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[C#] Proxy Backup

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G'nome sayin'
May 19, 2011
Reaction score
this is very good why you not programming with 2+ proxy ips ?
When the backup proxy down switch the tool it to the main proxy or its absolutl. down ?

If the Main Proxy is down it will switch to the Backup Proxy, if both is down then of course it will not work. But when Proxy Backup is running on the Backup Proxy it will constantly check if Main Proxy is up, and then switch back.
G'nome sayin'
May 19, 2011
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Added new download link with multiple mirrors.

G'nome sayin'
May 19, 2011
Reaction score
Or, you could just have a DDoS protected IP instead and not duck around with all this shenanigans proxy crap.

What do you think this is all about? if you have $1k/month to pay for professional DDoS Protection then sure, this is not needed but these $10~ services face downtime almost daily.

I can also recommend FranTech's VPS with DDoS Protection for Main Proxy and // // for Backup Proxy.

I have tried all of these and they are all crap, some of them not so bad but maybe you can see the reason why I made this program? so I don't need to spend hundreds of dollars monthly on my retro.
Unknown Place
Mar 7, 2013
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$1k is not necessary indeed, but obviously as Exonize said, $ 10 is a little too low for something good :p
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 25, 2013
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Hello, tought I would share this little tool I have been using for the last couple of months. Some of you might find this completely useless and some will find it very usefull.

Main Proxy > Your standard proxy with best uptime and response.
Backup Proxy > Cheaper proxy that you bought from some random on the forum(?)
By Proxy I mean the protection you use to hide your server IP.

How it works
Proxy Backup will check if your Main Proxy is responding(ping) every 3-5 second. If Main Proxy fail to respond 5 times in a row it will automaticlly change to Backup Proxy and also update
your client.php. After your hotel is running on the Backup Proxy it will keep checking if everything is OK with Main Proxy. If Main Proxy get back up it will change back.

Example: You have a VPS you use for protection(Main Proxy) and a Backup Proxy with a cheap provider, if the VPS you use for protection go down Proxy Backup will update your client.php so
your hotel will be up in just a few seconds.

If you have more then 100 users and your Proxy goes down when you are sleeping or you just don't have access to a PC, Proxy Backup will simply step in and help you. Because downtime means loss of
users and money.

How to setup
I have added a install.txt file which include everything you need.
 _____                       ____             _                
|  __ \                     |  _ \           | |               
| |__) | __ _____  ___   _  | |_) | __ _  ___| | ___   _ _ __  
|  ___/ '__/ _ \ \/ / | | | |  _ < / _` |/ __| |/ / | | | '_ \ 
| |   | | | (_) >  <| |_| | | |_) | (_| | (__|   <| |_| | |_) |
|_|   |_|  \___/_/\_\\__, | |____/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\\__,_| .__/ 
                      __/ |                             | |    
                     |___/                              |_|    

1. Run this in your database:

CREATE TABLE ip_checker (
  use_ip varchar(100) not null default '',
  use_port varchar(10) not null default '',
  primary key (`use_ip`)

INSERT INTO ip_checker set use_ip = '';


2. Update your client,

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT use_ip, use_port FROM ip_checker LIMIT 1");
$ip = mysql_result($sql, 0, 0);
$port = mysql_result($sql, 0, 1);

In the top of client.php.


And then remove your current IP and port from client.php and replace it with <?php echo $ip;?> and <?php echo $port;?>

Now it should look like this:

"connection.info.host" : "<?php echo $ip;?>",
"connection.info.port" : "<?php echo $port;?>",

Save and run the .exe file!
Don't worry about the ip_checker table, Proxy Backup will update this automatic after you configure the .exe.

aeWO8b2 - [C#] Proxy Backup - RaGEZONE Forums

Main Proxy is fully responding.

GScGNo - [C#] Proxy Backup - RaGEZONE Forums

Main Proxy is down, switching to Backup Proxy > updating db > updating client.php > checking if Main Proxy is reachable.


Feel free to scan it or decompile. I will add the source if anyone is interested.

This will require 2 TCP proxies.
Sorry for my bad English and explanation,

It gives me trouble code db


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Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 3, 2013
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Why would a proxy be down? And their proxy is that good for Main Proxy?
G'nome sayin'
May 19, 2011
Reaction score
Why would a proxy be down? And their proxy is that good for Main Proxy?

Stop advertising. And why would anyone go with a retro based company? I would rather have no protection then using a company that is run by amateurs. They are also just using , so get your own VPS and have full control - for the same price.
Initiate Mage
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction score
Stop advertising. And why would anyone go with a retro based company? I would rather have no protection then using a company that is run by amateurs. They are also just using , so get your own VPS and have full control - for the same price.

Frantech (BuyVM) is 3-5 dollars cheaper. :):
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