cyas later :P

Mar 7, 2003
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me and gilly going clubbing down town , gunna have wicked gay time, we might be meetin up wit aaron and his lass, cyas later we goin now after been getting pissed from 2 cans in my house :tp:

bye bye, bazi and gilly

ps: yes i (bazi) am getting sex0rz tonight :tp: lol and gilly will be with his hand lolol

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :moon: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :moon: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :smileysex xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love the boro bois
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so what you're saying is you gonna duck gilly in the butt and he'll masturbate at the same time? :Eyecrazy:
I coulda pulled last nite..... instead i wasent drunk enough n saw she was a munter so i told her to f-off ..... Ahhhhh the wonders of alchol!

saying that.... my work m8 pulled a total munter
was wicked night didn't get drunk , but didn't spend too much bout 25 squid, i got sex0rZ lol she sat watching me type it heheh haha @ cap lol