Burger Talk

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 24, 2005
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Do you guys have any fave fast food burgers? Wendy's and KFC burgers tastes good but Carl's Jr new spicy chicken sandwich is the best for me.
Hrm might have to try the KFC thing, we dont have a Krystal's but I've heard that was great.

This link is sort of related: The Simulator - Garnet Hertz - 1997
LOL, anyway this thread reminded me of that. :P

krystal sells small square sammiches and damn are they good (normally they have pickles, onions, mustard, and little square piece of meat xD). you can get like 12 for $14 I think.

most money-efficient place to eat for me is Wendy's. I'll grab a 5-piece nugget, med drink and fries, and a medium frosty and that's $4.23 xD (GA state tax is .07)
I don't deserve to be called American.

I hate burgers. I am more of a Spicy food guy.
I don't deserve to be called American.

I hate burgers. I am more of a Spicy food guy.

that is fairly un-american! how dare you not eat food that makes you obese. lol that is kinda wierd tho. People would call me un-american for never having tried a white castle burger. altho i have been craving them pretty bad. i really wanna try one. (harold and kumar anyone?)

PS: spicy food definitely beats burgers tho. unless its a spicy burger. then its godly to me.
I know what I defo don't like is Maccy D's Meals, every time I feel like just throwing it all back up.

I am a veggie so my sources is pretty limited but I have to say a nice TGIF burgers goes down very well but I tend to leave some of it. I am a small eater >.<

Of all the Fast food restaurants, Wendy's have always been top for me. Shame they nearly, if not all, are closed down in the UK now :cry:
that is fairly un-american! how dare you not eat food that makes you obese. lol that is kinda wierd tho. People would call me un-american for never having tried a white castle burger. altho i have been craving them pretty bad. i really wanna try one. (harold and kumar anyone?)

PS: spicy food definitely beats burgers tho. unless its a spicy burger. then its godly to me.

Heavenly spicy burger for me equals Hardee's spicy Buffalo Chicken Burger. The best tasting spicy burger for me.Better than Wendy's spicy burger too.:)

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