:
                        case 23101002:
                        case 2111005: // spell booster, do these work the same?
                        case 2211005:
                        case 5101006:
                        case 5201003:
                        case 11101001:
                        case 12101004:
                        case 13101001:
                        case 14101002:
                        case 15101002:
                        case 22141002: // Magic Booster
                        case 2311006: // Magic Booster
                        case 32101005:
                        case 33001003:
                        case 35101006:
                        case 5301002:
                        case 24101005:
                        case 5701005:
                        // case 51101003: //Mihile's sword booster
                        case 27101004: //Luminous booster
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x) * 2);
                        case 21001003: // Aran - Pole Arm Booster
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER, -ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 35111013:
                        case 5111007:
                        case 5211007:
                        case 5811007:
                        case 5911007:
                        case 5311005:
                        case 5320007:
                        case 5120012:
                        case 5220014:
                        case 5711011:
                        case 5720005:
                        case 15111011:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DICE_ROLL, 0);
                        case 5120011:
                        case 5220012:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.cooltime, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_RATE, (int) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.damR)); //i think
                        case 5121009:
                        case 15111005:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED_INFUSION, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 4321000: //tornado spin uses same buffstats
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 1000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DASH_SPEED, 100 + ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DASH_JUMP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y)); //always 0 but its there
                        case 5001005: // Dash
                        case 15001003:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DASH_SPEED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DASH_JUMP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 1101007: // pguard
                        case 1201007:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.POWERGUARD, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 32111004: //conversion
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CONVERSION, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 1301007: // hyper body
                        case 9001008:
                        case 9101008:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAXHP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAXMP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 1111002: // combo
                        case 11111001: // combo
                        case 1101013:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBO, 1);
                          //  System.out.println("Combo just buff stat");
                        case 21120007: //combo barrier
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBO_BARRIER, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 5211006: // Homing Beacon
                        case 5220011: // Bullseye
                        case 22151002: //killer wings
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HOMING_BEACON, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 1311015: // Cross Surge
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CROSS_SURGE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 21111009: //combo recharge
                        case 1311006: //dragon roar
                        case 1311005: //NOT A BUFF - Sacrifice
                            ret.hpR = -ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x) / 100.0;
                        case 1211010: //NOT A BUFF - HP Recover
                            ret.hpR = ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x) / 100.0D;
                        case 4341002:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 60 * 1000);
                            ret.hpR = -ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x) / 100.0;
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.FINAL_CUT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 2111007:
                        case 2211007:
                        case 2311007:
                        case 32111010:
                        case 22161005:
                        case 12111007:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.mpCon, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.TELEPORT_MASTERY, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.STUN, 1);

                        case 4331003:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.OWL_SPIRIT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 1311008: // dragon blood
                            if (!GameConstants.GMS) { //TODO JUMP
                                ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DRAGONBLOOD, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 5321005:
                        case 1121000: // maple warrior, all classes
                        case 5721000:
                        case 1221000:
                        case 1321000:
                        case 2121000:
                        case 2221000:
                        case 2321000:
                        case 3121000:
                        case 3221000:
                        case 4121000:
                        case 4221000:
                        case 5121000:
                        case 5221000:
                        case 21121000: // Aran - Maple Warrior
                        case 32121007:
                        case 35121007:
                        case 23121005:
                        case 24121008: // phantom
                        case 100001268: // Zero
                            // case 51121005: //Mihile's Maple Warrior
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAPLE_WARRIOR, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 15111006: //spark
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPARK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 3121002: // sharp eyes bow master
                        case 3221002: // sharp eyes marksmen
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SHARP_EYES, (ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x) << 8) + ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.criticaldamageMax));
                        case 22151003: //magic resistance
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAGIC_RESISTANCE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 2000007:
                        case 12000006:
                        case 22000002:
                        case 32000012:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENT_WEAKEN, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 21101003: // Body Pressure
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BODY_PRESSURE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 21000000: // Aran Combo
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ARAN_COMBO, 100);
                        case 23101003:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.damage));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 24121054:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABSORB_DAMAGE_HP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.v));
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, Integer.valueOf(30000));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));//x
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));//y
                        case 21100005: // Combo Drain
                        case 32101004:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBO_DRAIN, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 41101003: // Military Might
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MAXHP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MAXMP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_WATK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.padX));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.speed));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.JUMP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.jump));
                case 15001022:
                    ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.LIGHTNING, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.v));
                    ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
            case 41110008:
            case 41001001: // Battoujutsu Stance
                ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, Integer.valueOf(2100000000));
                ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_DAMAGE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BATTOUJUTSU_STANCE, 1);
                ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.actionSpeed));
                ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HAYATO_STANCE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.prop));
                        case 41110009: // Warrior's Heart
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.RECOVERY, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.damage));
                        case 42101020:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.RECOVERY, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.hp));
                        case 23111004://Ignis Roar
                        case 23121054:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, (int) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indiePad));
                        case 21111001: // Smart Knockback
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SMART_KNOCKBACK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 23121004://TODO LEGEND
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_RATE, (int) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.damR));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MAXHP, (int) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.emhp));
                        case 1211009:
                        case 1111007:
                        case 1311007: //magic crash
                        case 51111005: //Mihile's magic crash
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.MAGIC_CRASH, 1);
                        case 1220013:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DIVINE_SHIELD, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x) + 1);
                        case 1211011:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBAT_ORDERS, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 23111005:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.terR));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.terR));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.WATER_SHIELD, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 22131001: //magic shield
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAGIC_SHIELD, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 27121005: // Dark Crescendo TODO: Count up GMS-Like
                        ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, Integer.valueOf(180000));
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DARK_CRESCENDO, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 22181003: //soul stone
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SOUL_STONE, 1);
                        case 24111002: //Final Feint
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SOUL_STONE, 1);
                        case 32121003: //twister
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.TORNADO, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 2311009: //holy magic
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HOLY_MAGIC_SHELL, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.cooltime, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                            ret.hpR = ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z) / 100.0;
                        case 32111005: //body boost
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 60000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BODY_BOOST, (int) ret.level); //lots of variables
                        case 22131002:
                        case 22141003: // Slow
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SLOW, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 4001002: // disorder
                        case 14001002: // cygnus disorder
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WATK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WDEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 5221009: // Mind Control
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.HYPNOTIZE, 1);
                        case 4341003: // Monster Bomb
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.MONSTER_BOMB, (int) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.damage));
                        case 1201006: // threaten
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WATK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WDEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.DARKNESS, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
                        case 22141001:
                        case 1211002: // charged blow
                        case 1111008: // shout
                        case 4211002: // assaulter
                        case 3101005: // arrow bomb
                        case 1111005: // coma: sword
                        case 4221007: // boomerang step
                        case 5101002: // Backspin Blow
                        case 5101003: // Double Uppercut
                        case 5121004: // Demolition
                        case 5121005: // Snatch
                        case 5121007: // Barrage
                        case 5201004: // pirate blank shot
                        case 4121008: // Ninja Storm
                        case 22151001:
                        case 4201004: //steal, new
                        case 33101001:
                        case 33101002:
                        case 32101001:
                        case 32111011:
                        case 32121004:
                        case 33111002:
                        case 33121002:
                        case 35101003:
                        case 35111015:
                        case 5111002: //energy blast
                        case 15101005:
                        case 4331005:
                        case 1121001: //magnet
                        case 1221001:
                        case 1321001:
                        case 9001020:
                        case 31111001:
                        case 31101002:
                        case 9101020:
                        case 2211003:
                        case 2311004:
                        case 3120010:
                        case 22181001:
                        case 21110006:
                        case 22131000:
                        case 5301001:
                        case 5311001:
                        case 5311002:
                        case 2221006:
                        case 5310008:
                        case 27121052:
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.STUN, 1);
                        case 90001004:
                        case 4321002:
                        case 1111003:
                        case 11111002:
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.DARKNESS, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 4221003:
                        case 4121003:
                        case 33121005:
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SHOWDOWN, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.MDEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); // removed for taunt
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WDEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); // removed for taunt
                        case 31121003:
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SHOWDOWN, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.w));
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.MDEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WDEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.MATK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WATK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.ACC, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 23121002: //not sure if negative
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WDEF, -ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 2201004: // cold beam
                        case 2221003:
                        case 2211002: // ice strike
                        case 3211003: // blizzard
                        case 2211006: // il elemental compo
                        case 2221007: // Blizzard
                        case 5211005: // Ice Splitter
                        case 2121006: // Paralyze
                        case 21120006: // Tempest
                        case 22121000:
                        case 90001006:
                        case 2221001:
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.FREEZE, 1);
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.time) * 2); // freezing skills are a little strange
                        case 2101003: // fp slow
                        case 2201003: // il slow
                        case 12101001:
                        case 90001002:
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SPEED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 5011002:
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SPEED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
                        case 1121010: //enrage
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ENRAGE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x) * 100 + ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.mobCount));
                        case 23111002: //TODO LEGEND: damage increase?
                        case 22161002: //phantom imprint
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.IMPRINT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 90001003:
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.POISON, 1);
                        case 4121004: // Ninja ambush
                        case 4221004:
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.NINJA_AMBUSH, (int) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.damage));
                        case 2311005:
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.DOOM, 1);
                        case 32111006:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.REAPER, 1);
                        case 35121003:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, 1);
                        case 35111001:
                        case 35111010:
                        case 35111009:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PUPPET, 1);
                        case 80001155: // Terms and Conditions
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieDamR));
                        case 4341006:
                        case 3120012:
                        case 3220012:
                        case 3111002: // puppet ranger
                        case 3211002: // puppet sniper
                        case 13111004: // puppet cygnus
                        case 13111024: // Emerald Flower
                        case 5211001: // Pirate octopus summon
                        case 5220002: // wrath of the octopi
                        case 33111003:
                        case 5321003:
                        case 5211014:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PUPPET, 1);
                        case 3120006:
                        case 3220005:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R, (int) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.terR));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPIRIT_LINK, 1);
                        case 5220019:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 120000);
                        case 5211011:
                        case 5211015:
                        case 5211016:
                        case 5711001: // turret
                        case 2121005: // elquines
                        case 3201007:
                        case 3101007:
                        case 3211005: // golden eagle
                        case 3111005: // golden hawk
                        case 33111005:
                        case 35111002:
                        case 3121006: // phoenix
                        case 23111008:
                        case 23111009:
                        case 23111010:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, 1);
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.STUN, 1);
                        case 3221005: // frostprey
                        case 2221005: // ifrit
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, 1);
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.FREEZE, 1);
                        case 35111005:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, 1);
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SPEED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.WDEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 1321007: // Beholder
                        case 1301013: // Evil Eye
                        case 1311013: // Evil Eye of Domination
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BEHOLDER, Integer.valueOf(ret.level));
                        case 2321003: // bahamut
                        case 5211002: // Pirate bird summon
                        case 11001004:
                        case 12001004:
                        case 12111004: // Itrit
                        case 13001004:
                        case 14001005:
                        case 15001004:
                        case 35111011:
                        case 35121009:
                        case 35121011:
                        case 33101008: //summon - its raining mines
                        case 4111007: //dark flare
                        case 4211007: //dark flare
                        case 14111010: //dark flare
                        case 5321004:
                        case 36121002:
                        case 36121013:
                        case 36121014:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, 1);
                        case 65101002:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_ABSORBED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 65111004: // Iron Blossom
                             ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.prop));
                        case 35121010:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 60000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_BUFF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 31121005:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, (int) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.damR));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DARK_METAMORPHOSIS, 6); // mob count
                        case 2311003: // hs
                        case 9001002: // GM hs
                        case 9101002:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HOLY_SYMBOL, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 80001034: //virtue
                        case 80001035: //virtue
                        case 80001036: //virtue
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.VIRTUE_EFFECT, 1);
                        case 2211004: // il seal
                        case 2111004: // fp seal
                        case 12111002: // cygnus seal
                        case 90001005:
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SEAL, 1);
                        case 24121003:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.damage, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.v));
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.attackCount, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.w));
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.mobCount, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 4111003: // shadow web
                        case 14111001:
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SHADOW_WEB, 1);
                        case 4111009: // Shadow Stars
                        case 5201008:
                        case 14111007:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPIRIT_CLAW, 0);
                        case 2121004:
                        case 2221004:
                        case 2321004: // Infinity
                            ret.hpR = ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y) / 100.0;
                            ret.mpR = ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y) / 100.0;
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INFINITY, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            if (GameConstants.GMS) { //TODO JUMP
                                ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE, (int) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.prop));
                        case 22181004:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ONYX_WILL, (int) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.damage)); //is this the right order
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE, (int) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.prop));
                        case 1121002:
                        case 1221002:
                        case 1321002: // Stance
                        // case 51121004: //Mihile's Stance
                        case 50001214:
                        case 80001140:
                        case 21121003: // Aran - Freezing Posture
                        case 32121005:
                        case 5321010:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE, (int) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.prop));
                        case 2121002: // mana reflection
                        case 2221002:
                        case 2321002:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MANA_REFLECTION, 1);
                        case 2321005: // holy shield, TODO JUMP
//                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HOLY_SHIELD, GameConstants.GMS ? (int) ret.level : ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HOLY_SHIELD, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));//fix names
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MP_BOOST, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
                        case 3121007: // Hamstring
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HAMSTRING, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SPEED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 3221006: // Blind
                        case 33111004:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BLIND, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.ACC, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 9101003: //customs for infinite dmg :D
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE, 500000);
                        case 2301004:
                        case 9001003:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BLESS, (int) ret.level);
                        case 32120000:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.dot, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.damage));
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.dotTime, 3);
                        case 32001003: //dark aura
                        case 32110007:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, (sourceid == 32110007 ? 60000 : 2100000000));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AURA, (int) ret.level);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DARK_AURA, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 32111012: //blue aura
                        case 32110000:
                        case 32110008:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, (sourceid == 32110008 ? 60000 : 2100000000));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AURA, (int) ret.level);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BLUE_AURA, (int) ret.level);
                        case 32120001:
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.SPEED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.speed));
                        case 32101003: //yellow aura
                        case 32110009:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, (sourceid == 32110009 ? 60000 : 2100000000));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AURA, (int) ret.level);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.YELLOW_AURA, (int) ret.level);
                        case 33101004: //it's raining mines
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.RAINING_MINES, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); //x?
                        case 35101007: //perfect armor
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PERFECT_ARMOR, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 35121006: //satellite safety
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SATELLITESAFE_PROC, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SATELLITESAFE_ABSORB, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 80001040:
                        case 20021110:
                        case 20031203:
                            ret.moveTo = ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x);
                        case 5311004:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BARREL_ROLL, 0);
                        case 5121015:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_BUFF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 80001089: // Soaring
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SOARING, 1);
                        case 112111000:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 40000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SOARING, 1);
                        case 20031205:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PHANTOM_MOVE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 5211009:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                        case 35001001: //flame
                        case 35101009:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE, level); //ya wtf
                        case 35111004: //siege mode
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE, level);//new    
                        case 35111016: // overclock mech
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieDamR));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_MONSTER_DEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 35121013://seige?
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE, level);//new
                        case 35121005: //missile tank
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE, level); //ya wtf
                        case 10001075: // Cygnus Echo
                        case 50001075: // Mihile's Empress's Prayer
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ECHO_OF_HERO, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                         case 11001022:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, 1);
                        case 11001021:    
                        case 11101024:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 11121006:
                        case 11121054:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMaxDamageOver));
                        case 4111002:
                        case 4331002:
                        case 15121004:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                       case 15121054:    
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieDamR));    
                         case 30021237:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.XENON_FLY, Integer.valueOf(1));
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, Integer.valueOf(180000));
                        case 2321054:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ANGEL, 1);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.ignoreMobpdpR));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_SPEED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieBooster));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMad));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMaxDamageOver));
                    //    case 4211008:
                        case 36111006:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER, Integer.valueOf(ret.level));
                        case 13111023:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ALBATROSS, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indiePad));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMhp));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_SPEED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieBooster));//true?
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_PERCENT_UP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieCr));
                        case 13120008:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ALBATROSS, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indiePad));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMhp));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_SPEED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieBooster));//true?
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_PERCENT_UP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieCr));
                        case 4311009:
                        case 15101022:
                        case 31201002:
                        case 31001001:
                        case 36101004:
                        case 41101005:
                        case 42101003:
                        case 51101003:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 41121003:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 31211003:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 36111008: // Emergency Resupply
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUPPLY_SURPLUS, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 27101202:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, Integer.valueOf(2100000000));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PRESSURE_VOID, Integer.valueOf(ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)));
                case 27111004:
                    ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, Integer.valueOf(2100000000));
                    ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PRESSURE_VOID, Integer.valueOf(3));
                        case 27111006:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ENHANCED_MAXMP, Integer.valueOf(-((Integer) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.emad)).intValue()));
                        case 30010242:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.LUNAR_TIDE, Integer.valueOf(1));
        //                case 27121052:
         //                    ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.STUN, Integer.valueOf(1));
                   //     case 27121054:
                   //         ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.LUMINOUS_GAUGE, Integer.valueOf(20040218));
                   //         break;
                        case 27121006: // Arcane Pitch
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.FINALATTACK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 24121053:
                        case 21121053:
                        case 22171053:
                        case 23121053:
                        case 27121053: //Heroic Memories
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMaxDamageOver));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieDamR));
                        case 30020234:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.w));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AVOID, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 36000004:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.w));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AVOID, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 36100007:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.w));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AVOID, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 36110004:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.w));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AVOID, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                       case 36120010:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.w));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AVOID, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 36120016:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.STANCE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.w));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AVOID, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 5721053:
                        case 5321053:

                        case 5121053:
                        case 4341053:
                        case 4221053:
                        case 4121053:
                        case 3221053:
                        case 3121053:
                        case 2321053:
                        case 2221053:
                        case 2121053:
                        case 1321053:
                        case 1221053:
                        case 1121053: //Epic Adventure
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMaxDamageOver));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieDamR));
                        case 31221053:
                        case 31121053:
                        case 32121053:
                        case 33121053:
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMaxDamageOver));
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieDamR));
                        case 5221053://epic Aventure corsair
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieDamR));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMaxDamageOver));
                        case 51121053: //Queen of Tomorrow Mihile
                        case 35121053://for liberty mechanic
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieDamR));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_CAP_INCREASE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMaxDamageOver));
                        case 61101004:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER, Integer.valueOf(-((Integer) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)).intValue()));
                        case 61111003:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R, Integer.valueOf(-((Integer) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.asrR)).intValue()));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R, Integer.valueOf(-((Integer) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.terR)).intValue()));
                        case 60001216:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, Integer.valueOf(2100000000));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.KAISER_MODE_CHANGE, Integer.valueOf(1));
                        case 60001217:
                      //  case 61100005:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, Integer.valueOf(2100000000));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.KAISER_MODE_CHANGE, Integer.valueOf(0));
                        case 61111004:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieDamR));
                        case 61111008: //Kaiser morph
                        case 61120008: //Kaiser morph
                        case 61121053: //Kaiser morph no gauge
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED, -(ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.speed)));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MORPH, -(ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.morph)));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE, -(ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.cr)));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieDamR));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_SPEED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieBooster));
                        case 61121054: //Kaiser's Majesty, #Novak ftw
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.KAISER_MAJESTY3, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); 
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.KAISER_MAJESTY4, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_SPEED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieBooster));
                        case 4341054:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ARIANT_COSS_IMU2, Integer.valueOf(1));
                            ret.overTime = true;
                         case 4341052:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ASURA, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 35120014:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DICE_ROLL, Integer.valueOf(0));
                        case 80001264:
                             ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.cooltime, Integer.valueOf(180000));
                        case 4121054:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED_LEVEL, Integer.valueOf(1));
                        case 31211004: // Diabolic Recovery
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, Integer.valueOf(180000));    
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HP_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMhpR));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DIABOLIC_RECOVERY, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                    //    ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.RECOVERY, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 31221004:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieDamR));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_SPEED, 2);
                          //  ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOOSTER, 2);
                        case 36101003:
                             ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MP_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMmpR));
                             ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HP_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMhpR));
                             ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, Integer.valueOf(180000));
                        case 4341000:
                        case 22171000:
                        case 13121000:
                        case 11121000:
                        case 15121000:
                        case 31221008:
                        case 27121009:
                        case 31121004:
                        case 33121007:
                        case 36121008:
                        case 41121005:
                        case 42121006:
                        case 51121005:
                        case 61121014:
                        case 65121009:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAPLE_WARRIOR, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 13121005:
                        case 33121004:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SHARP_EYES, Integer.valueOf((((Integer) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)).intValue() << 8) + ((Integer) ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.criticaldamageMax)).intValue()));
                        case 5321054:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_COUNT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 51111007:
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.STUN, Integer.valueOf(1));
                        case 61111002:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, Integer.valueOf(1));
                            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.STUN, Integer.valueOf(1));
                 //       case 36121002: // TEST HYPO
                //        case 36121013: // TEST HYPO
                 //       case 36121014: // TEST HYPO
                        case 42100010:
                        case 22171052:
                        case 42101021:
                        case 42121021:
                        case 42101001:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, Integer.valueOf(1));
                        case 42111003:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, Integer.valueOf(60000));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON, Integer.valueOf(1));
                        case 33111006:
                        case 33111007:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_BUFF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.FELINE_BERSERK, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 13121004:// Touch of the Wind
                            //ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.AVOID, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            //ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ACC, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                            //ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HP_BOOST_PERCENT, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMhpR));
                            //ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ALBATROSS, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            //statups.add(new Triple<MapleBuffStats, Integer, Boolean>(MapleBuffStats.WN_BISS, ret.effects.getStats("prop"), false));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.TOUCH_OF_THE_WIND2, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HAMSTRING, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.TOUCH_OF_THE_WIND1, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.prop));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HP_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMhpR));
                        case 31101003:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PERFECT_ARMOR, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                        case 51121006:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_BUFF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE_BUFF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE_BUFF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
                        case 51111003:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_BUFF, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        case 31121007:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOUNDLESS_RAGE, Integer.valueOf(1));
                        case 31111004:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABNORMAL_STATUS_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENTAL_STATUS_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DEFENCE_BOOST_R, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
            if (GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000)) {
                    switch (sourceid % 10000) {
                        case 1087:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, 10);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, 10);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED, 1);
                        case 1085:
                        case 1090:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, 5);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, 5);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED, 1);
                        case 1179:
                            ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, 12);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, 12);
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED, 1);
//            if (GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000)) {
//                switch (sourceid % 10000) {
//                    //angelic blessing: HACK, we're actually supposed to use the passives for atk/matk buff
//                    case 1087:
//                        ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
//                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, 10);
//                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, 10);
//                        break;
//                    case 1085:
//                    case 1090:
//                        ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
//                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, 5);
//                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, 5);
//                        break;
//                    case 1179:
//                    case 1154:
//                        ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
//                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, 12);
//                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_MAD, 12);
//                        break;
                    case 1105:
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ICE_SKILL, 1);
                        ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                    case 93:
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HIDDEN_POTENTIAL, 1);
                    case 8001:
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SOULARROW, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                    case 1005: // Echo of Hero
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.ECHO_OF_HERO, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                    case 1011: // Berserk fury
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.BERSERK_FURY, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                    case 1010:
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.DIVINE_BODY, 1);
                    case 1001:
                        if (sourceid / 10000 == 3001 || sourceid / 10000 == 3000) { //resistance is diff
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.INFILTRATE, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        } else {
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.RECOVERY, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                    case 8003:
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAXHP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MAXMP, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                    case 8004:
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBAT_ORDERS, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
            //         case 36121054:
            //        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUPPLY_SURPLUS, Integer.valueOf(16));
             //       break;
                    case 8005:
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.HOLY_SHIELD, 1);
                    case 8006:
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPEED_INFUSION, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                    case 103:
                        ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.STUN, 1);
                    case 99:
                    case 104:
                        ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.FREEZE, 1);
                        ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.time) * 2); // freezing skills are a little strange
                    case 8002:
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SHARP_EYES, (ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x) << 8) + ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.y) + ret.info.get(MapleStatInfo.criticaldamageMax));
                    case 1026: // Soaring
                    case 1142: // Soaring
                        ret.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);
                        ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.SOARING, 1);
        //} else {
         //   switch (sourceid) {
          //      case 2022746: //angel bless
           //     case 2022747: //d.angel bless
            //    case 2022823:
             //       ret.statups.clear(); //no atk/matk
              //      ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.PYRAMID_PQ, 1); //ITEM_EFFECT buff
               //     break;
        if (ret.isPoison()) {
            ret.monsterStatus.put(MonsterStatus.POISON, 1);
        if (ret.isMorph() || ret.isPirateMorph()) {
            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.MORPH, ret.getMorph());

        return ret;

     * @[I][B][URL="http://forum.ragezone.com/members/2000183830.html"]para[/URL][/B][/I]m applyto
     * @[I][B][URL="http://forum.ragezone.com/members/2000183830.html"]para[/URL][/B][/I]m obj
    public final void applyPassive(final MapleCharacter applyto, final MapleMapObject obj) {
        if (makeChanceResult() && !GameConstants.isDemonSlayer(applyto.getJob())) { // demon can't heal mp
            switch (sourceid) { // MP eater
                case 2100000:
                case 2200000:
                case 2300000:
                    if (obj == null || obj.getType() != MapleMapObjectType.MONSTER) {
                    final MapleMonster mob = (MapleMonster) obj; // x is absorb percentage
                    if (!mob.getStats().isBoss()) {
                        final int absorbMp = Math.min((int) (mob.getMobMaxMp() * (getX() / 100.0)), mob.getMp());
                        if (absorbMp > 0) {
                            mob.setMp(mob.getMp() - absorbMp);
                            applyto.getStat().setMp(applyto.getStat().getMp() + absorbMp, applyto);
                            applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnBuffEffect(sourceid, 1, applyto.getLevel(), level));
                            applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showBuffeffect(applyto.getId(), sourceid, 1, applyto.getLevel(), level), false);

    public final boolean applyTo(MapleCharacter chr) {
        return applyTo(chr, chr, true, null, info.get(MapleStatInfo.time));

    public final boolean applyTo(MapleCharacter chr, Point pos) {
        return applyTo(chr, chr, true, pos, info.get(MapleStatInfo.time));

    public final boolean applyTo(final MapleCharacter applyfrom, final MapleCharacter applyto, final boolean primary, final Point pos, int newDuration) {
        if (isHeal() && (applyfrom.getMapId() == 749040100 || applyto.getMapId() == 749040100)) {
            return false; //z
        } else if ((isSoaring_Mount() && applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING) == null) || (isSoaring_Normal() && !applyfrom.getMap().canSoar())) {
            return false;
        } else if (sourceid == 4341006 && applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER) == null) {
            return false;
        } else if (sourceid == 33101008 && (applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.RAINING_MINES) == null || applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON) != null || !applyfrom.canSummon())) {
            return false;
        } else if (isShadow() && applyfrom.getJob() / 100 % 10 != 4) { //pirate/shadow = dc
            return false;
        } else if (sourceid == 33101004 && applyfrom.getMap().isTown()) {
            applyfrom.dropMessage(5, "You may not use this skill in towns.");
            return false;
        int hpchange = calcHPChange(applyfrom, primary);
        int mpchange = calcMPChange(applyfrom, primary);
        int powerchange = calcPowerChange(applyfrom);

        final PlayerStats stat = applyto.getStat();
        if (primary) {
            if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemConNo) != 0 && !applyto.isClone() && !applyto.inPVP()) {
                if (!applyto.haveItem(info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemCon), info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemConNo), false, true)) {
                    return false;
                MapleInventoryManipulator.removeById(applyto.getClient(), GameConstants.getInventoryType(info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemCon)), info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemCon), info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemConNo), false, true);
        } else if (!primary && isResurrection()) {
            hpchange = stat.getMaxHp();
            applyto.setStance(0); //TODO fix death bug, player doesnt spawn on other screen
        if (isDispel() && makeChanceResult()) {
        } else if (isHeroWill()) {
        } else if (cureDebuffs.size() > 0) {
            for (final MapleDisease debuff : cureDebuffs) {
        } else if (isMPRecovery()) {
            final int toDecreaseHP = ((stat.getMaxHp() / 100) * 10);
            if (stat.getHp() > toDecreaseHP) {
                hpchange += -toDecreaseHP; // -10% of max HP
                mpchange += ((toDecreaseHP / 100) * getY());
            } else {
                hpchange = stat.getHp() == 1 ? 0 : stat.getHp() - 1;
        final Map<MapleStat, Long> hpmpupdate = new EnumMap<>(MapleStat.class);
        if (hpchange != 0) {
            if (hpchange < 0 && (-hpchange) > stat.getHp() && !applyto.hasDisease(MapleDisease.ZOMBIFY)) {
                return false;
            stat.setHp(stat.getHp() + hpchange, applyto);
        if (mpchange != 0) {
            if (mpchange < 0 && (-mpchange) > stat.getMp()) {
                return false;
            //short converting needs math.min cuz of overflow
            if ((mpchange < 0 && GameConstants.isDemonSlayer(applyto.getJob())) || !GameConstants.isDemonSlayer(applyto.getJob())) { // heal
                stat.setMp(stat.getMp() + mpchange, applyto);
            hpmpupdate.put(MapleStat.MP, Long.valueOf(stat.getMp()));
        hpmpupdate.put(MapleStat.HP, Long.valueOf(stat.getHp()));

        applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.updatePlayerStats(hpmpupdate, true, applyto));
        if (powerchange != 0) {
            if (applyto.getXenonSurplus() - powerchange < 0) {
                return false;
            applyto.gainXenonSurplus((short) -powerchange);
        if (expinc != 0) {
            applyto.gainExp(expinc, true, true, false);
        } else if (sourceid / 10000 == 238) {
            final MapleItemInformationProvider ii = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance();
            final int mobid = ii.getCardMobId(sourceid);
            if (mobid > 0) {
                final boolean done = applyto.getMonsterBook().monsterCaught(applyto.getClient(), mobid, MapleLifeFactory.getMonsterStats(mobid).getName());
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.getCard(done ? sourceid : 0, 1));
        } else if (isReturnScroll()) {
        } else if (useLevel > 0 && !skill) {
            applyto.setExtractor(new MapleExtractor(applyto, sourceid, useLevel * 50, 1440)); //no clue about time left
        } else if (isMistEruption()) {
            int i = info.get(MapleStatInfo.y);
            for (MapleMist m : applyto.getMap().getAllMistsThreadsafe()) {
                if (m.getOwnerId() == applyto.getId() && m.getSourceSkill().getId() == 2111003) {
                    if (m.getSchedule() != null) {
                    if (m.getPoisonSchedule() != null) {
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(CField.removeMist(m.getObjectId(), true));

                    if (i <= 0) {
        } else if (cosmetic > 0) {
            if (cosmetic >= 30000) {
                applyto.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.HAIR, cosmetic);
            } else if (cosmetic >= 20000) {
                applyto.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.FACE, cosmetic);
            } else if (cosmetic < 100) {
                applyto.setSkinColor((byte) cosmetic);
                applyto.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.SKIN, cosmetic);
        } else if (bs > 0) {
            if (!applyto.inPVP()) {
                return false;
            final int x = Integer.parseInt(applyto.getEventInstance().getProperty(String.valueOf(applyto.getId())));
            applyto.getEventInstance().setProperty(String.valueOf(applyto.getId()), String.valueOf(x + bs));
            applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.getPVPScore(x + bs, false));
        } else if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.iceGageCon) > 0) {
            if (!applyto.inPVP()) {
                return false;
            final int x = Integer.parseInt(applyto.getEventInstance().getProperty("icegage"));
            if (x < info.get(MapleStatInfo.iceGageCon)) {
                return false;
            applyto.getEventInstance().setProperty("icegage", String.valueOf(x - info.get(MapleStatInfo.iceGageCon)));
            applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.getPVPIceGage(x - info.get(MapleStatInfo.iceGageCon)));
            applyto.applyIceGage(x - info.get(MapleStatInfo.iceGageCon));
        } else if (recipe > 0) {
            if (applyto.getSkillLevel(recipe) > 0 || applyto.getProfessionLevel((recipe / 10000) * 10000) < reqSkillLevel) {
                return false;
            applyto.changeSingleSkillLevel(SkillFactory.getCraft(recipe), Integer.MAX_VALUE, recipeUseCount, recipeValidDay > 0 ? (System.currentTimeMillis() + recipeValidDay * 24L * 60 * 60 * 1000) : -1L);
        } else if (isComboRecharge()) {
            applyto.setCombo((short) Math.min(30000, applyto.getCombo() + info.get(MapleStatInfo.y)));
            SkillFactory.getSkill(21000000).getEffect(10).applyComboBuff(applyto, applyto.getCombo());
        } else if (isDragonBlink()) {
            final MaplePortal portal = applyto.getMap().getPortal(Randomizer.nextInt(applyto.getMap().getPortals().size()));
            if (portal != null) {
                applyto.getMap().movePlayer(applyto, portal.getPosition());
        } else if (isSpiritClaw() && !applyto.isClone()) {
            MapleInventory use = applyto.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.USE);
            boolean itemz = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < use.getSlotLimit(); i++) { // impose order...
                Item item = use.getItem((byte) i);
                if (item != null) {
                    if (GameConstants.isRechargable(item.getItemId()) && item.getQuantity() >= 100) {
                        MapleInventoryManipulator.removeFromSlot(applyto.getClient(), MapleInventoryType.USE, (short) i, (short) 100, false, true);
                        itemz = true;
            if (!itemz) {
                return false;
        } else if (isSpiritBlast() && !applyto.isClone()) {
            MapleInventory use = applyto.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.USE);
            boolean itemz = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < use.getSlotLimit(); i++) { // impose order...
                Item item = use.getItem((byte) i);
                if (item != null) {
                    if (GameConstants.isBullet(item.getItemId()) && item.getQuantity() >= 100) {
                        MapleInventoryManipulator.removeFromSlot(applyto.getClient(), MapleInventoryType.USE, (short) i, (short) 100, false, true);
                        itemz = true;
            if (!itemz) {
                return false;
        } else if (cp != 0 && applyto.getCarnivalParty() != null) {
            applyto.getCarnivalParty().addCP(applyto, cp);
            applyto.CPUpdate(false, applyto.getAvailableCP(), applyto.getTotalCP(), 0);
            for (MapleCharacter chr : applyto.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) {
                chr.CPUpdate(true, applyto.getCarnivalParty().getAvailableCP(), applyto.getCarnivalParty().getTotalCP(), applyto.getCarnivalParty().getTeam());
        } else if (nuffSkill != 0 && applyto.getParty() != null) {
            final MCSkill skil = MapleCarnivalFactory.getInstance().getSkill(nuffSkill);
            if (skil != null) {
                final MapleDisease dis = skil.getDisease();
                for (MapleCharacter chr : applyto.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) {
                    if (applyto.getParty() == null || chr.getParty() == null || (chr.getParty().getId() != applyto.getParty().getId())) {
                        if (skil.targetsAll || Randomizer.nextBoolean()) {
                            if (dis == null) {
                            } else if (skil.getSkill() == null) {
                                chr.giveDebuff(dis, 1, 30000, dis.getDisease(), 1);
                            } else {
                                chr.giveDebuff(dis, skil.getSkill());
                            if (!skil.targetsAll) {
        } else if ((effectedOnEnemy > 0 || effectedOnAlly > 0) && primary && applyto.inPVP()) {
            final int eventType = Integer.parseInt(applyto.getEventInstance().getProperty("type"));
            if (eventType > 0 || effectedOnEnemy > 0) {
                for (MapleCharacter chr : applyto.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) {
                    if (chr.getId() != applyto.getId() && (effectedOnAlly > 0 ? (chr.getTeam() == applyto.getTeam()) : (chr.getTeam() != applyto.getTeam() || eventType == 0))) {
                        applyTo(applyto, chr, false, pos, newDuration);
        } else if (mobSkill > 0 && mobSkillLevel > 0 && primary && applyto.inPVP()) {
            if (effectedOnEnemy > 0) {
                final int eventType = Integer.parseInt(applyto.getEventInstance().getProperty("type"));
                for (MapleCharacter chr : applyto.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) {
                    if (chr.getId() != applyto.getId() && (chr.getTeam() != applyto.getTeam() || eventType == 0)) {
                        chr.disease(mobSkill, mobSkillLevel);
            } else {
                if (sourceid == 2910000 || sourceid == 2910001) { //red flag
                    applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnBuffEffect(sourceid, 13, applyto.getLevel(), level));
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showBuffeffect(applyto.getId(), sourceid, 13, applyto.getLevel(), level), false);

                    applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnCraftingEffect("UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Effect", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 0, 0));
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showCraftingEffect(applyto.getId(), "UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Effect", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 0, 0), false);
                    if (applyto.getTeam() == (sourceid - 2910000)) { //restore duh flag
                        if (sourceid == 2910000) {
                            applyto.getEventInstance().broadcastPlayerMsg(-7, "The Red Team's flag has been restored.");
                        } else {
                            applyto.getEventInstance().broadcastPlayerMsg(-7, "The Blue Team's flag has been restored.");
                        applyto.getMap().spawnAutoDrop(sourceid, applyto.getMap().getGuardians().get(sourceid - 2910000).left);
                    } else {
                        applyto.disease(mobSkill, mobSkillLevel);
                        if (sourceid == 2910000) {
                            applyto.getEventInstance().setProperty("redflag", String.valueOf(applyto.getId()));
                            applyto.getEventInstance().broadcastPlayerMsg(-7, "The Red Team's flag has been captured!");
                            applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnCraftingEffect("UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Tail/Red", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 600000, 0));
                            applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showCraftingEffect(applyto.getId(), "UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Tail/Red", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 600000, 0), false);
                        } else {
                            applyto.getEventInstance().setProperty("blueflag", String.valueOf(applyto.getId()));
                            applyto.getEventInstance().broadcastPlayerMsg(-7, "The Blue Team's flag has been captured!");
                            applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnCraftingEffect("UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Tail/Blue", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 600000, 0));
                            applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showCraftingEffect(applyto.getId(), "UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Tail/Blue", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 600000, 0), false);
                } else {
                    applyto.disease(mobSkill, mobSkillLevel);
        } else if (randomPickup != null && randomPickup.size() > 0) {
        } else if (sourceid == 20031203 || sourceid == 20021110 || sourceid == 80001040) { //TODO: make them gms like
            applyto.changeMap(sourceid == 20031203 ? 150000000 : sourceid == 20021110 || sourceid == 80001040 ? 101050000 : 100000000, 0);
        for (Entry<MapleTraitType, Integer> t : traits.entrySet()) {
            applyto.getTrait(t.getKey()).addExp(t.getValue(), applyto);
        final SummonMovementType summonMovementType = getSummonMovementType();
        if (summonMovementType != null && (sourceid != 32111006 || (applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.REAPER) != null && !primary)) && !applyto.isClone()) {
            int summId = sourceid;
            if (sourceid == 3111002) {
                final Skill elite = SkillFactory.getSkill(3120012);
                if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(elite) > 0) {
                    return elite.getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(elite)).applyTo(applyfrom, applyto, primary, pos, newDuration);
            } else if (sourceid == 3211002) {
                final Skill elite = SkillFactory.getSkill(3220012);
                if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(elite) > 0) {
                    return elite.getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(elite)).applyTo(applyfrom, applyto, primary, pos, newDuration);
            final MapleSummon tosummon = new MapleSummon(applyfrom, summId, getLevel(), new Point(pos == null ? applyfrom.getTruePosition() : pos), summonMovementType);
            if (!tosummon.isPuppet()) {
            applyfrom.cancelEffect(this, true, -1, statups);
            if (isBeholder()) {
                tosummon.addHP((short) 1);
            } else if (sourceid == 4341006) {
            } else if (sourceid == 32111006) {
                return true; //no buff
            } else if (sourceid == 35111002) {
                List<Integer> count = new ArrayList<>();
                final List<MapleSummon> ss = applyfrom.getSummonsReadLock();
                try {
                    for (MapleSummon s : ss) {
                        if (s.getSkill() == sourceid) {
                } finally {
                if (count.size() != 3) {
                    return true; //no buff until 3
                applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(sourceid, getCooldown(applyfrom)));
                applyfrom.addCooldown(sourceid, System.currentTimeMillis(), getCooldown(applyfrom) * 1000);
                applyfrom.getMap().broadcastMessage(CField.teslaTriangle(applyfrom.getId(), count.get(0), count.get(1), count.get(2)));
            } else if (sourceid == 35121003) {
                applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); //doubt we need this at all
        } else if (isMechDoor()) {
            int newId = 0;
            boolean applyBuff = false;
            if (applyto.getMechDoors().size() >= 2) {
                final MechDoor remove = applyto.getMechDoors().remove(0);
                newId = remove.getId();
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(CField.removeMechDoor(remove, true));
            } else {
                for (MechDoor d : applyto.getMechDoors()) {
                    if (d.getId() == newId) {
                        applyBuff = true;
                        newId = 1;
            final MechDoor door = new MechDoor(applyto, new Point(pos == null ? applyto.getTruePosition() : pos), newId);
            if (!applyBuff) {
                return true; //do not apply buff until 2 doors spawned
        if (primary && availableMap != null) {
            for (Pair<Integer, Integer> e : availableMap) {
                if (applyto.getMapId() < e.left || applyto.getMapId() > e.right) {
                    return true;
        if (overTime && !isEnergyCharge()) {
            applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration);
        if (skill) {
        if (primary) {
            if ((overTime || isHeal()) && !isEnergyCharge()) {
                applyBuff(applyfrom, newDuration);
            if (isMonsterBuff()) {
        if (isMagicDoor()) { // Magic Door
            MapleDoor door = new MapleDoor(applyto, new Point(pos == null ? applyto.getTruePosition() : pos), sourceid); // Current Map door
            if (door.getTownPortal() != null) {


                MapleDoor townDoor = new MapleDoor(door); // Town door

                if (applyto.getParty() != null) { // update town doors
            } else {
                applyto.dropMessage(5, "You may not spawn a door because all doors in the town are taken.");
        } else if (isMist()) {
            final Rectangle bounds = calculateBoundingBox(pos != null ? pos : applyfrom.getPosition(), applyfrom.isFacingLeft());
            final MapleMist mist = new MapleMist(bounds, applyfrom, this);
            applyfrom.getMap().spawnMist(mist, getDuration(), false);

        } else if (isTimeLeap()) { // Time Leap
            for (MapleCoolDownValueHolder i : applyto.getCooldowns()) {
                if (i.skillId != 5121010) {
                    applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(i.skillId, 0));
        } else {
            for (WeakReference<MapleCharacter> chrz : applyto.getClones()) {
                if (chrz.get() != null) {
                    applyTo(chrz.get(), chrz.get(), primary, pos, newDuration);
               if (applyto.getJob() == 132) {       
               if (applyto.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF) != 1); { //Sacrifice is the only skill Dark Knights have that give Ignore Def hacky but works
                applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(1321013, getCooldown(applyfrom) * 0));
                applyto.addCooldown(1321013, System.currentTimeMillis(), getCooldown(applyfrom));
               if (GameConstants.isLuminous(applyto.getJob())) {       
               if (applyto.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.LUMINOUS_GAUGE) != 1); { //Sacrifice is the only skill Dark Knights have that give Ignore Def hacky but works
                   //World.Broadcast.broadcastMessage(CField.getGameMessage("Light?.", (short) 8));
        if (fatigueChange != 0 && applyto.getSummonedFamiliar() != null && (familiars == null || familiars.contains(applyto.getSummonedFamiliar().getFamiliar()))) {
            applyto.getSummonedFamiliar().addFatigue(applyto, fatigueChange);
        if (rewardMeso != 0) {
            applyto.gainMeso(rewardMeso, false);
        if (rewardItem != null && totalprob > 0) {
            for (Triple<Integer, Integer, Integer> reward : rewardItem) {
                if (MapleInventoryManipulator.checkSpace(applyto.getClient(), reward.left, reward.mid, "") && reward.right > 0 && Randomizer.nextInt(totalprob) < reward.right) { // Total prob
                    if (GameConstants.getInventoryType(reward.left) == MapleInventoryType.EQUIP) {
                        final Item item = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance().getEquipById(reward.left);
                        item.setGMLog("Reward item (effect): " + sourceid + " on " + FileoutputUtil.CurrentReadable_Date());
                        MapleInventoryManipulator.addbyItem(applyto.getClient(), item);
                    } else {
                        MapleInventoryManipulator.addById(applyto.getClient(), reward.left, reward.mid.shortValue(), "Reward item (effect): " + sourceid + " on " + FileoutputUtil.CurrentReadable_Date());
        if (familiarTarget == 2 && applyfrom.getParty() != null && primary) { //to party
            for (MaplePartyCharacter mpc : applyfrom.getParty().getMembers()) {
                if (mpc.getId() != applyfrom.getId() && mpc.getChannel() == applyfrom.getClient().getChannel() && mpc.getMapid() == applyfrom.getMapId() && mpc.isOnline()) {
                    MapleCharacter mc = applyfrom.getMap().getCharacterById(mpc.getId());
                    if (mc != null) {
                        applyTo(applyfrom, mc, false, null, newDuration);
        } else if (familiarTarget == 3 && primary) {
            for (MapleCharacter mc : applyfrom.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) {
                if (mc.getId() != applyfrom.getId()) {
                    applyTo(applyfrom, mc, false, null, newDuration);
        if (GameConstants.isTownSkill(sourceid)) {
            applyto.changeMap(info.get(MapleStatInfo.x), 0);
        return true;

    public final boolean applyReturnScroll(final MapleCharacter applyto) {
        if (moveTo != -1) {
            if (applyto.getMap().getReturnMapId() != applyto.getMapId() || sourceid == 2031010 || sourceid == 2030021 || sourceid == 20021110 || sourceid == 2030028 || sourceid == 20031203) {
                MapleMap target;
                if (moveTo == 999999999) {
                    target = applyto.getMap().getReturnMap();
                } else if (sourceid == 2030028 && moveTo == 103020000) {
                    target = ChannelServer.getInstance(applyto.getClient().getChannel()).getMapFactory().getMap(moveTo);
                } else if (sourceid == 20031203 && moveTo == 150000000) {
                    target = ChannelServer.getInstance(applyto.getClient().getChannel()).getMapFactory().getMap(moveTo);
                } else {
                    target = ChannelServer.getInstance(applyto.getClient().getChannel()).getMapFactory().getMap(moveTo);
                    if (target.getId() / 10000000 != 60 && applyto.getMapId() / 10000000 != 61) {
                        if (target.getId() / 10000000 != 21 && applyto.getMapId() / 10000000 != 20) {
                            if (target.getId() / 10000000 != applyto.getMapId() / 10000000) {
                                applyto.dropMessage(5, "You can not teleport there as it is on a different continent.");
                                return false;
                applyto.changeMap(target, target.getPortal(0));
                return true;
            System.out.println(applyto.getMap().getReturnMapId() + " / " + applyto.getMapId());
        return false;
   /* public final boolean applyReturnScroll(final MapleCharacter applyto) {
        if (moveTo != -1) {
            if (applyto.getMap().getReturnMapId() != applyto.getMapId() || sourceid == 2031010 || sourceid == 2030021 || sourceid == 20021110 || sourceid == 2030028 || sourceid == 20031203) {
                MapleMap target;
                if (moveTo == 999999999) {
                    target = applyto.getMap().getReturnMap();
                } else {
                    target = ChannelServer.getInstance(applyto.getClient().getChannel()).getMapFactory().getMap(moveTo);
                    if (target.getId() / 10000000 != 60 && applyto.getMapId() / 10000000 != 61) {
                        if (target.getId() / 10000000 != 21 && applyto.getMapId() / 10000000 != 20) {
                            if (target.getId() / 10000000 != applyto.getMapId() / 10000000) {
                                return false;
                applyto.changeMap(target, target.getPortal(0));
                return true;
        return false;

    private boolean isSoulStone() {
        return skill && sourceid == 22181003 || sourceid == 24111002;

    private void applyBuff(final MapleCharacter applyfrom, int newDuration) {
        if (isSoulStone() && sourceid != 24111002) {
            if (applyfrom.getParty() != null) {
                int membrs = 0;
                for (MapleCharacter chr : applyfrom.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) {
                    if (!chr.isClone() && chr.getParty() != null && chr.getParty().getId() == applyfrom.getParty().getId() && chr.isAlive()) {
                List<MapleCharacter> awarded = new ArrayList<>();
                while (awarded.size() < Math.min(membrs, info.get(MapleStatInfo.y))) {
                    for (MapleCharacter chr : applyfrom.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) {
                        if (chr != null && !chr.isClone() && chr.isAlive() && chr.getParty() != null && chr.getParty().getId() == applyfrom.getParty().getId() && !awarded.contains(chr) && Randomizer.nextInt(info.get(MapleStatInfo.y)) == 0) {
                for (MapleCharacter chr : awarded) {
                    applyTo(applyfrom, chr, false, null, newDuration);
                    chr.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnBuffEffect(sourceid, 2, applyfrom.getLevel(), level));
                    chr.getMap().broadcastMessage(chr, EffectPacket.showBuffeffect(chr.getId(), sourceid, 2, applyfrom.getLevel(), level), false);
        } else if (isPartyBuff() && (applyfrom.getParty() != null || isGmBuff() || applyfrom.inPVP())) {
            final Rectangle bounds = calculateBoundingBox(applyfrom.getTruePosition(), applyfrom.isFacingLeft());
            final List<MapleMapObject> affecteds = applyfrom.getMap().getMapObjectsInRect(bounds, Arrays.asList(MapleMapObjectType.PLAYER));

            for (final MapleMapObject affectedmo : affecteds) {
                final MapleCharacter affected = (MapleCharacter) affectedmo;

                if (affected.getId() != applyfrom.getId() && (isGmBuff() || (applyfrom.inPVP() && affected.getTeam() == applyfrom.getTeam() && Integer.parseInt(applyfrom.getEventInstance().getProperty("type")) != 0) || (applyfrom.getParty() != null && affected.getParty() != null && applyfrom.getParty().getId() == affected.getParty().getId()))) {
                    if ((isResurrection() && !affected.isAlive()) || (!isResurrection() && affected.isAlive())) {
                        applyTo(applyfrom, affected, false, null, newDuration);
                        affected.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnBuffEffect(sourceid, 2, applyfrom.getLevel(), level));
                        affected.getMap().broadcastMessage(affected, EffectPacket.showBuffeffect(affected.getId(), sourceid, 2, applyfrom.getLevel(), level), false);
                    if (isTimeLeap()) {
                        for (MapleCoolDownValueHolder i : affected.getCooldowns()) {
                            if (i.skillId != 5121010) {
                                affected.getClient().getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(i.skillId, 0));

    private void removeMonsterBuff(final MapleCharacter applyfrom) {
        List<MonsterStatus> cancel = new ArrayList<>();
        switch (sourceid) {
            case 1111007:
            case 51111005: //Mihile's magic crash
            case 1211009:
            case 1311007:
        final Rectangle bounds = calculateBoundingBox(applyfrom.getTruePosition(), applyfrom.isFacingLeft());
        final List<MapleMapObject> affected = applyfrom.getMap().getMapObjectsInRect(bounds, Arrays.asList(MapleMapObjectType.MONSTER));
        int i = 0;

        for (final MapleMapObject mo : affected) {
            if (makeChanceResult()) {
                for (MonsterStatus stat : cancel) {
                    ((MapleMonster) mo).cancelStatus(stat);
            if (i >= info.get(MapleStatInfo.mobCount)) {

    public final void applyMonsterBuff(final MapleCharacter applyfrom) {
        final Rectangle bounds = calculateBoundingBox(applyfrom.getTruePosition(), applyfrom.isFacingLeft());
        final boolean pvp = applyfrom.inPVP();
        final MapleMapObjectType objType = pvp ? MapleMapObjectType.PLAYER : MapleMapObjectType.MONSTER;
        final List<MapleMapObject> affected = sourceid == 35111005 ? applyfrom.getMap().getMapObjectsInRange(applyfrom.getTruePosition(), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Arrays.asList(objType)) : applyfrom.getMap().getMapObjectsInRect(bounds, Arrays.asList(objType));
        int i = 0;

        for (final MapleMapObject mo : affected) {
            if (makeChanceResult()) {
                for (Map.Entry<MonsterStatus, Integer> stat : getMonsterStati().entrySet()) {
                    if (pvp) {
                        MapleCharacter chr = (MapleCharacter) mo;
                        MapleDisease d = MonsterStatus.getLinkedDisease(stat.getKey());
                        if (d != null) {
                            chr.giveDebuff(d, stat.getValue(), getDuration(), d.getDisease(), 1);
                    } else {
                        MapleMonster mons = (MapleMonster) mo;
                        if (sourceid == 35111005 && mons.getStats().isBoss()) {
                        mons.applyStatus(applyfrom, new MonsterStatusEffect(stat.getKey(), stat.getValue(), sourceid, null, false), isPoison(), isSubTime(sourceid) ? getSubTime() : getDuration(), true, this);
                if (pvp && skill) {
                    MapleCharacter chr = (MapleCharacter) mo;
                    handleExtraPVP(applyfrom, chr);
            if (i >= info.get(MapleStatInfo.mobCount) && sourceid != 35111005) {

    public final boolean isSubTime(final int source) {
        switch (source) {
            case 1201006: // threaten
            case 23111008: // spirits
            case 23111009:
            case 23111010:
            case 31101003:
            case 31121003:
            case 31121005:
      //      case 1301013:
                return true;//u there?
        return false;

    public final void handleExtraPVP(MapleCharacter applyfrom, MapleCharacter chr) {
        if (sourceid == 2311005 || sourceid == 5121005 || sourceid == 1201006 || (GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000) && sourceid % 10000 == 104)) { //doom, threaten, snatch
            final long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();

            final int localsourceid = sourceid == 5121005 ? 90002000 : sourceid;
            final Map<MapleBuffStat, Integer> localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
            if (sourceid == 2311005) {
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.MORPH, 7);
            } else if (sourceid == 1201006) {
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.THREATEN_PVP, (int) level);
            } else if (sourceid == 5121005) {
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.SNATCH, 1);
            } else {
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.MORPH, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
            chr.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(localsourceid, getDuration(), localstatups, this));
            chr.registerEffect(this, starttime, BuffTimer.getInstance().schedule(new CancelEffectAction(chr, this, starttime, localstatups), isSubTime(sourceid) ? getSubTime() : getDuration()), localstatups, false, getDuration(), applyfrom.getId());

    public final Rectangle calculateBoundingBox(final Point posFrom, final boolean facingLeft) {
        return calculateBoundingBox(posFrom, facingLeft, lt, rb, info.get(MapleStatInfo.range));

    public final Rectangle calculateBoundingBox(final Point posFrom, final boolean facingLeft, int addedRange) {
        return calculateBoundingBox(posFrom, facingLeft, lt, rb, info.get(MapleStatInfo.range) + addedRange);

    public static Rectangle calculateBoundingBox(final Point posFrom, final boolean facingLeft, final Point lt, final Point rb, final int range) {
        if (lt == null || rb == null) {
            return new Rectangle((facingLeft ? (-200 - range) : 0) + posFrom.x, (-100 - range) + posFrom.y, 200 + range, 100 + range);
        Point mylt;
        Point myrb;
        if (facingLeft) {
            mylt = new Point(lt.x + posFrom.x - range, lt.y + posFrom.y);
            myrb = new Point(rb.x + posFrom.x, rb.y + posFrom.y);
        } else {
            myrb = new Point(lt.x * -1 + posFrom.x + range, rb.y + posFrom.y);
            mylt = new Point(rb.x * -1 + posFrom.x, lt.y + posFrom.y);
        return new Rectangle(mylt.x, mylt.y, myrb.x - mylt.x, myrb.y - mylt.y);

    public final double getMaxDistanceSq() { //lt = infront of you, rb = behind you; not gonna distanceSq the two points since this is in relative to player position which is (0,0) and not both directions, just one
        final int maxX = Math.max(Math.abs(lt == null ? 0 : lt.x), Math.abs(rb == null ? 0 : rb.x));
        final int maxY = Math.max(Math.abs(lt == null ? 0 : lt.y), Math.abs(rb == null ? 0 : rb.y));
        return (maxX * maxX) + (maxY * maxY);

    public final void setDuration(int d) {
        this.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, d);

    public final void silentApplyBuff(final MapleCharacter chr, final long starttime, final int localDuration, final Map<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statup, final int cid) {
        chr.registerEffect(this, starttime, BuffTimer.getInstance().schedule(new CancelEffectAction(chr, this, starttime, statup),
                ((starttime + localDuration) - System.currentTimeMillis())), statup, true, localDuration, cid);

        final SummonMovementType summonMovementType = getSummonMovementType();
        if (summonMovementType != null) {
            final MapleSummon tosummon = new MapleSummon(chr, this, chr.getTruePosition(), summonMovementType);
            if (!tosummon.isPuppet()) {
                if (isBeholder()) {
                    tosummon.addHP((short) 1);

    public final void applyKaiser_Combo(MapleCharacter applyto, short combo) {
        EnumMap stat = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class);
        stat.put(MapleBuffStat.KAISER_COMBO, (int) combo);
        applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(0, 99999, stat, this));

    public final void applyXenon_Combo(MapleCharacter applyto, int combo) {
        EnumMap stat = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class);
        stat.put(MapleBuffStat.SUPPLY_SURPLUS, combo);
        applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(0, 99999, stat, this));

    public final void applyComboBuff(MapleCharacter applyto, short combo) {
        EnumMap stat = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class);
        stat.put(MapleBuffStat.ARAN_COMBO, (int) combo);
        applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(this.sourceid, 99999, stat, this));

        long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        applyto.registerEffect(this, starttime, null, applyto.getId());

    public final void applyBlackBlessingBuff(MapleCharacter applyto, int combo) {
        EnumMap stat = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class);
        stat.put(MapleBuffStat.BLACK_BLESSING, combo);
        applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(this.sourceid, 99999, stat, this));

    public final void applyLunarTideBuff(MapleCharacter applyto) {
        EnumMap stat = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class);
        double hpx = applyto.getStat().getMaxHp() / applyto.getStat().getHp();
        double mpx = applyto.getStat().getMaxMp() / applyto.getStat().getMp();
        stat.put(MapleBuffStat.LUNAR_TIDE, hpx >= mpx ? 2 : 1);
        applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(this.sourceid, 99999999, stat, this));

    public final void applyEnergyBuff(final MapleCharacter applyto, final boolean infinity, int targets) {
        final long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (infinity) {
            applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveEnergyChargeTest(0, info.get(MapleStatInfo.time) / 1000, targets));
            applyto.registerEffect(this, starttime, null, applyto.getId());
        } else {
            final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
            stat.put(MapleBuffStat.ENERGY_CHARGE, 10000);
            applyto.cancelEffect(this, true, -1, stat);
            applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveEnergyChargeTest(applyto.getId(), 10000, info.get(MapleStatInfo.time) / 1000), false);
            final CancelEffectAction cancelAction = new CancelEffectAction(applyto, this, starttime, stat);
            final ScheduledFuture<?> schedule = BuffTimer.getInstance().schedule(cancelAction, ((starttime + info.get(MapleStatInfo.time)) - System.currentTimeMillis()));
            applyto.registerEffect(this, starttime, schedule, stat, false, info.get(MapleStatInfo.time), applyto.getId());


    public void applyBuffEffect(final MapleCharacter applyfrom, final MapleCharacter applyto, final boolean primary, final int newDuration) {
        int localDuration = newDuration;
        if (primary) {
            localDuration = Math.max(newDuration, alchemistModifyVal(applyfrom, localDuration, false));
        Map<MapleBuffStat, Integer> localstatups = statups, maskedStatups = null;
        boolean normal = true, showEffect = primary;
        int maskedDuration = 0;
        switch (sourceid) {          
            case 61101002:
            case 61120007:
                if (applyfrom.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((short) -11) == null) {
                    normal = false;
                } else {
                    this.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.TEMPEST_BLADES, applyfrom.getSkillLevel(61101002));
                    this.weapon = applyfrom.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((short) -11).getItemId();
                    maskedStatups = new EnumMap(localstatups);
                    maskedStatups.put(MapleBuffStat.TEMPEST_BLADES, applyfrom.getSkillLevel(61101002));
            case 42101002:
                if (applyto.getHaku() != null) {
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CField.spawnHaku_change0(applyto.getId()), true);
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CField.spawnHaku_change1(applyto.getHaku()), true);
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CField.spawnHaku_bianshen(applyto.getId(), applyto.getHaku().getObjectId(), applyto.getHaku().getStats()), true);
            case 13121004: //Touch of the Wind
                    applyto.getClient().getSession().write(JobPacket.WindArcherPacket.giveWindArcherBuff(this.sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this, applyto));
                    normal= false;
            case 13120008:
            case 13111023:
                    applyto.getClient().getSession().write(JobPacket.WindArcherPacket.giveWindArcherBuff(sourceid, nuffSkill, localstatups, this, applyto));
                    normal = false;
            case 60001216:
            case 60001217:
            case 61100005:
                if (applyfrom.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.KAISER_MODE_CHANGE) == null) {
              case 2121054: ///xenon emergency by @[I][B][URL="http://forum.ragezone.com/members/2000052220.html"]mally[/URL][/B][/I]
               localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
               localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.FIRE_AURA, 1);
               applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
                            case 100001263: { // Divine Force
                localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.DIVINE_FORCE_AURA, 1);
                //localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.ELEMENT_RESIST, info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieAsrR));
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
               case 31221004: { // Overwhelming Power
                localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieDamR));
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
          //      normal = false;
                case 36121003: { // Ooparts Code
                localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_PERCENT, info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieDamR));
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
                case 27121005: {
              //  statups.clear();
                applyto.acaneAim = applyto.acaneAim == 0 ? 1 : applyto.acaneAim;
                localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.DARK_CRESCENDO, applyto.acaneAim);
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
            //    (MapleStatInfo.x, applyto.acaneAim);
            }  case 15001022://LIGHTNING Elemental ThunderBreaker
                    if (applyto.acaneAim > 0) {
                    localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF,info.get(MapleStatInfo.x) * applyto.acaneAim);
                  applyto.acaneAim = info.get(MapleStatInfo.x);
                localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), localstatups, this), false);
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
                System.out.println("Show LIGHTNING_BUFF " +getV());
            case 36111008: ///xenon emergency by @[I][B][URL="http://forum.ragezone.com/members/2000052220.html"]mally[/URL][/B][/I]
               localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
               applyto.gainXenonSurplus((short) 10);
               applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
              case 36121054:
               localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
              // applyto.gainXenonSurplus((short) 10);
            //   applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
               localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.SUPPLY_SURPLUS, 0);
               localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.AMARANTH_GENERATOR, 0);
            case 27110007:
                localstatups = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class);
                double hpx = applyfrom.getStat().getMaxHp() / applyfrom.getStat().getHp();
                double mpx = applyfrom.getStat().getMaxMp() / applyfrom.getStat().getMp();
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.LUNAR_TIDE, hpx >= mpx ? 2 : 1);
            case 4221013: {
                localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.INDIE_PAD, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x) + (info.get(MapleStatInfo.kp) * applyfrom.currentBattleshipHP()));
            case 20041239:  {
            // World.Broadcast.broadcastMessage(CField.getGameMessage("Change2Light.", (short) 8));
             applyto.getClient().getSession().write(JobPacket.LuminousPacket.giveLuminousState(20040220, applyto.getLightGauge(), applyto.getDarkGauge(), 10000));
             Timer.WorldTimer.getInstance().schedule(new Runnable() {
             public void run() {
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(JobPacket.LuminousPacket.giveLuminousState(20040216, applyto.getLightGauge(), applyto.getDarkGauge(), 2000000000));
              //  SkillFactory.getSkill(20040216).getEffect(1).applyto;
         }, 10000);
             case 27121054: {
             //   World.Broadcast.broadcastMessage(CField.getGameMessage("Equalize.", (short) 8));
                applyto.runningLight += Randomizer.nextInt(1) + 1;
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(JobPacket.LuminousPacket.giveLuminousState(20040220, applyto.getLightGauge(), applyto.getDarkGauge(), 10000));
             Timer.WorldTimer.getInstance().schedule(new Runnable() {
             public void run() {
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(JobPacket.LuminousPacket.giveLuminousState(20040216, applyto.getLightGauge(), applyto.getDarkGauge(), 2000000000));
              //  SkillFactory.getSkill(20040216).getEffect(1).applyto;
         }, 10000);
            case 5311004: {
                final int zz = Randomizer.nextInt(4) + 1;
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CField.EffectPacket.showDiceEffect(applyto.getId(), sourceid, zz, -1, level), false);
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.EffectPacket.showOwnDiceEffect(sourceid, zz, -1, level));
                localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.BARREL_ROLL, zz);
            case 5211011:
            case 5211015:
            case 5211016: {
                if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(5220019) > 0) {
                    SkillFactory.getSkill(5220019).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(5220019)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration);
           case 42101001:
                SkillFactory.getSkill(42100010).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(42101001)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration);
                normal = false;
            case 35111013:
            case 15111011:
            case 5111007:
            case 5811007:
            case 5911007:
            case 5311005:
            case 5711011:
            case 5211007: {//dice
                final int zz = Randomizer.nextInt(6) + 1;
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showDiceEffect(applyto.getId(), sourceid, zz, -1, level), false);
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnDiceEffect(sourceid, zz, -1, level));
                if (zz <= 1) {
                localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.DICE_ROLL, zz);
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveDice(zz, sourceid, localDuration, localstatups));
                normal = false;
                showEffect = false;
            case 5720005:
            case 5120012:
            case 5220014:
            case 5320007: {//dice
                final int zz = Randomizer.nextInt(6) + 1;
                final int zz2 = makeChanceResult() ? (Randomizer.nextInt(6) + 1) : 0;
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showDiceEffect(applyto.getId(), sourceid, zz, zz2 > 0 ? -1 : 0, level), false);
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnDiceEffect(sourceid, zz, zz2 > 0 ? -1 : 0, level));
                if (zz <= 1 && zz2 <= 1) {
                final int buffid = zz == zz2 ? (zz * 100) : (zz <= 1 ? zz2 : (zz2 <= 1 ? zz : (zz * 10 + zz2)));
                if (buffid >= 100) { //just because of animation lol
                    applyto.dropMessage(-6, "[Double Lucky Dice] You have rolled a Double Down! (" + (buffid / 100) + ")");
                } else if (buffid >= 10) {
                    applyto.dropMessage(-6, "[Double Lucky Dice] You have rolled two dice. (" + (buffid / 10) + " and " + (buffid % 10) + ")");
                localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.DICE_ROLL, buffid);
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveDice(zz, sourceid, localDuration, localstatups));
                normal = false;
                showEffect = false;
            case 20031209:
            case 20031210: 
                int zz = Randomizer.nextInt(this.sourceid == 20031209 ? 2 : 5) + 1;
                int skillid = 24100003;
                if (applyto.getSkillLevel(24120002) > 0) {
                    skillid = 24120002;
                applyto.setCardStack((byte) 0);
                applyto.addRunningStack(skillid == 24100003 ? 5 : 10);
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, PhantomPacket.gainCardStack(applyto.getId(), applyto.getRunningStack(), skillid == 24120002 ? 2 : 1, skillid, 0, skillid == 24100003 ? 5 : 10), true);
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CField.EffectPacket.showDiceEffect(applyto.getId(), this.sourceid, zz, -1, this.level), false);
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.EffectPacket.showOwnDiceEffect(this.sourceid, zz, -1, this.level));
                localstatups = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.JUDGMENT_DRAW, zz);
                if (zz == 5) {
                    localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.ABSORB_DAMAGE_HP, this.info.get(MapleStatInfo.z));
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(this.sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
                normal = false;
                showEffect = false;
            case 33101006: {//jaguar oshi
                MapleBuffStat theBuff = null;
                int theStat = info.get(MapleStatInfo.y);
                switch (Randomizer.nextInt(6)) {
                    case 0:
                        theBuff = MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE_BUFF;
                    case 1:
                        theBuff = MapleBuffStat.MP_BUFF;
                    case 2:
                        theBuff = MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_TAKEN_BUFF;
                        theStat = info.get(MapleStatInfo.x);
                    case 3:
                        theBuff = MapleBuffStat.DODGE_CHANGE_BUFF;
                        theStat = info.get(MapleStatInfo.x);
                    case 4:
                        theBuff = MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_BUFF;
                    case 5:
                        theBuff = MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_BUFF;
                localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(theBuff, theStat);
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
                normal = false;
            case 8006:
            case 10008006:
            case 20008006:
            case 20018006:
            case 20028006:
            case 30008006:
            case 30018006:
            case 5121009: // Speed Infusion
            case 15111005:
            case 5001005: // Dash
            case 4321000: //tornado spin
            case 15001003: {
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.givePirate(statups, localDuration / 1000, sourceid));
                if (!applyto.isHidden()) {
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignPirate(statups, localDuration / 1000, applyto.getId(), sourceid), false);
                normal = false;
            case 24121004:
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_RATE, this.info.get(MapleStatInfo.damR));
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF, this.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
            case 5211006: // Homing Beacon
            case 22151002: //killer wings
            case 5220011: {// Bullseye
                if (applyto.getFirstLinkMid() > 0) {
                    applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveHoming(sourceid, applyto.getFirstLinkMid(), 1));
                } else {
                normal = false;
            case 112000000:
            case 112100000:
            case 112110003: {
                if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.HOMING_BEACON, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
            case 2120010:
            case 2220010:
            case 2320011: //arcane aim
                if (applyto.getFirstLinkMid() > 0) {
                    applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveArcane(sourceid, applyto.getAllLinkMid()));
                } else {
                normal = false;
            case 30011001:
            case 30001001: { // Wind Walk
                if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.INFILTRATE, 0);
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
            case 13101006: { // Wind Walk
                if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT, 1); // HACK..
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
            case 4001003: {
                if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(4330001) > 0 && ((applyfrom.getJob() >= 430 && applyfrom.getJob() <= 434) || (applyfrom.getJob() == 400 && applyfrom.getSubcategory() == 1))) {
                    SkillFactory.getSkill(4330001).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(4330001)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration);
                } //fallthrough intended
            case 4330001:
            case 20031211:
            case 14001003: { // Dark Sight
                if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                    return; //don't even apply the buff
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.DARKSIGHT, 0);
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
            case 23111005: {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.WATER_SHIELD, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
            case 23101003: {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.DAMAGE_R, info.get(MapleStatInfo.damage));
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.CRITICAL_RATE, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
            //case 22131001: {//magic shield
            //final List<Pair<MapleBuffStat, Integer>> stat = Collections.singletonList(new Pair<MapleBuffStat, Integer>(MapleBuffStat.MAGIC_SHIELD, x));
            //applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CField.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
           case 32121003: { //twister
                if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.TORNADO, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
            case 32111005: { //body boost
                Pair<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statt;
                int sourcez = 0;
                if (applyfrom.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.DARK_AURA) != null) {
                    sourcez = 32001003;
                    statt = new Pair<>(MapleBuffStat.DARK_AURA, level + 10 + applyto.getTotalSkillLevel(sourcez)); //i think
                } else if (applyfrom.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.YELLOW_AURA) != null) {
                    sourcez = 32101003;
                    statt = new Pair<>(MapleBuffStat.YELLOW_AURA, applyto.getTotalSkillLevel(sourcez));
                } else if (applyfrom.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.BLUE_AURA) != null) {
                    sourcez = 32111012;
                    localDuration = 10000;
                    statt = new Pair<>(MapleBuffStat.BLUE_AURA, applyto.getTotalSkillLevel(sourcez));
                } else {
                localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.BODY_BOOST, (int) level);
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
                localstatups.put(statt.left, statt.right);
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(statt.left, statt.right);
                applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.BLUE_AURA, applyfrom.getId());
                applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.YELLOW_AURA, applyfrom.getId());
                applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.DARK_AURA, applyfrom.getId());
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourcez, localDuration, stat, this));
                normal = false;
                            ID: 110001501 NAME: Bear Mode
                            ID: 110001502 NAME: Snow Leopard Mode
                            ID: 110001503 NAME: Hawk Mode
                            ID: 110001504 NAME: Cat Mode
            case 110001501:
            case 110001502:
            case 110001503:
            case 110001504: {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                //applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, 2147483647, stat, this));
               // stat.put(MapleBuffStat.ANIMAL_SELECT, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                System.out.println("You chose "+sourceid);
            case 32001003: {//dark aura
                if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32120000) > 0) {
                    SkillFactory.getSkill(32120000).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32120000)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration);
            case 32110007:
            case 32120000: { // adv dark aura
                applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.BLUE_AURA, applyfrom.getId());
                applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.YELLOW_AURA, applyfrom.getId());
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statt = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                //statt.put(sourceid == 32110007 ? MapleBuffStat.BODY_BOOST : MapleBuffStat.AURA, (int) (sourceid == 32120000 ? applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32001003) : level));
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid == 32120000 ? 32001003 : sourceid, localDuration, statt, this));
                statt.put(MapleBuffStat.DARK_AURA, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, statt, this));
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), statt, this), false);
                normal = false;

            case 32111012: { // blue aura
                if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32110000) > 0) {
                    SkillFactory.getSkill(32110000).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32110000)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration);
            case 32110008: {
                localDuration = 10000;
            case 32110000: { // advanced blue aura
                applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.DARK_AURA, applyfrom.getId());
                applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.YELLOW_AURA, applyfrom.getId());
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statt = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                //statt.put(sourceid == 32110008 ? MapleBuffStat.BODY_BOOST : MapleBuffStat.AURA, (int) (sourceid == 32110000 ? applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32111012) : level));
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid == 32110000 ? 32111012 : sourceid, localDuration, statt, this));
                statt.put(MapleBuffStat.BLUE_AURA, (int) level);
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, statt, this));
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), statt, this), false);
                normal = false;
            case 32101003: { // yellow aura
                if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32120001) > 0) {
                    SkillFactory.getSkill(32120001).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32120001)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration);
            case 32110009:
            case 32120001: { // advanced yellow aura
                applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.BLUE_AURA, applyfrom.getId());
                applyto.cancelEffectFromBuffStat(MapleBuffStat.DARK_AURA, applyfrom.getId());
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statt = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                //statt.put(sourceid == 32110009 ? MapleBuffStat.BODY_BOOST : MapleBuffStat.AURA, (int) (sourceid == 32120001 ? applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(32101003) : level));
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid == 32120001 ? 32101003 : sourceid, localDuration, statt, this));
                statt.put(MapleBuffStat.YELLOW_AURA, (int) level);
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, statt, this));
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), statt, this), false);
                normal = false;
            case 1211008: { //lightning
                if (applyto.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.WK_CHARGE) != null && applyto.getBuffSource(MapleBuffStat.WK_CHARGE) != sourceid) {
                    localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                    localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.LIGHTNING_CHARGE, 1);
                } else if (!applyto.isHidden()) {
                    final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                    stat.put(MapleBuffStat.WK_CHARGE, 1);
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
                normal = false;
             case 35111004: {//siege mode mech
                if (applyto.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE) != null && applyto.getBuffSource(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE) == 35121005) {
                    //SkillFactory.getSkill(35121013).getEffect(level).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration);
                   SkillFactory.getSkill(35121013).getEffect(applyto.getSkillLevel(35121013)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration);
                   normal = false;
                if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE, 1);
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
            case 35121013: { //adv siege
                normal = false;
                SkillFactory.getSkill(35121013).getEffect(applyto.getTotalSkillLevel(35111004)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration);
            case 35001001: //flame
            case 35101009:
            case 35121005: { //missile
                if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.MECH_CHANGE, 1);
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
            case 1220013: {
                if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.DIVINE_SHIELD, 1);
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
            case 1111002:
            case 1101013:
            case 11111001: { // Combo
                if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBO, 1);
                System.out.println("Show foreignBuff Combo");
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
            case 3101004:
            case 3201004:
            case 13101024://new cyngus
            case 13101003: { // Soul Arrow
                if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.SOULARROW, 0);
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
            case 2321005: //holy shield
                if (GameConstants.GMS) { //TODO JUMP
            case 4211008:
            case 4331002:
            case 4111002:
            case 14111000: { // Shadow Partner
                if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
            case 15111006: { // Spark
                localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.SPARK, info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
                normal = false;
            case 4341002: { // Final Cut
                localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.FINAL_CUT, info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
                normal = false;
            case 4341052: // Asura By Mixtamal6 
               localstatups = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class);
               localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.ASURA, 1);
               applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(this.sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
               applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveBuff(4341052, 60000, statups, SkillFactory.getSkill(4341052).getEffect(1)));
               applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(this.sourceid, statups, SkillFactory.getSkill(4341052).getEffect(1)));
               normal = false;
            case 61111008: // 3job kaiser By Mixtamal6 
            case 61120008: // 4job kaiser
            case 61121053:  // hyper kaiser
                    if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                    localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                    applyto.resetKaiserCombo(); //Gets rid of Morph gauge <3 #MallyPower
                    localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.MORPH, info.get(MapleStatInfo.morph));
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), localstatups, this), false);//Novak fixed dis lel
                    applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
                    normal = false;
            case 33111007: //Feline bersek by Mixtamal
             localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.ATTACK_BUFF, info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
                normal = false;
            case 3211005: {// golden eagle
                if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(3220005) > 0) {
                    SkillFactory.getSkill(3220005).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(3220005)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration);
            case 3111005: {// golden hawk
                if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(3120006) > 0) {
                    SkillFactory.getSkill(3120006).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(3120006)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration);
            case 1211006: // wk charges
            case 1211004:
            case 1221004:
            case 11111007:
            case 51111003: // Mihile's Radiant Charge
            case 21101006:
            case 21111005:
            case 15101006: { // Soul Arrow
                if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.WK_CHARGE, 1);
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
            case 3120006:
            case 3220005: { // Spirit Link
                if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.SPIRIT_LINK, 0);
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
            case 31121005: { // Dark Metamorphosis
                if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                stat.put(MapleBuffStat.DARK_METAMORPHOSIS, 6); // mob count
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
            case 2121004:
            case 2221004:
            case 2321004: { //Infinity
                maskedDuration = alchemistModifyVal(applyfrom, 4000, false);
            case 4331003: { // Owl Spirit
                localstatups = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.OWL_SPIRIT, info.get(MapleStatInfo.y));
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, localstatups, this));
                applyto.setBattleshipHP(info.get(MapleStatInfo.x)); //a variable that wouldnt' be used by a db
                normal = false;
            case 1121010: // Enrage
            case 2022746: //angel bless
            case 2022747: //d.angel bless
            case 2022823:
                if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), maskedStatups == null ? localstatups : maskedStatups, this), false);
            case 31011001: {
                // set exceed to 0
                applyto.setExceed((short) 0);
                applyto.addHP((int) ((applyto.getStat().getCurrentMaxHp() * (level / 100.0D)) * (getX() / 100.0D)));
      /*      case 24121054: {
             case 1321015: { //Sacrifice
               info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 40000);
               localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF, info.get(MapleStatInfo.ignoreMobpdpR));
               localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.BOSS_DAMAGE, info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieBDR));
                //System.out.println("Sacrifice attempted");
               // World.Broadcast.broadcastMessage(CField.getGameMessage("Sacrifice.", (short) 5));
                applyto.addHP((int) ((applyto.getStat().getCurrentMaxHp() * (level / 100.0D)) * (getX() / 100.0D)));
            case 35001002:
              if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(35120000) > 0) {
                    SkillFactory.getSkill(35120000).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(35120000)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration);
           case 41001001:
              if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(41110008) > 0) {
                    SkillFactory.getSkill(41110008).getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(41110008)).applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration);
            // START Novak added

            case 35120014:
                if (applyto.getStatForBuff(MapleBuffStat.DICE_ROLL) != null) {
                zz = Randomizer.nextInt(6) + 1;
                int zz2 = makeChanceResult() ? Randomizer.nextInt(6) + 1 : 0;
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CField.EffectPacket.showDiceEffect(applyto.getId(), this.sourceid, zz, zz2 > 0 ? -1 : 0, this.level), false);
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.EffectPacket.showOwnDiceEffect(this.sourceid, zz, zz2 > 0 ? -1 : 0, this.level));
                if ((zz <= 1) && (zz2 <= 1)) {
                int buffid = zz2 <= 1 ? zz : zz <= 1 ? zz2 : zz == zz2 ? zz * 100 : zz * 10 + zz2;
                if (buffid >= 100) {
                    applyto.dropMessage(-6, "[Double Lucky Dice] You have rolled a Double Down! (" + buffid / 100 + ")");
                } else if (buffid >= 10) {
                    applyto.dropMessage(-6, "[Double Lucky Dice] You have rolled two dice. (" + buffid / 10 + " and " + buffid % 10 + ")");
                localstatups = new EnumMap(MapleBuffStat.class);
                localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.DICE_ROLL, Integer.valueOf(buffid));
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveDice(zz, this.sourceid, localDuration, localstatups));
                normal = false;
                showEffect = false;
            // END novak added
            //fallthrough intended
                if (isPirateMorph()) {
                    final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                    stat.put(MapleBuffStat.MORPH, getMorph(applyto));
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
                    applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(sourceid, localDuration, stat, this));
                    maskedStatups = new EnumMap<>(localstatups);
                    normal = false;
                } else if (isMorph()) {
                    if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                    if (isIceKnight()) {
                        final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                        stat.put(MapleBuffStat.ICE_KNIGHT, 2);
                        applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff(0, localDuration, stat, this));
                    final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                    stat.put(MapleBuffStat.MORPH, getMorph(applyto));
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
                } else if (isInflation()) {
                    if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                    final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                    stat.put(MapleBuffStat.GIANT_POTION, (int) inflation);
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
                } else if (charColor > 0) {
                    if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                    final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                    stat.put(MapleBuffStat.FAMILIAR_SHADOW, 1);
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
                } else if (isMonsterRiding()) {
                    localDuration = 2100000000;
                    localstatups = new EnumMap(this.statups);
                    localstatups.put(MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING, Integer.valueOf(1));
                    int mountid = parseMountInfo(applyto, this.sourceid);
                    int mountid2 = parseMountInfo_Pure(applyto, this.sourceid);
                    if ((mountid != 0) && (mountid2 != 0)) {
                        final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                        stat.put(MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING, Integer.valueOf(0));
                        applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.BuffPacket.giveMount(mountid, this.sourceid, stat));
                        applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, CWvsContext.BuffPacket.showMonsterRiding(applyto.getId(), stat, mountid, this.sourceid), false);
                    } else {
                    normal = false;
                } else if (isSoaring()) {
                    if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                    final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                    stat.put(MapleBuffStat.SOARING, 1);
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
                } else if (berserk > 0) {
                    if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                    final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                    stat.put(MapleBuffStat.PYRAMID_PQ, 0);
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
                } else if (isBerserkFury() || berserk2 > 0) {
                    if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                    final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                    stat.put(MapleBuffStat.BERSERK_FURY, 1);
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
                } else if (isDivineBody()) {
                    if (applyto.isHidden()) {
                    final EnumMap<MapleBuffStat, Integer> stat = new EnumMap<>(MapleBuffStat.class);
                    stat.put(MapleBuffStat.DIVINE_BODY, 1);
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, BuffPacket.giveForeignBuff(applyto.getId(), stat, this), false);
        if (showEffect && !applyto.isHidden()) {
            applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showBuffeffect(applyto.getId(), sourceid, 1, applyto.getLevel(), level), false);
        if (isMechPassive()) {
            applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnBuffEffect(sourceid - 1000, 1, applyto.getLevel(), level, (byte) 1));
        if (!isMonsterRiding() && !isMechDoor() && getSummonMovementType() == null) {
            applyto.cancelEffect(this, true, -1, localstatups);
        // Broadcast effect to self
        if (normal && localstatups.size() > 0) {
            applyto.getClient().getSession().write(BuffPacket.giveBuff((skill ? sourceid : -sourceid), localDuration, maskedStatups == null ? localstatups : maskedStatups, this));
        final long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final CancelEffectAction cancelAction = new CancelEffectAction(applyto, this, starttime, localstatups);
        final ScheduledFuture<?> schedule = BuffTimer.getInstance().schedule(cancelAction, maskedDuration > 0 ? maskedDuration : localDuration);
        applyto.registerEffect(this, starttime, schedule, localstatups, false, localDuration, applyfrom.getId());

    public static int parseMountInfo(final MapleCharacter player, final int skillid) {
        switch (skillid) {
            case 80001000:
            case 1004: // Monster riding
            case 11004: // Monster riding
            case 10001004:
            case 20001004:
            case 20011004:
            case 20021004:
                if (player.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((byte) -118) != null && player.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((byte) -119) != null) {
                    return player.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((byte) -118).getItemId();
                return parseMountInfo_Pure(player, skillid);
                return GameConstants.getMountItem(skillid, player);

    public static int parseMountInfo_Pure(final MapleCharacter player, final int skillid) {
        switch (skillid) {
            case 80001000:
            case 1004: // Monster riding
            case 11004: // Monster riding
            case 10001004:
            case 20001004:
            case 20011004:
            case 20021004:
                if (player.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((byte) -18) != null && player.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((byte) -19) != null) {
                    return player.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.EQUIPPED).getItem((byte) -18).getItemId();
                return 0;
                return GameConstants.getMountItem(skillid, player);

    private int calcHPChange(final MapleCharacter applyfrom, final boolean primary) {
        int hpchange = 0;
        if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.hp) != 0) {
            if (!skill) {
                if (primary) {
                    hpchange += alchemistModifyVal(applyfrom, info.get(MapleStatInfo.hp), true);
                } else {
                    hpchange += info.get(MapleStatInfo.hp);
                if (applyfrom.hasDisease(MapleDisease.ZOMBIFY)) {
                    hpchange /= 2;
            } else { // assumption: this is heal
                hpchange += makeHealHP(info.get(MapleStatInfo.hp) / 100.0, applyfrom.getStat().getTotalMagic(), 3, 5);
                if (applyfrom.hasDisease(MapleDisease.ZOMBIFY)) {
                    hpchange = -hpchange;
        if (hpR != 0) {
            hpchange += (int) (applyfrom.getStat().getCurrentMaxHp() * hpR) / (applyfrom.hasDisease(MapleDisease.ZOMBIFY) ? 2 : 1);
        // actually receivers probably never get any hp when it's not heal but whatever
        if (primary) {
            if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.hpCon) != 0) {
                hpchange -= info.get(MapleStatInfo.hpCon);
        switch (this.sourceid) {
            case 4211001: // Chakra
                final PlayerStats stat = applyfrom.getStat();
                int v42 = getY() + 100;
                int v38 = Randomizer.rand(1, 100) + 100;
                hpchange = (int) ((v38 * stat.getLuk() * 0.033 + stat.getDex()) * v42 * 0.002);
                hpchange += makeHealHP(getY() / 100.0, applyfrom.getStat().getTotalLuk(), 2.3, 3.5);
        return hpchange;

    private static int makeHealHP(double rate, double stat, double lowerfactor, double upperfactor) {
        return (int) ((Math.random() * ((int) (stat * upperfactor * rate) - (int) (stat * lowerfactor * rate) + 1)) + (int) (stat * lowerfactor * rate));

    private int calcMPChange(final MapleCharacter applyfrom, final boolean primary) {
        int mpchange = 0;
        if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.mp) != 0) {
            if (primary) {
                mpchange += alchemistModifyVal(applyfrom, info.get(MapleStatInfo.mp), false); // recovery up doesn't apply for mp
            } else {
                mpchange += info.get(MapleStatInfo.mp);
        if (mpR != 0) {
            mpchange += (int) (applyfrom.getStat().getCurrentMaxMp(applyfrom.getJob()) * mpR);
        if (GameConstants.isDemonSlayer(applyfrom.getJob()) && GameConstants.isKanna(applyfrom.getJob()) && GameConstants.isZero(applyfrom.getJob())) {
            mpchange = 0;
        if (primary) {
            if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.mpCon) != 0 && !GameConstants.isDemonSlayer(applyfrom.getJob())) {
                boolean free = false;
                if (applyfrom.getJob() == 411 || applyfrom.getJob() == 412) {
                    final Skill expert = SkillFactory.getSkill(4110012);
                    if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(expert) > 0) {
                        final MapleStatEffect eff = expert.getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(expert));
                        if (eff.makeChanceResult()) {
                            free = true;
                if (applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.INFINITY) != null) {
                    mpchange = 0;
                } else if (!free) {
                   // mpchange -= (info.get(MapleStatInfo.mpCon));
            } else if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.forceCon) != 0) {
                if (applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.BOUNDLESS_RAGE) != null) {
                    mpchange = 0;
                } else {
                    mpchange -= info.get(MapleStatInfo.forceCon);

        return mpchange;

    public final int alchemistModifyVal(final MapleCharacter chr, final int val, final boolean withX) {
        if (!skill) { // RecoveryUP only used for hp items and skills
            return (val * (100 + (withX ? chr.getStat().RecoveryUP : chr.getStat().BuffUP)) / 100);
        return (val * (100 + (withX ? chr.getStat().RecoveryUP : (chr.getStat().BuffUP_Skill + (getSummonMovementType() == null ? 0 : chr.getStat().BuffUP_Summon)))) / 100);

    public final int calcPowerChange(final MapleCharacter applyfrom) {
        int powerchange = 0;
        if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.powerCon) != 0 && GameConstants.isXenon(applyfrom.getJob())) {
            //if (applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.AMARANTH_GENERATOR) != null) {
            //    powerchange = 0;
            //} else {
            powerchange = info.get(MapleStatInfo.powerCon);
        return powerchange;

    public final void setSourceId(final int newid) {
        sourceid = newid;

    public final boolean isGmBuff() {
        switch (sourceid) {
            case 10001075: //Empress Prayer
            case 9001000: // GM dispel
            case 9001001: // GM haste
            case 9001002: // GM Holy Symbol
            case 9001003: // GM Bless
            case 9001005: // GM resurrection
            case 9001008: // GM Hyper body

            case 9101000:
            case 9101001:
            case 9101002:
            case 9101003:
            case 9101005:
            case 9101008:
                return true;
                return GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000) && sourceid % 10000 == 1005;

    public final boolean isInflation() {
        return inflation > 0;

    public final int getInflation() {
        return inflation;

    public final boolean isEnergyCharge() {
        return skill && (sourceid == 5110001 || sourceid == 15100004);

    public boolean isMonsterBuff() {
        switch (sourceid) {
            case 1211013: // Threaten
            case 1201006: // threaten
            case 2101003: // fp slow
            case 2201003: // il slow
            case 5011002:
            case 12101001: // cygnus slow
            case 2211004: // il seal
            case 2111004: // fp seal
            case 12111002: // cygnus seal
            case 2311005: // doom
            case 4111003: // shadow web
            case 14111001: // cygnus web
            case 4121004: // Ninja ambush
            case 4221004: // Ninja ambush
            case 22151001:
            case 22121000:
            case 22161002:
            case 4321002:
            case 4341003:
            case 90001002:
            case 90001003:
            case 90001004:
            case 90001005:
            case 90001006:
            case 1111007:
            case 51111005: //Mihile's magic crash
            case 1211009:
            case 1311007:
            case 35111005:
            case 32120000:
            case 32120001:
                return skill;
        return false;

    public final void setPartyBuff(boolean pb) {
        this.partyBuff = pb;

    private boolean isPartyBuff() {
        if (lt == null || rb == null || !partyBuff) {
            return isSoulStone() && sourceid != 24111002;
        switch (sourceid) {
            case 1211003:
            case 1211004:
            case 1211005:
            case 1211006:
            case 1211007:
            case 1211008:
            case 1221003:
            case 1221004:
            case 11111007:
            case 51111003: // Mihile's Radiant Charge
            case 12101005:
            case 4311001:
            case 4331003:
            case 4341002:
            case 35121005:
            case 3111000:
            case 3211000:
            case 4341054:
            case 13111001:
            case 33111009:
            case 3201004:
                return false;
        return !GameConstants.isNoDelaySkill(sourceid);

    public final boolean isArcane() {
        return skill && (sourceid == 2320011 || sourceid == 2220010 || sourceid == 2120010);
    public final boolean isHayatoStance() {
        return skill && (sourceid == 41001001 || sourceid == 41110008);

    public final boolean isHeal() {
        return skill && (sourceid == 2301002 || sourceid == 9101000 || sourceid == 9001000);

    public final boolean isResurrection() {
        return skill && (sourceid == 9001005 || sourceid == 9101005 || sourceid == 2321006);

    public final boolean isTimeLeap() {
        return skill && sourceid == 5121010;

    public final int getHp() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.hp);

    public final int getMp() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mp);

    public final int getDOTStack() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.dotSuperpos);

    public final double getHpR() {
        return hpR;

    public final double getMpR() {
        return mpR;

    public final int getMastery() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mastery);

    public final int getWatk() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.pad);

    public final int getMatk() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mad);

    public final int getWdef() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.pdd);

    public final int getMdef() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mdd);

    public final int getAcc() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.acc);

    public final int getAccR() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.ar);

    public final int getAvoid() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.eva);

    public final int getSpeed() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.speed);

    public final int getJump() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.jump);
    public final int gettargetPlus() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.targetPlus);

    public final int getSpeedMax() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.speedMax);

    public final int getPassiveSpeed() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.psdSpeed);

    public final int getPassiveJump() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.psdJump);

    public final int getDuration() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.time);

    public final int getSubTime() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.subTime);

    public final boolean isOverTime() {
        return overTime;

    public final Map<MapleBuffStat, Integer> getStatups() {
        return statups;

    public final boolean sameSource(final MapleStatEffect effect) {
        boolean sameSrc = this.sourceid == effect.sourceid;
        switch (this.sourceid) { // All these are passive skills, will have to cast the normal ones.
            case 32120000: // Advanced Dark Aura
                sameSrc = effect.sourceid == 32001003;
            case 32110000: // Advanced Blue Aura
                sameSrc = effect.sourceid == 32111012;
            case 32120001: // Advanced Yellow Aura
                sameSrc = effect.sourceid == 32101003;
            case 35120000: // Extreme Mech
                sameSrc = effect.sourceid == 35001002;
            case 41110008:
                sameSrc = effect.sourceid == 41001001;
            case 35121013: // Mech: Siege Mode
                sameSrc = effect.sourceid == 35111004;
        return effect != null && sameSrc && this.skill == effect.skill;

    public final int getCr() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.cr);

    public final int getT() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.t);

    public final int getU() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.u);

    public final int getV() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.v);

    public final int getW() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.w);

    public final int getX() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.x);

    public final int getY() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.y);

    public final int getZ() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.z);
    public final int getS() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.s);

    public final int getDamage() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.damage);

    public final int getPVPDamage() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.PVPdamage);

    public final int getAttackCount() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.attackCount);

    public final int getBulletCount() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.bulletCount);

    public final int getBulletConsume() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.bulletConsume);

    public final int getOnActive() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.onActive);

    public final int getMobCount() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mobCount);

    public final int getMoneyCon() {
        return moneyCon;

    public final int getCooltimeReduceR() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.coolTimeR);

    public final int getMesoAcquisition() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mesoR);

    public final int getCooldown(final MapleCharacter chra) {
        if (chra.getStat().coolTimeR > 0) {
            return Math.max(0, ((info.get(MapleStatInfo.cooltime) * (100 - (chra.getStat().coolTimeR / 100))) - chra.getStat().reduceCooltime));
        return Math.max(0, (info.get(MapleStatInfo.cooltime) - chra.getStat().reduceCooltime));

    public final Map<MonsterStatus, Integer> getMonsterStati() {
        return monsterStatus;

    public final int getBerserk() {
        return berserk;

    public final boolean isHide() {
        return skill && (sourceid == 9001004 || sourceid == 9101004);

    public final boolean isDragonBlood() {
        return skill && sourceid == 1311008;

    public final boolean isRecovery() {
        return skill && (sourceid == 1001 || sourceid == 10001001 || sourceid == 20001001 || sourceid == 20011001 || sourceid == 20021001 || sourceid == 11001 || sourceid == 35121005);

    public final boolean isBerserk() {
        return skill && sourceid == 1320006;

    public final boolean isBeholder() {
        return skill && sourceid == 1321007 || sourceid == 1301013 || sourceid == 1311013;

    public final boolean isMPRecovery() {
        return skill && sourceid == 5101005;

    public final boolean isInfinity() {
        return skill && (sourceid == 2121004 || sourceid == 2221004 || sourceid == 2321004);

     public final boolean isMonsterRiding_() {
        return skill
                && (sourceid == 1004
                || sourceid == 10001004
                || sourceid == 20001004
                || sourceid == 20011004
                || sourceid == 30001004
                || (sourceid >= 80001000 && sourceid <= 80001033)
                || sourceid == 80001037
                || sourceid == 80001038
                || sourceid == 80001039
                || sourceid == 80001044
                || (sourceid >= 80001082 && sourceid <= 80001090)
                || sourceid == 30011159
                || sourceid == 30011109 || sourceid == 33001001 || sourceid == 35001002);

    public final boolean isMonsterRiding() {
        return skill && (isMonsterRiding_() || GameConstants.getMountItem(sourceid, null) != 0);
        //return skill && (isMonsterRiding_() || GameConstants.getMountItem(sourceid, null) != 0/* || GameConstants.checkMountItem(sourceid) != 0*/);

    public final boolean isMagicDoor() {
        return skill && (sourceid == 2311002 || sourceid % 10000 == 8001);

    public final boolean isMesoGuard() {
        return skill && sourceid == 4211005;

    public final boolean isMechDoor() {
        return skill && sourceid == 35101005;

    public final boolean isComboRecharge() {
        return skill && sourceid == 21111009;

    public final boolean isDragonBlink() {
        return skill && sourceid == 22141004;

    public final boolean isCharge() {
        switch (sourceid) {
            case 1211003:
            case 1211008:
            case 11111007:
            case 51111003: // Mihile's Radiant Charge
            case 12101005:
            case 15101006:
            case 21111005:
                return skill;
        return false;

    public final boolean isPoison() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.dot) > 0 && info.get(MapleStatInfo.dotTime) > 0;

    public boolean isMist() {
        return skill && (sourceid == 2111003 || sourceid == 4221006 || sourceid == 12111005 || sourceid == 14111006 || sourceid == 22161003 || sourceid == 32121006 || sourceid == 1076 || sourceid == 11076 || sourceid == 2311011 || sourceid == 4121015 || sourceid == 42111004 || sourceid == 42121005); // poison mist, smokescreen and flame gear, recovery aura

private boolean isSpiritClaw() {
        return skill && sourceid == 4111009 || sourceid == 14111007 || sourceid == 5201008;

    private boolean isSpiritBlast() {
        return skill && sourceid == 5201008;

    private boolean isDispel() {
        return skill && (sourceid == 2311001 || sourceid == 9001000 || sourceid == 9101000);

    private boolean isHeroWill() {
        switch (sourceid) {
            case 1121011:
            case 1221012:
            case 1321010:
            case 2121008:
            case 2221008:
            case 2321009:
            case 3121009:
            case 3221008:
            case 4121009:
            case 4221008:
            case 5121008:
            case 5221010:
            case 21121008:
            case 22171004:
            case 4341008:
            case 32121008:
            case 33121008:
            case 35121008:
            case 5321008:
            case 23121008:
            case 24121009:
            case 5721002:
                return skill;
        return false;

    public final boolean isAranCombo() {
        return sourceid == 21000000;

    public final boolean isCombo() {
        switch (sourceid) {
            case 1111002:
            case 11111001: // Combo
            case 1101013:
                return skill;
        return false;

    public final boolean isPirateMorph() {
        switch (sourceid) {
            case 13111005:
            case 15111002:
            case 5111005:
            case 5121003:
            case 1203:
                return skill;
        return false;

    public final boolean isMorph() {
        return morphId > 0;

    public final int getMorph() {
        switch (sourceid) {
            case 15111002:
            case 5111005:
                return 1000;
            case 5121003:
            case 1203:
                return 1001;
            case 5101007:
                return 1002;
            case 13111005:
                return 1003;
            case 61111008: //Kaiser morph
            case 61120008: //Kaiser morph
                return 1200;//Base mode
            case 61121053: //Kaiser morph hyper
                return 1201; //Gold mode
        return morphId;

    public final boolean isDivineBody() {
        return skill && GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000) && sourceid % 10000 == 1010;

    public final boolean isDivineShield() {
        switch (sourceid) {
            case 1220013:
                return skill;
        return false;

    public final boolean isBerserkFury() {
        return skill && GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000) && sourceid % 10000 == 1011;

    public final int getMorph(final MapleCharacter chr) {
        final int morph = getMorph();
        switch (morph) {
            case 1000:
            case 1001:
            case 1003:
                return morph + (chr.getGender() == 1 ? 100 : 0);
        return morph;

    public final byte getLevel() {
        return level;

    public final SummonMovementType getSummonMovementType() {
        if (!skill) {
            return null;
        switch (sourceid) {
            case 3211002: // puppet sniper
            case 3111002: // puppet ranger
            case 33111003:
            case 13111024: // Emerald Flower
            case 13111004: // puppet cygnus
            case 5211001: // octopus - pirate
            case 5220002: // advanced octopus - pirate
            case 4341006:
            case 35111002:
            case 35111005:
            case 35111011:
            case 35121009:
            case 35121010:
            case 35121011:
            case 4111007: //dark flare
            case 4211007: //dark flare
            case 14111010: //dark flare
            case 33101008:
            case 35121003:
            case 3120012:
            case 3220012:
            case 5321003:
            case 5321004:
            case 5320011:
            case 5211014:
            case 5711001: // turret
            case 42100010:
            case 61111002: //Stone Dragon
        //    case 3121013:
            case 36121002:
            case 36121013:                
            case 36121014:
                        case 42111003:
             return SummonMovementType.STATIONARY;
            case 3211005: // golden eagle
            case 3111005: // golden hawk
            case 3101007:
            case 3201007:
            case 33111005:
            case 3221005: // frostprey
            case 3121006: // phoenix
            case 23111008:
            case 23111009:
            case 23111010:
                return SummonMovementType.CIRCLE_FOLLOW;
            case 5211002: // bird - pirate
                return SummonMovementType.CIRCLE_STATIONARY;
            case 32111006: //reaper
            case 5211011:
            case 5211015:
            case 5211016:
                return SummonMovementType.WALK_STATIONARY;
            case 1321007: // beholder
            case 1301013: // Evil Eye
            case 1311013: // Evil Eye of Domination
            case 2121005: // elquines
            case 2221005: // ifrit
            case 2321003: // bahamut
            case 12111004: // Ifrit
            case 11001004: // soul
            case 12001004: // flame
            case 13001004: // storm
            case 14001005: // darkness
            case 15001004: // lightning
            case 35111001:
            case 35111010://satelite 2
            case 35111009: // satellite 1
            case 42101021: // Foxfire
            case 42121021: // Foxfire
                return SummonMovementType.FOLLOW;
        if (isAngel()) {
            return SummonMovementType.FOLLOW;
        return null;

    public final boolean isAngel() {
        return GameConstants.isAngel(sourceid);

    public final boolean isSkill() {
        return skill;

    public final int getSourceId() {
        return sourceid;

    public final boolean isIceKnight() {
        return skill && GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000) && sourceid % 10000 == 1105;

    public final boolean isSoaring() {
        return isSoaring_Normal() || isSoaring_Mount();

    public final boolean isSoaring_Normal() {
        return skill && GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000) && sourceid % 10000 == 1026;

    public final boolean isSoaring_Mount() {
        return skill && ((GameConstants.isBeginnerJob(sourceid / 10000) && sourceid % 10000 == 1142) || sourceid == 80001089 || sourceid == 112111000);

    public final boolean isFinalAttack() {
        switch (sourceid) {
            case 13101002:
            case 11101002:
            case 51100002:
                return skill;
        return false;

    public final boolean isMistEruption() {
        switch (sourceid) {
            case 2121003:
                return skill;
        return false;

    public final boolean isShadow() {
        switch (sourceid) {
            case 4111002: // shadowpartner
            case 14111000: // cygnus
            case 4211008:
            case 4331002:// Mirror Image
                return skill;
        return false;

    public final boolean isMechPassive() {
        switch (sourceid) {
            //case 35121005:
            case 35121013:
                return true;
        return false;

     * @[I][B][URL="http://forum.ragezone.com/members/850422.html"]return[/URL][/B][/I] true if the effect should happen based on it's probablity, false
     * otherwise
    public final boolean makeChanceResult() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.prop) >= 100 || Randomizer.nextInt(100) < info.get(MapleStatInfo.prop);

    public final int getProb() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.prop);

    public final short getIgnoreMob() {
        return ignoreMob;

    public final int getEnhancedHP() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.emhp);

    public final int getEnhancedMP() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.emmp);

    public final int getEnhancedWatk() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.epad);

    public final int getEnhancedWdef() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.pdd);

    public final int getEnhancedMatk() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.emad);

    public final int getEnhancedMdef() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.emdd);

    public final int getDOT() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.dot);

    public final int getDOTTime() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.dotTime);

    public final int getCriticalMax() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.criticaldamageMax);

    public final int getCriticalMin() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.criticaldamageMin);

    public final int getASRRate() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.asrR);

    public final int getTERRate() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.terR);

    public final int getDAMRate() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.damR);

    public final int getHpToDamage() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mhp2damX);

    public final int getMpToDamage() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mmp2damX);

    public final int getLevelToDamage() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.lv2damX);

    public final int getLevelToWatk() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.lv2pdX);

    public final int getLevelToMatk() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.lv2mdX);

    public final int getEXPLossRate() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.expLossReduceR);

    public final int getBuffTimeRate() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.bufftimeR);

    public final int getSuddenDeathR() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.suddenDeathR);

    public final int getPercentAcc() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.accR);

    public final int getPercentAvoid() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.evaR);

    public final int getSummonTimeInc() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.summonTimeR);

    public final int getMPConsumeEff() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mpConEff);

    public final short getMesoRate() {
        return mesoR;

    public final int getEXP() {
        return exp;

    public final int getAttackX() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.padX);

    public final int getMagicX() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.madX);

    public final int getPercentHP() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mhpR);

    public final int getPercentMP() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mmpR);

    public final int getConsume() {
        return consumeOnPickup;

    public final int getSelfDestruction() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.selfDestruction);

    public final int getCharColor() {
        return charColor;

    public final List<Integer> getPetsCanConsume() {
        return petsCanConsume;

    public final boolean isReturnScroll() {
        return skill && (sourceid == 80001040 || sourceid == 20021110 || sourceid == 20031203);

    public final boolean isMechChange() {
        switch (sourceid) {
            case 35121054:
            case 35111004: //siege
            case 35001001: //flame
            case 35101009:
            case 35121013:
            case 35121005:
            case 35100008:
                return skill;
        return false;
    public final boolean isAnimalMode() {
        return skill && (sourceid == 110001501 || sourceid == 110001502 || sourceid == 110001503 || sourceid == 110001504);

    public final int getRange() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.range);

    public final int getER() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.er);

    public final int getPrice() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.price);

    public final int getExtendPrice() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.extendPrice);

    public final int getPeriod() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.period);

    public final int getReqGuildLevel() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.reqGuildLevel);

    public final byte getEXPRate() {
        return expR;

    public final short getLifeID() {
        return lifeId;

    public final short getUseLevel() {
        return useLevel;

    public final byte getSlotCount() {
        return slotCount;

    public final int getStr() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.str);

    public final int getStrX() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.strX);

    public final int getDex() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.dex);

    public final int getDexX() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.dexX);

    public final int getInt() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.int_);

    public final int getIntX() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.intX);

    public final int getLuk() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.luk);

    public final int getLukX() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.lukX);

    public final int getMaxHpX() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mhpX);

    public final int getMaxMpX() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mmpX);

    public final int getMaxDemonFury() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.MDF);

    public final int getAccX() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.accX);

    public final int getMPConReduce() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mpConReduce);

    public final int getIndieMHp() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMhp);

    public final int getIndieMMp() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieMmp);

    public final int getIndieAllStat() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.indieAllStat);

    public final byte getType() {
        return type;

    public int getBossDamage() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.bdR);

    public int getInterval() {
        return interval;

    public ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>> getAvailableMaps() {
        return availableMap;

    public int getWDEFX() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.pddX);

    public int getMDEFX() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mddX);

    public int getWDEFRate() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.pddR);

    public int getMDEFRate() {
        return info.get(MapleStatInfo.mddR);
    public int getWeapon() {
        return weapon;

    public static class CancelEffectAction implements Runnable {

        private final MapleStatEffect effect;
        private final WeakReference<MapleCharacter> target;
        private final long startTime;
        private final Map<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statup;

        public CancelEffectAction(final MapleCharacter target, final MapleStatEffect effect, final long startTime, final Map<MapleBuffStat, Integer> statup) {
            this.effect = effect;
            this.target = new WeakReference<>(target);
            this.startTime = startTime;
            this.statup = statup;

        public void run() {
            final MapleCharacter realTarget = target.get();
            if (realTarget != null && !realTarget.isClone()) {
                realTarget.cancelEffect(effect, false, startTime, statup);

    public final boolean isUnstealable() {
        for (MapleBuffStat b : statups.keySet()) {
            if (b == MapleBuffStat.MAPLE_WARRIOR) {
                return true;
        return sourceid == 4221013;
5. The applyTo function that is ran
public final boolean applyTo(final MapleCharacter applyfrom, final MapleCharacter applyto, final boolean primary, final Point pos, int newDuration) {
        if (isHeal() && (applyfrom.getMapId() == 749040100 || applyto.getMapId() == 749040100)) {
            return false; //z
        } else if ((isSoaring_Mount() && applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.MONSTER_RIDING) == null) || (isSoaring_Normal() && !applyfrom.getMap().canSoar())) {
            return false;
        } else if (sourceid == 4341006 && applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.SHADOWPARTNER) == null) {
            return false;
        } else if (sourceid == 33101008 && (applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.RAINING_MINES) == null || applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.SUMMON) != null || !applyfrom.canSummon())) {
            return false;
        } else if (isShadow() && applyfrom.getJob() / 100 % 10 != 4) { //pirate/shadow = dc
            return false;
        } else if (sourceid == 33101004 && applyfrom.getMap().isTown()) {
            applyfrom.dropMessage(5, "You may not use this skill in towns.");
            return false;
        int hpchange = calcHPChange(applyfrom, primary);
        int mpchange = calcMPChange(applyfrom, primary);
        int powerchange = calcPowerChange(applyfrom);

        final PlayerStats stat = applyto.getStat();
        if (primary) {
            if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemConNo) != 0 && !applyto.isClone() && !applyto.inPVP()) {
                if (!applyto.haveItem(info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemCon), info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemConNo), false, true)) {
                    return false;
                MapleInventoryManipulator.removeById(applyto.getClient(), GameConstants.getInventoryType(info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemCon)), info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemCon), info.get(MapleStatInfo.itemConNo), false, true);
        } else if (!primary && isResurrection()) {
            hpchange = stat.getMaxHp();
            applyto.setStance(0); //TODO fix death bug, player doesnt spawn on other screen
        if (isDispel() && makeChanceResult()) {
        } else if (isHeroWill()) {
        } else if (cureDebuffs.size() > 0) {
            for (final MapleDisease debuff : cureDebuffs) {
        } else if (isMPRecovery()) {
            final int toDecreaseHP = ((stat.getMaxHp() / 100) * 10);
            if (stat.getHp() > toDecreaseHP) {
                hpchange += -toDecreaseHP; // -10% of max HP
                mpchange += ((toDecreaseHP / 100) * getY());
            } else {
                hpchange = stat.getHp() == 1 ? 0 : stat.getHp() - 1;
        final Map<MapleStat, Long> hpmpupdate = new EnumMap<>(MapleStat.class);
        if (hpchange != 0) {
            if (hpchange < 0 && (-hpchange) > stat.getHp() && !applyto.hasDisease(MapleDisease.ZOMBIFY)) {
                return false;
            stat.setHp(stat.getHp() + hpchange, applyto);
        if (mpchange != 0) {
            if (mpchange < 0 && (-mpchange) > stat.getMp()) {
                return false;
            //short converting needs math.min cuz of overflow
            if ((mpchange < 0 && GameConstants.isDemonSlayer(applyto.getJob())) || !GameConstants.isDemonSlayer(applyto.getJob())) { // heal
                stat.setMp(stat.getMp() + mpchange, applyto);
            hpmpupdate.put(MapleStat.MP, Long.valueOf(stat.getMp()));
        hpmpupdate.put(MapleStat.HP, Long.valueOf(stat.getHp()));

        applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.updatePlayerStats(hpmpupdate, true, applyto));
        if (powerchange != 0) {
            if (applyto.getXenonSurplus() - powerchange < 0) {
                return false;
            applyto.gainXenonSurplus((short) -powerchange);
        if (expinc != 0) {
            applyto.gainExp(expinc, true, true, false);
        } else if (sourceid / 10000 == 238) {
            final MapleItemInformationProvider ii = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance();
            final int mobid = ii.getCardMobId(sourceid);
            if (mobid > 0) {
                final boolean done = applyto.getMonsterBook().monsterCaught(applyto.getClient(), mobid, MapleLifeFactory.getMonsterStats(mobid).getName());
                applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.getCard(done ? sourceid : 0, 1));
        } else if (isReturnScroll()) {
        } else if (useLevel > 0 && !skill) {
            applyto.setExtractor(new MapleExtractor(applyto, sourceid, useLevel * 50, 1440)); //no clue about time left
        } else if (isMistEruption()) {
            int i = info.get(MapleStatInfo.y);
            for (MapleMist m : applyto.getMap().getAllMistsThreadsafe()) {
                if (m.getOwnerId() == applyto.getId() && m.getSourceSkill().getId() == 2111003) {
                    if (m.getSchedule() != null) {
                    if (m.getPoisonSchedule() != null) {
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(CField.removeMist(m.getObjectId(), true));

                    if (i <= 0) {
        } else if (cosmetic > 0) {
            if (cosmetic >= 30000) {
                applyto.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.HAIR, cosmetic);
            } else if (cosmetic >= 20000) {
                applyto.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.FACE, cosmetic);
            } else if (cosmetic < 100) {
                applyto.setSkinColor((byte) cosmetic);
                applyto.updateSingleStat(MapleStat.SKIN, cosmetic);
        } else if (bs > 0) {
            if (!applyto.inPVP()) {
                return false;
            final int x = Integer.parseInt(applyto.getEventInstance().getProperty(String.valueOf(applyto.getId())));
            applyto.getEventInstance().setProperty(String.valueOf(applyto.getId()), String.valueOf(x + bs));
            applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.getPVPScore(x + bs, false));
        } else if (info.get(MapleStatInfo.iceGageCon) > 0) {
            if (!applyto.inPVP()) {
                return false;
            final int x = Integer.parseInt(applyto.getEventInstance().getProperty("icegage"));
            if (x < info.get(MapleStatInfo.iceGageCon)) {
                return false;
            applyto.getEventInstance().setProperty("icegage", String.valueOf(x - info.get(MapleStatInfo.iceGageCon)));
            applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.getPVPIceGage(x - info.get(MapleStatInfo.iceGageCon)));
            applyto.applyIceGage(x - info.get(MapleStatInfo.iceGageCon));
        } else if (recipe > 0) {
            if (applyto.getSkillLevel(recipe) > 0 || applyto.getProfessionLevel((recipe / 10000) * 10000) < reqSkillLevel) {
                return false;
            applyto.changeSingleSkillLevel(SkillFactory.getCraft(recipe), Integer.MAX_VALUE, recipeUseCount, recipeValidDay > 0 ? (System.currentTimeMillis() + recipeValidDay * 24L * 60 * 60 * 1000) : -1L);
        } else if (isComboRecharge()) {
            applyto.setCombo((short) Math.min(30000, applyto.getCombo() + info.get(MapleStatInfo.y)));
            SkillFactory.getSkill(21000000).getEffect(10).applyComboBuff(applyto, applyto.getCombo());
        } else if (isDragonBlink()) {
            final MaplePortal portal = applyto.getMap().getPortal(Randomizer.nextInt(applyto.getMap().getPortals().size()));
            if (portal != null) {
                applyto.getMap().movePlayer(applyto, portal.getPosition());
        } else if (isSpiritClaw() && !applyto.isClone()) {
            MapleInventory use = applyto.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.USE);
            boolean itemz = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < use.getSlotLimit(); i++) { // impose order...
                Item item = use.getItem((byte) i);
                if (item != null) {
                    if (GameConstants.isRechargable(item.getItemId()) && item.getQuantity() >= 100) {
                        MapleInventoryManipulator.removeFromSlot(applyto.getClient(), MapleInventoryType.USE, (short) i, (short) 100, false, true);
                        itemz = true;
            if (!itemz) {
                return false;
        } else if (isSpiritBlast() && !applyto.isClone()) {
            MapleInventory use = applyto.getInventory(MapleInventoryType.USE);
            boolean itemz = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < use.getSlotLimit(); i++) { // impose order...
                Item item = use.getItem((byte) i);
                if (item != null) {
                    if (GameConstants.isBullet(item.getItemId()) && item.getQuantity() >= 100) {
                        MapleInventoryManipulator.removeFromSlot(applyto.getClient(), MapleInventoryType.USE, (short) i, (short) 100, false, true);
                        itemz = true;
            if (!itemz) {
                return false;
        } else if (cp != 0 && applyto.getCarnivalParty() != null) {
            applyto.getCarnivalParty().addCP(applyto, cp);
            applyto.CPUpdate(false, applyto.getAvailableCP(), applyto.getTotalCP(), 0);
            for (MapleCharacter chr : applyto.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) {
                chr.CPUpdate(true, applyto.getCarnivalParty().getAvailableCP(), applyto.getCarnivalParty().getTotalCP(), applyto.getCarnivalParty().getTeam());
        } else if (nuffSkill != 0 && applyto.getParty() != null) {
            final MCSkill skil = MapleCarnivalFactory.getInstance().getSkill(nuffSkill);
            if (skil != null) {
                final MapleDisease dis = skil.getDisease();
                for (MapleCharacter chr : applyto.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) {
                    if (applyto.getParty() == null || chr.getParty() == null || (chr.getParty().getId() != applyto.getParty().getId())) {
                        if (skil.targetsAll || Randomizer.nextBoolean()) {
                            if (dis == null) {
                            } else if (skil.getSkill() == null) {
                                chr.giveDebuff(dis, 1, 30000, dis.getDisease(), 1);
                            } else {
                                chr.giveDebuff(dis, skil.getSkill());
                            if (!skil.targetsAll) {
        } else if ((effectedOnEnemy > 0 || effectedOnAlly > 0) && primary && applyto.inPVP()) {
            final int eventType = Integer.parseInt(applyto.getEventInstance().getProperty("type"));
            if (eventType > 0 || effectedOnEnemy > 0) {
                for (MapleCharacter chr : applyto.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) {
                    if (chr.getId() != applyto.getId() && (effectedOnAlly > 0 ? (chr.getTeam() == applyto.getTeam()) : (chr.getTeam() != applyto.getTeam() || eventType == 0))) {
                        applyTo(applyto, chr, false, pos, newDuration);
        } else if (mobSkill > 0 && mobSkillLevel > 0 && primary && applyto.inPVP()) {
            if (effectedOnEnemy > 0) {
                final int eventType = Integer.parseInt(applyto.getEventInstance().getProperty("type"));
                for (MapleCharacter chr : applyto.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) {
                    if (chr.getId() != applyto.getId() && (chr.getTeam() != applyto.getTeam() || eventType == 0)) {
                        chr.disease(mobSkill, mobSkillLevel);
            } else {
                if (sourceid == 2910000 || sourceid == 2910001) { //red flag
                    applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnBuffEffect(sourceid, 13, applyto.getLevel(), level));
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showBuffeffect(applyto.getId(), sourceid, 13, applyto.getLevel(), level), false);

                    applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnCraftingEffect("UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Effect", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 0, 0));
                    applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showCraftingEffect(applyto.getId(), "UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Effect", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 0, 0), false);
                    if (applyto.getTeam() == (sourceid - 2910000)) { //restore duh flag
                        if (sourceid == 2910000) {
                            applyto.getEventInstance().broadcastPlayerMsg(-7, "The Red Team's flag has been restored.");
                        } else {
                            applyto.getEventInstance().broadcastPlayerMsg(-7, "The Blue Team's flag has been restored.");
                        applyto.getMap().spawnAutoDrop(sourceid, applyto.getMap().getGuardians().get(sourceid - 2910000).left);
                    } else {
                        applyto.disease(mobSkill, mobSkillLevel);
                        if (sourceid == 2910000) {
                            applyto.getEventInstance().setProperty("redflag", String.valueOf(applyto.getId()));
                            applyto.getEventInstance().broadcastPlayerMsg(-7, "The Red Team's flag has been captured!");
                            applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnCraftingEffect("UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Tail/Red", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 600000, 0));
                            applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showCraftingEffect(applyto.getId(), "UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Tail/Red", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 600000, 0), false);
                        } else {
                            applyto.getEventInstance().setProperty("blueflag", String.valueOf(applyto.getId()));
                            applyto.getEventInstance().broadcastPlayerMsg(-7, "The Blue Team's flag has been captured!");
                            applyto.getClient().getSession().write(EffectPacket.showOwnCraftingEffect("UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Tail/Blue", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 600000, 0));
                            applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(applyto, EffectPacket.showCraftingEffect(applyto.getId(), "UI/UIWindow2.img/CTF/Tail/Blue", (byte) applyto.getDirection(), 600000, 0), false);
                } else {
                    applyto.disease(mobSkill, mobSkillLevel);
        } else if (randomPickup != null && randomPickup.size() > 0) {
        } else if (sourceid == 20031203 || sourceid == 20021110 || sourceid == 80001040) { //TODO: make them gms like
            applyto.changeMap(sourceid == 20031203 ? 150000000 : sourceid == 20021110 || sourceid == 80001040 ? 101050000 : 100000000, 0);
        for (Entry<MapleTraitType, Integer> t : traits.entrySet()) {
            applyto.getTrait(t.getKey()).addExp(t.getValue(), applyto);
        final SummonMovementType summonMovementType = getSummonMovementType();
        if (summonMovementType != null && (sourceid != 32111006 || (applyfrom.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.REAPER) != null && !primary)) && !applyto.isClone()) {
            int summId = sourceid;
            if (sourceid == 3111002) {
                final Skill elite = SkillFactory.getSkill(3120012);
                if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(elite) > 0) {
                    return elite.getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(elite)).applyTo(applyfrom, applyto, primary, pos, newDuration);
            } else if (sourceid == 3211002) {
                final Skill elite = SkillFactory.getSkill(3220012);
                if (applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(elite) > 0) {
                    return elite.getEffect(applyfrom.getTotalSkillLevel(elite)).applyTo(applyfrom, applyto, primary, pos, newDuration);
            final MapleSummon tosummon = new MapleSummon(applyfrom, summId, getLevel(), new Point(pos == null ? applyfrom.getTruePosition() : pos), summonMovementType);
            if (!tosummon.isPuppet()) {
            applyfrom.cancelEffect(this, true, -1, statups);
            if (isBeholder()) {
                tosummon.addHP((short) 1);
            } else if (sourceid == 4341006) {
            } else if (sourceid == 32111006) {
                return true; //no buff
            } else if (sourceid == 35111002) {
                List<Integer> count = new ArrayList<>();
                final List<MapleSummon> ss = applyfrom.getSummonsReadLock();
                try {
                    for (MapleSummon s : ss) {
                        if (s.getSkill() == sourceid) {
                } finally {
                if (count.size() != 3) {
                    return true; //no buff until 3
                applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(sourceid, getCooldown(applyfrom)));
                applyfrom.addCooldown(sourceid, System.currentTimeMillis(), getCooldown(applyfrom) * 1000);
                applyfrom.getMap().broadcastMessage(CField.teslaTriangle(applyfrom.getId(), count.get(0), count.get(1), count.get(2)));
            } else if (sourceid == 35121003) {
                applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CWvsContext.enableActions()); //doubt we need this at all
        } else if (isMechDoor()) {
            int newId = 0;
            boolean applyBuff = false;
            if (applyto.getMechDoors().size() >= 2) {
                final MechDoor remove = applyto.getMechDoors().remove(0);
                newId = remove.getId();
                applyto.getMap().broadcastMessage(CField.removeMechDoor(remove, true));
            } else {
                for (MechDoor d : applyto.getMechDoors()) {
                    if (d.getId() == newId) {
                        applyBuff = true;
                        newId = 1;
            final MechDoor door = new MechDoor(applyto, new Point(pos == null ? applyto.getTruePosition() : pos), newId);
            if (!applyBuff) {
                return true; //do not apply buff until 2 doors spawned
        if (primary && availableMap != null) {
            for (Pair<Integer, Integer> e : availableMap) {
                if (applyto.getMapId() < e.left || applyto.getMapId() > e.right) {
                    return true;
        if (overTime && !isEnergyCharge()) {
            applyBuffEffect(applyfrom, applyto, primary, newDuration);
        if (skill) {
        if (primary) {
            if ((overTime || isHeal()) && !isEnergyCharge()) {
                applyBuff(applyfrom, newDuration);
            if (isMonsterBuff()) {
        if (isMagicDoor()) { // Magic Door
            MapleDoor door = new MapleDoor(applyto, new Point(pos == null ? applyto.getTruePosition() : pos), sourceid); // Current Map door
            if (door.getTownPortal() != null) {


                MapleDoor townDoor = new MapleDoor(door); // Town door

                if (applyto.getParty() != null) { // update town doors
            } else {
                applyto.dropMessage(5, "You may not spawn a door because all doors in the town are taken.");
        } else if (isMist()) {
            final Rectangle bounds = calculateBoundingBox(pos != null ? pos : applyfrom.getPosition(), applyfrom.isFacingLeft());
            final MapleMist mist = new MapleMist(bounds, applyfrom, this);
            applyfrom.getMap().spawnMist(mist, getDuration(), false);

        } else if (isTimeLeap()) { // Time Leap
            for (MapleCoolDownValueHolder i : applyto.getCooldowns()) {
                if (i.skillId != 5121010) {
                    applyto.getClient().getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(i.skillId, 0));
        } else {
            for (WeakReference<MapleCharacter> chrz : applyto.getClones()) {
                if (chrz.get() != null) {
                    applyTo(chrz.get(), chrz.get(), primary, pos, newDuration);
               if (applyto.getJob() == 132) {       
               if (applyto.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.IGNORE_DEF) != 1); { //Sacrifice is the only skill Dark Knights have that give Ignore Def hacky but works
                applyfrom.getClient().getSession().write(CField.skillCooldown(1321013, getCooldown(applyfrom) * 0));
                applyto.addCooldown(1321013, System.currentTimeMillis(), getCooldown(applyfrom));
               if (GameConstants.isLuminous(applyto.getJob())) {       
               if (applyto.getBuffedValue(MapleBuffStat.LUMINOUS_GAUGE) != 1); { //Sacrifice is the only skill Dark Knights have that give Ignore Def hacky but works
                   //World.Broadcast.broadcastMessage(CField.getGameMessage("Light?.", (short) 8));
        if (fatigueChange != 0 && applyto.getSummonedFamiliar() != null && (familiars == null || familiars.contains(applyto.getSummonedFamiliar().getFamiliar()))) {
            applyto.getSummonedFamiliar().addFatigue(applyto, fatigueChange);
        if (rewardMeso != 0) {
            applyto.gainMeso(rewardMeso, false);
        if (rewardItem != null && totalprob > 0) {
            for (Triple<Integer, Integer, Integer> reward : rewardItem) {
                if (MapleInventoryManipulator.checkSpace(applyto.getClient(), reward.left, reward.mid, "") && reward.right > 0 && Randomizer.nextInt(totalprob) < reward.right) { // Total prob
                    if (GameConstants.getInventoryType(reward.left) == MapleInventoryType.EQUIP) {
                        final Item item = MapleItemInformationProvider.getInstance().getEquipById(reward.left);
                        item.setGMLog("Reward item (effect): " + sourceid + " on " + FileoutputUtil.CurrentReadable_Date());
                        MapleInventoryManipulator.addbyItem(applyto.getClient(), item);
                    } else {
                        MapleInventoryManipulator.addById(applyto.getClient(), reward.left, reward.mid.shortValue(), "Reward item (effect): " + sourceid + " on " + FileoutputUtil.CurrentReadable_Date());
        if (familiarTarget == 2 && applyfrom.getParty() != null && primary) { //to party
            for (MaplePartyCharacter mpc : applyfrom.getParty().getMembers()) {
                if (mpc.getId() != applyfrom.getId() && mpc.getChannel() == applyfrom.getClient().getChannel() && mpc.getMapid() == applyfrom.getMapId() && mpc.isOnline()) {
                    MapleCharacter mc = applyfrom.getMap().getCharacterById(mpc.getId());
                    if (mc != null) {
                        applyTo(applyfrom, mc, false, null, newDuration);
        } else if (familiarTarget == 3 && primary) {
            for (MapleCharacter mc : applyfrom.getMap().getCharactersThreadsafe()) {
                if (mc.getId() != applyfrom.getId()) {
                    applyTo(applyfrom, mc, false, null, newDuration);
        if (GameConstants.isTownSkill(sourceid)) {
            applyto.changeMap(info.get(MapleStatInfo.x), 0);
        return true;

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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 27, 2016
Reaction score
@crisroxmysoc No, @Punon is trying to say that if he hard-codes it as 1, that the byte is correct (which, it is). This proves that your packet is right, but your functions are not. So, somewhere in your MapleStatEffect I guess is modifying the hashmap and changing the value to something other than 1. This is causing it to show the combo wrong. I'd check everywhere that uses MapleBuffStat.COMBO and see if you can find the error.

I believe this is the problem right?
Eric Punon
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 5, 2014
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Yes it should be.

as for debugging within the IDE, can you explain how to do it? I didnt think it was possible.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 27, 2016
Reaction score
Yes it should be. So they already did change the animation for it eh? in v146.. go figure

as for debugging within the IDE, can you explain how to do it? I didnt think it was possible.

You need to run the server within NetBeans

1. Move your server folders into the folder of the project you created with netbeans
For example my project name is v146, move all the server files into these folder
2. Go into Netbeans and right click->Properties, on the left hand side there should be a run tab, click it.
3. Once in Run Main Class is server.start
4. Arguments is going to be "-Dwzpath=wz" THIS IS FOR MY SOURCE, to get the arugments go into the launch.bat and edit it and look where ever the wz directory is, copy that part
5. In side server.start run this below run() System.setProperty("wzpath", "wz");, The Wzpath is whatever you found in your launch.bat
6. Click the debugging button

Where the heck is statups already created?
 Map<MapleBuffStat, Integer> localstatups = statups
Its already making the short byte 5 already? preloaded perhaps?

Whats going on here?

case 1111002: // combo
                        case 11111001: // combo
                        case 1101013:
                            ret.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBO, 1);

Puts into a map of statups, the key being Combo and value being 1 which is good!
but puts into a ret.statup.

@Eric @Punon

Fixed it @Eric Punon, in Server.buffs.buffclasses.adventurer.warriorbuff
 case 1101013: //Combo
                eff.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBO, eff.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));
                eff.info.put(MapleStatInfo.time, 2100000000);

  eff.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBO, eff.info.get(MapleStatInfo.x));

  eff.statups.put(MapleBuffStat.COMBO, 1);
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2010
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@crisroxmysoc Nice one! Looks like someone's learning fast. That is indeed a mistake by some previous developer. You don't set combo attack to it's x data value upon buff, it's one of the few buffs that Nexon gives it's own value not skill-data related. Which here it is just simply 1 ;p.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 27, 2016
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All thanks you buddy! I am still concern with the animation, is much different from v142 from some reason o_O in v146 doesn't show a startup animation just an icon on the top right
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Loyal Member
Apr 9, 2009
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All thanks you buddy! I am still concern with the animation, is much different from v142 from some reason o_O in v146 doesn't show a startup animation just an icon on the top right

Animation is either an effect (effect packet) or it occurs only with the right stat values. Unsure in this case. Don't think there should be a diff. between 142 and 146 but idk.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 27, 2016
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Animation is either an effect (effect packet) or it occurs only with the right stat values. Unsure in this case. Don't think there should be a diff. between 142 and 146 but idk.

Which kind of an effect packet? Such as give buff? I am sure the right values are being sent now so I dont know:( or give foreign bufF?
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Loyal Member
Jan 18, 2010
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Which kind of an effect packet? Such as give buff? I am sure the right values are being sent now so I dont know:( or give foreign bufF?

No. Go into CField, and search "EffectPacket". It's packets that display effects of things. Nexon term for this is OnEffect (Local) and OnEffect (Remote), while Odin uses showForeignEffect and the showItemGainInChat. But if you scroll down you'll see showOwnBuffEffect. This wasn't used in older versions, as it was mainly for remote users (3rd party), but it seems to have changed in higher versions. If no effect displays, you can try sending a buff effect packet with the combo attack skillID.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 27, 2016
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I checked the function it runs but still not displaying the effect. The weird thing is I tried with iron body the animation still goes off before it hits the function?

also checked the skillid being sent. It's correct

No. Go into CField, and search "EffectPacket". It's packets that display effects of things. Nexon term for this is OnEffect (Local) and OnEffect (Remote), while Odin uses showForeignEffect and the showItemGainInChat. But if you scroll down you'll see showOwnBuffEffect. This wasn't used in older versions, as it was mainly for remote users (3rd party), but it seems to have changed in higher versions. If no effect displays, you can try sending a buff effect packet with the combo attack skillID.

i don't believe there's a need to do it has it's been called already through the applyto.getmap().broadcastmessage
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Skilled Illusionist
Jul 17, 2010
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What do you mean by "a startup animation"?
There is no longer animations for combo attack itself since it became an on/off skill. (IIRC)

Orb animations are depends on the buff value, as Punon has said above.
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