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Disassembled Server Files ^^

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Experienced Elementalist
Aug 26, 2009
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grahambert - Disassembled Server Files ^^ - RaGEZONE Forums

/*	This file was automatically created by
 *	Reverse Engineering Compiler 2.2 (C) Giampiero Caprino (Jul  2 2007)
 *	Input file: 'E:\Program Files\upx\FieldServer.exe'

/* Region map */
/*   Id    Start      End     Size   Offset Type */
/* 1  : 05c13000 06012e00 003ffe00 00000200    text */
/* 130: 00400000 00500000 00100000 00400000    runtime */
/* 129: 06112e00 0619a2c1 000874c1 00500000    text */
/* 131: 0619a2c1 0619a400 0000013f 005874C1    data */
/* 132: 0619a400 0619a400 00000000 00587600    text */
/* 128: 0619b000 0619f768 00004768 00587600    runtime */
/* 127: 0619f768 0619fb7c 00000414 0058BD68    runtime */
/* 71 : 0619fb7c 0619fc00 00000084 0058C17C    data */
/* 133: 00000000 00000b80 00000b80 000000DC    data */
/* 134: 00000000 00001b20 00001b20 000000DC    data */
/* 135: 00000000 00000460 00000460 000000DC    data */
/* 136: 00000000 000000d0 000000d0 000000DC    data */
/* 137: 00000000 00000160 00000160 000000DC    data */
/* 138: 00000000 00000b90 00000b90 000000DC    data */
/* 139: 00000000 00000e00 00000e00 000000DC    data */
/* 140: 00000000 00000920 00000920 000000DC    data */
/* 141: 00000000 00000160 00000160 000000DC    data */
/* 142: 00000000 00000e40 00000e40 000000DC    data */
/* 143: 00000000 000000e0 000000e0 000000DC    data */
/* 144: 00000000 000000e0 000000e0 000000DC    data */

L05c13000:			   .text 0x3ffe00	# id: 1, high: 0x06012e00
           63 bb ff ff 8b 44       arpl [ebx+0x448bffff],di
           24 04                   and al,0x4
           3d 0e 00 07 80          cmp eax,0x8007000e
           75 05                   jnz 0x5c13014
           e8 90 16 b0 e0          call 0xe67146a4
L05c13014: 50                      push eax
           0b da                   or ebx,edx
           cc                      int3
           01 ef                   add edi,ebp
           ee                      out dx,al
           cf                      iret
L05c1301c: ff 6a ff                jmp far [edx-0x1]
           68 03 bb 59 00          push dword 0x59bb03
           64 a1 00 50 64 89       mov eax,[fs:0x89645000]
           25 0f 83 ec 20          and eax,0x20ec830f
           6e                      outsb
           34 6f                   xor al,0x6f
           7f d7                   jg 0x5c1300b
           fe                      Unknown opcode 0xfe
           56                      push esi
           50                      push eax
           8d 4c 24 0c             lea ecx,[esp+0xc]
           c7                      Unknown opcode 0xc7
           12 08                   adc cl,[eax]
           29 ff                   sub edi,edi
           15 fc 82 5f 00          adc eax,0x5f82fc
           8b 22                   mov esp,[edx]
           3c 51                   cmp al,0x51
           8b c8                   mov ecx,eax
           76 7b                   jna 0x5c130c8
           b6 7c                   mov dh,0x7c
           28 30                   sub [eax],dh
           01 58 28                add [eax+0x28],ebx
           74 58                   jz 0x5c130ae
           50                      push eax
           8b ce                   mov ecx,esi
           43                      inc ebx
           7c ad                   jl 0x5c13009
           f2 5e                   repne pop esi
           66 08 3c 04             o16 or [esp+eax],bh
           c6                      Unknown opcode 0xc6
           0e                      push cs
           2c 70                   sub al,0x70
           04 83                   add al,0x83
           80 7d 69 bf             cmp byte [ebp+0x69],0xbf
           24 8b                   and al,0x8b
           c6                      Unknown opcode 0xc6
           5e                      pop esi
           c2 0d c4                ret 0xc40d
L05c13073: 2c c3                   sub al,0xc3
           ff c9                   dec ecx
           44                      inc esp
           25 27 f0 82 ec          and eax,0xec82f027
           fe                      Unknown opcode 0xfe
           ff 87 44 ce 0c 48       inc dword [edi+0x480cce44]
           78 26                   js 0x5c130ac
           53                      push ebx
           8b 5c 24 14             mov ebx,[esp+0x14]
           55                      push ebp
           8b 6c 24 10             mov ebp,[esp+0x10]
           56                      push esi
           7f 70                   jg 0x5c13103
           f8                      clc
           1f                      pop ds
           98                      cwde
           10 57 8d                adc [edi-0x73],dl
           78 01                   js 0x5c1309c
           8d 9b 51 aa d3 03       lea ebx,[ebx+0x3d3aa51]
           f5                      cmc
           4f                      dec edi
           7c fb                   jl 0x5c130a0
           b7 ff                   mov bh,0xff
           75 f7                   jnz 0x5c130a0
           5f                      pop edi
           5e                      pop esi
           5d                      pop ebp
L05c130ac: 5b                      pop ebx
           c2 10 00                ret 0x10
L05c130b0: 46                      inc esi
           ec                      in al,dx
           83 e4 f8                and esp,byte -0x8
           81 ec 04 04 36 53       sub esp,0x53360404
           56                      push esi
           57                      push edi
           33 c0                   xor eax,eax
           fb                      sti
           ff 6f 3b                jmp far [edi+0x3b]
           c4 2a                   les ebp,[edx]
           b9 ff 54 8d 7c          mov ecx,0x7c8d54ff
           24 11                   and al,0x11
           f3 ab                   rep stosd
           66 ab                   stosw
           aa                      stosb
           8b 45 08                mov eax,[ebp+0x8]
           8d 54 2a 6e             lea edx,[edx+ebp+0x6e]
           f1                      int1
           ff                      Unknown opcode 0xff
           7f 2b                   jg 0x5c13107
           d0 8d 49 00 8a 08       ror byte [ebp+0x88a0049],1
           88 0c 02                mov [edx+eax],cl
           40                      inc eax
           84 c9                   test cl,cl
           75 f6                   jnz 0x5c130e0
           8b 1d 08 84 3a de       mov ebx,[0xde3a8408]
           c5                      Unknown opcode 0xc5
           f6 c5 2d                test ch,0x2d
           ad                      lodsd
           14 51                   adc al,0x51
           66 48                   dec ax
           14 20                   adc al,0x20
           00 bc 8b f0 1a f7 ff    add [ebx+ecx*4+0xfff71af0],bh
           ed                      in eax,dx
L05c13103: 7e 08                   jng 0x5c1310d
           85 f6                   test esi,esi
L05c13107: 0f 84 93 df 3d 04       jz near 0x9ff10a0
L05c1310d: 4a                      dec edx
           8b 15 a8 5f 64 00       mov edx,[0x645fa8]
           52                      push edx
           56                      push esi
           ff d7                   call edi
           35 79 3f e4 7d          xor eax,0x7de43f79
           c0                      Unknown opcode 0xc0
           74 4b                   jz 0x5c1316b
           a1 ac 1e 50 49          mov eax,[0x49501eac]
           8b 0d b0 20 51 7d       mov ecx,[0x7d5120b0]
           07                      pop es
           d2 0e                   ror byte [esi],cl
           46                      inc esi
           62 b4 43 d1 6a ec ff    bound esi,[ebx+eax*2+0xffec6ad1]
           05 a7 bd 75 ab          add eax,0xab75bda7
           82                      Unknown opcode 0x82
           5b                      pop ebx
           8b e5                   mov esp,ebp
           5d                      pop ebp
           c3                      ret
L05c13141: c6 05 88 93 6c 00 01    mov byte [0x6c9388],0x1
           1b 72 20                sbb esi,[edx+0x20]
           07                      pop es
           72 89                   jc 0x5c130d7
           8a 8b a3 1b 25 5a       mov cl,[ebx+0x5a251ba3]
           5f                      pop edi
           9f                      lahf
           68 eb 03 56 6d          push dword 0x6d5603eb
           3b dd                   cmp ebx,ebp
           1d ac 60 85 5f          sbb eax,0x5f8560ac
           0d 5c 3b 00 53          or eax,0x53003b5c
           70 3b                   jo 0x5c131a4
           c1 0e 7f                ror dword [esi],0x7f
           0c 57                   or al,0x57
           8c 39                   mov [ecx],segr7
           68 ec 50 64 b7          push dword 0xb76450ec
           af                      scasd
           60                      pusha
           24 f4                   and al,0xf4
           54                      push esp
           1a 6a 01                sbb ch,[edx+0x1]
           58                      pop eax
           d3 68 ee                shr dword [eax-0x12],cl
           25 b6 5b a4 13          and eax,0x13a45bb6
           32 19                   xor bl,[ecx]
           eb 89                   jmp short 0x5c13113
L05c1318a: 6a 60                   push byte +0x60
           d0 07                   rol byte [edi],1
           1a be d3 6e 6a 65       sbb bh,[esi+0x656a6ed3]
           56                      push esi
           1e                      push ds
           58                      pop eax
           f0 c3                   lock ret
           a1 2a 6c 9a 19          mov eax,[0x199a6c2a]
           0e                      push cs
           9e                      sahf
           1e                      push ds
           64 a4                   fs movsb
           3e db 04 18             fild dword [ds:eax+ebx]
           dc 70 64                fdiv qword [eax+0x64]
           46                      inc esi
           05 aa 6c e2 6a          add eax,0x6ae26caa
           64 aa                   fs stosb
           0c a7                   or al,0xa7
           bd 1f dc 08 50          mov ebp,0x5008dc1f
           68 ea 9e 51 78          push dword 0x78519eea
           50                      push eax
           42                      inc edx
           0d 6f 7a e1 73          or eax,0x73e17a6f
           0e                      push cs
           04 52                   add al,0x52
           e4 00                   in al,0x0
           13 1c 5f                adc ebx,[edi+ebx*2]
           0a 64 7d 1f             or ah,[ebp+edi*2+0x1f]
           c9                      leave
           a7                      cmpsd
           c3                      ret
L05c131d4: df 1b                   fistp word [ebx]
           51                      push ecx
           a0 80 56 53 bb          mov al,[0xbb535680]
           78 76                   js 0x5c13254
           15 3b 65 3a c3          adc eax,0xc33a653b
           10 9a 10 7f 85 c9       adc [edx+0xc9857f10],bl
           55                      push ebp
           f2 dd bf a6 c8 20 a5    repne fnstsw [edi+0xa520c8a6]
           30 8a 41 7a 84 c0       xor [edx+0xc0847a41],cl
           36 5e                   ss pop esi
           88 1d 0d 36 0d be       mov [0xbe0d360d],bl
           8b 01                   mov eax,[ecx]
           ff 50 08                call near [eax+0x8]
           da ac 2d 4c d9 a4 3c    fisubr dword [ebp+ebp+0x3ca4d94c]
           2c 38                   sub al,0x38
           82                      Unknown opcode 0x82
           87 e3                   xchg esp,ebx
           d5 cd                   aad 0xcd
           45                      inc ebp
           db 0f                   fisttp word [edi]
           29 18                   sub [eax],ebx
           d4 24                   aam 0x24
           54                      push esp
           38 99 10 05 36 75       cmp [ecx+0x75360510],bl
           17                      pop ss
           af                      scasd
           1d 9a 0d 44 7c          sbb eax,0x7c440d9a
           80 53 3a 2d             adc byte [ebx+0x3a],0x2d
           74 ef                   jz 0x5c1321c
           72 fb                   jc 0x5c1322a
           b0 07                   mov al,0x7
           58                      pop eax
           33 bc f9 74 0f 8b 11    xor edi,[ecx+edi*8+0x118b0f74]
           42                      inc edx
           12 c7                   adc al,bh
           05 60 b4 a4 9d          add eax,0x9da4b460
           00 c8                   add al,cl
           9c                      pushf
           25 bd ee 47 f5          and eax,0xf547eebd
           00 04 a7                add [edi],al
           10 c3                   adc bl,al
           68 18 88 c5 f2          push dword 0xf2c58818
           20 c1                   and cl,al
           0d db 8b f8 1e          or eax,0x1ef88bdb
           04 89                   add al,0x89
           48                      dec eax
           10 85 ff 47 43 f6       adc [ebp+0xf64347ff],al
           ee                      out dx,al
           c3                      ret
L05c13265: 15 e4 1c 55 74          adc eax,0x74551ce4
           1c 68                   sbb al,0x68
           ed                      in eax,dx
           87 66 0d                xchg esp,[esi+0xd]
           77 15                   ja 0x5c13287
           5b                      pop ebx
           e9 11 70 cf f7          jmp 0xfd90a289
L05c13278: 3c eb                   cmp al,0xeb
           02 cc                   add cl,ah
           a3 ed bb bf 76          mov [0x76bfbbed],eax
           df 8b 10 cf 1c ff       fisttp qword [ebx+0xff1ccf10]
L05c13287: 01 52 04                add [edx+0x4],edx
           3b c3                   cmp eax,ebx
           75 6a                   jnz 0x5c132f8
           94                      xchg eax,esp
           e0 d9                   loopne 0x5c1326a
           83 69 fd 15             sub dword [ecx-0x3],byte +0x15
           e9 ee 7b 53 eb          jmp 0xf114ae88
L05c1329a: 5f                      pop edi
           c8 41 f0 90             enter 0xf041,0x90
           67 29 d1                a16 sub ecx,edx
           1e                      push ds
           b6 51                   mov dh,0x51
           04 f7                   add al,0xf7
           8d a4 24 f0 df bf c1    lea esp,[esp+0xc1bfdff0]
           83 c1 18                add ecx,byte +0x18
           87 e6                   xchg esp,esi
           e4 08                   in al,0x8
           5b                      pop ebx
           e7 7e                   out 0x7e,eax
           0c 81                   or al,0x81
           5d                      pop ebp
           cc                      int3
           01 73 72                add [ebx+0x72],esi
           8b 81 80 f0 43 83       mov eax,[ecx+0x8343f080]
           ef                      out dx,eax
           41                      inc ecx
           f8                      clc
           02 56 75                add dl,[esi+0x75]
           31 2b                   xor [ebx],ebp
           0c 0c                   or al,0xc
           08 68 b8                or [eax-0x48],ch
           bd 2a 2e 69 81          mov ebp,0x81692e2a
           ee                      out dx,al
           ec                      in al,dx
           51                      push ecx
           5e                      pop esi
           c3                      ret
L05c132dc: c9                      leave
           57                      push edi
           60                      pusha
           b8 6c 03 75 2f          mov eax,0x2f75036c
           f6 ec                   imul ah
           10 6b b0                adc [ebx-0x50],ch
           30 b0 21 03 01 ff       xor [eax+0xff010321],dh
           34 43                   xor al,0x43
           c3                      ret
L05c132f2: 95                      xchg eax,ebp
           d7                      xlatb
L05c132f4: 13 80 b9 01 75 1b       adc eax,[eax+0x1b7501b9]
           c6                      Unknown opcode 0xc6
           35 16 b8 f8 c1          xor eax,0xc1f8b816
           be 64 ff d6 33          mov esi,0x33d6ff64
           74 ed                   jz 0x5c132f4
           5e                      pop esi
           e9 ef d3 36 35          jmp 0x3af806fc
L05c1330d: ba 9a 6a 83 48          mov edx,0x48836a9a
           a7                      cmpsd
           9f                      lahf
           1f                      pop ds
           3a 9e 4d 1c 31 10       cmp bl,[esi+0x10311c4d]
           bc 8a 10 33 e6          mov esp,0xe633108a
           54                      push esp
           6f                      outsd
           74 80                   jz 0x5c132a4
           3d 26 c6 08 6a          cmp eax,0x6a08c626
           11 7a 0d                adc [edx+0xd],edi
           01 5c 6a 97             add [edx+ebp*2-0x69],ebx
           01 7f e8                add [edi-0x18],edi
           a6                      cmpsb
           4f                      dec edi
           26 18 c4                es sbb ah,al
           1a 5a a6                sbb bl,[edx-0x5a]
           b9 7a 9d fd 69          mov ecx,0x69fd9d7a
           80 66 08 89             and byte [esi+0x8],0x89
           98                      cwde
           93                      xchg eax,ebx
           6a 02                   push byte +0x2
           c7                      Unknown opcode 0xc7
           1e                      push ds
           6c                      insb
           05 dd 14 49 89          add eax,0x894914dd
           fe                      Unknown opcode 0xfe
           14 86                   adc al,0x86
           e8 84 6a 05 56          call 0x5bc69ddc
           04 f3                   add al,0xf3
           5a                      pop edx
           2a 06                   sub al,[esi]
           44                      inc esp
           1f                      pop ds
           9f                      lahf
           8f c0                   pop eax
           3e 38 a1 6c 1c 6a 6b    cmp [ds:ecx+0x6b6a1c6c],ah
           50                      push eax
           a1 ad 23 ac 34          mov eax,[0x34ac23ad]
           5c                      pop esp
           07                      pop es
           ea 9a 40 38 87 6d 7d    jmp 0x7d6d:0x8738409a
           75 68                   jnz 0x5c133e2
           6f                      outsd
           24 51                   and al,0x51
           fe                      Unknown opcode 0xfe
           24 26                   and al,0x26
           80 44 70 08 52          add byte [eax+esi*2+0x8],0x52
           6a 92                   push byte -0x6e
           0b 16                   or edx,[esi]
           1b 61 20                sbb esp,[ecx+0x20]
           02 8e 03 00 ee d5       add cl,[esi+0xd5ee0003]
           ae                      scasb
           37                      aaa
           bb 3e 08 53 4e          mov ebx,0x4e53083e
           68 81 a4 f4 fb          push dword 0xfbf4a481
           55                      push ebp
           9e                      sahf
           d6                      salc
           28 f0                   sub al,dh
           59                      pop ecx
           2c 85                   sub al,0x85
           b3 10                   mov bl,0x10
           51                      push ecx
           b4 c9                   mov ah,0xc9
           2a cd                   sub cl,ch
           1c 2e                   sbb al,0x2e
           30 5c f2 16             xor [edx+esi*8+0x16],bl
           34 85                   xor al,0x85
           68 6d b0 ed f3          push dword 0xf3edb06d
           d5 8b                   aad 0x8b
           c8 14 8b 2c             enter 0x8b14,0x2c
           54                      push esp
           53                      push ebx
           04 52                   add al,0x52
           e7 00                   out 0x0,eax
           59                      pop ecx
           3b e8                   cmp ebp,eax
           57                      push edi
           48                      dec eax
           38 35 82 3c 0c 50       cmp [0x500c3c82],dh
           9a 54 3a ce d7 86 87    call 0x8786:0xd7ce3a54
           c3                      ret
L05c133d9: 0f 29 1f                movaps [edi],xmm3
           3a 3d 9d 04 79 30       cmp bh,[0x3079049d]
L05c133e2: f4                      hlt
           b3 fd                   mov bl,0xfd
           fb                      sti
           57                      push edi
           89 35 78 fe 0f 87       mov [0x870ffe78],esi
           4d                      dec ebp
           02 00                   add al,[eax]
           0a 84 34 05 f0 fe ec    or al,[esp+esi+0xecfef005]
           3f                      aas
           ad                      lodsd
           c3                      ret
L05c133fa: 5a                      pop edx
           7c 07                   jl 0x5c13404
           26 88 ff                es mov bh,bh
           24 85                   and al,0x85
           c4 1a                   les ebx,[edx]
L05c13404: 40                      inc eax
           58                      pop eax
           03 0d 57 2f 78 02       add ecx,[0x2782f57]
           ec                      in al,dx
           20 5f dc                and [edi-0x24],bl
           5e                      pop esi
           36 bc 5f b7 8a a0       ss mov esp,0xa08ab75f
           8c 6a 9a                mov [edx-0x66],gs
           85 64 46 83             test [esi+eax*2-0x7d],esp
           f4                      hlt
           14 65                   adc al,0x65
           d2 cc                   ror ah,cl
           03 38                   add edi,[eax]
           36 ed                   ss in eax,dx
           18 38                   sbb [eax],bh
           88 75 0a                mov [ebp+0xa],dh
           65 f7 74 09 6b          div dword [gs:ecx+ecx+0x6b]
           03 8c a6 61 01 70 03    add ecx,[esi+0x3700161]
           1c 90                   sbb al,0x90
           79 25                   jns 0x5c13461
           1e                      push ds
           40                      inc eax
           8a 48 14                mov cl,[eax+0x14]
           1c 74                   sbb al,0x74
           08 22                   or [edx],ah
           12 39                   adc bh,[ecx]
           10 14 5a                adc [edx+ebx*2],dl
           1c 0a                   sbb al,0xa
           03 a6 ea 3d 6a f7       add esp,[esi+0xf76a3dea]
           0b 36                   or esi,[esi]
           e0 2d                   loopne 0x5c13483
           77 27                   ja 0x5c1347f
           f9                      stc
           0b 42 0e                or eax,[edx+0xe]
           92                      xchg eax,edx
           6b 71 9c 01             imul esi,[ecx-0x64],byte +0x1
L05c13461: f0 28 78 f0             lock sub [eax-0x10],bh
           66 81 64 60 f0 7c a5    and word [eax-0x10],0xa57c
           8b f0                   mov esi,eax
           0e                      push cs
           a8 3c                   test al,0x3c
           4a                      dec edx
           06                      push es
           dc b8 7e b1 f3 fd       fdivr qword [eax+0xfdf3b17e]
           e2 8b                   loop 0x5c13406
           be 0f b7 c1 3d          mov esi,0x3dc1b70f
           08 72 0f                or [edx+0xf],dh
           8f 80 01 0a 84 a4       pop dword [eax+0xa4840a01]
           27                      daa
           97                      xchg eax,edi
           1f                      pop ds
           ee                      out dx,al
L05c1348d: 2d e8 8c 37 6c          sub eax,0x6c378ce8
           01 e4                   add esp,esp
           03 66 97                add esp,[esi-0x69]
           60                      pusha
L05c13498: b0 3c                   mov al,0x3c
           7f f1                   jg 0x5c1348d
           31 02                   xor [edx],eax
           cc                      int3
           f8                      clc
           95                      xchg eax,ebp
           9c                      pushf
           90                      nop
           08 05 6c 6a 34 68       or [0x68346a6c],al
           dc                      Unknown opcode 0xdc
           d0 ce                   ror dh,1
           c3                      ret
L05c134ad: 35 5d c0 08 8c          xor eax,0x8c08c05d
           20 ce                   and dh,cl
           06                      push es
           b7 92                   mov bh,0x92
           2a 53 40                sub dl,[ebx+0x40]
           37                      aaa
           c4                      Unknown opcode 0xc4
           e8 93 0b c2 34          call 0x3a834054
           d8 ec                   fsubr st4
           eb b7                   jmp short 0x5c1347c
L05c134c5: 56                      push esi
           01 01                   add [ecx],eax
           da 67 86                fisub dword [edi-0x7a]
           02 dd                   add bl,ch
           f6 54 41 8c             not byte [ecx+eax*2-0x74]
           4f                      dec edi
           1f                      pop ds
           d7                      xlatb
           56                      push esi
           7f c1                   jg 0x5c13498
           e9 10 81 f9 01          jmp 0x7bab5ec
L05c134dc: 6c                      insb
           bc d8 24 22 18          mov esp,0x182224d8
           39 60 e7                cmp [eax-0x19],esp
           dd                      Unknown opcode 0xdd
           68 bf ee b2 24          push dword 0x24b2eebf
           51                      push ecx
           af                      scasd
           1d 42 72 52 4c          sbb eax,0x4c527242
           51                      push ecx
           05 06 07 fe 3b          add eax,0x3bfe0706
           21 3d f6 6e 77 41       and [0x41776ef6],edi
           74 1a                   jz 0x5c1351a
           2d f4 2c 05 17          sub eax,0x17052cf4
           e9 f8 03 48 75          jmp 0x7b093902
L05c1350a: 3c 1d                   cmp al,0x1d
           0b af 6c 3b cd 42       or ebp,[edi+0x42cd3b6c]
           49                      dec ecx
           3d 7b 74 07 65          cmp eax,0x6507747b
           76 1b                   jna 0x5c13535
L05c1351a: be 1b 57 2d 02          mov esi,0x22d571b
           02 22                   add ah,[edx]
           18 83 2a 75 e9 f1       sbb [ebx+0xf1e9752a],al
           07                      pop es
L05c13528: 5c                      pop esp
           1e                      push ds
           c8 15 4c 17             enter 0x4c15,0x17
           8c 06                   mov [esi],es
           18 92 cf f3 2a 4a       sbb [edx+0x4a2af3cf],dl
           f5                      cmc
           06                      push es
           d5 16                   aad 0x16
           87 1a                   xchg ebx,[edx]
           7b 23                   jpo 0x5c13561
           9b                      wait
           6f                      outsd
           53                      push ebx
           1e                      push ds
           67 19 d3                a16 sbb ebx,edx
           19 22                   sbb [edx],esp
           0e                      push cs
           35 06 55 e0 3c          xor eax,0x3ce05506
           cf                      iret
L05c1354e: fc                      cld
           4e                      dec esi
           ab                      stosd
           3f                      aas
           43                      inc ebx
           65 8e aa 54 1c 9c 02    mov gs,[gs:edx+0x29c1c54]
           e5 0c                   in eax,0xc
           fe                      Unknown opcode 0xfe
           6c                      insb
           9a 15 1a f8 82 50 0b    call 0xb50:0x82f81a15
           db 0c 8d 0c 24 56 1f    fisttp word [ecx*4+0x1f56240c]
           0c 31                   or al,0x31
           5d                      pop ebp
           28 5a 20                sub [edx+0x20],bl
           51                      push ecx
           a3 c1 c1 02 a4          mov [0xa402c1c1],eax
           00 cd                   add ch,cl
           bb 48 2f 0c 5c          mov ebx,0x5c0c2f48
           d5 01                   aad 0x1
           16                      push ss
           15 37 54 70 b6          adc eax,0xb6705437
           dc                      Unknown opcode 0xdc
           de b3 17 ce 0c 82       fidiv word [ebx+0x820cce17]
           44                      inc esp
           52                      push edx
           5a                      pop edx
           70 95                   jo 0x5c13528
           c0 12 69                rcl byte [edx],0x69
           98                      cwde
           5c                      pop esp
           9e                      sahf
           6c                      insb
           01 68 f8                add [eax-0x8],ebp
           14 f6                   adc al,0xf6
           3b 34 c3                cmp esi,[ebx+eax*8]
           1e                      push ds
           6e                      outsb
           1c 23                   sbb al,0x23
           c1                      Unknown opcode 0xc1
           33 c9                   xor ecx,ecx
           89 48 08                mov [eax+0x8],ecx
           04 78                   add al,0x78
           bf 69 9a 0c 10          mov edi,0x100c9a69
           14 18                   adc al,0x18
           c7 40 04 50 09 62 00    mov dword [eax+0x4],0x620950
           bf 5a 07 4e 54          mov edi,0x544e075a
           bb ff d1 c7 42          mov ebx,0x42c7d1ff
           fb                      sti
           0e                      push cs
           bb ef 04 cc 0b          mov ebx,0xbcc04ef
           3c 02                   cmp al,0x2
           94                      xchg eax,esp
           ad                      lodsd
           42                      inc edx
           08 9a 9a 8d 4a 80       or [edx+0x804a8d9a],bl
           d3                      Unknown opcode 0xd3
           34 4d                   xor al,0x4d
           7b 01                   jpo 0x5c135de
           89 41 04                mov [ecx+0x4],eax
           04 08                   add al,0x8
           0c 10                   or al,0x10
           14 fc                   adc al,0xfc
           80 db 4d                sbb bl,0x4d
           18 1c 57                sbb [edi+edx*2],bl
           66 08 20                o16 or [eax],ah
           b9 19 c6 7a 2e          mov ecx,0x2e7ac619
           f3 26 d7                es rep xlatb
           da 4e 3a                fimul dword [esi+0x3a]
           c2 5f a9                ret 0xa95f
L05c135fd: ce                      into
           94                      xchg eax,esp
           04 77                   add al,0x77
           e3 b7                   jecxz 0x5c135ba
           0c 7c                   or al,0x7c
           85 ff                   test edi,edi
           75 09                   jnz 0x5c13612
           b8 57 4c 5f c2          mov eax,0xc25f4c57
           0c 26                   or al,0x26
           fa                      cli
           44                      inc esp
L05c13612: af                      scasd
           01 f6                   add esi,esi
           bd 14 7e 0e 39          mov ebp,0x390e7e14
           7b ff                   jpo 0x5c1361b
           bf c4 15 88 0a          mov edi,0xa8815c4
           42                      inc edx
           46                      inc esi
           4f                      dec edi
           75 f3                   jnz 0x5c13619
           4a                      dec edx
           5e                      pop esi
           b8 7a 46 c6 e4          mov eax,0xe4c6467a
           4d                      dec ebp
           69 88 db f7 66 06 4a 21 imul ecx,[eax+0x666f7db],dword 0x235e214a
           cc                      int3
           bf 59 e1 0d 68          mov edi,0x680de159
           23 9a f1 ec 04 c7       and ebx,[edx+0xc704ecf1]
           06                      push es
           ec                      in al,dx
           dd 70 be                fnsave [eax-0x42]
           d1 ed                   shr ebp,1
           4e                      dec esi
           a6                      cmpsb
           10 d7                   adc bh,dl
           ce                      into
           27                      daa
           dc 58 c1                fcomp qword [eax-0x3f]
           1f                      pop ds
           ca 9c fa                retf 0xfa9c
L05c13658: b8 04 d2 84 c0          mov eax,0xc084d204
           5e                      pop esi
           92                      xchg eax,edx
           30 40 03                xor [eax+0x3],al
           7e f6                   jng 0x5c1365a
           0c 6c                   or al,0x6c
           f6                      Unknown opcode 0xf6
           0e                      push cs
           01 44 ec 6e             add [esp+ebp*8+0x6e],eax
           38 bd d6 8d b4 c2       cmp [ebp+0xc2b48dd6],bh
           04 00                   add al,0x0
           3f                      aas
           3b 78 08                cmp edi,[eax+0x8]
           39 0d 0c c7 01 f4       cmp [0xf401c70c],ecx
           04 e9                   add al,0xe9
           85 86 ef e1 84 9f       test [esi+0x9f84e1ef],eax
           3b 81 c4 d2 72 05       cmp eax,[ecx+0x572d2c4]
           0c c3                   or al,0xc3
           bd 9d 7e 44 8b          mov ebp,0x8b447e9d
           89 c8                   mov eax,ecx
           57                      push edi
           04 81                   add al,0x81
           5d                      pop ebp
           3f                      aas
           ae                      scasb
           f1                      int1
           42                      inc edx
           1c 9c                   sbb al,0x9c
           11 18                   adc [eax],ebx
           49                      dec ecx
           28 52 50                sub [edx+0x50],dl
           5c                      pop esp
           50                      push eax
           df bc ec fb c0 4c ec    fistp qword [esp+ebp*8+0xec4cc0fb]
           58                      pop eax
           08 00                   or [eax],al
           7f 3e                   jg 0x5c136f1
           28 85 d2 74 0e 83       sub [ebp+0x830e74d2],al
           3b 1d bf fb fa 63       cmp ebx,[0x63fafbbf]
           75 1d                   jnz 0x5c136de
           89 24 c0                mov [eax+eax*8],esp
           4a                      dec edx
           6c                      insb
L05c136c6: 6a 36                   push byte +0x36
           c0 5e 0f a2             rcr byte [esi+0xf],0xa2
           f7 fd                   idiv ebp
           0c fc                   or al,0xfc
           2c 8b                   sub al,0x8b
           c8 0c 8d cc             enter 0x8d0c,0xcc
           ab                      stosd
L05c136d7: 1f                      pop ds
           08 8b b7 c3 17 ae       or [ebx+0xae17c3b7],cl
L05c136de: 81 12 38 14 24 52       adc dword [edx],0x52241438
           f0 cc                   lock int3
           12 81 c1 87 83 ee       adc al,[ecx+0xee8387c1]
           71 1e                   jno 0x5c1370c
           8a f2                   mov dh,dl
           f0 56                   lock push esi
           23 b4 d7 ca 0c 9a 50    and esi,[edi+edx*8+0x509a0cca]
           10 e4                   adc ah,ah
           7f fb                   jg 0x5c136f8
           af                      scasd
           28 78 70                sub [eax+0x70],bh
           40                      inc eax
           db 8c f9 74 30 8b 43    fisttp word [ecx+edi*8+0x438b3074]
           24 8b                   and al,0x8b
           8f 04 76                pop dword [esi+esi*2]
           7c b6                   jl 0x5c136c6
           d3 86 08 33 50 8f       rol dword [esi+0x8f503308],cl
           52                      push edx
           3c 1f                   cmp al,0x1f
           83 c3 0c                add ebx,byte +0xc
           53                      push ebx
           42                      inc edx
           7b b7                   jpo 0x5c136d7
           ad                      lodsd
           51                      push ecx
           fc                      cld
           3f                      aas
           37                      aaa
           5c                      pop esp
           5e                      pop esi
           5f                      pop edi
           5b                      pop ebx
           9b                      wait
           c3                      ret
L05c1372b: 1a 05 09 9f 26 10       sbb al,[0x10269f09]
           c7                      Unknown opcode 0xc7
           e7 89                   out 0x89,eax
           51                      push ecx
           b0 ac                   mov al,0xac
           d2 89 2a 89 84 06       ror byte [ecx+0x684892a],cl
           08 e1                   or cl,ah
           d1 bc fb 0c 8b 91 88    sar dword [ebx+edi*8+0x88918b0c],1
           00 7c 14 10             add [esp+edx+0x10],bh
           8c a5 f2 e0 ed 60       mov [ebp+0x60ede0f2],fs
           aa                      stosb
           5f                      pop edi
           29 11                   sub [ecx],edx
           50                      push eax
           6c                      insb
           0c 10                   or al,0x10
           30 b6 58 39 10 6e       xor [esi+0x6e103958],dh
           12 5e 86                adc bl,[esi-0x7a]
           d1 5e 0d                rcr dword [esi+0xd],1
           91                      xchg eax,ecx
           62                      Unknown opcode 0x62
           c4 16                   les edx,[esi]
           68 4c 30 89 72          push dword 0x7289304c
           08 a2 b5 f6 df 08       or [edx+0x8dff6b5],ah
           8a 5e 31                mov bl,[esi+0x31]
           84 db                   test bl,bl
           75 03                   jnz 0x5c1377d
           89 56 2a                mov [esi+0x2a],edx
This is only a small part of this file

Is there any one of you guys can understand this code

If you need to know more i will upload the whole file..

here's the link of disassembled but its only for functioning hope it helps

Last edited:
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
wow abcdee nice signature .. i like that

---------- Post added at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 PM ----------

broom broom .. enhhhhhhhhggggg peep peep :) .. this is what i have video only :lol:


but its cute :drool:
Upvote 0
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 27, 2010
Reaction score
AW you share it here
i guess little things on you cant be trusted.
nvm it already done

i hope you read my reply though above post.

well that only shows motor is possible in season 2
wow abcdee nice signature .. i like that

---------- Post added at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:28 PM ----------

broom broom .. enhhhhhhhhggggg peep peep :) .. this is what i have video only :lol:


but its cute :drool:

do i know you hmmm
your work seems familiar to me
or its just the client ^_^
Last edited:
Upvote 0
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
AW you share it here
i guess little things on you cant be trusted.
nvm it already done

what do u mean ? hahaha ..

@tagalog: pati ba naman preview pagdadamot pa? or gusto mo for sale din :lol:
Upvote 0
Sep 16, 2007
Reaction score
@bianx, laklakbangi, randev
you think you helping this thread "dissasembled server files" by posting your SHOWOFF of scooter?

hmm, you are really offtopic.

mod, please clean the thread.

Note: even you made the scooter work i know, hehe, why you not zoomed it in?
lemme see your wheel ^^ umiikot ba?
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be good to beat evils
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
@at bianx
mind to read your post??

nope its no good to share here in forum
share it in private
coz i dont want show off here

Originally Posted by Bianx
@Randv - wud u allow me to share the video? if not i'll respect your decision

@ randev
please check your PM

@ siefer
where you got the session and login source?
is it working with our s2 files?
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