well guys i decide release the client now coz if nobody do that, raiderz area will be close maybe
on client have a file called runtest.bat, open the .bat and edit for the ip of server to connect, save and run
this is the servers files 100% compatible :
here the link so :
Decript key Mega : FbbM0VySetTzCRrI-ZdKpi6lMyArdAP38XY7pdZJpmA
RaiderZ Brasil2.rar password file : d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
rep me if possible =D, and like
add : link for website ( only website, no db )
Link :
Decript Key Mega : aPDi7Ue55TR8ugn95OTnihECexNPSmG6Xcp1rt9ra2I
on client have a file called runtest.bat, open the .bat and edit for the ip of server to connect, save and run
this is the servers files 100% compatible :
here the link so :
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
Decript key Mega : FbbM0VySetTzCRrI-ZdKpi6lMyArdAP38XY7pdZJpmA
RaiderZ Brasil2.rar password file : d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
rep me if possible =D, and like
add : link for website ( only website, no db )
Link :
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
Decript Key Mega : aPDi7Ue55TR8ugn95OTnihECexNPSmG6Xcp1rt9ra2I
Last edited: