I have a problem with my program. I added the indy component (IRC) for irc network connection. I've done so far so good. But i have a problem...
When someone else is typing a message all i see is first word.
If i type:"Hello, how are you today?"
In my memo is only:"Hello,".
Hmm, maybe someone knows here delphi and indy and can help me with that? :sq_yellow
I have a problem with my program. I added the indy component (IRC) for irc network connection. I've done so far so good. But i have a problem...
When someone else is typing a message all i see is first word.
If i type:"Hello, how are you today?"
In my memo is only:"Hello,".
procedure TMainForm.IrcPrivateMessage(ASender: TIdContext; const ANicknameFrom,
AHost, ANicknameTo, AMessage: string);
Hmm, maybe someone knows here delphi and indy and can help me with that? :sq_yellow