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Dayz Private Server - Guru Abdul's Private DayZ!

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Junior Spellweaver
Sep 22, 2007
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Original thread location:
All credits go to Guru Abdul and I am in no way affiliated with this project or Rocket
Sanctuary v2.3.1

Private DayZ
Always first to bring you best and most up-to-date DayZ servers!

Behold! For the day has come!
The most advanced private DayZ solution is back with another amazing update! For any hosters please download and install the newest files. For easy installation check out ConanHUN's installer.


  • DayZ independent communication with database, leaving countless posibilities for improvement and modifications of the original DayZ mod.
  • Custom database, no need for any kind of dirty hacks or spoofing.
  • Support for server networks sharing the same character database (Succesfuly runs 3 servers DE01 DE02 and PL01).
  • Constantly updated to provide best dayz experience ever!
  • Fixes to the original DayZ mod.
  • Compatible with the latest game and DayZ updates.
  • Best and most advanced vehicle spawn system so far.
  • Diffrent timezones settable in the database for each instance, regardless the server time!
  • Compatible with signature checks v2, meaning less cheaters!
  • Custom AntiCheat system to protect your server from retards!
  • Initial loadout settable in the DB per instance!
  • Spectator mode for admins *COMING SOON*
  • Website integration *COMING SOON*

Mod requirements:

  • CBA
  • Arma2NET
  • Arma2MYSQL by firefly

Package highlights:

  • dayzX_X.sql (MySQL database)
  • @Sanctuary (Server files)
  • MPmissions (Latest, size-optimized mission file)
  • server.bat (Autolauncher for the server)
  • Sanctuary (Server configs. Remember to configure necassary stuff!)
  • vehicles.pl (script generating random amount of vehicles with randomized damaged parts and spawn locations, all in one perl script, game independent)
  • BEC very nice server administration tool.


Suggested tools: MySQL Workbench 5.2 CE, Notepad++.
You have to complete every step for your server to work correctly!

  1. Merge the github repository with your main ArmA 2 directory.
  2. Download and install newest ArmA beta patch 94876.
  3. Install MySQL server and .Net connector.
  4. Run in query browser dayz1_91.sql to create a database named dayz.
  5. Create a new user (suggested name dayz) (Administration panel in Workbench) with EXECUTE SELECT UPDATE INSERT DELETE to the dayz database and a user named 'dayz'@'localhost'!.
  6. Set your regional settings regarding numbers to english, so the decimal separator for fractions is a dot (.) and not coma (,) (Control Panel>Regional Settings or Start>Search>"regional number").
  7. Configure Databases.txt. You need to input dayz,,user,password according to your setup!.
  8. Configure files in Sanctuary folder (You are looking for: config.cfg, basic.cfg, BEServer.cfg).
  9. *OPTIONAL* (Perl REQUIRED)Run vehicles.pl to generate vehicles for your instance (remember that the instance number in the db and in mission file must match for the vehicles to appear).
  10. *OPTIONAL* Setup BEC, I've included a sample config.

In order to run the vehicles generation script it is required that you have perl with DBI module installed!​

How to setup perl:

  1. Install perl (I use strawberry perl for windows).
  2. Open cmd.
  3. Run 'perl -MCPAN -e shell'.
  4. You should get a promt cpan>. Now run this 'install Bundle::CPAN'.
  5. Run 'reload cpan'.
  6. Run 'install DBI'.
  7. Close cpan shell (CTRL+C then y).
  8. Run 'perl -w X:\path\to\vehicles.pl'.
  9. The script will tell you what parameters it requires
  10. Run it with correct parameters that suit your needs! (instance parameter is a number!)
  11. Vehicles are now generated!

Configure your instance!
Suggested tools: MySQL Workbench 5.2 CE.
The sanctuary server let's you set custom options for every instance. For now these are:

  • Timezone (This setting let's set the time of your instance)
  • Initial loadout (This one let's you set the starting items for every new player on this instance)

To configure your instances open up MySQL Workbench and go to SQL Develepment section. There open database `dayz` and start editing the `instances` table. Find you instance number in the column instance or create a new one if you are missing it. Now set the timezone for your instance by inputing a desired integer into the field timezone (NOTE: The timezone is relative to your mysql server).

Example: To achieve GMT-3 for a server located in Poland GMT+1, you should use -4 as timezone.
Now let's move on to the initial loadout. Here you can input any valid inventory string that you want.

Default DayZ loadout:
Custom survival loadout
PvP Fun Loadout ;]

Your instances are now configured! Start the server.bat and enjoy! :)
Now you should have your Sanctuary server up and running with the latest updates!
Written from scratch migration of character data from hivemind into a fresh install of my db:

INSERT INTO dayz.main (id, uid, name, pos, inventory, backpack, medical, survival, humanity, kills, hs, hkills, bkills, model, state) SELECT CharacterID, character_data.PlayerID, PlayerName,Worldspace, Inventory, Backpack, Medical, Datestamp, Humanity, KillsZ, HeadshotsZ, KillsH, KillsB, Model, currentState FROM hivemind.character_data JOIN hivemind.player_data ON character_data.PlayerID = player_data.PlayerID WHERE Alive=1;

Migration of object data (It is recommended that you don't migrate your object data)

INSERT INTO dayz.objects (id, uid, instance, otype, damage, oid, pos, inventory, health, fuel) SELECT ObjectID, ObjectUID, Instance, Classname, Damage, CharacterID, Worldspace, Inventory, Hitpoints, Fuel FROM hivemind.object_data;

This should take care of the migration. If something is wrong, write!

Block this port if you have a problem with joining your server, or buy ArmA 2 OA.

Useful links!
Report any bugs here !
For latest news follow:
For ConanHUN's installer go here:

NOTICE: @anti_rocket: I've never looked at your code ever... My vehicle script is in perl. There are 2 SIMILAR selects (REALLY? selects? SIMILAR? are you kidding me? Sorry that other ppl use SQL like you). My delete with the removal of older than some days was first. You for some strange reason have 5 procedures I have one DELETE. FYI I HAD SPAWNS, CLEANUP AND DAMAGING VEHICLES before you even started to do anything, in the server_monitor using mysql(You really didnt think I hardcoded stuff, if so then you are just dumb, no other way to put it)! Check the forum if you don't belive me.
FYI2: A child can write these sql selects and they are common. It's not an achievement... SO WTF!
BTW you even thanked me for helping you with your sql script.
Mental gymnastics... great episode
Initiate Mage
Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score
For who want to create server, up-to-date thread:
Initiate Mage
Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score
@i-Am-no-fool Thanks for the share !
wow i tho this going to take long to be released or made ~

@CEZALAND thanks going to take my time on the community hope i find what i want ^^
i will open a server and it will don't in list but if you want you can join us and there will be max 3 players playing and no cheat / all friendly and server will be on dedicated server so 7/24 if it's not crash :D

add me if you need something about installing dayz on arma 2 (cracked)
don't buy it b'coz DayZ will become as Standalone and there will be The WarZ it will be standalone too.

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