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Command for User

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Experienced Elementalist
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
I wanna make command for Player exemple /go
In command.ini i set level req 100 but when i try use this with a normal char this dont work!
Why? :(
yea thats a good way but i think he wants people to be able to do this with out him haveing to edit there acces level maybe there's a way that people can automatically be 200 when they register?
I know what i can set minimum access level to 200 ... i now try thnx :P
OMG i have set in config.ini minimal_access_level 200 but if i register a new account access level is 100 ._.
How i can make access lvl 200 for all user (when register new account) ?
hmmm i think in one of the server configs there is also a way to set access lvl and i thinks its login server? just check server configs for them ill look into mine to..

edit- there is an access lvl in all the server files change them to 200 see if it works. tell me if it does =P
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sorry, idk anything else that might allow that (i'm new to this myself) i'm sure someone will come and answer this for you soon =[
OMG i have set in config.ini minimal_access_level 200 but if i register a new account access level is 100 ._.
How i can make access lvl 200 for all user (when register new account) ?

If i understand correctly u want to have a new accounts access level at 200... U have to edit your database default value for account creation. Open your database using either navicat or phpmyadmin and look @ the table 'accounts'. The 'accesslevel' row has a default value of 100, change that to 200 and you should be set. :D This is how i bumped up the default str, int, etc of chars on creation

PS - I had to change my command.ini to commands.ini (notice the 's' on the end) so that /go would work for every1... might not have to in your case but if your still havin probs try it.
If i understand correctly u want to have a new accounts access level at 200... U have to edit your database default value for account creation. Open your database using either navicat or phpmyadmin and look @ the table 'accounts'. The 'accesslevel' row has a default value of 100, change that to 200 and you should be set. :D This is how i bumped up the default str, int, etc of chars on creation

PS - I had to change my command.ini to commands.ini (notice the 's' on the end) so that /go would work for every1... might not have to in your case but if your still havin probs try it.

Izzit working changing command.ini into commands.ini??
Is there any other way??
OMG i have set in config.ini minimal_access_level 200 but if i register a new account access level is 100 ._.
How i can make access lvl 200 for all user (when register new account) ?


If you want all your users to have 200 access you have to set the commands to 99!

So your GM commands are 299 and your User commands are 99

This should allow all new users to be able to use these commands with out having to change you new user config prog'.

Hope this helps

If you want all your users to have 200 access you have to set the commands to 99!

So your GM commands are 299 and your User commands are 99

This should allow all new users to be able to use these commands with out having to change you new user config prog'.

Hope this helps
What if I dont want to change user access but all I want is user to have /tele command??

we both have the same problem.. I can't get it to work. And i noticed the damage doesnt go up even you reached on the highest level. Hmmm..
yeah he's right. u can open commands.ini change the commands accesslevel.
and access level for normal users is 100 not 200 remember that.
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