Here is my client i created for my server, so far i have had no issues but if you see any issues let me know.
This folder goes into your C:\Runewaker folder labeled as Resource i deleted my Data folder to it so you will have to create that your self from the tools you got from Mupu's release, If you put together everything that has been released here you will have a client. you will have to fix the minor issues the ObjectData may have like (filenames) with what i have released in the past there is still a few with Sysname on them i missed, Thats the easy part just open StringDB in Navicat and edit the named to what they are suppose to be, I left all my lua file updated to
current now (Still a lot missing work in progress)...
Here are images of my client .
this will get anyone to Runes of magic v7.3.x if you put a little work into it. Thanks to anyone else who may have helped me or released something in the past, and my testers...
New Link Other got blocked
ObjectData: (Note) Read the post here you will find the password and UPDATED ObjectData
Also go here for spawns in zones 38,37,36, 35. and mobs instances spawned and with lua movements Plus Others fixed.
Isle lua Quest's
hit the like at least that will let me know someone is out there ? Since this forum is dead in runes of magic section?
UPDATE: Client FIX so you can have more then 1 client on at a time ... This was a Dll error here is the updated
This folder goes into your C:\Runewaker folder labeled as Resource i deleted my Data folder to it so you will have to create that your self from the tools you got from Mupu's release, If you put together everything that has been released here you will have a client. you will have to fix the minor issues the ObjectData may have like (filenames) with what i have released in the past there is still a few with Sysname on them i missed, Thats the easy part just open StringDB in Navicat and edit the named to what they are suppose to be, I left all my lua file updated to
current now (Still a lot missing work in progress)...
Here are images of my client .
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To view the content, you need to sign in or register
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
this will get anyone to Runes of magic v7.3.x if you put a little work into it. Thanks to anyone else who may have helped me or released something in the past, and my testers...
New Link Other got blocked
To view the content, you need to sign in or register
ObjectData: (Note) Read the post here you will find the password and UPDATED ObjectData

Full ObJectData for x64 6.5.2
Full ObJectData for x64 6.5.2 To USA Current Now you can dump your own server files from these updated to level 100, sql tables. Note: These tables are not 100% finished but you can dump your owe sql and with a little work fix these to be Current with USA release... I myself have fixed and...

Also go here for spawns in zones 38,37,36, 35. and mobs instances spawned and with lua movements Plus Others fixed.
Isle lua Quest's

Isle Lua Release
Here is all the Quest for the isle this includes Tasuq, Korris, Enoch, Vortis and Chassizz. I did some of the the personal quest inside the instances but not the boss fights at all. This strange error of some of the _ClickBefore and _ClickAfter quest not working is really pissing me off so i...

Database+lua for x64 6.5.2 - UP v2
Database+lua for x64 6.5.2 - UP v2 UPDATEDRelease V2 1-20-21If the direct download dies. PM me for a new one...Release V2 1-20-21 Direct download Fixed THIS download is ROM_GlobalDB to fix missing NPC's read below ,Whats been done.All...

hit the like at least that will let me know someone is out there ? Since this forum is dead in runes of magic section?
UPDATE: Client FIX so you can have more then 1 client on at a time ... This was a Dll error here is the updated
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