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depressed :/

Jan 1, 2003
Reaction score
not gonna be on msn my grandads had a heart attack cant see him untill tommorow

watchin tv an poop passing the time

as sad as it may seem hes the only member of my family that i really care about

even my parents i dont care too much for they are too fake, however they have raised me :/ then the rest of family (bar my uncle) didnt even give 2 shits about me till i started winning poop and becoming known

even then they just wante to be seen with me

but my grandad is one of the few people who showed me love for who i was as a child, and even now hes one of the few people who understand me :/
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Everybody loves DTB
Feb 18, 2003
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Exclamatio said:
not gonna be on msn my grandads had a heart attack cant see him untill tommorow

watchin tv an poop passing the time

as sad as it may seem hes the only member of my family that i really care about

even my parents i dont care too much for they are too fake, however they have raised me :/ then the rest of family (bar my uncle) didnt even give 2 shits about me till i started winning poop and becoming known

even then they just wante to be seen with me

but my grandad is one of the few people who showed me love for who i was as a child, and even now hes one of the few people who understand me :/

You Have My Support Bro :good:
Sep 10, 2003
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I know what you are going through, except from my direct family i only had my grandfather and a aunt i cared about, my grandfather passed away 2 years ago.

It's still have it hard sometimes with it, i wanted to know him better, you know at younger age you don't really know them, not in that way, but when i got older i was able to talk with him on a higher level, he was a very intelligent man (and then i'm talking about far above average, very far) and he had many interests that i shared with him, he was the one that got us all here in the computers.

In any case good luck.
Aug 28, 2003
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I lost my grandpa when I was only 10, really sucked as he was a great man and I will forever miss him.... He died of a heart attack.


-hugs all around-
Dec 27, 2003
Reaction score
Been awhile sence I've been here... anyway, sorry to hear that... I'll hope for his best/
Feb 25, 2003
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m8 ya looky ya got 1 i aint had a granddad or a dad and the last time i seen ne 1 out me family was like 4 years ago all i got is my mam. spend as much time as ya can wiv him m8 and hope he gets better
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
Exclamatio said:
not gonna be on msn my grandads had a heart attack cant see him untill tommorow

watchin tv an poop passing the time

as sad as it may seem hes the only member of my family that i really care about

even my parents i dont care too much for they are too fake, however they have raised me :/ then the rest of family (bar my uncle) didnt even give 2 shits about me till i started winning poop and becoming known

even then they just wante to be seen with me

but my grandad is one of the few people who showed me love for who i was as a child, and even now hes one of the few people who understand me :/

I am very sorry to hear about that. My grandmother passed away 3 weeks ago and am still recooperating from it. I understand how it is to really care for that special one out of them all.

Same like you, cared for the most since she was the toughest women ever seen. She used to fight with ppl who got in her way, bossed her own boss when she was younger, etc. Never foget her. She babysitted me since I was little, when my parents worked all day. Anyway...

You should cherish your grandfather more now and do everything you can with him, even if its keeping him company, etc. You are very lucky to get a 2nd chance with him and hope you can do your best.
Nov 30, 2003
Reaction score
Sucks, I can sort of relate, not on the grandfather level, but close relative level. One of my grandpa's did die, but that was before I was born, so can't really feel much remorse on that issue. But my uncle did die a few years ago, and it sucked really, because he was a nice guy and all, and wasn't really that old.
Jan 13, 2004
Reaction score
thats why have to cherish them when they start to get old. We got a good chance because in the future, the life expentacy will be 100+ and our children and grandchildren will see us....