[DEV] MyLatale - My private server on progress

Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
[DEV] MyLatale - My private server on progress [Paused]

Very sorry to all you, because of my busy study, this work had to be paused... maybe I can continued with it in this summer holiday... and just now i added some features now can be visabled. still very sorry to you...

Finally I decided to work on the private server program instead of the client, and i'm the only programmar on this project... Hummmm....

now i'm only working on some for channel server. for the login server and character server, i just use Lalore on this moment...

the whole project will be coded in VB6. my c++ is so poor... here are the features...

O - LDT game database
X - Login Server
X - Character Server
P - Channel Server (Gameplay server)
| - O - Log on
| - O - Character state
| - P - Movement
| | - O - Basic movement
| | - P - Map terrain attribute analyze
| | - P - Position calculate and sync
| | - P - Objects
| | - O - Core code for the objects
| | - O - MapEvents (Doors and NPCs)
| | - O - Monster Creation
| | - X - Other Player
| - X - Chat
| - X - ........(so many...)

maybe here is a picture... but due to the refer ban problem in this website, i think you can only copy the url and paste it to the address bar...

if some of you are interested in my project, or give me some help, just email me... [email protected]

(sorry for my poor english... i'm only a 17-year-old chinese kid...)
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I suggest you re-upload it. to a different source so you can post it directly to these forums.

Try either photobucket, picoodle, imageshack, or tinypic.

At any rate, I can see it now. Is LaLore still receiving updates?
Don't Stop The Project T^T I Want To Play La Tale Private Server And I Believe In The Creators!
Which server files are you using? How far is it updated? Mentals Messages should be gone from my screen now, cause I posted...
Dunno, I'm gonna try and pickup where everyone left off at.

I've got a decent client (maybe) and several sets of server files at the moment. Hoping Amiria will add me on msn so I can continue.

Nice job though!