Cool Stuff thing....

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
Hello everyones !

Im gonna release all from rPT server....

First thing im share is the pageweb of rPT and the system clan of rPT make by sandurr ( Credit too Dr.Green for share )

Link here :

if you want more just ask ! lol
hmmm wtf happened ?
tot those stuffs are for RPT ?

Happen nothing... you not happy i'm share little bit ??:winky:

Yes is stuff for rPT ( all ASP + system clan online ) , if you want all Application for rPT just give more request , :2gunsfiring_v1: :2gunsfiring_v1:
hihihi Ok
That only all application , no GameServer folder , please take time for look the PT admin tool credit..... for ME. LOL

Hoo and i want show what rPT gonna make soon ( if you want this before rPT just ask )

Dr.Green - Cool Stuff thing.... - RaGEZONE Forums
can ya give me the scripts i must put in SQL database pls Dr.Green? :))))))
so i can start insPT 1ce again already :P



LOL....WTF happened too rPT ?? LOL
err wow, nice release o.O.....but what port is exactly the server on @.@ n does the PTGateway program need to be run to access the server O.o?
@quantum, i don't think port is 10009 on the server in the files, since i tried connecting and it failed immediately
i then ran PTGateway and set the Gateway Port to 10009 and left the real server port to 10004, at this point in the log display it shows that there is a connection but i get the msg

3/2/2007 6:37:41 AM --- Connection started listening
3/2/2007 6:38:20 AM --- Connection request from
3/2/2007 6:38:20 AM --- Connection closed with (Closed by S2 (Error))
3/2/2007 6:39:20 AM --- Connection request from
3/2/2007 6:39:21 AM --- Connection closed with (Closed by S2 (Error))

On the client (i am using client 1850) i get an extended connection, but it does not connect to server @.@
hey wtf the server exe is the old server exe running on port 10003 ?

LOL, i never say what version i gonna share , LOL

( Client are in hte folder RPT-SQL.rar ) dont be mad:scratch: :scratch:

ty ty again for all Dr. Green, but still very confused as to why you posted server dataserver folder @.@