DayZ Standalone v 0.62.142963 Server Files


Can you fix the door to shut it down? Because I noticed it opened every door. ?

bugs is reconnect join server spawn 2 character

is server console not show messages connect or disconenct
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Can you fix the door to shut it down? Because I noticed it opened every door. ?

bugs is reconnect join server spawn 2 character

is server console not show messages connect or disconenct

MikeJones - DayZ Standalone v 0.62.142963 Server Files - RaGEZONE Forums

MikeJones - DayZ Standalone v 0.62.142963 Server Files - RaGEZONE Forums
To Read and to write notes with pen, don't work...
Someone know how to fix?
062 DayZ OFFLine extracted the new Item ID's, I only extracted these! I don't know what the new Item is!
How to add these new ID's to the server of 0.62! ?
------------------------From GOOGLE translate
need add blocks with new item id's in types.xml and delete in storage folder file types.bin


Can you fix the door to shut it down? Because I noticed it opened every door. ?

is server console not show messages connect or disconenct
dors statuses is saving server in storage folder in file doors.bin and after restart server read this file and open the opened doors in old work server. If you want closa all doors in server restarts you need delete doors.bin on each restart server.

Doesnt work on official servers too, so i dont think there is a easy fix

it is normal, in official this too. Code work this in enscript, but need more knowns for fix this

MikeJones - DayZ Standalone v 0.62.142963 Server Files - RaGEZONE Forums

MikeJones - DayZ Standalone v 0.62.142963 Server Files - RaGEZONE Forums

in 0.62 changed operation "endDisconnectPlayer" and contain 2 parameters. Need replase this in your old dbloadplayer file.
In my files in last post i fix this
MY FIX ------>>>> _disconnectPlayer ={ _uid = getClientUID _id; if (vehicle _agent != _agent) then { moveOut _agent; }; _killed = [0,_uid,_agent] call dbSavePlayer; _vm = [owner _agent,_id,_name,_queueTime,_killed,_uid] spawn { private ["_agent","_id","_uid"]; _agent = _this select 0; _id = _this select 1; _name = _this select 2; _queueTime = _this select 3; _killed = _this select 4; _uid = _this select 5; diag_log format ["DISCONNECT: Player %1 name %2 UID %3 try disconnect from server.", _agent, _name, _uid]; if ( !_killed ) then { [1,_uidK,_agent] call dbSavePlayer; }; if (!isNull _agent) then { endDisconnectPlayer _agent; }; }; if (alive _agent) then { sleep 3; [1,_uid,_agent] call dbSavePlayer; deleteVehicle _agent; }; };

u know to fix get out server in 30 sec ? and player join server is show connect name or disconnect or not ?

u know to fix get out server in 30 sec ? and player join server is show connect name or disconnect or not ?
change in this

sleep 3;
sleep 30;
and in connect to server check old agent player in online. How this do i am not know
Doesnt work on official servers too, so i dont think there is a easy fix

Yes, I try it but I can't, if somebody that have more experience can fix it, I will be gratefull...
In the meantime I'll keep trying, because it would be extremely useful for me.

"_uid" is "any" when respawning, so it can't check for "if (_uid in array_donategroup_ADMIN) ..."
any idea? when i comment the "if"-Statement it works but i want that only admins get the custom startgear ^^

I don't know why your respawn return any in _uid, but the _id return always correctly. You can use _uid = getClientUID _id; for get _UID
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Yes, I try it but I can't, if somebody that have more experience can fix it, I will be gratefull...
In the meantime I'll keep trying, because it would be extremely useful for me.

I don't know why your respawn return any in _uid, but the _id return always correctly. You can use _uid = getClientUID _id; for get _UID

Worked! Thank you!
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Thank you but I already got it work :) edited my post ;) thanks again SHAR1ngan!
someone is client dayz_x64 and dayz_be is not end is track manager i think is end task still is getout game

how to u know fix this ?
I am trying to fix the respawn somebody help me to fix it

//Respwn"respawn" addPublicVariableEventHandler{ _agent = _this select 1; _id = owner _agent; _uid = getClientUID _id; // _agent setVariable["respawningPlayer", true]; diag_log format ["CLIENT request to respawn %1 (%2)",_this,lifeState _agent]; if (lifeState _agent != "ALIVE") then { _agent setDamage 1; [_uid, _agent] call fnc_dbDestroyProfile; diag_log format ["CLIENT killed character %1 (clientId %2 / Unit %2)",_uid,_id,lifeState _agent]; //----- simple scheduler part ----- diag_log format ["SCHEDULER: Removing respawning clientId %1, name %2", _id, _name]; _freedPos = connectedPlayers find _id; connectedPlayers set [_freedPos,0]; diag_log format ["SCHEDULER: Updated 'connected players' array %1", connectedPlayers]; //--------------------------------- //process client [_id,false,DZ_QUEUETIME,player_queued,_clientNew] spawnForClient { titleText ["Respawning... Please wait...","BLACK FADED",10e10]; player_queued = (_this select 3); playerQueueVM = _this call player_queued; }; };};
I am trying to fix the respawn somebody help me to fix it

//Respwn"respawn" addPublicVariableEventHandler{ _agent = _this select 1; _id = owner _agent; _uid = getClientUID _id; // _agent setVariable["respawningPlayer", true]; diag_log format ["CLIENT request to respawn %1 (%2)",_this,lifeState _agent]; if (lifeState _agent != "ALIVE") then { _agent setDamage 1; [_uid, _agent] call fnc_dbDestroyProfile; diag_log format ["CLIENT killed character %1 (clientId %2 / Unit %2)",_uid,_id,lifeState _agent]; //----- simple scheduler part ----- diag_log format ["SCHEDULER: Removing respawning clientId %1, name %2", _id, _name]; _freedPos = connectedPlayers find _id; connectedPlayers set [_freedPos,0]; diag_log format ["SCHEDULER: Updated 'connected players' array %1", connectedPlayers]; //--------------------------------- //process client [_id,false,DZ_QUEUETIME,player_queued,_clientNew] spawnForClient { titleText ["Respawning... Please wait...","BLACK FADED",10e10]; player_queued = (_this select 3); playerQueueVM = _this call player_queued; }; };};

Eu acho que você está criando um novo método de chamada para funções do dbloadplayer ou usando métodos de versão mais antigos, mas se você você não sabe o que está fazendo, então não tente, porque será mais complicado para você entender. Faça o seu dbloadplayer com base nos arquivos de 123new, é mais fácil de entender.

I think you're creating a new calling method for dbloadplayer functions or using older version methods, but if you don't know what you're doing, so do not try it, because it will be trickier for you to understand. Make your dbloadplayer based on 123new's files, it's easier to understand.

123new files ( )