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Client for x64 6.5.2 - 7.3.x

Elite Diviner
Sep 12, 2020
Reaction score
Here is my client i created for my server, so far i have had no issues but if you see any issues let me know.

This folder goes into your C:\Runewaker folder labeled as Resource i deleted my Data folder to it so you will have to create that your self from the tools you got from Mupu's release, If you put together everything that has been released here you will have a client. you will have to fix the minor issues the ObjectData may have like (filenames) with what i have released in the past there is still a few with Sysname on them i missed, Thats the easy part just open StringDB in Navicat and edit the named to what they are suppose to be, I left all my lua file updated to
current now (Still a lot missing work in progress)...

Here are images of my client .

this will get anyone to Runes of magic v7.3.x if you put a little work into it. Thanks to anyone else who may have helped me or released something in the past, and my testers...

New Link Other got blocked

ObjectData: (Note) Read the post here you will find the password and UPDATED ObjectData

Also go here for spawns in zones 38,37,36, 35. and mobs instances spawned and with lua movements Plus Others fixed.
Isle lua Quest's


hit the like at least that will let me know someone is out there ? Since this forum is dead in runes of magic section?

UPDATE: Client FIX so you can have more then 1 client on at a time ... This was a Dll error here is the updated

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Hi Janebug, thanks for your work! Since no one is replying I thought why not saying Hello xD

What do you mean by "work in progress" are there some bugs or is something missing?
Since it's been some time since I've played the official release, I'm wondering if there is much new content in 7.3.x compared to 6.5.2?
"work in progress"

Iam referring to Lua codes for mounts, packages, boss fights, ect...... as for the rest the work you will need to do is fix the spelling errors , some of the npcs that i may have missed still have sysxxxx as you play you will need to fix them including items, and what ever else might be missing.... check out my other topics for other help ...

Hi Janebug I read most of the referenced threads, but I still have some questions.

1. If I understand correctly you are using this base version right?

2. So you haven't changed old stuff instead you added new mob spawns and movement? So all quests, npcs in zones below 34 are the same?Just want to know what's new so if I find a bug I know if it was already on the 6.5.2 version or not.

3. The Client link from your thread for zones 38,37,36, 35 is no longer available or is it the same from above marked as "New Link Other got blocked"?:

4. The ObjectData DB can be replaced since it has no user data right?
5. Has there been any id change for quests, items etc. that could inflict with "old" accounts?

Regardless of the topic I had two question while playing and I thought you might know the answer.

Game related:
6. Do you know how to use the GM command "Teleport to name (zone)" if the name is split by a space? Normally I would have used "" or '' but the command is not able to find the name, even if I'm right next to the npc.
7. This is probably a more simple question. I wanted to create a guild castle but can't find the button to donate to my guild. According to the wiki it should be under the Guild menu by pressing "G", but I can't see it.

Thanks again for your time and effort :)
Hi Janebug I read most of the referenced threads, but I still have some questions.

1. If I understand correctly you are using this base version right?

A. Corr

2. So you haven't changed old stuff instead you added new mob spawns and movement? So all quests, npcs in zones below 34 are the same?Just want to know what's new so if I find a bug I know if it was already on the 6.5.2 version or not.

A. I went thru most of it, if there was anything missing i tried to fix it. did i miss anything yes thats possible. your welcome to post anything you find here.

3. The Client link from your thread for zones 38,37,36, 35 is no longer available or is it the same from above marked as "New Link Other got blocked"?:

A. that client was created by @TheDomo, So he stopped serving it.. because of a issue.

4. The ObjectData DB can be replaced since it has no user data right?

A. correct its created by ObjectEditor from your Sql tables in ObjectData

5. Has there been any id change for quests, items etc. that could inflict with "old" accounts?
A. None that i know of, How ever if you want Mirrorworld to work correctly you will need to change things in RoleData
this will completely change your toon. you will need to start over.

Regardless of the topic I had two question while playing and I thought you might know the answer.

Game related:
6. Do you know how to use the GM command "Teleport to name (zone)" if the name is split by a space? Normally I would have used "" or '' but the command is not able to find the name, even if I'm right next to the npc.

A. Simple lets say you want to goto GM island (zone 967) you would go there like this
? zone 967 0 3529.0 577.6 3994.0 = ? zone (ZoneID) (Map 0) ( x, y, z) 360 <-- Direction you face when you get to location.

7. This is probably a more simple question. I wanted to create a guild castle but can't find the button to donate to my guild. According to the wiki it should be under the Guild menu by pressing "G", but I can't see it.

A. Guild contribution are based off the number of guildies you have....

Thanks again for your time and effort :)

I hope i answer everything for you ...

Wow Thank you Janebug that helped a lot!

1. The Client link from your thread for zones 38,37,36, 35 is no longer available or is it the same from above marked as "New Link Other got blocked"?:

A. that client was created by @TheDomo, So he stopped serving it.. because of a issue.

AA. Ok, so the recent one is the one from the mega link you posted above.

2. Has there been any id change for quests, items etc. that could inflict with "old" accounts?
A. None that i know of, How ever if you want Mirrorworld to work correctly you will need to change things in RoleData
this will completely change your toon. you will need to start over.

AA. Not sure since I never played it before. Is this the new way how instances are added or what is this exactly?
Since you are talking about "work correctly" it sounds like something is working. Can you tell me more about what is working and what not?

Game related:
3. Do you know how to use the GM command "Teleport to name (zone)" if the name is split by a space? Normally I would have used "" or '' but the command is not able to find the name, even if I'm right next to the npc.

A. Simple lets say you want to goto GM island (zone 967) you would go there like this
? zone 967 0 3529.0 577.6 3994.0 = ? zone (ZoneID) (Map 0) ( x, y, z) 360 <-- Direction you face when you get to location.
AA. This was not exactly what I meant but also interesting to know. What I meant was the Teleport menu section "Teleport to name (zone)".
It works fine if the name has no space like "Mark" but not if I type something like "Timlod Sid" (Zone:Sacilia Steppes). I can't teleport to any person with a space in there name. Not sure what to type to bypass this.

Janebug - Client for x64 6.5.2 - 7.3.x - RaGEZONE Forums

4. This is probably a more simple question. I wanted to create a guild castle but can't find the button to donate to my guild. According to the wiki it should be under the Guild menu by pressing "G", but I can't see it.

A. Guild contribution are based off the number of guildies you have....

AA. So I need at least a second guild to active it or what does this mean exactly?

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AA. This was not exactly what I meant but also interesting to know. What I meant was the Teleport menu section "Teleport to name (zone)".
It works fine if the name has no space like "Mark" but not if I type something like "Timlod Sid" (Zone:Sacilia Steppes). I can't teleport to any person with a space in there name. Not sure what to type to bypass this.

Thats not directly an answer, but i would suggest using the GM Port function with Ids, in case of Timlod Sid its guID is 111521. But you have to be in the same zone using this.

Can be frustrating if NPCs have a lot of IDs in one Zone because of f. e. epic quests.

i never tested it, but maybe try timlod%20sid
, but i dont think that will work ^^
Thats not directly an answer, but i would suggest using the GM Port function with Ids, in case of Timlod Sid its guID is 111521. But you have to be in the same zone using this.
Where do you get the id from? database.rom-welten.de?
But it would be more convenient if I would know how to use the other function probably. This way I just have to type the name of a person if I can't find them.

i never tested it, but maybe try timlod%20sid
, but i dont think that will work ^^

Good idea but sadly didn't work xD
Not sure where the code for this is stored but really strange why none of the tested character work.
@Janebug I'm currently comparing all your data with the 6.5.2 version and what you have uploaded.

Also go here for spawns in zones 38,37,36, 35. and mobs instances spawned and with lua movements Plus Others fixed. https://forum.ragezone.com/f885/database-lua-for-x64-6-a-1194241/
6.5.2 vs "Jane Final 1-24-21 v2 5":
Changes in old data
- Some scripts like 00089.lua or 00806.lua which only contained a
before have been replaced with nothing.
- Some dungeon data has been added at the bottom of 02426.lua
- Shopdata has been added to 02679.lua
This are all changes the rest are new lua scripts.

"Jane Final 1-24-21 v2 5" vs Mega link from above:
- code has been added to arround 235 lua files (count might also include files that just have some new empty lines)
Most of the changes are in the first 200 lua files. Example image:

(left side is "Jane Final 1-24-21 v2 5") .
- 4 new lua scripts has been added 10001.lua;10011.lua;10013.lua;15001.lua
Janebug - Client for x64 6.5.2 - 7.3.x - RaGEZONE Forums

Janebug - Client for x64 6.5.2 - 7.3.x - RaGEZONE Forums

All lua scripts seem to be outdated compared to the mega link version from above.

There is also a ROM_GlobalDB.bak file in the "Jane_Final_1-24-21_v2.5" (55.480KB) release that is slightly different in size than the 6.5.2 (55.412KB) release

So my questions would be:
1. Is this file also outdated and do we need a new one?
2. Do we even need this DB or was this for testing?

3. Could you upload a zip with all your zone ini files so we aren't missing anything?
4. Is there anything else you change on the server?

ObjectData: (Note) Read the post here you will find the password and UPDATED ObjectDatahttps://forum.ragezone.com/f885/objectdata-x64-6-5-2-a-1199933/
The video seems to be outdated since the new client doesn't even have a data.fdb.
5. I assume we can just skip this step and just use the new client?
6. Might be a silly question but why is the new ObjectData only 851.144KB in size when the 6.5.2 version has 936.136KB. Shouldn't the DB contain more objects and therefore be larger in size?

That's enough for today. Hope I didn't miss anything so everyone knows what has changed.
Thank you again for sharing Janebug.
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Anyone who can split this up in 5GB parts? Because of Mega's dumbass 5GB limit
@Janebug I'm currently comparing all your data with the 6.5.2 version and what you have uploaded.
Janebug You probably didn't see this post, since it had to be verified by a mod so it wasn't visible for a long time.

Another thing I noticed from your video "Full ObJectData for x64 6.5.2" is, that compared to the "One For All x64 6.5.2 Full Release" release the Monster Compendium is missing the "Human" category. Not sure if they were added somewhere else or why this is the case.

Regardless of all this my main question would still be, why the new ObjectData is so much smaller than the "old" one?
Referring to the link you posted here (08-02-22):

Anyone who can split this up in 5GB parts? Because of Mega's dumbass 5GB limit
You should have got a private message from me.
Wow i did miss that at first but i have fixed it since then, thanks for that ..... I never got any private msg ?
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Thats not directly an answer, but i would suggest using the GM Port function with Ids, in case of Timlod Sid its guID is 111521. But you have to be in the same zone using this.

Can be frustrating if NPCs have a lot of IDs in one Zone because of f. e. epic quests.

i never tested it, but maybe try timlod%20sid
, but i dont think that will work ^^
I found a simpler way. Maybe it helps you too.
Under the GM settings click on "List" -> "SearchObj" and click the button on the top.
The left field can be used to search. It will only show objects/enemies/npc in the current zone.
Right click on the name to teleport directly. It's a pretty fast solution. It also shows all enemies currently spawned with separate IDs so you can teleport to each of them individually (screenshot below). If you kill one and click the top button again (refresh) it will directly show the new spawned enemy even if it's not yet visible/spawned directly (Helps if you try to search for bosses that spawn as placeholder for killed enemies).
Btw. you can change the spawn rate of some Bosses if you like with the ObjDataEdit.exe tool. Some only spawn with a chance of 0.01% when a certain mob was killed. (This is also useful )
I added a screenshot for you.

Wow i did miss that at first but i have fixed it since then, thanks for that ..... I never got any private msg ?
The private msg part was for xSpeedx regarding the 5GB mega limit. If I post something and the last post was also from me the forum will combine the messages with - - - Updated - - - as indicator. So it looks a bit confusing.
Hello everyone, I have a small question since I got my new server running with the new data from janeburg and I want to go through the portal in tomb of souls, it doesn't work, and if and when I port myself in, I'm being pulled over to the portal
Hello yes everything works now thanks, but the item icons of the level 100/+103 items are displayed to me