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Client Socket ISSUE (It's like we are getting attacked when we gain users)

Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 8, 2012
Reaction score
Hello, RZ Iv'e been recently trying to open my hotel for a week now and it seems to be bad all of sudden when this never happened in my life out of all the retros i opened. So 1st day we opened we had 30+ on opening day and this happened we thought it was just the Phoenix EMULATOR so we switched to another version and it still happened after the 2nd time trying to open we my team decided to move to R63B Original Plus Emulator and it still didnt work after the 3RD Time we tried opening proof: . This is starting to get me pissed off i asked everyone for help none knows the problem for my understanding and the known Coders of this community just ignore me.

Does anybody know how to fix this ? Please help me
Note: Yes everything is setup normal and correct proxys set etc...
(Its like somebody is attacking EMU) Our site never goes down