Client for RaiderZ Brasil Servers files released

Dec 23, 2011
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well guys i decide release the client now coz if nobody do that, raiderz area will be close maybe
on client have a file called runtest.bat, open the .bat and edit for the ip of server to connect, save and run

this is the servers files 100% compatible :

here the link so :
Decript key Mega : FbbM0VySetTzCRrI-ZdKpi6lMyArdAP38XY7pdZJpmA
RaiderZ Brasil2.rar password file : d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

rep me if possible =D, and like

add : link for website ( only website, no db )
Link :
Decript Key Mega : aPDi7Ue55TR8ugn95OTnihECexNPSmG6Xcp1rt9ra2I
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now will try download and test it, ty so much :): , sry for stupid question but im new in this stuff, im planing to make server only for my own use, and was wonder do i need internet to run it or, can be run without internet and played bymyself, apologize for my English too :) thx in advance:blushing:
now will try download and test it, ty so much :): , sry for stupid question but im new in this stuff, im planing to make server only for my own use, and was wonder do i need internet to run it or, can be run without internet and played bymyself, apologize for my English too :) thx in advance:blushing:

You can play local
Got a connection timeout .__.
How can i fix that?? The server is running without any problem, but ther is a line called: "low frame!, average elapsed time: 1353 (count: 1)
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Got a connection timeout .__.
How can i fix that?? The server is running without any problem, but ther is a line called: "low frame!, average elapsed time: 1353 (count: 1)
Bola im using youre client and the right server files but i stii get connection timeout ... help me !
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Got a connection timeout .__.
How can i fix that?? The server is running without any problem, but ther is a line called: "low frame!, average elapsed time: 1353 (count: 1)
Decided to who this problem ?

i forgot to say, no support will be given, i only release the compatible client

Tell me how to solve this problem :(:
Got a connection timeout .__.
How can i fix that?? The server is running without any problem, but ther is a line called: "low frame!, average elapsed time: 1353 (count: 1)

i got this error too.
i saw this..

*if server are Running or Stopped, the client show the World and got connection time out, the client haven't effect into server
i cant login, "expiration" said!!!

i use runtest.bat then after that everytime i login i cant,,said "expiration"detect?
Need to have a linux server to run webserver with ssl enabled and the raiderzbr api files in order to get it to work right, I think. But nothing I try is working.. can't get it to connect properly.