to block me?
i never said i was gunna quit urs.
but go ahead. do what u want.
and great48.....
im not advertising anything important.
ita for ppl who want to help me DEV!
i told them to pm me u dumbass.
so why not get ur own server up and lets see if u post int his area.
the name isnt priston-tale-dev.
its priston-tale
ok, i have never done anything to be called a dumbass ok, plus, i have my server up, with working clans... yea... all working now, no help, so you have no room to call me a dumbass...and yea, you ARE advertising.. what is this main topic about? you advertising your server, so you cant say your not advertising dumbass
ohh yea bbchamps, you said its not priston-tale-dev, then why are you talking shit to hell69, for helping happy, and you saying this...
****fucking shut up i mean god damn.
i have her on mine and she is fine.
jesus christ.
she asks questions and i help her.
are u that fucking ignorant?****
DEV community is helping, do you even know where you are?