[Development] [Webgame] Thiết Kỵ Tam Quốc WebGame 

Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Taishiro - [Development] [Webgame] Thiết Kỵ Tam Quốc - RaGEZONE Forums

Hello everyone,

I recently released server files for the webgame Thiết Kỵ Tam Quốc.
(See: http://forum.ragezone.com/f857/webgame-thia-ka-tam-qua-1165004/)

Since these files look really promising I have decided to start translating the game so we can have our first full public ENGLISH webgame.

The translation process is fairly easy, we just need more hands to help us out!

We are at discord:
xtzrlUC - [Development] [Webgame] Thiết Kỵ Tam Quốc - RaGEZONE Forums

Web Release (V1.5):
These server files are required to run:

Changelog Website:

- [Bug Fix] After creating a character you should now be logged into the game correctly.
- [Bug Fix] Last Connected Server will now be displayed correctly.
- [Bug Fix] Select Server and Connect will now work properly.
- [Translation] CMS (Front end) has been translated.
- [Translation] Server List has been translated.
- [Translation] All images and text on the homepage has been translated.
- [Bug Fix] It's no longer possible to get to the character screen by clicking on the Server while not logged in.
- [Security] The game url is now Domain.com/game/online and no longer s1.php?account=name with ip and ports and stuff.
- [Security] It's no longer possible to log into other people's account by changing the s1.php?account=name in the web url.
- [Security] You can no longer access the tqsg/s1.php file directly from your web browser.
- [Bug Fix] You should now be correctly redirected to /game/online when clicking on the server to play when logged in.
- [Translation] All links will now redirect to english links rather then domain.com/su-kien (which is now domain.com/events)
- [Translation] domain.com/server is now translated to english.
- [Translation] domain.com/news /events and /guides now work and will display published articles posted from the AdminCP.
- [Changes] Logo which was previously the "WAR" SWF has been replaced by a Play Image (Image by @Draculap).
- [Translation] Forgot Password has been translated and is now accesible from the main page or domain.com/forgot-password
- [Bug Fix] The break on the header has been fixed. The website should now be displayed correctly.

Join the development on discord:
hi can help me how too running my apache cant running & some file tomcat cant run