[DEV] Scion of fate Emulator [C#]

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Skilled Illusionist
Jul 5, 2006
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jenose - [DEV] Scion of fate Emulator [C#] - RaGEZONE Forums

jenose - [DEV] Scion of fate Emulator [C#] - RaGEZONE Forums

jenose - [DEV] Scion of fate Emulator [C#] - RaGEZONE Forums

This is Yulgang (Scion of fate) C# .NET Console Emulator Developments
A Server is Console with out GUI it's written on C# .NET 4.0, NHibernate Supported
A Default IDE is Visual Studio 2012

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Public Repo :

my source now can:
- Login work!
- Multiple channel in 1 Game Server
- Can Create Character
- Game Data Loaded (YBi.cfg, SpeechInfo.cfg, YBq.cfg)
- Enter Maps
- Chat Able

Under Developments
- Character Info
- Equiped Info

-C# Coder
-Packet Analysis (Highly requested)
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Re: Scion of fate Emulator [C#]

This actually looks promising.
Hope you are willing to share your knowledge with he rest of the community.

About the packets, I have no clue. Maybe you can take a look at the sources I released on here, but they are for Chinese clients and it seems that there is no encryption on their packets.
Re: Scion of fate Emulator [C#]

atm i can't published my source untill my emulator can work in game, then i will publish my source to SVN and share ^_^

About the packets, I have no clue. Maybe you can take a look at the sources I released on here, but they are for Chinese clients and it seems that there is no encryption on their packets.

I have look already but the old version of emulator has no encryption.
Scion of fate are start using Encryption for packet in v7.0 :/:

I'v been contact moderator Zarut to help about this, wait for him reply.
i hope this can help scion of fate development comunity alive again.
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Re: Scion of fate Emulator [C#]

packet info is


AA55 = start
2800 = Data Length (0x28 = 40)
AF9BA24D0200000006A22800D9B2A0575F57CBAAE1F2D1671DD5AF410AB2431ED15A84C64D6BBB7E = Data in Encrypted
55AA = end
Re: Scion of fate Emulator [C#]

AF9BA24D020000000 = Character Name (possibly)
6A22800D9B2A0575F57CBAAE1F2D1671DD5AF410AB2431ED15A84C64D6BBB7E = Info to run SQL query or stored procedure?
Re: Scion of fate Emulator [C#]

xWWl emu has use byte[7] as identity


first we need to decrypt and see what "A24D" be identity
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