[DEV] LaMyth - Flowsion NET Team Project.

Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
For those who know who the Flowsion NET Team are, we're a group of developers who do various projects, whether it be gaming or not. We were the original creators of the FlowsionMS Source, the fork of the OdinMS Engine that now runs on all servers. We have been working on our own MMORPG for a couple months now and have made considerable progress, we are wanting to expand our team as well as our projects by taking on a side-project: The LaMyth Emulator.

The name has not been set in stone, however, we feel that LaMyth is a great name and will most likely be used as the old project has died, Roamer has given us permission to use the name. This source will have a website and will be closed-source to start and will end up being open-source like our other projects. We will be releasing this project once there has been a considerable amount of progress made on the emulator, enough to sustain a server.

Interactive Producer

Lead Developers

This thread will be updated when we have made progress and information will be given at a later date. This is a serious project and will be completed, no doubt, the only questionable aspect is the timeframe in which it will be completed.

We are not recruiting at this time.
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A work in progress:
Flowsion - [DEV] LaMyth - Flowsion NET Team Project. - RaGEZONE Forums
Nope, we're all good friends and have worked with each other on various projects, including the FlowsionMS Source on Maplestory which was never leaked.
you sould make a sign up page for the closed beta, only allow a certain amount of origanal beta testers. If you do, sign me up lol.

offtopic: you sould use your teams coding skills to their full potential by make a Mabinogi Emulator