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Dmo emulator update

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Experienced Elementalist
Dec 1, 2013
Reaction score
Hi all.. I'd b e willing to post everything iv got so far about Digimon Masters Online.. I've been studying a lot and somehow got to run the server using the tutorials here.. it took time since the tutorials were incomplete and now i know how to make it work.. mainly the server that i was able to run was a complete mess.. DigiEgg Scanning is Broken,, no Mobs Spawning.. I do not know if its the client or the server files is at fault but i was able to compile contents of the DATA folder in the DMO client from many sources which is not included in the DMO client being distributed in the previous tutorials.. Im just a newbie, i dont know anything about coding.. but i hope that some skilled coders will continue developing this amazing game..

This tutorial is originally from Marius But i will edit some of it..

FULL Tutorial on how to setup these server files -
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: These files are INCOMPLETE. You won't be able to host a public server unless you know how to complete them.

Server files

There's two ways around this: You can use Shiro's source or use the pre-compiled files that have been shared.
The following tutorials were written assuming you've already got a MySQL database setup.

SQL File: DMO.sql


Files required -
Server Files: Comfy-Mittens-Digital-World-dae79b3 Folder http://www.mediafire.com/download/i185ebac68a50q8/dmoserver+tools.rar
These .dll - DMODll.rar

Steps - All the following steps should be done assuming you've got all the files mentioned above.

1 - Create a new folder wherever you wish, name this folder "DMO" (Or whatever you want to name it)
2 - Extract Comfy-Mittens-Digital-World-dae79b3 on to your DMO folder.. The server files are in that folder..
3 - Open "Digital World.sln" withVisual Basics
4- On the Solution Explorer window, click the "Yggdrasil" project, double click on "References" and Delete these following dll files "lua51.dll" "LuaInterface.dll" "MySql.Data.dll". Right Click on "References" again click "Add Reference".
5- Go on the "Browse tab" of the new window that has been opened and add all the .dll that have been supplied above and press OK.

- Warning: You have to delete the dll files before adding them again to the references.. because for some reason "MySql.Data.dll" will have an error

6- Press F6 to Build the Solution. If all went well, you've now compiled the files. You may find the .exe's on the "AuthServer\bin\Debug" | "Digital World\bin\Debug" | "Lobby Server\bin\Debug" folders.

Note:REMEMBER TO EDIT THE SETTINGS.XML FILE ON ALL FOLDERS. if you run AuthServer.exe it will crash.. but when you have launched it once a Settings.xml file will show up. Fill it up with your database info and ip and it will run without errors.. It goes with the Digital World.exe and Lobby Server.exe. they have their own setting.xml

Files - (Compiled by SunFlowers)

Required files -
The compiled source - DMO.a - Copia.rar

1- Extract the "DMO.a - Copia" folder into your desktop.
2- Edit settings.xml file (Detailed help will be given later on) with your database information

Client -

These files require the version 15 english client in order to run. The korean client remains untested.

Version 6 client: Digimon Masters Online | Files | Digimon Masters Online CBT Client | CBT | Clients | Game Front
v7-15 patch:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/95798542/DMO patcwh.zip

1- Install/extract with winrar the client.
2- Extract every file from the DMO_patchwh.zip file and copy paste it, by order (7-15) into the folder you've installed/extract the client to.
3- Open notepad, type "GDMO.exe true" and save it, on the client's folder, as "play.bat"

Connecting to the server

General computer knowledge

Before starting -
Portfoward the ports 6999, 7000 and 7029. < This is a MUST if you wish to sucessfully connect to your server.

Files required -
Hosts File Manager (easier then editing the hosts file by yourself) - HostsMan - abelhadigital.com

We're assuming you're using a ROUTER, which I believe may be the case of everyone, since MODEMS are now discontinued.

- Preparing the database -

1 - Go on start menu, type "CMD" (if you're on Windows 7/VISTA) and type "ipconfig" on the MS-DOS window that follows up. Scroll up and look for your "IPv4" IP and note it down.
2- Go to IP converter , type in your IPv4 IP and copy the Integer IP that resulted from the Conversion.
3- Access your database (Navicat/PHPMyAdmin or whatever you're using), go on the DMO database, go on the "servers" table and delete all but ONE server.

The table will have the following format:

serverId | name | ip | port

You can add whatever serverId you want, whatever name you want. On the IP part, replace the numbers that are there for the Integer IP you obtained on STEP 2. Save your changes.

- Preparing the files -

This works for both compiled and pre-compiled versions of the tutorial. Remember, if you've compiled yourself the files and they are still on their original folders, you will need to change ALL settings.xml so they can all have the same information.

1- Open settings.xml

Between the host tags (<host> NUMBERS </host> ) replace NUMBERS with your IPv4 IP. Make sure that all AutoStart tags (<AutoStart> true </AutoStart> ) it's set to true, to avoid you having to manually start the server.

The hatch rates on this folder are easy to understand. Each Level ("<Level 1" "<Level 2") is refering to 1/5, 2/5, etc. The sum of Success, Failure and Broken must equal 1.
The size ranges are the same as the hatch rates, <level 3 equals a 3/5 digimon, <level 4 a 4/5 digimon, etc. You can set whatever minimum and max you want on the "min=number"/"max=number" part. (This is the percentage of the size, no the size of the digimon.)

- Preparing the hosts file -

1- Go on What Is My IP - Shows Your IP Address and copy your IP address.
2- Open up Hosts Manager (download file and information supplied above) and click "Edit Hosts".
3- Click "Add", and on the "Host name" part type "account.dmo.joymax.com" and on the IP part type in your IP from Step 1.
4- Press Save.

- Running the server -
1- Open AuthServer.exe , LobbyServer.exe and DigitalWorld.exe (in any order)
2- Go to your client folder, double click "Play.bat" and wait for HShield to update.
3- After reaching the login screen, type "admin" as your login username and "admin" as your password. On the character screen, DELETE a character (whatever character) and create your new one. This is important because whenever I tried to login with one of the characters there, my client crashed. Easy solution: delete them all.

4 - Go to DMO.a - Copia.rar COPY "content, Data, de, Shaders" into your DMO client.. "Its another fix to get pass the Loading Screen"
4- If you're ingame, congratulations, you've sucessfully managed to setup the server.

Now this is what i have done to my client..
I have the CBT client.. i updated it until v15 using the Launcher.. the way to do that is let it update until it finishes decompressing patch 15 and when it starts downloading the patch 16 close the Launcher.

But as time goes By i have found some interesting files for the client
this is the link where i got hold of the client files you'l just to download the unpacker export it but like i said earlier im no developer.. i just managed to obtain files that might be helpful to continue developing this game..
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Experienced Elementalist
Dec 1, 2013
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wow thank you il definetely check that.. I was able to make it work for the Old one here are some of the compile files I have and tutorial

Hi all.. I'd b e willing to post everything iv got so far about Digimon Masters Online.. I've been studying a lot and somehow got to run the server using the tutorials here.. it took time since the tutorials were incomplete and now i know how to make it work.. mainly the server that i was able to run was a complete mess.. DigiEgg Scanning is Broken,, no Mobs Spawning.. I do not know if its the client or the server files is at fault but i was able to compile contents of the DATA folder in the DMO client from many sources which is not included in the DMO client being distributed in the previous tutorials.. Im just a newbie, i dont know anything about coding.. but i hope that some skilled coders will continue developing this amazing game..

Iv been searching so far and found some interesting files for the client.. the files were provided here http://digimonrpgonline.net/forum/sh...age-Manager%29 including the tool to unpack it inorder for the files to be exported to the client.. I donot know if this files that I have found will help to develop this but I hope it will.. I like this game very much.. so now I will provide everything Iv got including the client that is already set up. The server files too.. its all working except for the scanning bug and no mobs..

I have provided a tutorial right here:https://mega.co.nz/#!UcUDmZCC!Fk-CA6n6y6P2rMAdtJXDiQ8_LD-8ULaunTIrEFIxToQ
Client file v15:https://mega.co.nz/#!NBlFmRgA!FildgSM-XVJzTdBz0dr7SGOzQSRzgWHekvOSMbqtUsU
Server Files and Tools:https://mega.co.nz/#!cNFFiRKT!mMGl8_l_tGNFvgYgqin2wWpJ9fyIc_g_5keKn4qvTlo

The client has a GDMO.exe with hackshield bypassed so no worries for the hackshield
And also I have provided some extra files in the client to fix some error like stuck in loading screen

Did you managed to fix the scanning of digi eggs? and mob spawns? those were the major problems..

By the way sir were you using a recent version of visual studio? im using 2010.. cant seem to open it the solution ServerApp
Game Developer
Oct 1, 2005
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Use MD5(YOURPASSHERE) to create your password hash. sorry i've forgot to create the stored procedure to account creation

But its useless atm u cannot get in game ou create or delete character, i need to work on packets structs of these packets, has changed a lot form version 15
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Experienced Elementalist
Dec 1, 2013
Reaction score
okay im not sure how to use MD5. but im always ready to learn.. iv been using navicat since its easy to use for a newbie. il b looking forward for your fixes thank you
Initiate Mage
May 13, 2014
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So I'm a noob and don't know anything about programming... I just want to play on my own DMO server. I don't need to connect with anyone, I would be totally fine just being in the world myself. Is there a video tutorial at all on how to start an emulator from the start?
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 1, 2013
Reaction score
sorry mate DMO is still under development.. even if you make a DMO server using the files found here its useless.. the current files have a lot of broken stuffs making the game unplayable.. no mobs to kill.. scanning is broken so no quest will be completed.. we will just have to wait for a stable and complete emulator.. hope someone will work on it.. snaity's making one but still not complete so.. we'll just have to wait..
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 28, 2007
Reaction score
I can't wait for the version with mobs and shops/eggs working! Very nice job for all you're doing:thumbup:

PD: When you log off it's always necessary to shutdown the server to connect again? (because I don't see servers when I log off)
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
I fixed scanning a while back.

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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
From now on I will be working on the newer client. Oh, this won't be the complete version of scanning but more than enough to point you in the right direction. Have a swing at it :D


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Experienced Elementalist
Dec 1, 2013
Reaction score
nice im currently going to donate $100 to who ever finishes this project.. thats all i can afford though.. :)
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 28, 2007
Reaction score
From now on I will be working on the newer client. Oh, this won't be the complete version of scanning but more than enough to point you in the right direction. Have a swing at it :D

I don't know how to add this, but for those who know is good :)

Thanks for helping!:D:
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