Ditching AOL

*still exists*
Loyal Member
Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
K ppl im ditching AOL today and am gona be joining freeserve anytime..... What i wana know is. When you sign up to freeserve anytime (first 3 months
n1@getting freeserve, best ISP by far

when i had 56k there wernt any limmits (+if there was could could sue em or somt for missleading title as its not anytime if its limmited )

dunno bout IDSN, didnt have it....

K i ditched AOL and signed up to freeserve. Only to find out that you can only dial from 1 number and 1 number alone. With me... i move my PC up and downstairs. So i use one number for my 56k and one number for my ISDN line. Apparently i cant have 2 numbers that i dial from. So from now on im gona be on my 56k ALL the time . How much of a witch is that

bah >.< AOL is ghey