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College troubles

Loyal Member
Dec 4, 2007
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Hey guys, I haven't been around here in quite some time (well I lurk - but I don't post much).

Anyway, I did a year of business administration last year at university, but absolutely hated it. I dropped out because I'm not a numbers person, I wanted to focus on marketing and HR but that didn't go too well.

This year (for September), I was accepted for graphic design at Canadore College in North Bay, Ontario. I was super excited, but recently actually and was pretty turned off by it. These are the best website designs in the program, and I'm going to learn this?

Anyway, I researched it and found another great college in Toronto, Seneca College, which is much more well-known and respected than Canadore is. But with this one, I'd have to live on residence, at Canadore I can live at home for free.

What would you choose, if you were debating going for a program?

Canadore College


- Live at home (save $625/mo).


- Not very impressed by portfolio.
- Miss the "college experience" (parties/friends/girls) since I'd live at home.
- Spend $475/mo on car insurance/payments/gas to get around.

Seneca College


- No need for car, save $475/mo.
- Independence from parents, "college experience".
- Better college.


- Spend $625/mo on residence.

Tuition is paid for by my parents no matter where I go, I just need to cover residence.

What would you pick?

Independence, paying for your own place, going to a more well-known college vs. living at home, paying for a car, going to a smaller college with a terrible portfolio from past students.

Just want people to kind of talk about it with, since you can all see stuff from a different perspective.
2D > 3D
Loyal Member
Dec 19, 2008
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You go to college for a piece of paper, that is it. Unless you are in medicine, law, physics, or something like that, to expect to "learn" much of anything is being optimistic.

If both schools have the similar rates of students that get a job in the field they train in, then go for the one that is less stressful. I live away from home and can tell you that this "college experience" bull poop isn't all they say it is. I live in a party town, and I never go out, it is just rather boring in the end.

.-. Parents paying your tuition, how lucky can you get. I got a whole year paid for via a grant and I will still be 15k in debt by the time I graduate next year.
Loyal Member
Dec 4, 2007
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You go to college for a piece of paper, that is it. Unless you are in medicine, law, physics, or something like that, to expect to "learn" much of anything is being optimistic.

If both schools have the similar rates of students that get a job in the field they train in, then go for the one that is less stressful. I live away from home and can tell you that this "college experience" bull poop isn't all they say it is. I live in a party town, and I never go out, it is just rather boring in the end.

.-. Parents paying your tuition, how lucky can you get. I got a whole year paid for via a grant and I will still be 15k in debt by the time I graduate next year.

I know it's just for the degree, but I'm just wondering if people think it's worth it to go away and live on residence for a better known college.

Yes, I am lucky. They've been saving up for years to put my sister and I through to get an education.
Jun 19, 2008
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Go to the one you think is more respectable. The difference between car payment when living at home and residence while not living at home isn't that great. Go for the more respectable one and enjoy the college experience.
Jan 1, 2003
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my wife and i had a similar choice two years ago; stay local and attend the nearest uni, or move to another country away from family and my job.

We took the plunge and moved to scotland, the uni here has a better reputation but work has been hard for me. However the challenges and the growth they offer, alongside living way out of our comfort zones is an experience we would totally have missed staying at "home".
Loyal Member
Dec 4, 2007
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my wife and i had a similar choice two years ago; stay local and attend the nearest uni, or move to another country away from family and my job.

We took the plunge and moved to scotland, the uni here has a better reputation but work has been hard for me. However the challenges and the growth they offer, alongside living way out of our comfort zones is an experience we would totally have missed staying at "home".

Are you glad you did it then?
Initiate Mage
Aug 21, 2013
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Hey Mike

Choosing the right college can be a difficult process with so many options. Trying to choose between living at home and moving away is also difficult but I am hoping we can help you out a bit!

Our graphic design program trains students of different skill levels through exploration of the field in various capacities to find their niche. Throughout the year, our Graphic Design students submit work for various nation-wide contests and they have done very well. The course culminates in a full showcase where not only staff and students attend but individuals from local (and surrounding) agencies attend to check out the talent.

Transportation is also difficult since the prices can climb. We’d like to let you know that all students have a bus pass included with their tuition – so hopefully that can help with the transportation costs!

We would love to invite you here for lunch and a tour. All of our faculty are back and preparing for the upcoming school year so you would have a great opportunity to see our full facilities (including the brand new Media Hub) as well as speak directly with professors and learn a little more about what they have to offer.

If you are interested, please drop us a line and we’d love to get it all set up – info@canadorecollege.ca
Loyal Member
Dec 4, 2007
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Looks like I'll be going to Toronto instead. :) They have a much nicer portfolio of students work, and it won't be too much of a difference considering no car payments. I'll be working full time at my current job in the meantime to save up some money until the January semester.

Hey Mike

Choosing the right college can be a difficult process with so many options. Trying to choose between living at home and moving away is also difficult but I am hoping we can help you out a bit!

Our graphic design program trains students of different skill levels through exploration of the field in various capacities to find their niche. Throughout the year, our Graphic Design students submit work for various nation-wide contests and they have done very well. The course culminates in a full showcase where not only staff and students attend but individuals from local (and surrounding) agencies attend to check out the talent.

Transportation is also difficult since the prices can climb. We’d like to let you know that all students have a bus pass included with their tuition – so hopefully that can help with the transportation costs!

We would love to invite you here for lunch and a tour. All of our faculty are back and preparing for the upcoming school year so you would have a great opportunity to see our full facilities (including the brand new Media Hub) as well as speak directly with professors and learn a little more about what they have to offer.

If you are interested, please drop us a line and we’d love to get it all set up – info@canadorecollege.ca

Wait, what? I can't tell if elaborate troll or if the college really looks for negative reviews and tries to fix them.

I've decided not to go to Canadore because of the disappointing portfolio, the bad experience we had on our tour (nothing they gave us looked nice - it's a GRAPHIC DESIGN program, I'd expect the best work there), and the professors haven't even replied to my e-mails about my schedule since I was accepted. Looks like I'll be turning down my offer of acceptance.
Jun 19, 2008
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Hey Mike

Choosing the right college can be a difficult process with so many options. Trying to choose between living at home and moving away is also difficult but I am hoping we can help you out a bit!

Our graphic design program trains students of different skill levels through exploration of the field in various capacities to find their niche. Throughout the year, our Graphic Design students submit work for various nation-wide contests and they have done very well. The course culminates in a full showcase where not only staff and students attend but individuals from local (and surrounding) agencies attend to check out the talent.

Transportation is also difficult since the prices can climb. We’d like to let you know that all students have a bus pass included with their tuition – so hopefully that can help with the transportation costs!

We would love to invite you here for lunch and a tour. All of our faculty are back and preparing for the upcoming school year so you would have a great opportunity to see our full facilities (including the brand new Media Hub) as well as speak directly with professors and learn a little more about what they have to offer.

If you are interested, please drop us a line and we’d love to get it all set up – info@canadorecollege.ca
What in the hell...

A college that seeks out negative reviews, signs up for an MMORPG forum, and posts to a thread only comes off as desperate for one more student's extra money.

Man, this is weird. Please reply tho.
May 17, 2007
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I am actually a part-time lab assistant/monitor and tutor at Seneca College (York Campus) for Computer Programming related courses. I can't really give you advice on anything other than computer related programs, but Seneca is a pretty well known college and have a large portfolio of alumni's who have been very successful.

But as far as campus life, I wouldn't be too keen to live on Campus. Especially in western countries (US/Canada) where you get really distracted by the parties and so on. If you aren't easily lured by peer pressure, you should be fine.

From my experience (and employment), they are well managed and never had a problem with their administration, support and other authorities.
Mar 7, 2003
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I lived at home, and I'm pretty sure I spent more in parking and petrol than most of my friends spent on rent. But then parking in England is Ducking stupidly expensive, and the petrol is even worse. I definitely would suggest moving away from home as it's far more of a life changing experience, living at home is basically the same as school was, only your friends will be out partying/bonding all weekend without you.

As for the college reply, frankly that's awesome imo. If someone has a problem with your company, trying to fix it is a great practice. It's not like the guy tried to sue the OP for slander guys. He's clearly being employed to help prospective students. You can't blame him for RZ having epic SEO, lol. (It wouldn't shock me to see RZ as one of the first page of results on google :p, it's why I haven't posted about my project, I'm trying to get my search result to actually be at the top!)
Nov 15, 2008
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Surely it would make sense to go to the college that educates you better as opposed to the one that's cheaper? At the end of the day, you are only getting a piece of paper to prove it, but if you're better educated you'll be able to operate better in your future job.
Jan 1, 2003
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I did a uni course in college as i weren't ready to move away cause of issues and i regret it so much as i didn't have the uni experience, really missed out on it.